Church History Matters


The Church History Matters Podcast features in-depth conversations between Scott and Casey where they dive deep into both the challenges and beauty of Latter-day Saint Church History

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Recent Reviews
  • Phlyfisher
    GREAT faithful podcast
    I listen to about a dozen podcasts, some religious, some not, but this is the only one that I actually look forward to on the day that it is released. It is a great podcast.
  • Teri ET
    All episodes
    This podcast is so easy to understand but even better—entertaining and engaging. I come away better educated in church history and each week I can’t wait for the next episode to roll out.
  • KGardnerH
    Church History Matters - Carthage Controversies
    I have really appreciated this series on the Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum. Thank you very much. I especially enjoyed hearing John Taylor’s account read by Christian Mollum. My opinion on Thomas Ford was that he very carefully calculated how to let the intent of those who wanted to kill Joseph and Hyrum be played out while making it seem like he had taken the high road and didn’t have anything to do with their deaths. I don’t think he was naive in the least. He was worried about votes rather than what was right. I do believe, however, that Joseph and Hyrum have forgiven him.
  • Enid71
    Please give quotes a reference
    Great podcast! However, I’m frustrated that quoted statements never have footnotes sourcing what talk it came from or wherever it came from.
  • Sunny Day 3000
    Inoculating the Rising generation
    I have come to value this podcast because it provides tools for approaching historical facts about the church with a “hermeneutic of faith.” I feel it would be important to incorporate these tools into every mission prep class as a way to inoculate the rising generation from being shocked out of their testimonies, and out of the church, based on facts taken out of context. I love that the church is being so transparent with information like the Joseph Smith Papers Project and in books like “Saints.” I appreciate the presenters in this podcast because they do not shy away from shocking facts, but tackled them head on. I feel my testimony is stronger now that I understand how the restoration truly has been revealed line upon line. God allows us all to make mistakes and learn from them, and leaders of the church are not immune to this learning curve. So let us inoculate ourselves and our youth by delving into church history in a way that bolsters faith instead of killing it.
  • ArizonaWolfWatcher
    This podcast offers fantastic mental and spiritual exercise. It’s an outstanding deep dive into fascinating elements of church and gospel elements.
  • michaelbthornton
    I can’t believe a history podcast is one of my favorites.
    I’m as surprised as anyone who knows me that a church history podcast would be in my all time favorite podcasts. Every series and episode is fascinating. I never find myself zoning out like happens to me in other podcasts sometimes. They are not afraid to go into hard questions and are so good about sources etc. I highly recommend starting at episode one and listening to all of them.
  • RogerHHowe
    Genuine, informative, and engaging podcast
    I listen to every podcast I can find. I’m now re-listening to each of the podcasts again. I am amazed at how fresh re-listening to them sounds like to me. The spirit of their discussions resonate with me from the previous listen, I’m glad I’m listening to them again. Scott and Casey always come prepared. Their lively discussion does not seem canned but are always backed up by citations and personal experience. The experts they bring on for the question and answer at the end of a series are priceless. So, so good. Listen to them, And be uplifted.
  • milkshoesdaddy
    Love it
    Love the deep research that they put into this. The content is insightful and well delivered. Thank you!
  • byucoug1975
    Fantastic scholarly content
    I love the transparency w/o the intent to destroy faith. These good men view church history through the lense of faith- which makes all the difference!
  • Alex0667
    Love this show
    I love the approach on church history these two make. I recommend this show to everyone. The way they talk about things keeps me wanting more. I look forward to new episodes. Thank you!
  • Heap Fam
    Put it at the top of your queue!
    The reason we love Tuesdays 💛 This podcast is our favorite. My husband and I love it and have introduced our children and their spouses to it as well as anyone else who will listen to us. ☺️ It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and a privilege to learn all we can about Church history and our faith. This podcast is informative and full of sincere investigation. We find it helpful in leading us to other resources when we have time to pursue more knowledge and understanding. So grateful for the efforts of Scott and Casey and their guests.
  • kristineym
    A dream podcast for church history
    If I could make my perfect podcast, it would be Church History Matters! The detailed series about interesting church history, good banter between the cohosts, and Faith-building accounts. It’s everything I want in a podcast and I look forward every week to the newest episode.
  • Riley Duke
    Good Stuff
    I listen to these guys while I’m running. That’s how good they are to listen to. I love their approach to church history. They are fun to listen to.
  • 3k21
    Please listen to these.
    Great concise content, accurate and engaging. Can be a great resource if you have concerns with the usual things.
  • SobeSimpson
    Your work is restorative and healing
    My wife and I have loved every one of these episodes. Like most church members, some of our loved ones have been hurt by the disinformation about early church history. I am a therapist and often work with faith crises. If I can get the individual or couple to listen to your podcasts, the healing begins. Your scholarship is impressive, but you make these complex topics so accessible. I am grateful for your careful attention to detail and your frequent reviews to keep all I’m learning clear. Your friendship with each other creates a conversational tone that reminds me that you’re actually my brothers. I trust you both and am grateful for your committed work.
  • Abbie09/15
    Well worth your time
    I find the dialog engaging and informative. I feel like a lot of work to use the best sources is put into the production of this podcast. I feel grateful for the hours of research and effort that backs up the comments made here and also appreciate it coming from faithful members of Christ’s church who know that information is good but a testimony of true principles is the most important and that is done through individual prayer and contemplation. This podcast allows me to sort through the hood, the bad, and the ugly that happen when God trusts people imperfect like myself to learn line by line, precept by precept. Thank you for this excellent source to add to my own study.
  • BLT 101
    I love these guys. My favorite church podcast. Because of the complete information provided in this podcast my testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints continues to increase.
  • al-dogg
    Fascinating, I love this stuff
    Thanks for telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and looking at things in a circumspective manner. The only thing that I would maybe add is this, I have several questions I would like to ask, but I don’t really know where to go to ask those questions. Could you clarify this for me?
  • bengance
    Essential to understand LDS church history
    Deep dives, well researched and fair. They don’t shy away from controversial issues but present facts in a balanced way. No sources are perfectly free from bias but these guys do a better job than anywhere else I’ve found.
  • One lucky man
    These conversations are so enlightening and I’m so glad for the knowledgeable researcher and the way it’s presented!
  • Vranes
    This podcast has helped me so much! I appreciate so much the skills that these men teach and exemplify. Please please please take the time to add listening to this to your must dos
  • nvgolfer80
    Love the show.
    Mormon history is something I love. I think it is a rocky trail full of stumbling blocks. You have to really know you place and understand the imperfections of people or it can eat you alive. I would love an episode on Porter Rockwell. So much fiction around him. A good episode about him and his friendship with smith would be fascinating.
  • RB TN
    A must listen podcast!
    These two, along with their team, do an incredible job of accomplishing their objectives. You learn a great deal of church history with an appropriate perspective and that information becomes comprehensible and defensible. I cannot say enough good things about this podcast, and recommend it to everyone, no matter their position or belief.
  • Colla Voce Girl
    Safe guided tour through church history
    It’s critical for every member to take an honest, safe, guides tour through church history. Church History Matters is an enlightening entertaining guide that every member should listen to.
  • GloriaQ54
    Very well done. It is so interesting with great documentation.
  • DCH Utah
    Absolutely fantastic.
  • CarolynHMB
    Church History Matters
    I love your podcast. I have learned a lot and appreciate your sensitivity, respect and humor. What about a series on the Relief Society and the role of women in the church including giving healing blessings in the past and serving as ordinance workers in the temple and increasing responsibilities and opportunities in the church?
  • Grateful259
    Love, love, love!!!
    This is one of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to! Love the great fun and the link between Scott and Casey!! Well done!!
  • Bob123456799
    So good
    I love this podcast. Casey and Scott are fun to listen to and they delve into a subject with a thoroughness you don’t normally get from other podcasts. I appreciate their fair handling of tough subjects.
  • UtahFinn
    Great podcast
    I have loved the insights and new understanding this podcast has provided
  • NathanMunson
    Learning Church History is Well Worth the Wrestle!
    Thank you to all involved in creating and sharing this podcast! I love how skillfully it tackles fundamental and complex topics in Church History and unravels them in an inspiring expedition of discovery for its listeners. I appreciate how it has strengthened both my understanding of and faith in the Lord and the ongoing Restoration of Christ’s gospel and work. It truly has enhanced my love for the wondrous and riveting process of revelation available not only to the Lord’s prophets but all of us if we are willing to let God prevail in our lives!
  • SHSanders
    I really enjoy the different series of church history matter stuff! I appreciate the fun and the scholary way each episode is presented and prepared. There are so many amazing and new details given as these hosts dive deeper into church history. Thank you!
  • tompwinder
    Great for mission preparation
    I discovered this podcast a few months ago, and I listen to it frequently in preparation for my mission. Obviously, this podcast should not be the only source of preparation, but it has allowed me to think more deeply and I have gained new perspectives about the church’s history and doctrine. I love the balance of humor, apologetics, insights about historical events, and discussion of doctrine.
  • Dejah6
    Wonderful podcast!
    Very informative podcast and looks at the full history of the Church. I love listening and learning! Thank you so much for providing this wonderful service.
  • The Field is White
    Thank you!
    The content is very informative and I love the “context” which a tremendous help to sort “go into the minds” of those involved. The interlude music is distracting and does nothing (for me) to feel the Spirit. Thank you again for sharing your experiences and expertise!
  • dmac007
    Love this podcast!!!!
    It’s such a joy and a comfort to me to listen to these faithful, extremely well educated, well spoken and fun historians do their level best to explain our practices and beliefs through the lens of our history. I have learned SO much. I especially appreciate what I will label as their transparency and also their efforts to put historical facts in their accurate contexts. Thank you. Thank you. A thousand times thank you. David M.
  • mermaid unleashed
    Exactly what I had been looking for
    This podcast series is the exact type of thing for which I had been looking 20 years ago as a nonmember seeking the best path to follow Jesus Christ. I was at that point thoroughly looking into the church, an organization about which I had up till then been completely unfamiliar. My desire to follow Christ is sincere and was back then as well, so I wanted to make the right decision. I found a disturbing and agonizing contradiction between the spirit that I felt attending church as an investigator and all of the online attacks on complicated church history topics, the very topics so aptly and openly addressed in this present-day podcast series. 20 years ago, my experience was that the bulk of online information on church history, outside the official church website, was almost always antagonistic. I felt that there must be another side to these things, but to these attacks, I found no real responses or acknowledgment from faithful church members online or in person, nor could I find legitimate historical information I could trust. I therefore had this fear that members were living in a bubble oblivious to and sheltered from a historical reality that would make them leave the church if they knew about these things. This drew out my investigation of this church to 3 very tumultuous years, filled with confusion and with many conflicting feelings. I was eventually baptized in 2007, and I do feel stronger having come to my own personal revelations about the right course of action. However what a sense of closure I now feel, being able to listen to the thorough analysis on this podcast, confirming that the trueness that we spiritually feel as members can be enriched by studying church history, as opposed to these feelings of truth existing “in spite of” church history. I have binged this entire series for the last few weeks and am thankful for all the thought that is put into this show. As a bishop , it is also a good resource to point to when members come to me with their own questions about church history. In short: well done.
  • Cathy Michelle
    I love this podcast.
    What a tremendous service this duo is doing in providing a resource for this information. It’s evident that they are skilled teachers because the presentations are informative, easily understood and enjoyable. I feel they are providing a much needed forum to educate on topics that are often neglected. I highly recommend.
  • 1st Sergeant, the man
    History Matters Podcast
    Without a doubt the Pod Cast regarding Church History presented by Casey and Scott have been so valuable in helping us clear up the myths and negative statements from members who have left the church. Especially our young single adults who are struggling to understand the early history of the Kirtland Banking Safety Society, Blacks in the Priesthood, and temple and Masons to mention a few. We are currently serving a Senior Mission in the Baltimore Maryland Mission and the Scripture Center Podcast has truly been a blessing. Please keep the Podcast moving forward. It’s definitely helping thoughts who are seeking the truth. Elder Sam Trujillo.
  • Gma of 3 boys
    I don’t fear church history anymore
    I have avoided any deep dive into church history because of fear of what I might discover. After having an adult child leave her faith and her temple covenants behind due to her own search for truth. She has carried a heavy burden of information from anti Mormon sources. Discovering this pod cast has helped me improve my relationship with my daughter and instead of saying “I just put things I don’t understand on a shelf and I’ll figure it out in the next life”, I’m able to have meaningful discussions with her about “uncomfortable” topics. Learning this information from a faith-based source, has deepened my understanding of church history and enhanced my testimony of the Savior and His church.
  • Ethan E Ball
    So informative, I’ve found it deeply personally expansive.
  • MesaGuyWithNoTime
    My testimony has never been shaken, but questions still exist and the people in my life who have had their shelves break really need to delve into this history and be guided with true sources and your wonderful opinions and explanations.
  • rureri3
    Temple development
    Excellent historical analysis and development. Sorely needed and should be part of temple preparation. Keep going!
  • Cara 58536
    Excellent! Informative and fun to listen to.
    I have learned so much listening to this podcast. I have listened to every episode and highly recommend.
  • Lynnkgw
    Not to be missed!
    This podcast should be required listening for all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and those interested in learning more about the church! It is informative, fair, and uplifting with regards to church history and our faith. The hosts are also delightful.
  • Sean Gordon
    If You Love Church History
    If you love the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you’ll likely love this podcast. Casey Griffiths and Scott Woodward both have a deep and scholarly knowledge of church history. It is also apparent that they each have strong testimonies of the restored church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. This with their love for teaching is a combination that makes for a powerful and inspiring podcast that both informs, and builds faith. I highly recommend listening to this podcast! Listening to the podcast has helped me better understand, and has built my own testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith and the inspiring history surrounding the Lords restored church. Many thanks for the wonderful work behind the Church History Matters podcast!
  • writeonkas
    Absolutely love all their episodes!
    So informative, interesting and faith building! And bonus: they’re easy to listen to, really good at sharing the spotlight, and enjoy their occasional banter ☺️
  • Geogin1080
    Free Masons Interview
    Great interview. Brother Tibbits was exceptional. Learning this history. Iam so greatful to see and understand how the Lord works with things and people as they are to bring about his purposes, filling the gaps as needed with revelation. Great work Scott and Casey
  • Mo3b3tta
    Thought Provoking and Informative
    This series teaches several needed skills about critical thinking. With an open mind and a teachable attitude you’ll come in contact with some objective scientific skills to evaluate history, the news, and the content you read on the Internet. You’ll also learn a lot about Church History in a fun and approachable method. The chemistry between Casey and Scott makes it fun to listen to. Great job Casey and Scott!
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