Political Beatdown with Michael Cohen and Ben Meiselas

News #123News Commentary #31

Michael Cohen and Ben Meiselas discuss the latest legal developments surrounding the prosecution of Donald Trump and more.

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Recent Reviews
  • LLuvCoolJane
    Love it!
    Michael Cohen is a revelation!
  • CookieManster
    Welcome Back Michael!
    Great show guys!
  • Larry App
    A Winner
    This show is a winneršŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
  • Calculatorless
    Heā€™s Baaaackā€¦!!!
    Sooo nice to hear Michael on the air again..!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘ Blessings to you, Mr. Cohenā€¦ Stay well..!!
  • Kindnesswillprevail
    Michael-Write off pundits!
    I hope Michael doesnā€™t give the likes of Ari Melber the time of day after him saying so many bad things about Michael and was outrageously hyperbolic about that stupid phone call. None of the pundits who spoke so badly about Michael (Including some on MSNBC!) should be given any more interviews. Iā€™d skip Katy Tur as well! I love the show! Hang in there, Michael. Congrats on your wedding, Ben!
  • itwasntmesir45
    These guys are tools who have no morals or intelligence and they know it. They overcompensate for being mediocre hair eaters. Sad.
  • mrs mc gonagall's sister
    Straight to jail. Trump is guilty and makes all momā€™s in this United ā¤ļø States sit up straight and want to kick this no good piece of garbage to the curb for landfill. There is no conflict or confusion.
  • tmccaffr
    Love this podcast. Dina is a great addition!
  • fat fufu
    Hard to listen to
    D.Doll has an irritating tone to her voice She talks too fast Says ā€œyou know?ā€ and ā€œright!ā€ Too many times Her explanations lack connection and sense to the layman listener-sheā€™s all over the place Sorry-had to stop listening to her by fast forward and listening just yo Popok
  • Burdyblue
    Proud of Michael Cohen
    Did his best. Iā€™ve been listening to his podcast from the start. Read his books but never bought merch. I believe in him and his transformation and struggle to reinvent his life. May he and his family continue to heal.
  • LP2009
  • Marie Tellez
    Great Program , love you guys
    Thank goodness you are both exposing Trump lies every day!!
  • seraphita
    How you doin? (In Joeyā€™s voice)
    I love Mea Culpa and the Political Beatdown. If I could contact Michael directly I would. I very much want Michael to know that there are a lot of people out here who care about him. I understand how crazy and cruel people can be. My heart is heavy knowing how distressed you must be. Iā€™ve read both your books and am truly a fan. Blessings to you and your familyā£ļø
  • Jill Bitt
    Great show
    Enjoy every one of the segments.
  • work email_MAP
    national enquirer
    really disappointed in cohen's involvement and how far he went to get trump elected i am not going to listen to cohens pod casts anymore, sorry
  • Alaskacouchlover
    I trust them!
    I love this podcast as I believe they only give accurate information. Iā€™ve read many books about Trump (including Cohenā€™s) by people who know him like Barbara Res, Mary Trump and great journalists like Bob Woodward. Trump is a psychopath with a gift for grift. Sadly, way too many Americans buy Trumpā€™s lies and scams.
  • beselice
    Love this Podcast
    Good luck to you, Cohen, during the upcoming trial.
  • beachdream tunes
    So right about legacy media
    You are so right about the both siding of the legacy media. They are such a part of the misconceptions and disinformation influencing the public Itā€™s obvious Ari is pandering with his hip hop weird references. Its embarrassing as is trump with his appalling behavior. Itā€™s Idiocracy 2 every time I see trumps stupid antics. .
  • css1m
    After posting that pickup truck video of Biden and giving out the information of the judgeā€™s daughter, and all.. He is nothing but a gangster. Gangster Trump
  • Skal!!
    Great show
    Thank you for the information you are providing and for supporting our democracy.
  • Lt. Bluehair
    Senate inquiry
    Michael, DO IT! Temper your passions and stop the F bombs. Vulgarity is unbecoming to the message you are sending to Honorable American listeners.
  • pdw1961
    Great job
    Another great pod. You guys should go on tour, Cohen, the brothers, some pod guests, etcā€¦. Michaelā€™s event at City Winery was amazing. That would bring momentum to the movement.
  • martinschroman21
    ā€œYou Goā€ Guys!
    Great podcast, I listen to all episodes
  • Apollo1945
    First Test Tube Baby UK.
    Michael, Louise Brown, the first test tube baby was born in 1978. She is now married and the mother of two sons, conceived by natural means. As a 78 year old Brit, now living in the USA, having followed her story, I fail to understand the psychology of the current populous. I listen to your podcasts and watch your various shows. Keep up the good "common sense" work. Anne G.
  • Wittyspirit
    Michael, please stop interrupting Ben.
    I listen to you both all the time and I listen to Maya all the time I love your podcast you both are so fantastic but Michael you always interrupt Ben and never let him finish what heā€™s saying and heā€™s so polite Heā€™ll just stop and let you go on. It drives me crazy. Sometimes I have to turn it off because you do it so much so you both have room to talk we want to hear both of you.
  • goodvsevil
    About Trump's rambling "what have you"
    If you have to come back later and explain your joke, something is wrong. Either you dont know your audience, delivery was awful, or the material smells. Probably the latter. Or, you there is something wrong with your brain, and you are basically trying to fix sht in post.
  • Unhappy Walker
    Dy-no-Mite fir the Trump obsessed
    Michael Cohen, who worked for Trump and went to prison for it gets a chance to vent on the other side of the screen Ben Meisslas, a law, professor and civil rights activist, provides factual content and context. Itā€™s a good combination. I routinely learn insider stuff I didnā€™t know about The Donald.
  • Historical insomniac
    Excellent antidote for doom-scrolling
    If not for Meidas media and American hero Michael Cohen Iā€™d be curled up in fetal position doom-scrolling all the ways the MAGA politicians and flaccid mainstream media are wrecking our democracy and pacifying the former 79-year old colicky infant during irrational tantrums over his own criminality. Thank you, gentlemen, for taking the time to do this.
  • todd denier
    I am a ā€˜Brigaderā€™. I am a Mea Culpa follower. I am a MeidasTouch enthusiast. I was a Republican until Ronnie Reagan ā€œaltered the trajectory of our countryā€œ (a Barack Obama quote from his first state of the union) I am a USMC veteran. I am a grandmother. This scope of relative understanding guides me in my political intake of information, judgment of policy and privilege of vote. Midas Touch has afforded me an information conduit of truth, reality, and legal understanding I am forever Grateful to each of you. ALWAYS. Thank you ALWAYS continue the great work that youā€™re doing. ALWAYS share ALWAYS Love Your Take & Appreciate Your Give!!!
  • phunny girl
    Since perjury was committed to send Michael Cohen to prison, could he get his law license back? Trump took away his ability to take care of his family. Love your show!
  • Molly Jong Fast
    Dumpā€s bailout source
    Folksā€¦.dunp will call in his favor from Kushner. His son in law has billions thanks to his free ride at the White House and corrupt connections with the saudis. He will bail out daddy in law Great show
  • still republican ?
    Too much like Trump
    I agree with a lot of what Michael Cohen says about Trump but I wish Cohen didnā€™t sound so much like Trump. The juvenile names he gives to people is just like Trump. I donā€™t care for Trumps behavior whether itā€™s coming from him or his minions. Cohen sounds and acts just like Trump
  • BNL1961
    Protecting Democracy
    These guys are all about protecting freedom and improving peopleā€™s lives. Thatā€™s it.
  • PDavid1
    Finally on those days I miss all the news, Meidas catches me up. I love these guys friendshipā€¦.
  • Walks talks and sews
    I love both Ben and Michael
    You have no idea how familiar your story is and how it resonates in my life. I had a husband of 40 years who fortunately for me died four years ago. I was a good and devoted wife, but the day I realized our marriage was not viable, and never had been, Five weeks after the 2016 election, and about two months before the election when my husband told me over the phone, ā€œ Iā€™m just like Donald Trumpā€, and after being unwilling to be controlled any longer by my husband, whom I first went out with at 15 years old and married 10 years later, he took every step he could to make sure that I would have to leave my property of 33 years. And it was my sister and brother-in-law that followed through with his abuse and could take my property away through four years of lawsuits justified by my husband. He died of lung cancer, 12 years after having throat cancer and telling me when we moved to LA for six months of treatment that he had lied to me for 30 years from the beginning of our marriage about many affairs with women I thought were my friends. This is why I follow all of those who are holding Donald Trump accountable. I am so grateful for the honesty and integrity, with which you all on the MeidasTouch Network, as well as The Lincoln Project, deadline White House and wherever I can find, honest people who care, and who are fighting against the forces of Donald Trump often to their own detriment. Fortunately, I got a judge that saw beyond what my sister and brother-in-law and their lawyer were trying to do.. they wanted me to have $25,000 to walk away from a property on for 33 years, put the down payment on, and invited my sister and brother-in-law to live there, too, and a separate house. They wanted me to pay the $35,000 of their lawyer fees, which the Judge said no to. I still have multiple problems to solve, but at least I donā€™t feel alone because you guys are out fighting for democracy in our country, and facing just short of unsurmountable difficulties. I resonate with Michael when he says Trump just wants to beat people down and beat him down. My sister and brother-in-law were counting on that with me, but it didnā€™t happen. I represented myself most of the time and fought hard. I had nothing to hide. My sister used the fact that my husband lied to me for 30 years and had nine affairs by the time he died., against me. Iā€™d rather be out of my home that I loved and off the property that I loved then to be there with people that are Democrats, but more like Donald Trump. Life is strange. Itā€™s also very good when one finds truly good people, which includes all of us humans who make mistakes. What counts is when people are willing to be accountable and repair mistakes. Because it seems like people get worse or better as we have experiences and choices. Thank you so very much for everything you are doing !!
  • Bite-Me #1 Fan
    The podcast is a gem and you will become educated while being entertained
    Love the podcast and eagerly await each and every episode!!! Michaelā€™s ā€œBernieā€ impression had me in tears and sides hurting from laughing so hard! Keep up the great and valuable work Midas Mighty Team!!! Thanks for the hard work you all put into producing this and all your other media content! Truly this network is fighting to save and preserve democracy while keeping listeners educated on what is actually happening in our country. Thank you Michael and Ben, again keep up the great work!!!!
  • terrirspu
    great show
    love Michael CohenšŸ„°
  • SniffelBug
    Thank you for always telling the truth. You are doing a great service to America!!!
  • Marilyn558
    Love Michaelā€™s point of view.
    Michael makes me laugh, he knows the law and the people. Ha! Ha!
  • JAF0404
    Keep it up. Informative and inspiring. Good match with Meisalis Brothers
  • Flyshaper
    You are correct
    Iā€™ve said all along that Donald wants to be a Kingā€¦.. you just confirmed itā€¦.. Listenā€¦.I always liked youā€¦. Even when you were DTā€™s Attorneyā€¦.youā€™re a pit Bullā€¦. Respect Keep up the good workā€¦.
  • Doc Skrrr
    Great One-Two Punch!
    Been a Meidas fan since the early days. This show has the excellent qualities I have come to expect. Get informed, fight Trumpism, and save our democracy! Micheal Cohen for congress!!
  • U.S.beatle5
    The truth
    Itā€™s something that I never hear anyone talking about the real reason This is all happening in America right now because of one simple reason the republicans want a white America and so doesTrump and all of the people that hang with him, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor, Greene, Lauren Bobbitt none of them will come out and say it but itā€™s deep in the republican party and the southern Bible belt thatā€™s why theyā€™ve been bringing God into this. Mike Johnson, heā€™s more like an evangelist. they use God to cover their lies. they stuck him in there behind closed doors. Makes you wonder, donā€™t it
  • Sisyphus 1
    Pitch Perfect
    Informative and truthful. They show the facts without prejudice. I also appreciate the fact that when they make a comment that is an opinion, they actually say, In my opinion. There is no comparison between the MeidasTouch network and Legacy media.
  • JenniBRRT
    Excellent podcast
    Excellent and informative podcast. I love the audio drops for proving the facts. There are other creators/commentators who donā€™t come with the receipts like you do. So I appreciate the thoroughness of your work. Good luck in court Micheal.
  • Aresgurl
    Great Job!!
    You two are amazing! Truly doing the work of the American people by exposing the Fascists!
  • mamalog12
    Enjoy the podcast, puts things in prospective. Keep up the great job!!
  • Kate7000
    Michael Cohen needs a vacation
    I value Political Beatdown for the analysis and inside information, especially from Michael Cohen, about todayā€™s many Trump-related legal cases. One request from Meidas Touch listener: give Michael Cohen a hiatus to allow him to regain his health and his perspective. Every week he recounts - in full - his tale of woe. Yes, he was treated unfairly and we hear that he still believes that the unfairness continues. However, that and name calling seems to be all he is currently contributing as co-host. I would value his knowledge of and experience with those involved in all the cases. No more about how badly done by this person - who lives in an expensive Manhattan apartment, vacations in Italy and convinced his listeners to contribute to his legal bills for a case that was then subsequently dropped - has been. Instead, I truly hope he takes the time he needs to regain his mental and physical health so he can use his platforms to contribute positively to the world.
    We get it Michael
    You feel like others are treated differently than you. It would be helpful if youā€™d learn GA is different than the Fed. I like you and your show but come off the grievances already. You sound more and more like a liberal DJT always playing the blame game.
  • SarahBearGordon
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