Chalk & Talk

Everyone wants to see children and young adults succeed in math, but it can be difficult to sort myths from facts in education. Join math professor, Anna Stokke, for conversations with leading educators about the importance of math, effective teaching methods, and debunking common myths about math and teaching. Chalk and Talk is a podcast for anyone interested in education, including educators, parents and students.

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Recent Reviews
  • Natcat13
    Thoughtful dialogue on effective math instruction
    Anna Stokke’s well produced and thoughtful podcast is a must for anyone who cares about math instruction. A must listen for teachers, parents, administrators, and policymakers.
  • Math parent 123
    Great middle of the road perspective
    I’m so happy to have found this podcast. I was looking for something more middle of the road in math education vs the 1-sided perspectives that dominate among the NCTM crowd. This podcast is a breath of fresh air.
  • OssumPossum
    One-sided and obtuse
    The bias of this podcast towards direct instruction and against student-focused classroom is instantly obvious. I came here to learn more about the science of math, and instead found a parade of similar-minded guests who only wanted to parrot the same lines and knock down straw-man arguments for the folks who might oppose them. Interesting if you want to hear what one-sided thinking sounds like, but not worth a listen otherwise.
  • agratefulteacher
    This is a very smart and informative podcast for not only teaching math, but sound educational practices in all areas! Well done!
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