Stavvy's World


A podcast where you can hang out with your pal StavEvery week Stavros Halkias and his friends will help you solve all your problems. Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV, leave a voicemail and get some advice!

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Recent Reviews
  • Almolina509
    Great show, needs more Eldis
    I know it’s mentioned as a joke, but at least one question needs to be dedicated as a red pill corner one. Also, don’t sleep on Ginger aid Zero.
  • 223534553
    Stav is an absolutely disgusting little piece of trash. Horrible pod
  • Ballsout9999
    Getting a little “comedy talk” heavy
    I write this with the heaviest support of Stavvy, Aldous, and the show as a whole. I think I remember you saying you don’t want the show to turn into talking shop with comedians every time a la Joe Rogan (or what Rogan used to be….) It’s been quite a few episodes where it’s all stand up culture and “struggling as a comedian” talk. Which is cool a lotta the time, I just would also enjoy mixing up non comedian guests and non comedy topics. I get that that’s what comes up when you have a comedian or comedy friend as a guest, but it’s just not all that interesting for the non comedians in your audience. I have no interest in getting into comedy or standup, I just think you’re a funny guy. Streamers, political figures, just celebrities in general. Even Jake Johnson struck a great balance and he’s an actor/comedian, so it is possible. Much love keep up the good work.
  • mikeyopp
    The Best “hot radio” Podcast out there
    I listen to 9,456,637 podcasts, and this is the best, overall. No matter what mood i’m in, this podcast ALWAYS hits the spot. Like, even when I think about my ex-wife who abducted our son, even in those dark moments, Stav, Eldus, “and guest” cheer me up and give me hope.
  • IamKyleB
    Breath of fresh air
    Stubby and Elvis are the best in the pod game.
  • Dan1984LawMan
    I really like the show despite the heavy Balkan influence
    I’ve been binging a lot of your episodes but as a Turk I wish you’d stop reminding us of you and Eldis ethnic backgrounds.
  • lewsklls
    You the man Ronnie!
  • Aurelia-Nightingale
    Such good advise
    I thought that a call-in, advice podcast would be cringey but Stavros is always so on the money and articulate that it makes every iffy take from a caller feel entertaining instead of worrisome. I feel safer in the world knowing people are listening to Stav’s opinion.
  • Arejay1100
    Take notes “podcasters” and “podcast producers”
    Stavvy is the G.O.A.T Eldis ain’t to bad either.. for an Albanian that is
  • Matildarue
    Love the crew and all the quality guests Stav platforms. The laughs and deep talks feel like a close friend “hang out “. Humor, empathy, and common sense go a long way. Not subscribing to a personality type to sell comedy- just genuinely one of the funniest/clever comedians out there, and honestly rare/refreshing. Thanks for making my long work days a little brighter. Old school tricks, no bigotry. STAVVY is the man.
  • Shirleytime
    This podcast is fantastic. Put Stav in charge of righting all the wrongs
  • Not mat McCarthy
    Not good
    Not good
  • Cory wilb
    My inspiration
    I never thought I look up to an obese balding comedian and a tall incompetent Albanian in my life, but you’ve done it. Great show boys.
  • lewis___08
    Empathetic Dirtbag
    Love this guy. He seems like he can talk and connect with anyone. He’s a dirtbag bro through and through and cracks filthy jokes constantly, AND he clearly has empathy and respect and understanding about people from all walks of life. Honestly never heard any other dude strike this balance and it’s such a cool and refreshing vibe. Stavy for Pres 2028
  • Snoman3
    New listener
    I’m new to the podcast but I really like how straight up and comfortable Stavvy is keep up the good work
  • Jason roos 420
    The best
    I just found Stavvy thanks to the Netflix special. He’s truly one of the greats. Love this guy ;)
  • !Arrow2029
    Super funny
    Great guests, hilarious voicemails - can’t wait for the next episode!
  • TheStrongIslander
    Episode 100
    Here’s to 100 Stav! Been a fan of the pod since I saw you last year. Died laughing at both.
  • My Dooood
    Stav is a worm
    Guest list is a who’s who of people I never want to hear from again
  • Bread Pirate
    Albania #1 but Free Freddy
    Reviews are dumb, go listen to the pod already
  • TipOFMountain
    Too many ads
    Stav, chill with the advertisements. Holy moly dude, too many… people will only put up with so much. I enjoy you and would of listened to more episodes but I tapped out quickly because of interruptions.Ill check back in later perhaps and listen for change.
  • Smooth d tickle
    Stav Stinks
    This guy has one too many teeth and isn’t funny without Nick to play off of. He’s decent in Tires, but he has Shane.
  • jennlopez9
    Stavvy For President!
    Eldis as VP. Together, these two could solve so many problems this dumb county is facing. Thank you both for doing this amazing podcast and strongly encouraging people to work on themselves. Saving relationships, saving friendships & saving lives one joke at a time. Opa! ❤️‍🩹
  • Rcamacho54
    It’s Ight
    It’s Ight the big one with the weird hair cut is funny and Elvis dose a okay job.
  • @mickeyicebox
    This podcast rules
    I’m gonna call this godamn number wuna these days
  • Zac (YoYoMan) Dutton
    Ep 94
    Hey all about the fry’s mentioned to those that have baby’s as well frozen fry’s are great for teething baby’s lol love the show
  • North Country sean
    The best
    Pretty much the perfect podcast. The conversation covers wide range of subjects that are interesting and applicable to pretty much anybody, Stavvy does an excellent job of managing the conversations to let them evolve and stay organic while not letting them become sprawling monstrosities of ridiculousness. Top-tier work, literally the only comedy podcast I’ll even bother listening to. Can’t wait to see you guys in person. πολλή επιτυχία
  • OpinionatedA-hole
    Horrible ad placement
    Love the show but just dropping in random ads mid sentence has been one of the biggest downgrades I’ve ever seen on a show.
  • jheintz81
    Freakin funny! 😂
    Stavvy is hilarious as per usual, he’s the best and the guests are always great! The conversations can get wild and crazy hilarious. So, listen! 😀 Add it to your podcast library now and get real close to peeing your pants, at least once or twice! Fun! 😀
  • rblack1227
    An Albanian masterpiece
    It’s rare to find a podcast with such a strong Albanian influence. The Stavros fella hogs the mic a bit, but his co-host is hilarious! I think “Stavy” is playing the mean-heel to Mr. Sulas lovable baby face. Thanks for being one of the few pods and patreons who stay on schedule each week, even if you are recording 14-months in advance. Stoked to see you in Indy next year, thank god you’re at the Murat Theatre and not Clowes Memorial.
  • StevenGoetch
    I am finding it hard to every acknowledge the podcast because I’m afraid to see the latest update as Kush Brothers…. Love the pod… hate the kush brothers element
  • Gracedwithfire
    Non-stop laughs
    I only wish they said půsSy and bish more.
  • Oedipus boy
    Save money on therapy
    I’ve spent $150 per week on therapy for 5 years. Stavvy gives better advice than my therapist.
  • Theronakdofallnuggets
    Too fat
    Not funny
  • Dcontrino
    Top Tier Pod
    Stavvy is such an incredible host. Somehow the conversation never gets stale even against Eldis’ or the guest best efforts to ruin the show. Love it. Excellent podcast and all the sponsors should double their rates because I only buy products endorsed by Stavvy.
  • Lucy Welch
    Favorite Podcast
    I absolutely LOVE this podcast. As a person that listens to every major comedy podcast in the game, this is the one I love the most. Stavvy is just too funny.
  • SirLewisFan44
    Balkan unity is what the establishment fears most
    Listening to this podcast is like smoking a cigarette and drinking with your unemployed uncle while your parents fight upstairs.
  • idksomeusername
    Someone recommended this to me…
    Dude’s laugh makes me want to kms
  • blando calressian
    There's never no Squish over there!
    Her uncle said my penis look like a pigeon. Excellence
  • kennnnnnnneth
    Beautiful Baby
    Stav is a beautiful soul. His wit and wisdom are unmatched. Good job little buddy.
  • Jon Rxx
    Old questions from 1000 years ago
    The concept of the showing is answering listener questions and giving advice. They don’t actually answer the questions until 6 or more months after they’ve been sent in by the listener, and it’s just too late to actually give anyone meaningful advice so it just makes the show seem like a pointless gimmick.
  • edgyboy6666xd
    He da BIG dawg!!
  • jdmc19010
    The other pods are beginning to falter (you’ve seen reddit*), but Stavv prevails
  • garczark
    Got a stupid smile on my face always
    Been a long time fan but something about the Blake Griffin episode made me leave my first podcast review. Love everything y’all are doing, thank you for always starting my week off right gentlemen!!!
  • RedwoodRebel707
    Best Albanian in the Biz!
    Best podcast produced by an Albanian in the biz! I never miss an episode. Big up Staavy and Eldus!
  • HoxaKing
    Mr. Koon’s house
    But how’s your penmanship?
  • Lil stinker baby
    Best podcast hands down, I anxiously wait each week for the release. The Patreon is awesome and well worth the $5!
  • thisgamesucks.jpeg
    An erotic Podcast for the Sensual listener
    This podcast is one of the sexiest I’ve ever heard. Listening to the witty banter between the rugged Stavros, his hilarious guests, and the Burly yet innocent and child like Eldis reawakens a lustful side of me. Seriously thought this podcast is great. The guest are funny, and the advice is surprisingly insightful. I highly recommend this podcast for a good laugh. The Patreon is worth it, dont be cheap.
  • gary burbank
    Doing the lords work
    El Duece and Stavvy not only work tirelessly to interview and broadcast funny funny people, they also answer the questions of many lost souls who’s troubles navigating the turbulent sea of relationship have left them with nowhere else to turn
  • Gerald 69
    Amazing comedy
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