The Most Dramatic Podcast Ever with Chris Harrison


For two decades, Chris Harrison saw it all.

To be honest, maybe too much.

Seriously, there are things he just can't unsee.

But his nightmares, his lessons, and all that wisdom are now your gain

That's right, your greatest podcast dreams have just come true! 

Chris Harrison is back.

Who knows what he has to say now? You're going to want to find out.

It's the most dramatic podcast ever... with Chris Harrison.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sharbear73
    Is this the LZ show?
    I tune in to hear Chris…she is way too much. Very annoying.
  • Asif71
    What a dad wants
    This podcast missed the mark. It’s fine you want to watch golf or do nothing but complaining about those dance recitals (which you might have 13 of in your life). Are the most those jmportant moments from kids perspective bonding that father relationship. Did you feel the same if it was a Tball/baseball game. Missed the mark on this one.
  • nicky&$76543
    Hundreds of thousands of people were dying each day. They did have to do something. The purpose of the congressional hearings is supposed to be what can we do better but instead all the Republican Congress people do is attack Fauci. He did say we could have done better. Novel deadly virus, remember .You kind of just added to that. I think Fauci has more scientific knowledge than drew and phil.
  • Don't Blink, youll miss it!
    Less LZ & More Harrison Pls!
    Whoever produces this thing…Pls know that most of us tune in for CHRIS not LZ! We’re forced to endure her as they co-host most of these shows. However I just tuned in and started my walk and guess what I got… It’s ALL LZ AND NO CHRIS??? Another solo ep with Lauren Zima?? This podcast says “Chris Harrison”, right?? Sorry that’s a HARD NO FOR ME. I IMMEDIATELY SWITCHED TO A DIFF PODCAST. It’s misleading to sell this as a Chris Harrison’s podcast, it’s not. Once in a while we get all Chris and it’s pretty good. Mostly we got both. Which is about 70% LZ. Now you’re giving us ALL LAUREN??? Not cool. I’ll be “unfollowing”. This isn't who/what I signed up for. Happy for Chris, but She gets on my last nerve. She’s surprisingly unaware of most things considering she was a reporter?? Anyway, no bueno. Perhaps u rename the podcast so listeners know what they’re getting??? Just a suggestion.
  • SaraParne
    So much
    “So much to talk about” and yet it’s a 20 minute episode, the last 1/3 of which was essentially an ad for Dr. Drew’s business. Do better.
  • TrudeeKay
    Dr Drew
    Love love love the Dr Drew episode! Great comments were said giving us lots of information.
  • JMJ101000
    Good - most the time
    Always liked Chris and started listening to his podcast from the beginning. I like about 75% of the topics. I don’t love Lauren and Chris episodes much. They both want to talk, she interrupts him too much. I think they both want to say too much and she should be more of a support role but she’s not, it gets annoying trying to listen to them interject what they want to say.
  • jnjsmile
    Colton Underwood
    He openly admitted to a straight guy hoax while he was s*xually hooking up with married men, and you glorified this behavior in a two part episode? Geezus - what a disgrace.
  • player63xx
    I tuned in to hear what Chris Harrison has to say and honestly enjoyed his 2 episodes with Brad Womack. But certainly not tuning in to hear Liz Z talk. Don't care about her. This should be named, Liz Z podcast.
  • Hot for Jason
    Brad Womack
    Thank you for such an incredible interview with Brad Womack! What a great man who deserves love! You give such great advice Chris Harrison!
  • B Renee C
    Brad Womack
    Loved the two part series with Brad!
  • someone whom is not boring
    Chris Harrison is a sleeze ball
    Little does Lauren know, he’s been sleeping with one of my friends.
  • Badmonkey1824
    My favorite episode was your last one on narcissism. It was so great and Lauren asked so many great questions. I wanted to keep going. Please more things like that. Maybe on attachment styles and how it relates to relationships etc. loved it
  • paragee
    Great listen
    Chris and Laura always deliver a fun and interesting podcast. I love the topics and their take on entertainment and social events
  • Mandjlewis
    Love Chris
    I love Chris Harrison and miss him from the Bachelor franchise. So happy to have this podcast to keep up with him.
  • 🤓😎😞☹️😋
    Loved the Katie episode!
  • Romaly21
    Exclusive Interview with Peter Weber
    Wonderful interview with Peter Weber! Great banter, communication, and got questions answered about how Pete has been!
  • Gaupeg
    I can’t wait for the next episode looking forward to seeing you both on merit TV Peggy from spicer Mn
  • badgerfan86
    Will be watching your return to tv
    Love this podcast & the natural chemistry with Chris & Lauren. Chris built the Bachelor franchise for over 20 years & ABC tossed him out when the water got rough. So glad they are returning to tv - i will definitely be tuning in!!
  • CaroleAnn2014
    Merit Media…all that???
    So with all the hype of your new jobs with Merit Media being such a big deal…BUT we’ll have to go back in time and resubscribe and pay for cable to get it? Seems off to me. Streaming is what we do now! I’m out. I wish you both well!
  • Csting3
    Excited for your next adventures
    So glad to hear you will both be back on tv. I have also loved Dr. Phil over the years. Can’t wait to watch this new network!
  • jannrandall
    You’re Hired! #teamzima
    Amazing and honest review! The Oscar’s can let the stars shine at home and get their speeches in the comfort of their own homes. They know we love them! The world loved Barbenhiemer! ⭐️ #emma🤍⭐️
  • Adi's Kiki
    Welcome Back
    I love this podcast! I love Chris & LZ! I’m beyond excited to see you back on my TV!! So many of us are rooting for you!!
  • Beckie Griffiths
    I love this podcast! You guys are so great! I can’t wait for the new tv shows! I’ve been waiting for this for years. Couldn’t be happier!!!
  • Jodyyyym
    Can you address saying you knew Clare was pregnant because she wasn’t drinking? She used a surrogate!
  • ANNMN29
    Men think about WWII not the Roman Empire
    Chris and Lauren’s discussion about men thinking about the Roman Empire and Chris’s observation that it’s actually WWII that men think about was so true! I confirmed with my 65 year old father that he does indeed think about WWII at LEAST 5 times per week.
  • ;) TVW
    Great week. Great Friends. Great Family.
    Wow! Carmel Reunion was time well spent. Thanks to everyone for sharing the fun, growth and joy! Ya.. the older shows were grounded in real life love and real life issues. Chris, your heart for humanity was on full display- and was appreciated by us, the viewers. Super disappointed on how you left the show, after all you’ve sacrificed for the network. They not only turned the page on something terrific, they closed the book when you left. The more you’ve shared, it is easy to see, it was all apart of the bigger plan. 🙏 You were a part of a Great Generation of good Peeps. Enjoy your rewards.. keep doing good things to help this generation. Can’t wait to see what’s coming from you and your Bride. God bless and keep you, LZ and your family in perfect peace.
  • Bethbroc
    Back in the Saddle Again… or not
    “Expert advice for all grandparents ready to get back in the scene”? I’m 70 and not a grandparent or parent for that matter. Married briefly for two years then decided I didn’t need that. I’ve been through many short relationships over the years with the majority not lasting more than 2 years. In recent years I’ve decided romantic relationships are too much trouble and I only want friends to do things with… going places by myself isn’t much fun. When I turned 55 I moved away from my childhood home to be closer to, and help out, my aged parents. Now that they are passed and I’ve retired, I’ve discovered it’s tough to make friends so have several superficial friends I do specific activities with. Sounds a little bleak but I’m not totally uncomfortable with it so maybe some therapy would help.
  • genuine Jen
    Silver Singles
    Enlightening & joyful to listen to and share with our loved ones! Thank you 👏🏻
  • Duffct
    Recent episode about kids
    Good episode, but kids are not the only big conversation to have. Marriage is too! Maybe one person doesn’t want to get married…
  • MIVD12
    Usually love this show but…
    I love Chris and Lauren and all the banter and all of the topics they typically cover, however, both of them tend to act like “no it alls” when it comes to a lot of topics - especially Chris. I thought the Ozempic episode was great because they got to ask the doctors all of the questions, and they truly seemed like they were just so curious about the drug. But on a lot of other episodes, they act like they have the answers to everything and they come off a little arrogant in my opinion. Would love more episodes with experts on with them asking the questions instead of acting like they have all the answers.
  • TGF32
    Awards Shows
    Love your podcast! But of course the award shows have gone down! As a reminder… MANY people stopped watching awards shows because they turned political. That crowd has no desire to return to watching award shows.
  • merciesrnew
    Award Shows
    On the Golden Hour episode, you speculated as to why award shows do not have the viewership they used to. I think you missed it completely. I know for a fact that the reason viewership is so low for these award shows is because the every day person is sick and tired of hearing the political views of these Hollywood elites who are totally out of touch with people in flyover states. These shows should never be used as platforms for the political views of these out of touch people so people are not watching anymore.
  • J1a6de
    No to Dr Amy
    Overall love the podcast, but the interview with Dr Amy was disappointing. Please don’t promote disordered eating. Everyone should fast for 24 hours? Yikes. Next time please interview a dietitian to have an evidenced based discussion about nutrition!
  • peonygirlct
    Want to love
    Love Lauren and Chris is fine - longtime Bachelor fan. But guys - it’s evident this pod is for ad revenue only. Vial Files talked for 45 minutes yesterday without an ad. I can’t get through 10-12 minutes here without ads. What y’all are doing here is transparent. Focus on content, the listeners will come, the ad revenue will follow. I want to be here, but I get frustrated each time I try again.
  • Jennygrace
    Love you both
    It’s been so interesting to hear your stories and history together and then your beautiful wedding ! I’ve listened since day 1
  • Bublina2020
    So many commercials
    I get the pod has to be profitable but the ratio of guest content and commercials throughout this show is the reason I hardly ever come back or stick with a whole episode. It’s really too bad.
  • handmama
    Too short
    Why bother with an 8 or 12 minute podcast. I love Chris but that is just disappointing. Too short.
  • RBS199
    Cool to meet the man behind the curtain after all the bachelor seasons!
  • mariy17
    12 min episodes ?
    Lacks focus and way too short.
  • E2E2E2Eeeeee
    I can no longer support
    Ozempic? Really. Stay in your lane.
  • janoskianssgurl
    Love hearing your insight as a person and not bachelor host. Dramatic podcast that had me reflecting in my own life. Keep the good work going!!
  • Mr K. Dilkington
    Just more right wing poor-me sadsackery. Grow a pair, Chris Harrison.
  • Ah-lylala
    Not the most dramatic
    Can they change the name of the pod? Endless chatter about their wedding and random thoughts on the real housewives is more like it. I don’t think they ever would, but it would be fascinating to hear them break down the new bachelor/ette/bip episodes.
  • Oreocookiedog
    Ketchup on hot dogs?
    Chris, I’m with you mustard (no relish). BUT my daughter LOVES ketchup on hers. I guess whatever floats your boat (leave LZ alone)
  • MovieWatcherNYC23
    Cringe. Not a victim, Chris.
    You were overpaid absurd amounts of money to do a handful of hours of no talent required work per year, and then paid to walk away from your ignorance. You are lucky, explore a new path in life with all that money/new partner instead of seeking more attention.
  • Antolfamily
    He’s BACK!!!
    Updated 11/12/23: Just when I didn’t think I could love you guys any more than I already do, you go get married and share your incredible wedding with all of us!!! Wow! And Congratulations!!! Bravo!!! Chris Harrison is back and I am here for it!!! I will be listening every day (or every time he drops a pod). Thanks Chris for being so open and honest about your experience. We all knew you got the shaft and I’m glad you finally are ready to speak!! Can’t wait for more!!!
  • PixieDust2020
    I am so happy for you two! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!
  • chicagogirl81
    The reason for how the bride walks in
    Yall explained that the bride should walk in towards everyone, the issue with that is then the grooms back is to the guests and idk about anyone else but when the bride walks out, I look at the groom! That face says it all!!!! And if the bride walked in the other direction we wouldn’t get to see his genuine first look at his bride. Just my thoughts. Love the pod!!
  • Spicy Grandma
    wedding part 1
    I look so forward to listen to every episode. Right now, I have a terrible headache. Why? From laughing and mostly sobbing because I just love your love for each other! Congratulations!
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