Daily Dose of Dana


Join former Casting Director turned Brand Strategist Dana Bowling as she shares daily musings on celebrity news, pop culture, and reviewing really good/bad tv. She also talks about living in LA, starting a business from home, being a mom to two unruly boys, married to a Reality TV director of photography, exercise and Sauvignon Blanc. Subscribe now to join the Daily Dose community and get your daily dose of entertainment with Dana!

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Recent Reviews
  • Grief145
    Learning much!
    Thanks for Saturday morning guest, Daniel! I’ve struggled to find an in-depth summary of Israel & ongoing conflicts. Most memorable- “why are equating resistance with terrorism… at this time”
  • Delil😀😀😀😀😀
    Boring!!!! 🥱
    It’s hard to listen to
  • AngieC2484
    Great podcast
    This is my new favorite podcast. Dana has a great voice, covers all topics well, and i love hearing all of her opinions on these fun topics and shows. But my favorite thing about it is that she gives her real, honest opinion about everything and isn’t afraid to really call it like it is. I love that. This is a great podcast for bravo fans and people who love pop culture
  • iruriudjdhccj
    So good!!!
    This is my go to podcast. I love the stories Dana drops from her experience working in casting and living in LA. She really gives a great show with great content.
  • taken 1!
    “She’s soooo Angry⚡️🤣”
    OMG spends 10-12 min ranting about her bad Reviews ⚡️Whining-ranting - boo whoooing🤦🏽‍♀️ Def unprofessional fake podcast….t as ke a pass ——- if your listen to other pods this is just a rerun of other’s content & reviews⚡️ Delete⚡️
  • smokey_jo6482917
    Daily listener
    I love daily dose of Dana, I listen or watch daily! Dana is funny while having an inside scoop on the latest reality news; she watches the same shows I do and I love the live discussions about them and life. thanks for everything Dana, just know I am a happy listener and appreciate the time and effort that you put into your podcast. I look forward to your daily live shows!!
  • Leigh😘
    I love Dana
    Dana is Amazing! She’s the BEST; not the worse.🤭🤣🫶🏼👏🏼😘IYKYK
  • Kittykat2214
    Please quit reading reviews
    If we’re listening, we like you. Don’t read us negative comments, who cares about those losers.
  • Shiggy Bop
    You asked about great true crime podcasts Culpable, up and vanished great true crime
  • elhokay
    Not good
    Was hoping I had found a new fun podcast, but it’s really bad. She tries to be funny but falls flat, talks too fast, and doesn’t really have any interesting info.
  • McTag2
    The worse podcast ever
    Sorry Dana, but your lack of knowledge and preparation for your show, is infuriating. To not know the pronunciation of Martina Navratilova, was just Lazy! Google “HOW TO PRONOUNCE” it is a lifesaver. The straw for me, is when you asked “what is probation??” That is just stupid. Like you have zero formal education. I am unfollowing and DONE! The show is so dumb DANA IS SO STUPID AND THIS SHOW IS SO FRUSTRATING , but whoever can listen to her for an hour, I wish you the best of luck
  • jennyfromthecuse
    Summer house
    I agree with a lot of your takes BUT A. If you’re not in recovery yourself, please don’t chime in on the Lindsay/Carl sobriety debate. It’s harmful to those of us doing the work and you clearly do not understand recovery. B. Andy and the cast loathe Lindsay because of the way she has always treated production and her cast mates, a lot of which we don’t get to see. Remember when she threw a shoe at a producer? Or when she had to be spoken to at Bravocon for how she treated Andy’s assistant? Andy remembers. She’s been on a press tour ever since this break up, several times mentioning really personal things that should never be brought to light (allegedly Carl has ED), etc. She’s just a deeply unpleasant and unhappy person who needs to do some serious work on herself in order to change for the better. Also, the Freudian slip regarding Carls sexuality was just gross, don’t do that.
  • Phillygirl29
    Listens every day!
    I really love Dana’s daily shows! She watches the same shows I do & I appreciate her perspectives on what’s going on.
  • Icascott
    ignorant and mean
    She relies on her YouTube commentators for facts and talks in circles. Very irritating ‘pick me!’ personality. Wreaks of desperation and Mean girl vibes- very mean & ignorant on so many topics. Made fun of T. kelcey’s body, laughed at domestic violence, the list goes on. Like Mother like daughter
  • reality tv junky all day
    I generally watch/listen on youtube, but i literally never miss and episode! i am on EST and love when 2pm hits! Thanks for doing what you do! love… one of your loyal love beans!
  • beenmmmmmm
    Regurgitated drama
    Pod thrives off discourse and drama with other blogs/podcasters/IG. When there’s none of that, we hear about how she used to be a kids casting director. She should do an episode on the toxic environment with Nickelodeon, I’d love to hear how she continued to cast those kids knowing the reputation the adults on set had.
  • he is lying
    Thank you
    We love ending the day chillin and listenin!!! Thank you. Feels like catchin up with an old friend and talkin all the gossip😄
  • Alewstyd
    Google daily dose of Dana Reddit
    Omg she’s not a good person . Holy cow .
  • samtha3133
    Too thin skinned for podcasting
    Dana OFTEN complains and cries to us over critical comments to get reassurance and “you’re amazing queen” posts. It’s pathetic & becoming a pattern, especially when she often berates her audience for disagreeing with her. *It got old fast so had to unsubscribe. I used to like her podcast but she’s not very nice or smart. Her sarcasm comes across as rude
  • Brie_Clay
    Absolutely Awful
    Got trapped in the shower for a full ten minutes listening to the moronic repetition of “date niiiiiiight” over and over and over and over and over and over again. Finally, threw my Bluetooth shower across the bathroom and listened to silence. Worth the $25 to stop the senseless blabbering while propping up a “nation” and people hellbent on genocide. Yeah. I said it.
  • madaline's main itunes
    Maddy G
    Mazel on your success!! Found my way here because of the reality drama of others and so happy I did. Love your speed, energy & sincere feelings about what you know, hear & think. You do it all while trying to keep it fair and kind.
  • trac1118
    Loved it at First
    It was refreshing. I started to lose interest around the Tori Spelling stuff. Just kind of cruel and mean girl.
  • Debbie J 22
    Love Dana’s energy!
    It’s like a daily pick me up! Her energy is infectious and can change a bad mood to good. Her show is my favorite part of the day and keeps me company on my daily walks. I’m so happy she changed to longer shows.
  • doctorisin
    Like chatting with a girlfriend
    Dana is a fresh voice. She is very cute and funny. She intermixes celebrity news and always has a fun take. Look forward to her show every day. One of the best.
  • Belmont5565
    Too much of a flip flopper. Not a reliable narrator or accurate.
  • MBK girl
    Please prepare more…
    Wish she were better prepared. It’s fine to have a different opinion than I do but it is very annoying when I feel like she isn’t really watching the shows. If you’re going to read from articles, maybe print them and off and highlight what you plan to share so you are not rambling. She might be better served to cover the shows she actually watches instead of constantly asking for help from the audience.
  • pint12
    Love dana
    The best podcast ever
  • Graphicsxpert
  • LucyDog29
    Stay in your lane.
    Don't you dare berate bravo fans for their honest reactions to the hideous troll Lala. She has been doubling down on her hateful comments and she deserves every negative review that she gets. what did she expect?? you don't get to judge other people's reactions. watch the show and look at her negative comments online if you really want to know why this is happening.
  • Sunny234a
    Not great
    This podcaster seemed interesting when I heard her on So Bad It’s Good. Listened for a month or so and found her info on pop culture isn’t accurate. She mainly asks her YouTube audience to provide information as she isn’t very knowledgeable. Not worth listening to unfortunately
  • Elizabella1975
    Stipe berating the audience
    That actually take the time to listen in real time (who also help give you content). I’m not one of them, but god forbid one of them disagree with you or try to let you know how you come off. Keep trying to listen because I’ve enjoyed in the past, but done. Can’t listen to you “school” your audience anymore!
  • Lolo13419
    All over the place. Impossible to listen.
  • RealityFan1621
    Cream of the Crop
    Everyday I look forward to listening to this podcast! Dona is so engaging and has a fun perspective and tone. I feel like I’m listening to my bestie and often agree with her views - as if she read my mind! I can count on her to make me laugh & uplift me, especially on days that have been challenging. I never miss an episode. Even if Dona is sharing on a tv show I don’t watch, I love hearing from her. I’ve even started watching some shows based on her fun takes. She is simply the best of the best!!!
  • wagenboo
    Dana is a great listen
    Enjoy the podcast— especially when she gives honest opinions that are contrary to what may be popular (Lala). Dana is on top of the latest pop culture stories and exudes intelligence and compassion.
  • not a trol, just truthful
    I think Brittany has a drinking problem and Jax is right!!!!! She had two shots that day and in accumulation day after day drinking, she has alcohol issues with her stomach. You always see her partying and drinking on instagram.
  • Belorlil
    Filler content
    Omg the word for word never ending recaps need to stop. I actually like the beginning of each episode then cannot bring myself to finish a single one. I’ll keep trying a bit longer but won’t forget that she participated in sharing misinformation about earring gate and never admitted she was wrong when the truth came out.
  • michele 🌤️
    Pod Bestie
    Dana reminds me of my IRL friends 💛 She has a good sense of humor and doesn’t take herself too seriously. I love her relatable and silly takes on pop culture and parenthood.
  • FeeFigh98765
    She’s mean, not funny at all, uses other podcaster and bloggers content and literally cannot get a thought/name/word out without help from her YouTube watchers. There is nothing unique or interesting about this podcast. Too many better bravo podcasters out there to waste your time on this.
  • negfdhfifhr
    Thank you!!
    Loved & 100% agree w/your VPR segment! Katie straight lied sooo many times-& that statement.🤦‍♀️ Imo the blind obedience to Katie & Ariana is far more gross than anything Lala’s done. THANK YOU for speaking out! 👏👏👏
  • Lara Bella10
    Dana you are a true gem!
    Hello lovely, smart, fun and informative lady! I’m a big fan of you - but I don’t hold you on a pedestal because you are so real with us! If I was local I would love to have some coffee or a drink with you. I’m in NorCal but visited the LA area many times- so vast! I can’t even believe any sane person would say anything negative about you- you are amazing! Don’t even read them -, block them if you can or delete without reading. I always look forward to your podcast- and hearing your take on not only the shows or rumors but on your own personal stories. Keep on keepin on you doll, you!
  • podpeople100
    Fun Listen
    I enjoy listening to Dana’s opinions on the Bravo shows and pop culture. The one thing I wish she would do is to STOP the constant talk about the gardener and leaf blower. We listeners can’t hear it so it’s not an issue. The 2 minute complaints about it are so annoying to me. Like just freaking start your show. If it’s THAT distracting to her then wait an hour to record.
  • PinksBeach
    Love your Podcast
    Donna, I cannot articulate how angry & disgusted I am with diddy. Yes, lower case diddy, as in small d. I was listening to your pod and I looked for the CNN video. Why is this piece of excrement walking around???
  • lesatrsich
    Fresh outlook on the shows we all love !
    Dana has the most interesting takes and insights into what we love to watch . She has a great delivery and makes my walks and workouts breeze by -)2 also has great self awareness and is not afraid to go there - Love her !!!!!
  • Lady Bulldog00
    Not into it
    Everyone has a right to opinion, we all have them. I think your take is very specific on certain things and I don’t agree with it. Additionally, I will say that you take way too long to get to what I came to hear. if it’s the title of your episode one would think you don’t have to get nearly 15 to 20 minutes in before you even say a word about it
  • dianna nicole
    Dana NOOOO
    Taking LVP’s side with the SAH sitch is gross. Stop!! Please don’t join the crazy Lauren from Utah train. Why can’t girl friends share a bond where they defend each other to the death?! If my friend isn’t lying for me on national TV she ain’t my friend.
  • Mberg0515
    I’m surprised
    I was originally a JL fan. But also HM. As time drifts by I find myself mostly listening to you and Julia and Bandy. I related to you as a mom, a Jew and a wife. Respect your work ethic. Thanks for being fun to my day.
  • bananrama98
    Too late to enter the Bravo game hunni. You are outta your league. Sounds like a desperate troll dying to be famous. Pure trash
  • Laura from CO
    One of the best daily pop-culture pods
    I love Dana! This podcast is such a great and easy listen. Dana has so much knowledge and incites. Instantly brightens my day! I’m so happy I found her! I listen to a lot of pop-culture podcasts and Dana is one of the best! Thank you for your daily takes and enjoy what you share about your personal life as well. 😊
  • Zombiluvr
    Can’t listen anymore
    The constant complaining about bad reviews/feedback that isn’t praising her is extremely off-putting. Not being able to tolerate someone disagreeing with you or giving critique comes off as narcissistic. I listen to many podcasts, nobody else perseverates and whines about their feedback this much
  • Janetkaren
    Great daily show
    Love love love. I like the kid suggested shows. My kids and I watch Traitors together because of your suggestion. “It’s giving” best daily podcast ever.
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