Choisusu's Korean Podcast


안녕하세요! Hello, welcome to Choisusu's podcast 🥳 You want to listen to Korean podcasts but have trouble with vocabulary and grammar? This podcast is for you! You will find useful vocabulary and grammar for beginners. It is easy to listen to and covers a variety of topics with fun! 😊🎬Watch this podcast on my YouTube :

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Recent Reviews
  • be.muriel
    Add transcript please :)
    Would be awesome if you could add the transcript to the podcast now that podcast has that feature :) 감사합니다 :)
  • iamevelynkim
    A Wonderful + Relaxing Podcast to Learn From!
    이 팟카스트는 아주 좋은 한국어 교제예요! :) 전 교포라서 한국어를 잃어버렸는데, 최수수 선생님 덕분에 즐겁게 공부하고 있어요, 이렇게 노력 해주셔서 고마워요! 여기 미국에서 지지합니다! This is a wonderful podcast for learning new Korean vocabulary and getting exposure to real-life Korean. The host / Choi SuSu's voice is so relaxing to listen to, and the podcast episodes are like listening to a friend speak to you. They cover a wide range of subjects, which is a huge plus! :)
  • annehadadifferentending
    So far like… but
    Episode 1 was great but transcript link didn’t work. Would really help me since listening alone is hard
  • imaniiiiiiiiiiiii
    will improve your korean!
    this podcast is amazing to shadow! it’s improved my grammar, vocab, and listening skills. sooo much more engaging than studying a textbook!
  • KitianaJ
    Great podcast!
    I was listening to these podcasts on Youtube primarily but I really like that they are posted on Apple Podcasts bc it’s great to play while commuting to work or even while on a walk. Teacher speaks clearly so it’s easy to understand and it’s also great to shadow to practice pronunciation. Listening has always been my weak point and I’ve noticed a big difference in my listening skills since using these podcasts.
  • Jocyyy_
    My 1st Korean podcast
    I like how she speaks slowly enough for me to understand it and I’m able to follow along. Thank you! ☺️
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