

The true science behind our most popular urban legends. Historical mysteries, paranormal claims, popular science myths, aliens and UFO reports, conspiracy theories, and worthless alternative medicine schemes... Skeptoid has you covered. From the sublime to the startling, no topic is sacred. Weekly since 2006.

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Recent Reviews
  • M.R00ney
    Exemplary citizen journalism
    It is natural to be intrigued by mysteries and entertained by colorful stories, but those instincts betray us when we end up preferring fact-free stories to the truth. The decay of traditional media into machines programmed to feed us stories we’re entertained by has caused a crisis of misinformation that human societies are still struggling to fix. Skeptoid is a paragon of how to report facts concisely, carefully, and honestly. How many other podcasts or news sources feature corrections (even though they’re almost all minor details that don’t affect the main takeaways) as prominently as Skeptoid does? I can’t think of any. That is just one obvious sign of Brian’s scrupulous, responsible approach to his podcast. I taught logic and critical thinking for 26 years and Skeptoid is a model of how we should all conduct ourselves when listening to and evaluating fanciful stories and dubious claims of all kinds.
  • Luna7945
    Thank you!
    Mr Dunning, thank you so much for shouting out the truth to everyone that listens to your podcast. I have a suggestion for your podcast if you’ll take it. Could you please do more myth-debunking episodes on Skeptoid. Thanks it will make my day! And again, Thank you!
  • Callmewes
    Fun and interesting to listen to
    There are way too many advertisements and discussions about the Skeptoid Store and the Premium Show. Perhaps we should tone it down a bit to avoid skewing the subject.
  • Leyzer eynikl
    Good debunking, mostly
    I find almost all of these episodes to be interesting, informative, and fun. But when Brian got into sneering at people about preferences for organic and non-GMO foods, he really annoyed me. But his podcast is well researched and well thought out.
  • CD Repo Man
    Instead of gathering evidence against whatever topic they are “debunking”, they just use labels and name calling like “pseudoscience” and “fake history” as to why we shouldn’t believe them. They don’t give actual reasons as to why we shouldn’t. To me it doesn’t seem any different than what the pseudoscience groups are doing, just saying “don’t believe them because they are pseudoscientists. We are smart!” I’m no believer, but I would appreciate more depth. Seems more like they are more worried about selling their merch than anything else. Like a quarter of the length of the podcast is telling us about their store. It’s pretty pathetic.
  • mtdavid
    Long winded
    Sceptoid used to be very short presentations of beliefs, controversies, and ideas about which many people are in error. Now the show seems much longer with what seems like a third of the program advertising and self promotion. I disagree that ads and hyping a podcast to those who are already listening to it is effective. In fact, it is insulting. And I particularly dislike the ending when someone from Santa Fe (?) or somewhere I don’t care about continues the promotion with his own endorsement.
  • LaughingSoHappy
    Sapere aude!
    Your best ally in the never ending battle against magical-thinking, conspiracy theory peddlers and all manner of irrational nonsense. Thank you, Mr. Dunning.
  • Jersey Girl in Vermont
    The whole truth and nothing but the truth! Fabulous!
  • Ortdogg
    A guide to constructive skepticism
    In a world where so many look to leverage our inherent and necessary skepticism is too often weaponized and monetized in the form of conspiracy theories, this is guiding light on how to not simply believe information regardless of sources, but to apply critical thought to validate or invalidate important information or opinions. Keep up the great work!
  • Factory Rat
    Good Show
    This is wonderful! We need all the help we can get to combat the wackos.
  • JoeJ619
    Pugs=foot binding
    Pugs are some of the best dogs a person can ask for. In this short horrible life Pugs are sweet, friendly, have zero aggression and enjoy life. They make the world a better place .My pug breathes just fine is pampered more than most humans. Your podcast is trash you pompous clown.
  • pizzologist
    Great Show
    Great show. This Dude sounds just like Ed Kemper, if you know you know
    Thumbs up!
    The humor is light and delightful! It gives great information and is really nice to listen to in the morning!
  • TONYCA92
    Always entertaining
    Perfect companion to Lore
  • Sim Dad
    Fascinating plus high quality
    Dunning does his research with clear headed logic to find truth.
  • Jmmillett
    More non goofball topics please
    I really like the episodes on less sensational topics like “surveys and polls” and “how to change a conspiracy theorist’s mind”. Big foot, chupacabra, and UFOs are fun but there are more subtile issues to direct our critical attention toward.
  • Abrasrose
    Excellent, well researched podcast. Each topic is given a deep dive and the results are fascinating.
  • Lord Anthony Navarre
    Stop complaining about the ads
    The streaming service picks the ads! The show has no say in what the ads are. (The exception are the ones where is Brian doing the talking. Those are mostly about other things he does.)
  • Archivistdjay
    Must listen podcast
    This is my only “must listen now” podcast. Always informative and insightful and a great palliative to what pops up on most of the Web. I also appreciate the humor that is always present along with the willingness to say “We just don’t have an answer.”
  • texas purple belt
    Steven S
    What a treat , I burned through all of them straight .
  • postmodernLorena
    Critical Thinking at its Best
    I always tell my college students to listen to this podcast to learn the thinking skills they need to get a degree and be a good citizen of the earth.
  • Thumper4066
    If you are a true believer in the climate change religion, this will be your favorite podcast. Expect a healthy dose of far left green new deal worship
  • SVskier
    Amazing science based podcast
    After spending many hours being entertained, yet frustrated by the many paranormal, cryptoid, conspiracy theory podcasts I had a hard time finding any actual fact based podcasts to debunk and challenge those stories. Those stories are entertaining, but certainly after a while it can be hard to hear for any skeptic person who really wants proof of these claims. I just wish these podcasts were longer than 15 minutes. Amazing and so refreshing to hear over and over, sound evidence and conclusive data.
  • Krisjs1767
    Sciency but numbers confuse
    This is a pretty good, sciency oriented pod but it must be from Europe because when they talk about numbers it always seems to get bogged down in the kilograde system, which makes it very confusing and difficult for Americans who are used to measurements based on the real numbers like miles, days and pounds.
  • Thing 1243
    TAVA !!
    Keeps my ears busy while building amps! Great show. Skip is knowledgeable and quite funny. What more could you want? Can’t really watch YouTube while building high voltage amp,right?
  • burnbabyburn0317
    Entertaining but by no means the final word on the subjects covered.
    Skeptoid covers an interesting array of topics, many of which I would credit it for introducing me to. The host champions the scientific method and empiricism, and calls himself a skeptic. I would characterize him as a debunker instead. Mr. Dunning will (typically after an intro ad or plea for donations) briefly introduce a topic, usually with an air of cynicism or worse yet, outright contempt. He will briefly posit a reason or three why said topic is bunk, have another lengthy and distracting mid-show commercial, then smugly pat himself on the back for solving the mystery, case closed. I was especially saddened by the episode on Oak Island, where Mr. Dunning describes the material found at the Money Pit as a natural sinkhole filled with storm blown debris, case closed. This does not agree with the eyewitness accounts, and I find it inherently unscientific for someone who is supposedly unbiased to be so flippantly dismissive of a complex and potentially historically significant topic. This is backwards of how science works. Mr. Dunning explores topics which he has already made up his mind about and has clear prejudices against. Maybe I’m asking too much. I mean, how thoroughly can you cover any story in fifteen minutes, when nearly half the show is advertising, or what feels like weirdly nuanced sub-surface conservative political rhetoric? I will keep listening, but I would urge the listener to keep an open mind and not rely on this show as the sole source of information, as it has a clear bias, intended or not.
  • Watson Suey
    This is a favorite. A shorter podcast but full of excellent information. Pealing back the false information!!
  • curmudgeon15
    I saw Science Friction!
    I love it and think it is a very important Doc to be seen by all. If it was it might be a start to changing how the Media handles itself. I want more!
  • n88819
    Fantastic show, especially with Skeptoid premium!
    I just recently completed my 700th episode listen via Skeptoid Premium. This show continues to be one of the most enjoyable, and yet least time consuming, podcast experiences in my library. The social value of podcasts like this cannot be overstated in our contemporary world, where false claims and conspiracy theories are being used to take advantage of people at unprecedented levels. Brian has been taking a stand against these practices for many long years with his well researched yet economical episodes and his frequent plea to us all to “be skeptical.”
  • StuckinTenn
    New and Improved!
    I’ve always enjoyed Skeptoid, but its professionalism has definitely improved recently, with less opening push to become a sponsor, better opening music and welcome, and some excellent subjects of particular relevance to the present moment. Cheers to all involved!
  • Stickers16
    Couldn’t make it through one episode , found it slanted , faulty research. Had high hopes greatly disappointed.
  • Fyodor Sukhov
    Essential and Clear Critical Thinking in Short Form
    Skeptoid provides clear, well-written investigations across topics in easily-digested (short) forms. The episodes explain how they investigated the claims, effectively “showing their work.” References and a printable version of the transcripts are available for educational use, too. And Skeptoid “walks the walk” by openly correcting errors or misstatements whenever they are found. You can learn a lot about critical thinking and skepticism by listening and reading how they go about their process. Skeptoid’s effort is critically important as this is written, when inflammatory misinformation, conspiracy theories, and the like are damaging our politics and our national discourse. I’m thankful this labor of love (by a nonprofit) continues!
  • suuuuuuuuxxxcks
    The moon episode
    Many more scientists commented on the bell and that it echoed like a gong. Several experiments have been done not just the one. Also we aren’t even sure what is under our lands and oceans. It’s been proven that there no lava below the uppermost layer and there’s vast hollow areas and huge oceans. I could go on for hours but I digress just do your own research
  • foxsongs
  • Ytpujentu
    One of the Best
    I have not missed one in years - this is the most fun and most interesting Podcast that i listen to every week - started listening in 2007 and still am enjoying it.
  • True Ronin
    About average for accuracy-It's an amusement.
    Dunning comes off with the booming voice of an authority, but his ability to separate fact from scientific snowjob is weak. Case in point: He considers organic foods a "fad," despite 10-12,000 years of human farming whih was all organic. He's been led astray by the seed genomics companies, and doesn't have the scientific background to sort things out. But he's had trouble before, with his wire fraud conviction and prison terms, so he's not always right. Overall, an amusing podcast, but not as a 100% accurate, unbaised source.
  • AuggieDoggy87
    The definitive skeptical podcast
    Well researched and informative
  • Marc the app rating maniac
    Episode about building the pyramids was solid. Too bad he felt the need to claim that those who think aliens built them are racist. Weak pandering.
  • Brlippincott
    Great Pod cast!
    The content and presentation is organized and clear. I enjoy the research references given by Mr. Dunning, and especially the fact that he encourages feedback/corrections, then presents them on an “updates” episode. Well done.
  • Totally Gnar Gnar
    The show lost its way
    In all honesty I've stopped listening to your podcast. Though I've still been listen to the SGU, Michael Shermer, and even revisit sone of your past episodes. I simply don't care about every lame ghost story, crypto zoology, alien/ufo story that is obviously bogus; Every episode is the same. It does nothing to further my understanding skepticism, the natural world, our political system, the media, science, education, etc. There is simply no cognitive dissonance created by your content that helps me grow intellectually. Unless this changes I no longer wish to support you podcast financially. Best of luck. Old Review An objective podcast with accessible links to check sources; Usually interesting, and informative topics. Some of the negative reviews mention a political agenda. This is a simply a non-political show. Some of the topics viewed through a scientific or skeptical lens may be in agreement with an ideology. However, the podcast is only promoting a way to look at quality evidence and draw the most reasonable conclusion as a result of that evidence. Dunning bends over backwards to clarify his conclusions and the reasoning for drawing them. THAT'S KIND OF THE POINT OF THE PODCAST. Best yet, like a true freethinker, he self corrects, accepts valid criticism, and takes pride in doing know kind of like how science works........ -Totally Gnar Gnar
  • sirpaulfan
    My Go-To cast
    Brian Dunning has become my fake science guru. He's funny, he backs up everythihg he says, he uses the rules of logic and good research skills (to help the rest of use learn and improve them), and not only does he not admit his mistakes...he has whole podcasts dedicated to them! My guess is that he has totally different politics than me, but I've never felt like my principles or beliefs have been dissed by him. He has a skillful way of acknowledging both sides of thorny issues. I've especially learned from his information about climate change. And although I've just referred to the presenter so far, he has a lot of folks helping out.
  • MimzyMandark
    Geek out on facts!
    I love hearing about myths, urban legends, and conspiracies, but dislike being misled by false information. Skeptoid is amazing at explaining the “unexplainable” with scientific facts and logic. Each show is created with accredited sources and, most importantly, if there is ever a mistake made, the show notes are updated and announced. This podcast is a lifelong learner’s dream!
  • Jack1669
    Poorly researched
    I was with this guy for awhile until a few episodes where his stated “proof” was based on lazy research. I’m done with this podcast and will stick with the ones that are properly researched
  • Airborne Gator
    All Ads No Content
    19 minute episode, 5 minutes of commercials. Trash
  • Geofu
    The best: Professional, deadpan, compassionate,
  • DocComet
    Critical Thinking will save us!
    Skeptoid is on of my favorite podcasts. Brian and the other hosts do an excellent job of applying critical analysis to folklore (modern and past) & current events in an entertaining fashion. I urge you to support this podcast and make sure that critical thinking is stressed in your local school system.
  • Sidsucks
    My favorite podcast
    I’m always happy when I see that I have a new podcast available thanks!
  • The Real Zen Boy
    Laughable Pseudo-Science
    This is the epitome of the type of thinking that pretends to use science to debunk all sort of things. The problem is, like most people who do this under the guise of skepticism, is he has very little knowledge, and even less understanding of what he is talking about. I openly laugh out loud at some of his explanations, even a elementary school science education is more accurate than him. The most laughable thing is everything is explained by “mass hysteria”, which isn’t what he seems to think it. He uses it in that way that has been used by blatant sexists and racists to dismiss the experiences of anyone believing or experiencing the world differently from them. “No, your symptoms are real, you’re hysterical, see a psychiatrist.” He gives rational people and scientist a bad name. His lack of education and reliance on pop science instead of real science makes his arguments churlish and easily dismissed. He is not a skeptic, he just a contrarian. This is lazy podcasting.
  • VovveLennier
    Not quite
    After listening to about a dozen episodes, I have decided to unsubscribe because the presenter’s bias is established at the outset of each episode using language that is more indicative of getting thoughts off one’s chest than objective investigation. While I most often agree with the position taken, the investigation, arguments, and language are sloppy. The Dunning-Kruger effect gets all of us sometimes but gets this podcast regularly, in my opinion. It has been entertaining much of the time but also disappointing when the subject area is one in which I have greater experience and knowledge than the presenter.
  • 904fu
    Trash Mr Im right.....
    Just revisited his episode with Joe Rogan and Mr Dunning is condescending and self righteous. Wouldnt listen to this podcast for nothing!
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