Hidden Killers With Tony Brueski | True Crime News & Commentary


Get ready for a heart-pounding ride into the dark world of true crime with Tony Brueski's spine-chilling podcast "Hidden Killers"! Experience real-time coverage of some of the most twisted and shocking murder cases of our time, including the cases against Bryan Kohbeger, Alex Murdaugh, Brian Walshe, and Chad & Lori Daybell. With each episode, Tony brings you breaking updates, gripping discussions, and profound insights into the psyche of the killers, victims, and their families, as he seeks justice for all those affected by these heinous crimes. Through it all, we'll explore the ominous question of "What happens next?" and how we can prevent such tragedies from ever occurring again. Follow Tony on Twitter @tonybpod (https://twitter.com/tonybpod) and join our Facebook Discussion Group to stay up to date on the latest true-crime news and analysis. Don't miss out on this hair-raising journey into the depths of humanity's darkest deeds.

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/834636321133023

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Recent Reviews
  • crazycatkatie
    Sooooo many commercials for 4 minutes in a row at the end. I realize you have to have sponsors but it’s excessive.
  • medicshelly223
    If you want to keep ANY credit….
    If you want to keep ANY CREDIT, then keep Jennifer Coffindaffer OFF your coverage of the Karen Read Trial…. Jennifer Coffindaffer is completely DUG-IN on her own opinion, in that Jennifer Coffindaffer is BACKING THE BLUE-Police, when literally ALL other credible Police Officers, Sheriff deputies and FBI agents are utterly DISGUSTING by State Trooper Protecter and his Supervisors on their texts messages in reference to Karen Read, then Trooper Protecter having a texts thread with 8-HS buddies where he also used disgusting language, gave out the name of John O’Keef and Karen Read. Jennifer Coffindaffer attempts to explain away an absolute horrible behavior and an investigation into the DEATH OF A POLICE OFFICER that investigation just DID NOT HAPPEN. PLUS- Jennifer Coffindaffer backs up the Albert’s and Mc Cabes as honest, innocent people. Jennifer Coffindaffer has lost ALL CREDIBILITY.
  • Crafty219
    Karen Read
    Stacy and Carol were disappointing. They really need to listen to the trial before commenting.
  • macdolin
    Advertising advertising advertising
    It seems like all advertising -very repetitive. I want to listen before deciding to pay but it’s all advertising!! I heard one short clip and then ads on repeat.
  • mssimons
    Poor research
    Fairly disrespectful to victim’s families and not researched or given up to date information
  • Albie15
    Appreciate some aspects other parts I don’t.
    What I appreciate about this podcast is publishing full trial days and editing out the inessential parts. And some of the experts that come on have an interesting perspective. The episodes I can’t listen to are the ones with pontificating by the host and his co-host. I wish they just reported the facts and didn’t editorialize so much. Also, have some compassion. Negative reporting on a lawyer just trying do his job is unnecessary.
  • Larry P Sellers
    Some okay content, I enjoy the full trials. The adds make me laugh out loud as they play the same thing 20 times in a row.
  • Tbleprox
    Missing and duplicate episodes
    Rust testimony is at times duplicated with some testimony skipped and missing entirely. Very frustrating.
  • Ms Emma Himsl
    Why does Tony hate Law Enforcement?
    I enjoy listening to this show a lot. I listen to it daily. However it’s getting 3 stars due to Tony’s obvious disdain for law enforcement. I’ve turned off quite a few episodes because I can’t listen to his ridiculous ridicule of law enforcement. I’d like to see you out there doing what they do everyday and let’s see if you still have the guts to rag on them like you do. Tony is CONSTANTLY making completely unsubstantiated claims of police coverup and collusion. All of his accusations are completely without any facts and just pure conjecture yet says it like it’s a fact.
  • Beenie Box
    I enjoy the podcast. I hate all the small few minute ones. I have to scroll and scroll to find the next episode of the case I’m following. I’ve actually started looking to find a new podcast similar because of the ads. I wanted to run into a building because of the ten minutes of straight ads at the end of every episode. I’m so tired of hearing “make this season the season to remember!” I’ll never use that code just because of this annoyance. Lol
  • Lalalalala0908
    I am able to look past the weird, cut up, tiny podcasts when they have good content. Every time Jennifer Coffindaffer is on I have to skip. Can’t stand her commentary and randomly telling us she isn’t political before spouting the most annoying politically charged rhetoric.
  • Dramatori
    If you're paid and still getting ads -
    You have to subscribe through TRUE CRIME TODAY PREMIUM PLUS on Apple Podcasts. It's on the sign up page and every other page... If you aren't following through the right pod link it's on you. You can also contact the show through the show link. Thanks, Tony! Great show!
  • ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💕💗💖💝💞
    What’s with all the endless ads!And it’s short too which doesn’t help
  • Minnesota Country Man
    Too many ads
    I listen to podcast everyday and I love listening to crime podcasts. The stories on here are pretty great, but not one podcasts have I ever heard so many ads. I mean 5-10 minutes at a time. No one cares about chumba casino…..especially hearing about it for 5 minutes at a time. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I unfortunately had to unfollow the podcast because of the ads because I felt that I listened to the ads more then the actual crime stories. Hope this will change in the future, if not, can’t Say that I will return. Take care, #schroyerfamilydaily
  • kellbell1980
    Unbelievably excessive ads, propaganda and political rhetoric
    I’m am looking for true crime stories with facts, not droning personal viewpoints about politics, gun control and the failings of our legal system (which has its place but is excessive) followed by 7 full mins of ads at the end of every episode. I listen on my AirPods while I’m doing tasks, so having to stop and go get my phone to skip through each episode once the actual content is over so I don’t have to listen to 7 mins of ads… just not the flow I’m looking for. I listen to a LOT of podcasts and I understand that ads are a fact of life, but I’ve never seen them done with this model. It makes listening almost impossible to enjoy. Sit this one out.
  • Sal4416
    All ads and speculation
    No research. Rehashing everything and making up scenarios. Boring and last half hr. Is always just ads.
  • jeannie_waitress
    So far off base
    Hmmmm Tony, sorry buddy it’s just not that good.
  • MStruecrime
    Too many ads, highly speculative
    I admit they catch me with the top headlines and I’m generally curious about how certain cases are going so, they’ve got that going for them. Otherwise, it’s so highly speculative that it bothers me. No one wants your opinion, we are all here for actual facts and mystery or legal crime stories. They seem to be sitting around gossiping sometimes and it’s not good and even could be dangerous in terms of misinformation. Not to mention the HORRIBLE ADS that are literally longer than the actual segment. That’s sooo bad and seems so wrong it should not even be allowed!
  • thoughtful2020
    Sometimes so misguided
    Alex attorneys are good guys?? They’ve lied, misled public and news outlets (drive-by shooting and injury), and broke rules (documentary Alex reading diary) yet Tony and guests seem oblivious to these documented facts. Please research, could it be that there is jury tampering only it’s not the clerk of court? Not ready to give Alex the benefit of doubt and will wait for an investigation. Alex had a reputation for jury tampering himself and seems a likelier scenario. It may bear out that 10 jurors aren’t clueless, and possibly two jurors have been talked into something.
  • Courtroom fan
    Love it, but
    I love listening to court room coverage, but do not like all the 12 min or less podcasts that are half intros & advertising
  • Kelsey1236
    I give up!!
    This podcast is like a virus that causes ad pop ups on your computer. Multiple 8-10 min episodes that could have been combined into a daily update. Sadly I made mistake of subscribing and forgot to turn off auto downloads. Well within a few days this show had spammed me with so many 2-3 min of content episodes filled with 6 min of commercials and it ended up eating up so much of the memory on my phone with the downloads! No thanks. It’s a shame because the little content you give is good but I won’t sign up as a subscriber again, even after I fixed the auto download issue
  • PERRY1
    This guy has a podcast??
    Only managed part of one episode, starring some yahoo who's an author, about the Iowa-Brian Kohlburg case (podcast app wouldnt copy paste his info, but episode was essentially about how a killer becomes, through what life hands him, a murderer), and that's all I needed to hear. If a guy has "qualifications," great. If he has those on paper, but can't speak properly, much less well, or concisely, or make a point--without using "like!!!"--oh, and NOT sound as if he's making excuses for an accused murderer...?... you screen him. Is he interesting? Nope. Is he provocative? Other than the above point-not remotely. Does he sound intelligent, well-read, knowledgeable about his topic, engaging? Nope nope nope nope. The host didn't have anything to add-and he is not skilled, in my opinion, at re-directing an aimless, uninteresting guest. This episode was a waste of the 15 minutes i tried to endure it. Boring. Not intriguing or informative. Nails on a chalkboard.
  • Devine Ms D
    This guy has no ethics
    Turning the Adam Cox interview into ten minute clips, with the same amount of ads is ridiculous marketing. What is wrong with him?k. He has an expert on who has no idea why death penalty case for Lori not Chad, and maybe Tony isn't even paying attention because doesn't tell him. Just lazy, doesn't want it longer than seven minutes.
  • Mayaaaa!
    I loved listening to his podcast months ago.. the podcasts were longer. They are over in less than 5 mins after 2-3 mins of ads :/ Other than that, he’s very interesting and good to listen to
  • misscourtneymarie
    Great podcast, too many ads
    Love the content but would prefer one longer episode instead of a bunch of shorter ones. Also way too many ads. The podcast itself is really good.
  • Brooks Mara
    Bought a sub & still hearing nonstop ads
    Tried to contact them they the website & submit function keeps glitching. Going to have to cancel as there’s no benefit to paying
  • Winkerdinkie
    I used to love this podcast! I’m not above some occasional cussing….He just goes way overboard with the vulgar language! Its just not necessary! It’s not like he’s kicking it with his buddies in a bar on Friday night! No respect!
  • Despondent Chucklehead
    Episodes too short, with too many ads!
    After fast forwarding through many ads, the content was actually really informative! Just need way longer episodes. I like listening to hour long podcasts, so rarely listen to this one since it’s over way too soon!
  • Bbkingml
    It’s not exaggerating to say half of the episode is ads. EVEN WHEN YOU PAY TO SUBSCRIBE
    I paid for the subscription and it’s still a bunch of episodes with 3 minutes of content and 5 minutes of ads
  • SuzzieSeaTurtle
    Misogynistic and a Trumper to boot. Awful podcast with nothing original and Tony has no class.
  • KatieAnn81
    Episodes are too short
    Super annoying to have a TON of episodes, yet most of them are under 10 minutes long. Not to mention (like everyone else has) that half the episode is ads. When I go to listen to a true crime podcasts, I’m wanting to listen for 30 mins minimum to an hour (while I’m getting ready, commuting, cleaning, taking my dog for a walk). Tony is literally wasting his time and ours on an 8 minute episode.
  • 69keene67
    Too many ads!
    I tried this for the first time today. 2 episodes and both were almost half commercials. Just can’t listen to that many ads.
  • Lale Oz
    I'm always looking for new true crime podcasts to add to my playlist. I gave this a shot with a Lucy Letby. So off on their thoughts on LL! Multiple personalities? SMH. At least familiarize yourself with all the court findings and transcripts. One and done for me.
  • asimsie
    Don’t waste your time
    I listened for the first and last time. This isn’t even a podcast, it’s a series of ads and annoying sound effects.
  • NikkiPonce
    Not going to listen
    The reviews were enough to dissuade me from wasting my time….too many ads.
  • rechamb
    Good podcast, too many ads
    For an 8 minute podcast episode half of it is ads. The actual true crime content is good though
  • my dad is now my mom
    Love your show. Just listened to today’s interview about Ashley Benefield and the person you interviewed assumed her judge in her previous family law case who found that there was no evidence of abuse was a male. From what I have seen and read, I think Judge Moreland was female. Just wanted to point out that a female judge made the finding of no evidence of abuse not a male
  • MissGinger13
    I didn’t like the repeating adds and I didn’t always like the weekend repeat segments but I did like the podcast in general so skipped over the adds and weekend repeats but your July 1st guest was the end for me. Why you allowed him to take an aside to rant about the vice president, to mock her laugh, call her a liar and likewise invoke Hillary Clinton I do not understand. We’re here for true crime not some jack wagons political bias and misogyny.
  • akidron
    Episodes need to be longer!
    I love listening because the conversations can be greatly educational, but 10, 6, 8 minutes? I’ve seen a little bit longer episodes of late, but I thrive on in-depth lengths of 30, 45, 58 minute episodes. I’m not the only one saying these episodes need to be longer. Plus, I subscribed to have the ad-free experience, and at first it was working, today it didn’t. There’s so much potential for a great podcast! Tony B., get on it please!!
  • CarissaIzzy
    Podcast or Ad Platform?
    Is there actually a podcast somewhere in the web of repeating ads?? Don’t waste 10 minutes of my time to advertise about casinos 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Ashlea0925
    Love the podcast but 6 minutes of the same ad over & over is extremely annoying. It really takes away from the content
  • AmberMEO
    Hosts spoke very disrespectfully about the LDS religion.
  • TX attorney mama
    Don’t waste $ subscribing. Ads!
    I’m still getting ads even though I subscribed and there are a TON of ads. Content is interesting but I’ve given it several days and I’m still getting the ads. Not worth it. Maybe someone will read these reviews and rectify this problem at some point, but seems no one is paying attention to these complaints.
  • sushijojo
    Has potential
    I like that im hearing news i didnt know about but whats up with under 10 min episodes Thats very annoying. Esp if we are trying to work and listen. We needs 30 mins and up 🙏🏼 please. Thanks for not having too much small talk that isnt about the story!
  • KristenRasco
    Phenomenal potential…
    This pod would be my top listened to - you’ve got to handle the ad situation. It’s beyond excessive and ruins the quality of your actual show! Pleeeaassee!
  • DayDay19!
    Way to many ads!
    This podcast has way too many ads and not enough actual content. Would be way better if the episodes were longer and the ads were cut WAY DOWN! Majority of the reviews on this podcast are bad and 80% of them complain about the overload of ads. Hopefully this host will take these reviews into consideration so this podcast can grow. Until then I’m unfollowing.
  • crimejunkietnjenn
    Love the podcast, been listening to the Lori Vallow case you do a fantastic job!
  • ajdemian
    This podcast is terrible. The episode titles are completely sensationalized. There’s a ton of ads with very little actually interesting info. The host blames victims. Gross.
  • Nightfall UT
    Butt stuff
    The monetization on Tony’s podcasts is literally the worst. Avoid it like the plague.
  • Knox Momma
    Love this podcast, but.
    Still getting ads, even as a subscriber.
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