Audio Poem of the Day

Books #92

Audio recordings of classic and contemporary poems read by poets and actors, delivered every day.

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Recent Reviews
  • starlessbibleblack
    Please include the author’s name in title
    I’m very glad this podcast exists but it’s maddening for there to be so many inconsistencies re where or if the writer is credited. It’s really annoying because some episodes aren’t searchable by name and then it’s time consuming to look inside each episode. Please just put their names in the titles.
  • :::::::::))))))((((((::::::::
    Thank you for providing poetry with no intro music or contextual explanation. I fall asleep to this podcast.
  • Escuchando000
    feed doesn't match website
    It's good, but the website doesn't match the podcast feed? can't access the transcripts of the poems.
  • thrift shop maven
    Author/reader please
    Please have the reader say the name of the author before or after the poem. Thank you
  • MassachusettsMaggie
    Inspiring and fun
    I use these recordings as a way to pair a short break from my daily routine. Sometimes it inspires my own writing, sometimes it’s just a nice pause to reset my busy brain
  • Lanunaflower
    Thank you
    Thank you for this
  • Zsvolos
    Fantastic resource - Needs a redesign
    It’s too difficult to quickly see who the poet is.
  • Crowbar Man
    I just don’t like their poems
    Three stars because they have good audio and I know this is popular poetry. I just don’t like these poems. There must be better poetry out there.
  • Matthew Gronholm (Moose)
    Thank you
    Thank you for the poems.
  • eggo.queen
  • Jean-too
    Wonderful way to ingest poetry
    What we need now in our world is more caring, thoughtful people. Poets are such people. By their nature they examine their (and by extension, our) inner lives, and with immense generosity they give us the benefit of their well-honed mindful insights, delivered in beautiful phrases and cadences. My only suggestion is, could you please make the entire archive available? I only learned of you recently and it seems I cannot have access to the first 161 episodes. Is there any way you can retrofit the library to make them available? Whether you can or not, I’m very grateful for what you’ve already provided! Please don’t stop!
  • Jeffreypoetbaltimore
    Poetry as Celebration of Life
    The importance of this project cannot be overstated. Poets are the protectors and purveyors of history. But the future is represented here too. All we have to do is let the voices in. My only suggestion: provide more recordings of works read by the author wherever possible. Robert Lowell, for example, had a distinct reading style which I personally believe adds to the experience of his poems. Thank you for all you do to bring us poetry.
  • First Pages Readings
    Poem of the Day
    Interesting idea and poem choices.
  • Selylidne
    Short, meaningful moments
    Some of these I have to save to replay over and over. Almost all are less than 3 minutes, so they're easy to fit in to spare moments. Note that they're not actually released every day, just most days.
  • Desperaudio
    Very Nice.
    A great variety of poetry, read without pretension. A good panorama of interesting poems.
  • Logan Mironoff-Chin
    Excellent production
    Simple grit And good Fit
  • Cobe_mon
    Daily dose of heart-mind expansion
    Wonderful selections, zero fluff.
  • Imsickoflookingfornicknames
    thank you for this. hearing poetry read aloud makes it more accessible and moving to me. contrary to what another review said, I like this the way it is. it doesn’t need an intro/outro, especially when the content is so short.
  • jessebrunmeier
    My review is a 4 part garbage poem. 👍🏻
    PART I: Roses are red, three star review, the first two lines are sarcasm, most of these poems are garbage, but it’s the poetry foundation so what the **** ever. PART II: Enjoyable; only sometimes... like family. Solid “okay”. PART III: My name is Fred. I have a college degree I think I’m an artist, but I don’t really think. Yummy, I can feel my ******* ego expanding. Tasty, tasty, consumable poetry. Chicken soup for the sheep. Om nom nom nom. PART IV: Compare myself to flowers, such delicate things. In touch with my emotions, oh, how powerful my message. How original my thoughts. Note from the author: This review will more than likely disappear, so, consider this my only published work and protect it with your lives, please and thank you. *CENSORED FOR THE KIDS*
  • VaJJF
    Good Selection, but Needs Context
    As others have written, an introduction would be helpful. Would also like to see a bibliographic citation, short author bio, information on the reader, where & when read, etc.
  • PSKendra
    Poor production
    Good idea, could be better executed. It needs a standard intro each week instead of just jumping straight into the poem
  • 1517
    Why has it stopped updating
    Beautiful podcast! Love the variety of readers and poems. Seems to have stopped updating though, even though their website keeps posting new episodes each day.
  • Sissy Liu
    A Necessary Part of My Day
    Poem a day offers a range of poetry I would not have read on my own. It has opened new worlds and introduced me to some wonderful poets. My imagination is stirred. Thanks for a stimulating experience.
  • TrueBlueSusan
    Love this so much..went thru a rough time and listened to Ulysses couple times a day for months. Still helps. Please keep doing this; I’m subscribed but haven’t received poem since last Thursday :(
  • MurasakiFloof
    Poems Divers and Bright
    A wonderful array, a wonderful array.
  • fivespot after dark
    Good, but ...
    Good selection and usually well-performed, but it would be so nice if they put a link to the text (when available) on the website. Often I'll want to review the text, but have to google, which winds up directing me to the podcast's very website.
  • GetGoneAgain
    Great Start To The Day
    This is the first podcast I listen to every day after the NPR Hourly News Summary... great way to start the day!
  • ArtGirlSAH
    I’m back
    I don’t know why I forgot about you, but I am back and thank you for being here!
  • rustycage14
    It is good, but...
    I recently subscribed to this podcast, and while the poetry itself is quite good, the readers need to lighten up! The last 3 episodes sounded very depressing to the point I almost unsubscribed. However, the poems are beautifully written and I will continue to listen and hold out hope for some more up-beat voices.
  • GAB...
    Different voices; different rooms
    I tend to accumulate a few that I want to hear, either by author or by title or sheer curiousity, and then listen to several in a row. This is a great service, and it's well worth the time.
    Great Podcast
    I love this podcast already. I've been using the poetry app for a while now, the reading of poetry and listening has really improved my writing.
  • PapaFrog
    Used to be great, but currently marginalized into the ether
    WHAT in THE hell is going on with this podcast!!???!! Several of the most recent poems haven't downloaded and I've reported "my concerns". TWICE. And yet the problems persist. Today, another stillborn posted so-called podcast. Folks?...forget these rank (pun intended) amateurs. Find another more reliable outlet for your poetry books! I also recommend IndieFeed's exceptional Performance Poetry podcast...cerebral AND thrilling.
  • PirxthePilot
    Two poems unavailable...
    I love Poem of the Day Podcast. It introduces me to poets I otherwise would never have heard of and allows me to regularly listen to poems being read out-loud, by people who read well. I have to ask why is it that there are two poems ("Another Barn Burning" and "Crush") unable to be downloaded? I hope this can be fixed and that Poetry Foundation keeps putting out great poems on the Podcast.
  • Blackmere
    Simply poetry
    A fantastic, quick podcast for poetry lovers. Sometimes a short explanation from the poet and then the poem. Simple, straightforward and exactly what I like in a poetry podcast. Poetry.
  • sytwo
    Great poetry read very well
    The readings of the poems are great with different narrators. The selection of poems is varied and interesting, short and a good listen.
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