LearnCraft Spanish


Learn Spanish, step by step! LearnCraft Spanish is a proven system that will teach you how to learn Spanish fluently, from the ground up. Starting with a foundation of core Spanish grammar and the most common Spanish vocabulary, Timothy will guide you through the essential steps to speaking and understanding fluent Spanish like a native speaker. If you're a serious Spanish learner and you want to make deep, personal connections with the native Spanish speakers in your life, the LearnCraft Spanish podcast is for you. Join us on a rigorous, fulfilling journey to Spanish fluency.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mickey_hiker
    Great structure and process to learn Spanish
    I’ve been trying to learn Spanish for years and nothing seem to resonate with me. I would try to pick up words and sentences but not be able to converse clearly. I love how Timothy in this podcast is teaching us grammar and filler words first. It makes so much sense! I’m excited to dive deeper and see how fast fluency come to me learning in a way that makes sense.
  • Racheltblack
    Unique and effective learning approach
    After listening to the first three episodes, several things stuck out to me as unique about LearnCraft Spanish's approach to learning Spanish. First of all, the "food" test/"eat" or "ate" test is very unique and even sounds weird or laughable at first. But I like it--it's something you wouldn't necessarily be taught in school, but simplifies it so much. The second thing that stood out to me is that Timothy discourages learners from starting with vocabulary that won't necessarily be used right off the bat. Instead he encourages students to learn words like "que" and "eso" that are the most common words in the language rather than starting with basic conversation topics as you normally would when learning Spanish in school as a kid, like how to order at a restaurant or get by in an airport in a Spanish-speaking country...but only with memorized sentences and vocabulary, not with the ability to make sentences from scratch if the conversation naturally took a turn! I also really like how LearnCraft forces learners to tackle the most difficult parts of Spanish first, to avoid feeling intimidated later on. It's kind of a tough love approach, which really appeals to me because feeling discouraged or even "dumb" has been my downfall--as Timothy said, the best way to conquer that is to face it head-on, early on. Finally, I appreciate how this podcast emphasized the importance of establishing what makes Spanish and English different, rather than focusing on similarities. In school we often concentrated on the sentence structures that were easiest for us to learn because they were similar to English sentence structures, or took special note of cognates. But this isn't necessarily helpful and again, sometimes leads to learners feeling dense or dumb because Spanish suddenly seems much more difficult. Even if I don't win the contest I'm interested in exploring these methods so I can make some real progress in feeling more confident speaking Spanish.
  • starsonmypillow
    Unlike any other language course I’ve seen and I love it!
    “Timothy’s use of memory practices is something I have never come across in a language course and it works wonders! It’s helping me in other areas outside of Spanish as well. And the approach of learning the most used words and sentence structure first is also new to me and makes so much sense!! The short lessons are jam packed but not overwhelming and makes me look forward to doing them. Highly recommend!”
  • sasha1717
    Best learning approach out there to learn Spanish!
    LearnCraft has the best learning theory behind its approach and products to help you learn Spanish. Not only that, Timothy’s passion is infectious and I find very motivating to keep going. Try out a more contemporary approach to learning a new language through LearnCraft!
  • Canine Spiritual Guide
    Well-Designed Program
    As a visual learner, my greatest struggle learning another language has been making the time to practice and grasp the sentence structure and grammatical rules of another language. Although, with LearnCraft Spanish's podcast, I look forward to making the time to listen (and even replay) lessons during my free time. This well-designed program has drastically improved my desire to practice, and my confidence in my understanding, of this beautiful language. I look forward to participating in the coaching challenges, in the near future as well to help bring my developing skills to the next level of fluency. Thank you for crafting such a useful program, Timothy.
  • SlimCKayT
    THE Learning system for Spanish fluency
    Through the many years of searching for a learning system that works for me I came across the LearnCraft system and have been blessed since! Give it your time and attention and enjoy Spanish fluency.
  • Ccante3070
    Must have for serious Spanish learners.
    I've been using the LearnCraft Spanish Podcast by Timothy Moser, and I'm genuinely impressed. The structured approach, focusing on essential grammar and vocabulary, really helps in thinking in Spanish rather than just memorizing it. The use of memory palaces to retain complex grammar like the subjunctive mood has been especially helpful. Each episode encourages active participation, which suits my learning style perfectly—engaging and practical. I'd highly recommend this podcast to anyone serious about becoming fluent in Spanish. It's a solid, effective learning tool that makes real language progress feel attainable. Start your journey to Spanish fluency today with the LearnCraft Spanish Podcast today!
  • AshG84!
    The best way to learn Spanish!
    I love the way that LearnCraft Spanish approaches teaching Spanish! I’ve listened to several podcast episodes and just the first three answered SO MANY questions that I’ve had about speaking Spanish. Since my husband is from Costa Rica, I’m always asking him why he says things a certain way and he can’t explain it to me. My BIGGEST question was why he is always saying “que” and now, bc of the podcast, I’ve learned why! And now it makes SO MUCH sense. I’m excited to keep learning!
  • okitzmegee
    Beyond Traditional Methods: How LearnCraft's Podcast is Redefining Spanish Education
    I recently discovered LearnCraft's free podcast and Spanish materials, and I am thoroughly impressed. Not only is it fantastic that their podcasts are free and accompanied by materials but the content is refreshing as it breaks away from the cookie-cutter approach to learning a second language. I have taken various Spanish courses and within the first three episodes of this podcast I learned for the first time that verbs and nouns act differently in Spanish than they do in English. It has taken me a few listens to grasp the "food" and "eats" test and the potato head method but I am here for it! I’m excited to learn Spanish with a technique different from the traditional classroom curriculum. And after hearing about the positive results from the program’s alumni, I’m intrigued by this unique perspective. They focus on building sentences, which seems like a natural method, especially when I think about how my three kids learned English as their native language. This approach of using first words to build an internal thought process and communicate feels naturally successful.
  • Matadoria
    Timothy’s approach is fun and effective.
    I appreciate the accelerated approach to learning Spanish. Timothy has an incredible mind to facilitate such an effective “mind palace.” This fosters language learning in a fast paced way that is also easy to digest. Thank you, Timothy!
  • K_krueg
    Do it.
    Learn Craft Spanish is such an approachable way to start your Spanish journey to fluency. From the first episode where you learn how to “think in Spanish” (something I wish they would have taught me in high school) to the quizzes online, there is a wealth of information to help those who are motivated to learn! You won’t regret it!
  • Megan -Bristol
    I have been trying to learn Spanish for years and I’m still not fluent. This has been such a unique take on learning Spanish. It has already helped me remember far better than any course or textbook I have learned from. You start by learning the harder words and most of the words that can help you create sentences from scratch. I’m looking forward to the end result!
  • SacredHearts
    This is a great learning opportunity to get you to your goal❤️
    I feel very grateful to Timothy and his learncraftspanish team for putting together a free and simple way to inspire and support people wanting to learn Spanish. Not that it promises to be easy because it all depends on the focused action and dedication of the person learning. Their method of teaching for me, after studying 3 other ways of Spanish learning; takes you on a simple yet hard steep learning curve that only gets easier if you follow learning suggestions. I’ve been listening and following the course for a few months now, and i feel excited and optimistic that sometime in the future I will be able to communicate more and more with fellow Spanish people in their country that I now call home.
  • Justthinking14
    A great learning tool
    I am so happy that I found this podcast. I have listened to 96 episodes and have learned so much. I love that each episode quizzes you on what is taught during that lesson and instead of just mindlessly copying a phrase you hear, the lesson has you think and come up with how to say something. The quizing really solidifies the lesson in my mind. I love that you then get to hear the phrase as spoken by a native speaker to make sure you are saying it correctly. I also love that this podcast doesn't just teach the easiest words and verb tenses but instead starts with most used words. You also start to really understand sentence structure right away and use all the verb tenses. Once you learn a verb you don't just know the present tense conjugations but the future, past, subjunctive and past subjunctive. For the first time ever once I learn a verb I really know how to use that verb. The mind palaces and tricks to help remember things are really helpful too. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone seriously interested in learning Spanish!
  • LaurenLaFont
    New but loving it!
    I am new to Timothy’s podcast but so far I am really enjoying his approach. It feels much more natural than previous programs I have tried and I am looking forward to diving in even more!
  • Jo-el B
    Best Learning Platform
    I have truly enjoyed listening to this podcast. I have been listening for a couple months now, and have learned more about the English language even than I ever have known. This has helped me break through many roadblock, and has been great to get me on my journey to being a Spanish speaker. I have always thought with language I could just memorize huge chunks and just speak them to people, which has worked, but has by no means helped me be a “speaker”. This podcast has changed my mind, and is making me a “speaker”.
  • JD’s Podcast Reviews
    Refreshing Approach to Learning Spanish
    The LearnCraft Spanish podcast offers a unique approach to learning by teaching you to think like a native speaker, rather than just memorize select words and phrases. Despite years of Spanish classes in school, I struggled to gain fluency, but these 20-minute episodes are engaging, easy to follow, and have already improved my thinking in Spanish after just a few episodes. The extensive collection of episodes are amazing. Highly recommend!
  • Kay Kolb
    Amazing! And great teacher
    I’ve been on a Spanish learning journey for most of my adult life and never found it to quite stick or be of much value (I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told to memorize the colors then never used them!! 💀). I really like structure of learning and the practice sessions. Timothy is a great teacher. I especially like the idea of random practice phrases to keep you on your toes. Will be continuing to binge the whole show!
  • mms1205
    I would recommend to anyone wanting to be fluent in Spanish
    The LearnCraft Podcast is truly the best Spanish podcast I have ever studied and listened to. I had always wanted to learn a second language. I had experience in French but was no longer fluent, and the grammar was always really difficult for me. I love that with LearnCraft, you focus on grammar, and I can actually speak full sentences without much thought. If you stick with this podcast, you can definitely become fluent.
  • Rhejdppwjf
    Learning the rules and not just memorizing phrases
    I’ve listened to the podcasts, and re listened, and learn something each time I do. I love that I’m not just learning phrases to repeat but learning the rules so that hopefully I can apply it to real life conversations.
  • SeñoraP0324
    Best yet!
    I have been looking for something JUST like this for learning Spanish even though I didn’t really know exactly what I was looking for! Haha, seriously though, thank you for such a great program; I can’t wait to really dig in!
  • OKC former fan
    Not just a podcast
    I’m amazed at how much this podcast provides to teach spoken Spanish. From the concise, simple breakdown of the language template, to assignments , to free online materials, Timothy and crew have developed a system that gives hope—if you’re willing to put in some time, they’ll give you the tools to succeed. The lessons are broken down to manageable time chunks, and so far they have no.t been overwhelming. I’m looking forward to daily practice.
  • HuskerWalsh
    The Smartest way to learn a language
    In order to learn a language, tackle the hardest, but most useful aspects of the language first! That’s what this program does. By emphasizing the words and phrases that glue the Spanish language together, LearnCraft builds the foundation that leads to correct Spanish conversation quicker. This program aims to teach you in a smarter way than you are used to, in order to get better, quicker results.
  • Jumalbas
    What you have been looking for.
    This is the best program I have found to help me learn Spanish. I have tried a lot of the others and they all have the same process which is repetition without meaning. LearnCraft Spanish takes the approach of learning to use Spanish words that are used most often and scales from there. This allows you to learn how to speak and form sentences that you would naturally use rather than just the canned questions of asking someone where the bathroom is or saying good morning etc. You actually learn how to form Spanish sentences by converting ideas into sentences using the most commonly used words in Spanish. You’ll learn to replace just one word in a sentence to the Spanish equivalent and build upwards. It is genius! This system uses step by step building blocks to logically train yourself to think in another language. It is smart and fun as well. It clicks and makes sense.
  • Mikeyman547
    Mike’s Spanish Journey: Highly Recommend Learn Craft Spanish
    I am working through this podcast, and I am on lesson 15, and the techniques that are shown in this podcast are very helpful for me to remember things in Spanish. By learning the hard stuff first, it is becoming second nature, and through 15 episodes, I learned more than u did in a year of Spanish class. They may have taught direct object pronouns, but the way you did it helped me retain it and it is becoming second nature. I am practicing with people 5 days a week at my job with people who speak Spanish. I am honing my Spanish voice as I learn vocabulary and verbs in the world of memory palaces. I also took Tim Moser’s course in James and successfully memorized the whole thing through memory palaces. I highly recommend this course.
  • Review of methodology
    LearnCraft Spanish methodology
    Based on LearnCraft Spanish methodology so far, it’s interesting how they go about it. First and foremost they states to go over the basic grammar foundations and It make sense too. Vocabulary and random words or structures will not help if one wants to get fluent. Classes tend to do this. This was explained in episode 2 where classes tend to use common theme of numbers, greetings, and colors and other basic stuff like that. This is ok if you want to go on a tour and never learn it again but if you want to get fluent, it’s better to not do that. His examples of noun of what you see in the sentence in the “Don’t for get your purse” replacing “Your purse and Purse with “food” or “waiting around like this is not my favorite activity” and replace “waiting around like this with food and not my favorite activity with food.” Basically I like his notion of identifying noun which is what this was as well as doing the same for identifying verbs with “eat, eats, and ate Another thing is the mindset. I do agree with Episode 1 that you have to think in Spanish and not English. One such example is once you find the Spanish word “it” you use that for everything but that is wrong. Also another is something I also do, translating one’s language to English without understanding why or just assume that is for the same meaning of that word when you want to translate from English to Spanish. With episode 3, he clearly explains a good concept that is good. Conjugations helps explain how sentences can be put together. Two words he put emphasis on is “que” and “eso”meaning that in English. Using the food test to tell what is a noun helps because he emphasizes that unlike English Spanish uses eso as a noun or as a connecting word or as a conjugation. This is due to in English as a noun and conjugation “that” is used but for Spanish Que is used for conjugation and eso is used as a noun. Episode 4 is explaining three words. “De” “a” and “no” These are used for prepositions where this type of grammar is often used before a noun. “De” meaning from or of and “a” meaning from Only “no” is not a preposition but an adverb. “No” is a bit more complex of how it can be used. You have to use the English word that is used to negate a sentence Example being: you can’t do that or You cannot do that. You have to switch cannot to not can and put not as no so it becomes no can. “You no can walk” if the word has a d word like “I do not have that” step 1: I no do have that Step two: I no have that and that is how you have a Spanish negating sentence. This is a very interesting methodology that I do not see in schools because they don’t teach like that at all!
  • Uhgtdsfhv
    Easy to follow along and makes sense!
    The Learn Spanish podcast is very easy to follow along and that method of learning grammar from the start makes so much sense. I also love all of the metaphors as it helps me paint a picture in my brain wish in turn helps me remember concepts more easily. Definitely give this podcast a listen if you’re learning Spanish!
  • T4Tacklebox
    Enjoyable and effective!
    The LearnCraft Spanish podcast presents an interesting way to learn. The focus on the most common words, phrases, and concepts is intriguing. Tim presents the material in a well-thought and easy to understand manner. I am impressed so far and look forward to listening to many more episodes.
  • Hollymiller88
    Amazing language learning resource
    I’ve been listening to the LearnCraft Spanish podcast for a few months now, and I can honestly say this resource has brought more progress to my Spanish journey in this short time than any other resource I’ve tried. The aspects that I appreciate the most are the visualization practices of what we’re learning and practicing how to build sentences. These strategies have changed the way I think and approach the language. I now feel like I’m actually learning how to communicate instead of just trying to memorize vocabulary. It’s also much easier to learn a new words when you’re given context examples that you can visualize. For me, this makes it easier to recall later. If you put the work in and take advantage of all the materials offered in this podcast and online, this will transform your language learning journey.
  • Not Commited
    You get what you put in
    I like the logical, systematic breakdown here. It makes sense and really helps you understand the language so you can construct sentences instead of trying to memorize. Don’t get me wrong, there is memorization as well but when you understand the construction behind it, it makes it easier.
  • Blu3cifer
    Accessible and Effective
    Effectively communicates how to build your Spanish “toolbox”. If you are looking to start your journey to fluency, this podcast is a great tool. Be prepared to supplement your learning with some independent study of vocabulary. Take advantage of LearnCraft’s website to practice your written and visual skills.
  • Me596275
    Unique, practical way to learn Spanish
    LearnCraft Spanish has such a unique way of helping you learn to speak Spanish, not just learn words that you’ll never actually use. The methods are practical and strait-forward without any of the usual fluff. Much better way to actually learn to have conversations.
  • Sassinpants
    This program is a game changer
    Learn Craft Spanish is the first program I’ve found that has helped me learn how to actually communicate in Spanish. All the other apps I’ve tried have given me vocabulary, but no sense of how to use it. The podcast makes learning sentence structure approachable and usable. Each episode is just challenging enough to feel satisfied when completed, but not intimidating. I’m still surprised that this quality of content is free!
  • austinfischer
    Creative approach
    I have tried Spanish in high school for 2 years. This podcast and his other programs have taught me much more than I ever learned in highschool. It’s actually making sense. I’m very impressed with this system.
  • 727377484381
    A free learn tool that is actually helpful.
    I have been listening to the Learncraft Spanish pod cast for a couple weeks. I was intrigued by the somewhat reverse learning style compared to other apps and learn tools I’ve used. From my previous use of learning tools, I have learned some common nouns and verbs, but have struggled to string them together into sentences. Learning the core words of the Spanish language and having an explanation of how and why they work the way they do has been extremely helpful. The best part is they have a lot of free content. I have mainly listen to the podcast so far. I use my drive to work, to listen and practice Spanish. I looked at the flashcards but I didn’t really get them. I really want to learn Spanish and I feel this podcast is the best one i have found that offer real free content you can actually learn from.
    Fun, innovative and intelligent way to learn a new language !
    I have been listening to Learncraft Spanish for a few weeks now. This method works really well because they begin with tackling some of the harder to understand concepts along with 20 most used words but explain it with fun easy to follow methods/games! I often have a hard time finding motivation and get discouraged easily, but this approach to learning really has been very enjoyable. At the end of the first week of lessons there is a whole quiz style episode where you get to go over everything you’ve learned I really love that they give you time to think of the answer yourself and encourage you to speak out loud. This podcast also has links for extra assignments so you can be sure to really nail the topics! If you’re looking to reach real fluency instead of learning a handful of greetings and vocab words you will almost never use i 10/10 recommend giving this a listen.
  • P. Charlie
    A Different Approach
    There's a very old, but very funny video on YouTube called "One Semester of Spanish - Love Song" that hilariously parodys the Spanish conversation ability after a single semester of the traditional approach to learning Spanish. "Hello senorita, my name is George. I can count to 10. I have a white cat. I live in a red house." Learn Craft Spanish takes a different, very solid approach. Aspects of language grammar are introduced in the first lesson. Timothy simplifies concepts of a Spanish sentence templates which students can easily comprehend. Students can work / play with a very limited vocabulary - basically teaching us how to think in Spanish. As a language teacher myself, I think It's a great approach! I've borrowed, modified and used some of Timothy's language of grammar in my Latin 1 classes to great success. I recently came across my very old high school report cards. They showed something completely different than my memory of 3 years of Spanish. I remember adding Latin in Junior year because I wasn't doing well in Spanish. Report cards show B+ as my lowest grade. I was passing the course with flying colors - I just wasn't learning anything! After a 4 week summer course with Learn Craft, I had a sound foundation in Spanish which I'm able to use teaching Latin to bilingual students. Learn Craft Spanish makes the language accessible
  • rocketfootball74
    Builds Conversational Confidence Fast
    I have tried multiple times to learn Spanish but nothing ever really stuck. It was all vocab words that were neat, but never could really help me out conversationally. I really like that Learncraft Spanish teaches the most commonly used words first to help build conversational ability and confidence, getting you excited to speak without fear. The memory palaces really do help describe when to use different forms of the word to get the best idea across.
  • MLoDoc
    Bite-Sized Chunks of Courage
    I have listened to the podcast for several months now, and I appreciate Timothy’s approach to teaching Spanish. The visuals he creates to remember simple rules, as well as his approach to keep us learning with supplemental work on his website are very helpful. The bite-sized chunks provide enough courage from each podcast to keep learning and to build upon for my learning. If you want a different approach to learning. LearnCraft Spanish Podcast is the best partner to learning Spanish.
  • AnthonyJWalrus
    I’ve tried many methods to learn Spanish
    This one is the best for getting fundamental grammar, verbs, conjugations, and tenses. Do this everyday and supplement it with some vocab flash cards and listening practice, and you’re gonna be in your way
  • Abby’s Mundo
    Best way to become fluent
    This way of learning is so different from the way that most apps or school courses teach. It teaches the way that the language works so you have a better understanding on HOW to speak not just adding vocabulary words.
  • linzylizard
    I love learn craft Spanish!
    Learning a second language as an adult it daunting. Learn craft Spanish is the only podcast / approach I have found that works. There is a clear path to fluency and you begin my learning the hardest concepts first! It’s effective and also fun! I also recommend the coaching program. The coaches are dedicated to your success, so grateful I found this resource!
  • Shelbyhayden
    Amazing approach to learning
    This podcast is amazing and such a unique approach in learning Spanish. I love the research that is shared about the effects of quizzing and participation and speaking OUT LOUD. There is such an importance on actually speaking and pronouncing when learning Spanish and Timothy and his team explain and practice that. Another thing I love about this podcast and the team is the approach to taking things head on. Going through “the hard stuff first” If you are serious about learning Spanish THIS is what you need. Not just common phrases and questions.. the actual root and meaning behind the language and how it is spoken! Amazing podcast for learning Spanish!
  • Roberto Detroit
    Excellent way to learn Spanish.
    This podcast is helping me immensely to become fluent in Spanish. I’ve also discovered some things that I never really understood when we covered the topics in school. The format is top notch. Themes get repeated in subsequent episodes so you continue to make use of the things you’ve learned.
  • Stb115131
    I’ve enjoyed learning
    I’ve been enjoying watching the YouTube videos and learning Spanish. The podcast is really Convenient for when I’m driving or doing chores around the house. Looking forward to continuing learning!
  • alias555555555
    Review of program
    I have listened to a few episodes of LearnCraft Spanish. I found the material to be exceptional and it kept me engaged. One of the compelling benefits this far is that the podcast prioritizes the efficient ways to study Spanish. It also discusses what we shouldn’t prioritize early on. Namely, how learning things like greetings too early can often lead to dead end conversations. To the contrary, the podcast focuses early on grammar and sentence structure which is consequential to learning effective communication skills. In my experience, vocab knowledge is rendered meaningless if I am ignorant of sentence structure. This podcast is an immense refresher — it teaches me the tools I need to hold a conversation with someone. I learn Spanish so I can engage with others effectively. And I personally love that the podcast emphasizes that so I can engage with others beyond merely superficial conversations. I highly recommend. 5/5.
  • None of the names I type work
    This podcast is great. It is teaching the foundation for the language not random words like on language learning apps.
  • Peck, DL
    LearnCraft Spanish
    In the beginning it seems like a slower method than most. But if you begin with the intention of actually learning the language and not just “getting along” then a solid foundation of fundamentals is most important. Sit back, have patience and follow the method, and after awhile you’ll find yourself looking back at those who are just “getting along.”
  • Hannahking.cota
    A unique approach to learning Spanish
    This is unlike any other program I have seen for learning Spanish and I love it! It makes sense to learn the difficult grammar concepts and most commonly used words first. Also, the resources on the website are helpful!
  • uke and vocals
    Helpful and listenable
    I used to listen to a previous podcast by Timothy, and both have been really helpful. This “season” is even better than the earlier version — I think his focus on how Spanish works overall, how thoughts are expressed and how conversations actually flow, is unique and valuable. Even without doing quizzes or other activities (yet) I’m finding this to be a useful foundation and a way to gain confidence and competence in Spanish.
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