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Ian Riley96Look No FurtherIf game talk and game news is your jam, this podcast has you covered. Great panelists, excellent host, awesome music, and they keep the listener in mind. Captivating recurring segments and before long you’ll feel like you have 4 new friends!
Ominous LeoNever retireDaemon Hatfield is ‘Game Scoop!’ The entire team right now blend extremely well and bring such an awesome and diverse input to every game and topic. Sam Claiborn, you are my favorite member of the podcast. Your unfiltered opinions and reality checks that trigger everyone always has me laughing. Keep being you, brother.
mordecaiismeUgh, losing the love for this…Really love this podcast but it is getting increasingly annoying to listen to Sam constantly cutting people off. No one can get a complete thought out before he jumps in. I appreciate his extensive knowledge and love to hear from him…but as part of the conversation, not dominating it and rudely talking over everyone. I want to hear from all the panelists!
Beto7749SamI have listened to this podcast for years and love the Omega Cops but….what has gotten into Sam? He use to be chill. He absolutely can Not let anyone finish a sentence. Shut up Sam! I’m definitely taking a break until Sam gets removed or can mellow out. The rest of the crew is amazing. It’s my favorite ign podcast until recently. I think when Sam hosted it went to his head or something. Sorry guys it has become to annoying to listen.
Walker0481PoliticsAgree with a few other reviews. Love Scoop. Leave politics out.
Jdog915Politics Episode 787Guys, I’ve listened to you for years and truly love what you do. You do an amazing job. I have one request, please leave the politics out of this awesome podcast. Damon references the disturbing news of the week (the election). Damon, the reality is, the majority of Americans voted different than you. Can’t we all have this podcast, a place where we chat about the things we have in common? I truly love you guys and I understand you are free to express your opinion. But, I just wish this was a space that was politically free.
duder brahWeakSaying trump’s victory this week was “deeply troubling” shows the IGN staff is a bunch of weak boys. Also, it would be nice if some of these guys didn’t say “like” 5+ times per sentence.
AsarienSam talks too much.Sam takes up too much space on this show. He consistently talks over others, he always talks the longest, and often cuts others off, preventing them from finishing their thought. Guy, be quiet and let other people share their excitement, too.
Flor239No good gaming talkBad show and website
Nightfall UTInconsistent uploadsThis used to be a consistently uploaded podcast that I’d listen to on Saturday mornings. Now it’s too sporadically uploaded.
FIFTY PES0Audio quality is so all over the placeThis review comes from episode 775: “What We Would Ask a Gamer from the Future”. Sam’s mic needs updating as I always here an echo in his voice and a electric noise as well. The new guest Rachel Weber also has a poor quality mic that makes it so hard to hear her.
jaywes1125The bestLove the scoop crew, feels like hanging with four pals talking games each week. Makes for a smooth day knowing a new ep of Sooop is coming lol. You Guys/Gals are the best and I appreciate you. Hope nothing but good health and positive vibes for you and your wonderful families. PS. GTA iv. Is the Best GTA ever made. Def Jam vendetta needs a remaster on switch. Put NFL BLITZ back on switch too, Daemons MUSIC is dope. Tina you’re the true legend!!!!! Sam Is prob my least fav but in a good way he’s prob the one id like argue the most haha and that’s cool because his thoughts and opinions are usually spot on haha Justin haha you are actually right NCAA did have roster files you would just download and get the names of the actual players, college athletes used to not get paid for there likeness so us as consumer had to download to get our fav guys
Adam234Ads are insaneSeveral minutes of ads before the episode even starts! Man. Love Daemon but this is nuts.
Noah HerifordAwesome podcastBeen listening with my dad for ages (prob since start) and it is awesome. Go Scoop!
Iconcur2Best podcast!Love listening to all the episodes. Thanks!
blueGalacticoDog water content.Not surprised IGN peddles misinformation & biased takes. IGN knows where their bread is buttered, so to speak. Maybe if the corporate entity wasn’t so large & far reaching, they’d maintain a higher level of journalistic integrity instead of appeasing a market leader and its fanbase.
TbcarteGoodSomeone needs to get back off the mic a little. Can here them swallowing and stuff while other people are talking. Weird sounds.
Er12279No videosThey used to play videos but not anymore? Otherwise it’s still good and I listen to them.
CthulhusRisingNot what it used to beWith the current state of IGN it’s not really worth listening to. I used to really enjoy this podcast but now there are so many better gaming podcasts out there. Do yourself a favor and skip this podcast
Guy736It’s good so farWell I’ve listened to a couple episodes and I like it so far, so uh unless I don’t like the show from now on sure I’ll give it 5 stars 👍
EmagPoocsYou guys brighten my dayI’m grateful to all the people who participate and contribute to the show. But I want to give a specific thank you to Sam, Tina, Justin and Daemon. I know Tina has gone on to do other things. But I regularly listen to old episodes where the gang is all there. You four together, chatting and joking really make my day. I honestly don’t care what you guys talk about. It’s just so much fun and so cozy listening to you guys hang out and talk games, movies, hobbies, music, pinball, gaming memories, etc etc. I love when you dig through old gaming mags. I love REALL mature video games. I love the music transitions. Listener questions. Justin’s “hey listeners” and unique perspectives and his on air reactions to certain news or antics of the group, Sam’s jokes and tangents, Tina’s warm personality and insight into a lot of behind the scenes, and daemon’s jokes and one liners and just all the other indefinable qualities that make this show what it is. I just really want to thank you. You are four of my favorite people on the planet. Love the show. Hope you all are blessed as much as you have blessed all of us.
AjjevansAds ads ads and more adsAs a long time listener I just removed the from my subscribe list. 2 minutes of ads in the beginning and then 4 minutes of ads in the middle. Recently this podcast has just turned into an awful experience the amount of ads. The content is good, but not worth the headache. This is the same reason I would never in 1 billion years use IGN without ad blocker. Completely unusable.
ActorGuy123SpoilersMultiple Spider-Man spoilers in the latest episode. Unforgiveable in the first week of a game’s release. Unsubscribed.
1009926144189363uuWe all don’t live on twitter/XThis podcast suffers from the mindset of “well, anybody that is listening to a video game podcast must have spent their entire week on social media studying for the primer for the week’s episode.” Some folks come to these news recap shows so they don’t HAVE to live on twitter. Please don’t assume all already know everything up-to-date with the week before we sit down to listen. That’s what you’re here for. Also, the host finishes almost every sentence with “, right?” Searching for affirmation.
mal07jSeem to be a bit biasedI genuinely love their 20 questions segment and find they tend to deliver good info. However, the hosts seem to have a clear bias towards Japanese games and old Nintendo type games. It has gotten a lot worse since Tina left. I also find it confusing that they will advertise a game but then take the time to trash talk that same game several times in the same show (Starfield was their latest target of this)
Chris63805Love Sam, but he needs to step up then step backLove the show, truly the only video game podcast. Love the crew and all do a great job. However, there is one issue that makes the show difficult to listen to at time. I love Sam, his input and his opinions he brings to the show. I also love the input everyone else brings. The problem is Sam has a tendency to constantly interrupt the other folks on the show and take over the conversations. There were many instances during the latest episode where Mark or another guest would try to add to the conversation only to be railroaded by Sam. Again, love the guy but maybe someone could have a pep talk with him about stepping up and adding to the conversation then stepping back to let others talk. Keep up th great work!
Fakespy05EditingThe last 10 minutes of the podcast is pretty consistently badly edited and jumps around all over the place. This also happens interspersed throughout. Fix your editing/procuring or get someone else to do it.
hailmari1Almost greatMostly enjoy the show. Sam is the only holdup for me- he just comes off as such a pompous hater sometimes that it gets me irrationally mad and not want to listen anymore. And he never shuts up. Everybody else- A+
Chris7563Nintendo fans onlyThis show is mainly them talking about Nintendo for 90% of the time, and Tears of the kingdom for every episode since the games release. THERE ARE OTHER GAMES OUT THERE!!!!
Sports fan49FanboysSad to see this podcast ran by fanboys ep.729
howsboutthisname?Interesting but Nintendo BiasedGood source of news but I find myself skipping past Nintendo News. Vast majority of guests are massive Nintendo fanboys. The words “let’s wait until we get our hands on it” is usually tossed aside when it’s about Zelda or other Nintendo stalwarts.
SenorWooHooProduction valuesI love 20 questions and hearing about some smaller indie games that Damien and the team talks about, but the sound/production quality is just terrible at times. It feels like they don’t care!
JacksRageScoop!Keep it up! Love the podcast.
BRDFRDLPredatory Military AdvertisingIt makes it feel even grosser that you just had a campaign where you tell listeners that you can choose advertisements that are relevant to listeners and then start running adds for the military industrial complex
CooteronomyNicely Job!I’ve historically not been a fan of ign due to a pervasive sense of sponsor bias, but I must say this podcast has made me mentally walk back most of those sentiments. I due tend to lean towards more amateur podcasts where it’s hobbyists rather than professionals but can’t help respect the level of polish and production that goes into scoop and love love love the video game(especially)/80’s music themed endings to the show that run for several minutes. This is one of the few gaming podcasts that hits home with my particular age demographic (same age as Daemon) whether it’s the retro music between segments or the 80’s pop culture references the nostalgia is awesome. Also the hosts are very well spoken and have amazing vocabularies without ever sounding condescending. Thanks for getting me through work 7 days a week at two jobs. A winner is you!
Kidtwist88Won’t review HogwartsI really wanted to hear what they had to say about Hogwarts Legacy. Won’t do it for political reasons. I’m out.
IfeelscottishI Love Game Scoop!I love this podcast and listen weekly. The team gives thoughtful information about games and I have discovered many that I wouldn’t have without this show. I love the entire team but Sam is a funny dude!
SuperGeekyFreakMy Favorite PodcastLove the show and look forward to a new episode every week. Makes half my commute so much better at least one day a week.
Seastriker2The word “like”I think the should count how many times they use the word like when they talk.
ArsonRaptureAwesome show by default, but went woke.This has been one of my favorite shows for a few years now. Unfortunately their new community manager is a man who pretends to be a woman and everybody just acts like this is healthy behavior. Appropriating womanhood is not something that just happens. This is a mental illness and it’s weird that IGN is propping it up like it’s a positive thing. Your COMMUNITY MANAGER? What an echo chamber.
Y0ung BuckNo one will say it, but they all think itShow would be better w just the three dudes. Todays episode did not make me happy
DowneastRockstarLove the show!I subscribe to several video game podcasts but this one is my favorite. I really like the video game 20 questions at the end. Keep up the great work.
SphingosaurusAds made it unlistenableI loved this show but I can’t do it with the ads. It’s awful. It ruins the flow and disrupts my morning commute and leaves me in a bad mood when I get to work. I looked to see if there was a subscription but there doesn’t appear to be.
a to the j!Love the show—hate the new ads.Love the show. But they’ve just introduced new ads, including some really unsettling ASMR stuff. If it continues I might very well stop listening. Really horrifying stuff.
imonlyhonestDisappointmentThe show was better when Tina was on. It would’ve been fine but Justin is still there so I won’t be listening. This 1 star is for still having Justin on the show.
Torque BalboaAmazing!Really love this podcast, all content is interesting and fun and the main cast/guests are all interesting to listen to and get along great. They’re also extremely gracious when sharing the microphone, not very common on podcasts. Game scoop is not just the best video game podcast, but the ONLY video game podcast. Will continue to listen to until forever and ever amen.
SonicStepsGreatI love you podcast so so much it is the best podcast ever.
Ace bendarBunch of Playststion FanboysThe lengths they go to bash Xbox and praise Playststion any chance they get is getting old. If you want unbiased gaming news this is not the place to go.
bentley seidelWhy😑😑😑
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