Political Beatdown with Michael Cohen and Ben Meiselas

News #123News Commentary #31

Michael Cohen and Ben Meiselas discus latest breaking news in politics, law, and more.

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  • imjessayn
    The best!!
    By far the best channel/pod out, these guys genuinely care. We need TRUTH now more than ever. I’m so grateful for this network during this scary time. Thank you all for your hard work & courage, you’re appreciated.
  • Blondesmurf
    Always credible
    Thank you for psych facts in this evil propaganda machine
  • PinksBeach
    I Appreciate Your Pod
    This pod is crucially important to listen to. We have to keep up with all the illegal bull 🐂!!! I tell anyone who will listen to me!!! Thanks for the TRUTH!!!
  • Sheltered Baby-boomer
    It is time to…
  • 26895279
    Enjoy the content but I cannot stand the sound of his voice. Please dub Miss Piggy over it.. anything!!
  • Paphuahua mom
    I Hesitate to Mention This
    I love all of the MeidasTouch broadcasts, and I’ve heard both sides of the debate about Michael Cohen good vs bad and I’ve always been on his side. That hasn’t changed but I sense a shift with him. Part of his charm has been his edge/snark. These days he seems very different, I keep waiting for someone to bring it up, nobody does so I’m hoping it’s just me. He seems almost afraid of tRUMP, his edge is gone and he keeps referring to having been his friend. He may have PTSD-being on the bad side of the gvt is rough & the rancid orange is getting crazier by the hour so I can understand but it’s unfortunate. I’ll be very surprised if he publishes that 3rd book
  • SkeensC
    Facts and Law
    Excellent legal & political analysis
  • Jackie1060
    Listened for years but….
    Since the election, you have changed and maybe you need to join Joe and create your own podcast. I can only listen to Ben. Unfollowed Mea Culpa.
  • KRB1015
    Great show, BUT…
    Oof. Michael’s opinion on the Matt Gaetz ethics report is a big miss. The fact that he resigned in an attempt to keep the report on the DL shouldn’t preclude the report from being released, and thankfully the Ethics Committee agreed. As to the use of the word “shaming” in reference to Matt Gaetz…uh he should be shamed for sleeping with a GIRL who was a junior in high school, hello. Now to his argument that the report no longer serves a purpose. Really? If his disgusting actions keep him out of public office going forward, there’s your purpose. He’s lucky he isn’t being charged. His buddy sure was. Michael has walked his opinions way back ever since 11/5. Ben is excellent and a good balance to Michael’s deference to Trump.
  • strikefan
    Bending the knee
    Michael you sure have changed your tone.
  • AbbyNemo
    Great Partnership
    Ben’s passion is even more palpable after Democracy’s loss this past November. The back-and-forths between Ben and Michael make Political Beatdown a formidable podcast.
  • elizabbk
    We need you guys now more than ever! Keep up the good work.
  • Stable genie
    Trump looks sickly , I mean ill sickly 🧐
  • Strait punch
    Real patriot
    Michael, you are following morning Joe. I as well as others hear your soft tone about someone that has ZERO interest in our country or any other democracy. Been listening to your voice/opinion for years. Now it means little.
  • xxxfor_Petes_sake
    I need whatever koolaid you’re serving
    Michael, are you in post-election shock?
  • opheliamcvale
    Who got to you, Michael?
    Wow, he’s really toned down his anti-trump vitriol. We don’t need another trump apologist, thanks. We need a fighter. And where is Ben? Multiple episodes with just Michael, including one where Michael introduced it as the Michael Cohen Show. Somebody do a welfare check.
  • copperfieldd
    Just unplugged Cohen.
  • LynFle
    What happened to you?
    Can’t listen anymore. Ever since Trump was re-elected Cohen is now sounding like a Trump cultist. Bye
  • Spng64
    Michael I can only assume you fear his retribution will fall on you again and that is why you’ve taken on a new tone. I get it but none of these appointments were made in the best interest of the country and the manner in which he’s trying to do this proves that. You know this because you warned us non stop before the election.
  • Hobbitlovecraft
    We are all Effed
    I’ve listened to this podcast as well as Mea Culpa long enough to hear that your tone regarding Trump had changed. Sigh, please stop trying to be positive about this guy’s presidency! He’s a fascist, he’s not going to be a president for all as you hope but a dictator—you know this better than anyone! We are all screwed. People are hoping that this nightmare will end after 4 years but I’m not sure about that. I don’t believe that he is going to leave after 4 years. So please stop trying to wish for him to be different, because we all know that isn’t true. He will never change. He’s senile and vindictive in addition to being incompetent; he’s going to be worse now that he has immunity from the SC we are so screwed
  • itwasntmesir45
    Sad people
    The only beat down I see is the one Trump just made on you and all your buddies in the MSM. You were made non existent after we wiped the floor with you on Election Day. You are tools who have no morals or intelligence and you know it. You overcompensate for being mediocre hair eaters. It's over bye!
  • Bob_W.
    The only political beatdown that has happened was on election night 2024. No beatdowns are coming from your hands you clowns.
  • Wise N. Heimer
    Never rated, never wrote a review
    Sad, used to be a fan, Cohen. We are not going to all gather ‘round and sing “Kumbia”. Ben is more on point.
  • Precious Pear
    Michael I love you and your podcasts but we all know what a Trump presidency will be like only worse than 2016. It will be a horror show. Goodbye democracy, hello Project 2025. Kumbaya.
  • Foxposte
    Refreshingly straightforward
    Initially I was skeptical about checking out this podcast, but have come to really admire Michael Cohen’s work. He has put great effort into exposing the weird and dangerous behavior of Donald Trump. He knows Trump; once his “fixer,” under his spell, admittedly, he learned painfully, that he had fixed his star to a man with no regard for anyone but himself. Painful lessons learned, & no saint himself, he does what he can—and more—to warn the rest of us the dangers of believing in this wolf in sheep’s clothing, who would sell his soul to the devil, except that he is so sick he likely regards himself more highly than Lucifer! Why believe a man who lied and cheated and bullied others for Trump? Because in doing so, he lost nearly everything—his law license, and even his freedom, but shows real courage in finding himself—and fighting back to warn the rest of us not to be taken in by this would-be dictator, who continues to hold power over some of this country’s most powerful political figures, in paradoxical Orwellian ways I cannot explain. Well Worth your time to hear what Cohen has to say!
  • ~ListenerReader
    insightful and entertaining
    Great show Michael. When Trump played the music for 45 min, I think he wanted the music blaring to cover the sound of you know what hitting his diaper. I'm serious.
  • Cheunsikaaa
    Fine show!
    Enjoyable well-informed news. Honest because no corporate investors telling them what to say. Thanks!
  • $acespace
    Trump’s lies
    Always interesting and informative
  • Maria19**
    Great listen
    Excellent podcast for the latest in political news. The two hosts are entertaining, all while delivering their thoughts and issues at hand, with a punch!
  • tmccaffr
    Nassau coliseum capacity 15,000
  • Ocean604
    Has potential
    This podcast offers unique insight into DT. But Michael Cohen talks too much, is loud and his voice is annoying. He’s repetitive and doesn’t give guests enough voice without interrupting them. I appreciate the content but can only take so much Cohen before I have to turn it off. Ben, on the other hand, has a great, easy voice, no annoyance there. If Cohen could tone it down, it would really improve the show. Also, don’t have Cohen do the ads. Again, too much annoying voice.
  • Gr8full1!
    This show blows me away in a very good way. Thank you for doing this.
  • Dharma25
    Michael interrupts too much
    I enjoy the podcast for the most part but Michael interrupts Ben constantly!! Ben is so patient and kind to Michael but I’m sure it’s annoying to him as well!!
  • Climbing Credit
    Always taking notes!
    First, you guys absolutely rock political talk! I literally take notes on your talking point. You are my arsenal for those times co-workers want to sell me MAGA propaganda. Keep it up, there are very few news outlets that deliver truth and facts, we need you!
  • redport.
    Love this.
    Learn more from Micheal and Midas touch than most news channels.
  • WillMag14
    Great show but cohen’s ad reads are unlistenable
    Great show! But
  • JC from iowa
    They lost their way
    As an independent voter and a long those listener, I used to really love their balance takes and Michael’s intimate knowledge of the Trump eco system. Its always neat to hear his perspective however, the more and more we get closer to the election, the more wild the propaganda they say is with so many wild predictions as if they are fact. Claiming things (that will never happen) will be brought up by the next administration, they are turning into exactly the extreme right and are no longer the balanced folks I used to listen to. I guess somehow they think we haven’t already experienced the 45 administration, we know what to expect. I guess what I’m trying to say is if you are looking for good episodes check out some of their first ones, if you want really good propaganda check out the recent ones. This 1 year ago I would have given 5 starts, but for me I’m no longer subscribing for updates. Hopefully the future will be focused on unity and truthfulness and transparency, and not taking the same style approach of propaganda that extreme right does. They are so smart and have potential for so much. All of this coupled with ad reads for snake oil type products has lead me to lose all faith in the medias touch network.
  • mybuddy97
    Data is what we need to look at and not panic!!!
    Love that you look at the data and understand the mission… defeat Donald Trump!! I agree that voters need to show up!!! I am personally volunteering and donating to the campaign. I am clear eye what is needed and will vote in November and use my voice to support Democracy🇺🇸
  • makeupmyname
    Let’s not let fear blind us.
    I get that the hosts want only Biden, but, if Biden does in fact bow out (which I believe he will), an open convention is a possibility — and could bring forth an even better choice. (Yes, there are risks regardless.) So when the hosts complain about the complaining, I hope they understand, that doesn’t mean by default that people will or mean to say they’ll instead vote for Trump. Beyond Harris, the Democrats have a fantastic bench — and, yes, most have been vetted and battle-tested. It is now very clear, Biden cannot beat Trump. But there is hope if we simply give it a chance.
  • beselice
    Love this Podcast
    Ben and Cohen.. at their best on the latest Political Beatdown Podcast. Great Stuff. Scary things happening now. Listen!
  • LLuvCoolJane
    Love it!
    Michael Cohen is a revelation!
  • Woofiesmommy
    Welcome Back Michael!
    Great show guys!
  • Larry App
    A Winner
    This show is a winner👏👏👏👏
  • Calculatorless
    He’s Baaaack…!!!
    Sooo nice to hear Michael on the air again..!!! 👍👍 Blessings to you, Mr. Cohen… Stay well..!!
  • Kindnesswillprevail
    Michael-Write off pundits!
    I hope Michael doesn’t give the likes of Ari Melber the time of day after him saying so many bad things about Michael and was outrageously hyperbolic about that stupid phone call. None of the pundits who spoke so badly about Michael (Including some on MSNBC!) should be given any more interviews. I’d skip Katy Tur as well! I love the show! Hang in there, Michael. Congrats on your wedding, Ben!
  • mrs mc gonagall's sister
    Straight to jail. Trump is guilty and makes all mom’s in this United ❤️ States sit up straight and want to kick this no good piece of garbage to the curb for landfill. There is no conflict or confusion.
  • fat fufu
    Hard to listen to
    D.Doll has an irritating tone to her voice She talks too fast Says “you know?” and “right!” Too many times Her explanations lack connection and sense to the layman listener-she’s all over the place Sorry-had to stop listening to her by fast forward and listening just yo Popok
  • Burdyblue
    Proud of Michael Cohen
    Did his best. I’ve been listening to his podcast from the start. Read his books but never bought merch. I believe in him and his transformation and struggle to reinvent his life. May he and his family continue to heal.
  • LP2009
  • Marie Tellez
    Great Program , love you guys
    Thank goodness you are both exposing Trump lies every day!!
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