Old Time Radio Theater


Enjoy the fun and excitement of listening to thrilling Old Time Radio mystery shows. Experience a professional cast of actors, great scripts and thrilling suspense. Please visit our website (MysteryShows.com) for more great shows like these. If you like this podcast, you'll love our Old Time Radio file sharing club. 50,000 shows in .mp3 format currently available for download. All genres available. If you enjoy this podcast, please rate it on iTunes. Thanks!

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Recent Reviews
  • Mrs. Shrub
    Thanks for putting more episodes out there! Your website is my favorite OTR content.
  • Mark48185
    Glad you’re back
    So happy to hear a new post of good old Johnny Dollar. I hope there are more to come.
  • Bailey Herring
    Very helpful
    I use this podcast in my classroom. I teach middle school drama and I love showing them all parts of theatre.
  • Jamal_beans
    Very good
    Love it, couldn’t think of any better way to go to bed
  • Saturn132
    Favorite Podcast
    Listen every night and enjoyy all shows.
  • Diary8888
    A look back to simpler times…
    It’s old-fashioned radio with talented actors, reminding us of those whose spirit will forever be with us through these great programs.
  • Swicegirl
    Better than Dragnet ;)
    It’s good..
  • LA in SF CA
    This is a terrible show and should be taken down! How Does CBS and Apple Podcasts allow a show about how “anyone would kill a Chinese person because they’re meaningless!!” Wow. Just Wow.
  • BamaGirl54
    brings back many wonderful memories of when i was a youngster! nice to kno still available to hear! thank you!
  • monique schulz
    This show led to my old radio show addiction , which is less dangerous than my other addictions ! Thank you for doing such a wonderful job!
  • Mildre's Marie
    One of the best of OTR! If you don’t like a particular episode keep listening. This should appeal to a wide variety of tastes. LOVE “The Quiet Man” with Ann Sothern. Give this podcast a chance.
  • Sciencgrl
    Mystery Theater EG Marshall
    When I was a kid, I used to listen to this in the 1970s on my radio when I was going to sleep. Awesome!
  • done with heart
    Awesome. Radio drama is the best medium. Your imagination and great storytelling
  • qf;:56$)!
    Excellent programs and narration.
  • Khmeryou
    Great memories
    I used to listen to this on CBS with my dad. I loved this program. Brings back great memories.
  • Tante143
    Reminds me of when I was a kid listening to my radio next to my bed at night! The shows were already 40 years old then!!! They scared me then and they are VERY ENTERTAINING now. Sure they’re dated but that’s some of the fun of listening. They’re where Podcasts came from...My VERY FAVE are the CBS Radio Mysteries.
  • Coco Chanel Coco 143
    Good but not as good as Dragnet.
  • Motoracn116
    Mystery Science Theatre
    Love these podcasts. I can remember driving to grandmas on Friday nights and dad listening. I was scared then but now love the memories while listening. Thank you
  • Kelzsterr
    Memories with Dad
    As a child my dad would put us to bed and play Radio Mystery Theater. He has since passed but now I can listen once again and be with him in spirit #happyheart!
  • Triaster
    Just found these!
    Love it! I used to listen to the creaking doors and EG Marshall’s radio voice back when I was in 6th grade in the 70’s on my little transistor radio. The CBS Radio Mystery Theatre would play at 10pm and end around 11 pm once a week. I’d fall asleep with it playing in my ear. Every so often I’d force myself to stay up and listen to the endings. The next day be so tired in class by the afternoon. Now I am retired and can listen to them on my iPhone before I go to bed with no worries about time. 🙂
  • Fauxreal222
    Listen to them every night!
    Love love love these, every single one. So glad there’s a podcast that makes them available!
  • Lew_1
    CBS radio theater
    I Can’t believe I found it I use to listen as A youth ever night at 10:30 on local radio in Chicago and STILL love listening now.... That background music though love it....
  • USMale
    Love of the past radio stories
    I absolutely love this show and this type of intertainment anytime. I so wish that these radio shows where kept up to date with new stories. Thanks for the wonderful stories that take you to a better time. They sure don't make radio intertainment like these anymore, a real shame and our lost.
  • Cattyboyd
    I can't believe I just found this. Great old radio shows. So much fun. Definitely my new favorite podcast.
  • SoCrofty
    Top 10 best listening - Masterclass
    Writing - storytelling - talent - production The theatre of the mind has been a place I've gone my entire life - these recordings are a world in sound - consistently compelling - I've listened for decades through the night. This is one of the best radio/podcast shows ever! Listen & learn
  • Rougeherring
    Great Episodes
    Great collection of radio classics.
  • Rmf------
    Glad to see my old favorites.
    I have been listening to cbs mystery theater for several years. I listened to it at night to help with my racing thoughts that made falling asleep very difficult. The shows are for the most part really good and interesting. They are like an old friend when I can't sleep.
  • Adtgvjj
    Great way to catch up on a bygone era!
    Love to hear these old shows, just proves how great art can truly stand the test of time!
  • Hawk here
    Love old time radio
    The best looking foreword to more shows
  • Bigswede6030
    Turn off the TV
    Absolutely great. I can remember lying on the floor listening to the Philco radio. Your imagination takes over, you are transported into another time and place. Thank you for saving these programs, for we who have our sight and those who do not.
  • 5brownsrule
    Most of these are amazing. I love having these on my iPod. However, some are too dark/stupid/ridiculous/full of commercials. But i take it with a grain of salt. It's goo, clean, fun. For the most part...ha ha ha....
  • Kldhaksks
    Sooo happy to have found these!
    Free, fabulous, fun. Great variety. Thank you for this amazing selection!!
  • Icon7888
    Excellent Old-time Radio Theater
    I absolutely LOVE this radio drama! Thank you so much for providing it! I had been writing a tenured radio station to allow their old dramas to return! They haven't! So, I was glad when I discovered this!
  • kwellis
    Excellent Podcast
    This is an excellent podcast. My only sorrow is that it hasn’t been updated in 4 months and I’ve run out of episodes to listen to.
  • BigPapaP
    Really entertaining. I love to listen before bed-- I hope I don't get too spooked to sleep =D
  • SoapCrafter
    First time & I'm hooked
    Listened to "Dead For A Dollar" & I got soooo hooked! I'm subscribed to a lot more Podcasts, I love them all. Luv iTunes Audio Podcast, thanks :-)
  • bluberlin
    Glad I found this podcast. I love radio theatre, mysteries and horror especially, and I have listened to other radio mystery/horror theatre podcasts that just did not have such high quality, well written stories. While many other podcasts of this nature feature stories that have me either rolling my eyes or rolling with laughter at the beyond ludicrous farce of a plot ( not that I'm blaming the people compiling them for the writing). Yet still it is advertised as a horror/mystery and not a comedy. I can can honestly say though, that the stories featured here are so engaging and well executed that I have more than once found myself gripped in suspense, or fear and checking over my shoulders in a dimly lit room. I am more than delighted in never having to fear when select an episode, because they are all pretty excellent...so far. :) P.S. more Inner Sanctum please those are great, especially the host.
  • MightyGack
    Hey I just reviewed And this is crazy But here's an awesome podcast So try it maybe? KWUR Theater of the Air Awesome radio theater you will fall in love with!
  • hawkay
    Get your kids to listen!!
    Imagine a couple of teenagers happily listening to these radio shows while doing chores.... IT HAPPENED! The shows proved so interesting that they were absolutely riveted to them and now pick out the evening "ole timer". Try this with your kids. AWESOME! Hawkay
  • Furgio
    Thank You for the Old Time Radio
    It's wonderful, I enjoy it very much.
  • Rrrrrrawbery
    Great radio ...period
    No filler, no nonsense, just cool old radio mysteries. Love it.
  • grandmabeth
    Good intro, good content and good sound quality
    Well done pod-cast
  • Ozmo T. Gogo
    Can't get enough
    I could not get enough of these old school radio shows till i loged on to this web sight. Grab all the shows u can, u wont regret it. Scouts honer.
  • OldTimeRadioFan
    I can't believe all the free shows this place gives out
    Over 3,000 totally free mystery shows in .mp3 format. No download limit. All free. This place is is a mystery lovers dream come true. An additional 17,000 shows of all different types are also offered for a small donation of ten dollars to help pay for bandwidth fees. No donation is required for blind users. There's an active old time radio forum to discuss the shows too. 5 Stars, all the way!
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