Locked In with Ian Bick


Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose own stint in federal prison offers a unique viewpoint as host. In his captivating show, Ian connects with people from all walks of life, spanning former inmates, recovering addicts, law enforcement officers, legal experts, mental health specialists and those who've weathered traumatic experiences and failure. Through heartfelt dialogues, these resilient souls unveil their journeys, revealing the unyielding human spirit amid adversity. From confronting darkness to surmounting setbacks, their stories kindle hope, strength, and profound transformation, underscoring the limitless potential within each of us to overcome life's trials.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jenga671
    Great podcast
    I love how long and interesting Ian’s podcast are . I work for Amazon. I do 4 10 hour shifts and many many times he has got me through the 32 degree weather or the 100 plus degree weather of Arizona while on the road for long hours ! I hope he benefits abundantly . Thank you for sharing your story and others with us .
  • Robertbartley1994
    I first send this show on TikTok by far one of the best shows I listen to, got me started on podcast I never miss a show. I recommend everyone to give it a listen.
  • Bear 07
    Change of mind set
    I’m writing this review on behalf of my husband. He doesn’t have an IG account and he asked me to help him out. Per my husband; listening to Ian Bick podcast has given a different mind set on how he views the incarcerated, the criminal justice system, the criminal proceeding, private prisons and the correctional system. Growing up, my husband’s uncle was in and out of prison for over 25 years and as a kid, my husband was always told that his uncle was in prison because of his own choice. After his uncle served his time and now talking to him about his up-brining, and listening to the Ian Bick podcast it was an eye opening experience for my husband. This podcast gave my husband a more understanding about the reasons in which his uncle went to prison; barriers, people he surrounded himself, the injustice and no restorative justice. Lastly, this podcast help my husband understand different point of views on what people went through when they were arrested, incarcerated, understand everyone has a story and there can be an injustice system. It helped him not to be closed minded anymore.
  • Jshepmoney
    Very entertaining
    Love listening to this guys podcasts. Always gaining good insight.
  • Charper1980
    Amazing content!
    Long time listener. My favorite episode was when you had the brothers on. I was taking a road trip by myself and I found myself in tears. Keep doing what you’re doing, huge fan.
  • Tyler.Platten
    Amazing Podcast!
    As a former incarcerated person, Ian has a unique perspective on this population. Due to his real-life experience, Ian asks tough questions while maintaining professionalism. Regardless of your thoughts on inmates and their rights, Ian does a fantastic job of diving into a person's history, which often explains their unique road to incarceration. Ultimately, this humanizes inmates… 10/10 podcast.
  • DBrot11
    Favorite Pod
    Look forward to these weekly, great listen.
  • Jsmall14
    One of, if not my absolute favorite podcasts to listen to especially at work. Each individual has a unique story and provides excellent insight into each topic. Not to mention the excellence of the host, Ian! Does an excellent job at asking important questions but allows his guest to talk without interrupting which provides excellent unfiltered content!
  • ashley8599
    My favorite podcast!
    I look forward to every episode! I love hearing every guest’s story and is always interesting. Ian is a great interviewer and asks all the important questions. Definitely give all episodes a listen!
  • Dodson19xxbhdjs
    Best podcast
    Best podcast out!! Shout out from warren ohio!!
  • BeastyBoy18
    Best podcast
    Listen for hours on end! Love you guess Guys!
  • Loren Zoe
    Love it
    Great show love the come backs!!
  • L Pot 1022
    One of the best podcasts
    Ian is a great host that excels in putting the spotlight on his guests. Each and every episode is entertaining and funny! Always find myself locked in when I hit “play”! Great job and keep it up!
  • Open Record Advocate
    Found you on TikTok
    Pulled me in immediately with Jen Gomez’s story. Her self awareness and growth is so inspiring and I loved the conversation you two had.
  • Lopin000
    Such an addicting podcast 10/10
    This podcast is so addicting! The interviewers have such amazing stories! They speak of their darkest moments and how they have overcome that and not only overcome but succeeded because of their downfall! Ian brings people on from all walks of life and it's amazing/ inspiring/ gained knowledge to hear all these humans! If it's not relatable for you as a listener it still will grasp your attention!! 10/10 recommend!! Thank you Ian for bringing us locked in!! 👏🏽
  • Chest12
    High quality, well done
    Unique podcast getting the unfiltered stories of everyday people impacted by addiction and incarceration. Unique stories because they are not famous people. Ian is really good, thoughtful, compassionate. Ian lets people tell their stories, doesn’t constantly interrupt. Highly recommend.
  • DannyFuze
    Hustlers gotta Hustle
    I love this guy.
  • Dnaasz
    Great show
    I’m a former convict. I did 5 years in pen for drugs and I’m now clean and sober for over 20 years now. I love listening to your show while I’m at work. Keep up the great work you are doing there. You are an inspiration to former convicts out there.
  • mfmckenz1978
    Great show!
    Keep it going Ian, I love this podcast! Episode with 10 Toes Down was my favorite so far…they keep getting better and better
  • Escaped from DC
    So inspiring
    I’m in law enforcement and this is what we hope will happen but too often doesn’t. With folks like Mr. Springer in the game it surely will happen a whole lot more. Thanks Ian for another great podcast and story of redemption.
  • garunteef fart 3-3-10
    Thank you
    Thank you for your service Mr. Springer! Great uplifting show!!!!
  • MrsMarshieP
    I really loved your show. Until politics. We all know that the rich can afford a better deal than the poor or middle class. But one thing I thought we all agreed on was you are innocent until proven guilty. Until your dad showed up. I understand the frustration he must feel about your sentence. But Donald Trump had nothing to do with your sentencing. Does Trump get preferential treatment, he did, yes. But for your dad to publicly call him a rapist with no proof or charges is irresponsible and unjust. You should have edited that out. Or at the least added Epstein, Clinton, both Bidens and a Congress full of sexual deviants Sorry. Not that you care but if you can’t be fair and balanced and just, I can no longer support you.
  • Bearded Vato
    I came across the Chip Williamson episode on Tiktok and I immediately became a fan of Ian’s work🔥
  • Wu-Banga #1 J.J.
    “1090 JOKE”
    Love the podcast, and the 1090 Jake interview was an amazing piece of award winning fiction. Bro has so many wack stories it’s hilarious! He’s the “man who wears a coat of many colors”. Keep laughing at the clowns bro! You know what it is!
  • Lizad72
    Best podcast
    Absolutely love all the episodes. They are extremely entertaining and great to see so many different perspectives and stories! My favorite to listen to!
  • Musc09
    Great interviews!
    Ian Bick is an incredible interviewer at such a young age. These stories are so powerful and can help others see there are opportunities for everyone to redeem themselves no matter what they have done in their past.
  • wr18r02
    Loud, intrusive ads scattered at random throughout the show
    It's not uncommon to have an ad suddenly show up MID-SENTENCE. Someone is talking and all of a sudden, you're listening to some woman bleating—top volume—about insurance or whatever. Absolute amateur-hour stuff, which is a shame because this would otherwise be a show worth listening to.
  • jenn8924v
    Best podcast!
    This podcast is my absolute favorite. Every interview is so engaging and interesting. I have to force myself to shut it off after an episode because I just want to binge listen!
  • JoeAHall
    LOVE the podcast!!!
    Matt cox getting covid and missing the first interview paid off for you. This was one of his best interviews. As a listener of both of you REALLY enjoyed it!!!
  • ashrycon
    Host is hot… but in all seriousness I love the episode with Chip! It really changes your perspective on things!
  • bora bane bary brien
    Great show
    The host is hot
  • Jewgrl83
    I am obsessed with this podcast! I have started from the beginning and listened to the all!! I find all the stories so uplifting and showing that people make mistakes but can always better themselves. I even passed it on to someone who I believe really needed the help!!!
  • Maddiesmom07
    Entertaining but there is always 2 sides to a story
    I mean, these people are convicted felons. You have to take what they are saying with the notion that they are likely not telling the whole truth.
  • SydBower
    Officially hooked!
    I saw a clip of this podcast on TikTok and it caught my attention. I had the intent to only watch the one episode that I saw a clip of. Now I can not stop listen to it. I really enjoy this podcast.
  • RobReeder
    Awesome podcast
    Great podcast , very entertaining look forward to every new episode !
  • Karla R 1971
    Amazing story, loved the story
  • tredford2
    Jeff Asher
    Sorry he seems like a bad bad Apple. Love the show.
  • CarlosG67
    Best Podcast I’m hooked
    Heard you on Rappaport pod and have been binging your pod!!!
  • Kyle6588
    Amazing show!
    I’ve been listening for a couple months now and I love every episode especially the Chevy chase one!!
  • TheUngorgiven86
    Great show!!
    This is a solid show! I stumbled upon it accidentally and loved it! I immediately went back , caught up with all the prior episodes and haven’t missed one since! Ian is a great interviewer with real world experiences! I cant say enough good about it!!!
  • wesleebailey
    Remove the Chevy chase ep. He’s not well enough
  • BWK 1972
    Eye opening
    Amazing show.
  • Joseph31
    Love the realness in everyone
  • gMichael13
    Inside look at people, crime, prison AND change!
    I listen to numerous, factual podcasts. I don’t want to hear about the weekend the host(s) had. We all experienced the weekend, but we all haven’t had the life, committed the crimes, nor been in prison. As stated above, Ian Bick and guests gives us the FACTUAL inside look at criminals lives, addictions, the crime, experience in Federal or state prison and how they changed, often helping others. Crime has been happening for decades. There is no end as new criminals take over when the others die, are imprisoned or when/if they change their behavior. Society needs podcasts like this played in schools beginning in elementary school.
  • Jess Kula
    Awesome podcast
    My favorite podcast! I love all the perspectives from sheriffs to women that have served time. Keep up the good work!
  • Mickeylicksit
    Prison mike says listen to locked in
    Each episode continues to get better. Great pod
  • Sam bucker
    Favorite podcast to listen to
    I drive daily 40 min to work and this is the podcast I listen to I love the authenticity to it and the content
  • Chiverky
    Followed you on TT and started listening to the podcast awhile back and now have pretty much listened to them all. They have definitely gotten better as time progresses and you have learned to make them longer. I think you need to get the OG of YouTube and FB prison star Amiri King on here!
  • wesleybeebe
    Moving podcast.
    Dudes doing some really important work.
  • JB62689
    I honestly never write reviews for anything
    I honestly never write reviews for anything lol but I been hooked on your podcast and listened to every one . I’m a former addict and criminal and definitely can relate to ur content . Reminds me of what I been through and gives me hope to stay on the right path . Keep up the good work kid .
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