Workin' On It with Meghan Trainor & Ryan Trainor


On Workin' On It, Meghan Trainor, her big brother Ryan, and Husband Daryl Sabara get more honest than ever before. The family trio takes on a new topic each week, shares their stories, and brings listeners into the conversation. From becoming a new mom, to navigating Hollywood, to mental health, and everything in between, Meghan, Ryan, Daryl and friends get into the nitty gritty of their lives and leave no details behind. Prepare to laugh, cry, and hopefully learn something new. Executive Producers, Meghan Trainor and Ryan Trainor.

Sales and Distribution by Lemonada Media

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Recent Reviews
  • katie1339730004
    Two thumbs up
    The energy between these 3 is perfection! It’s always fun, upbeat, and I like to hear snippets of Meghan singing. Her voice is absolutely beautiful.
  • Lindsay2024
    Love Meghan
    I love this podcast Meghan is a great singer and person . Her brother and husband are great too
  • lynne_116
    Love the pod
    Love this!
  • Bell Hernandez 415555
    Thrown off by all the low ratings
    Megan’s podcast is amazing! She’s a very talented person with so much positive energy, her positivity and light energy booms through my phone literally she’s a ball of sunshine!! Who doesn’t need that in their day!?
  • kaliedayne
    Love them and this pod only thing is the volume of their mics. It’s so quiet I have to turn my car volume ALLLL the way up( its up on my phone) and even then if they move from the mic It’s sooooo quiet.
  • Mack13Lilly
    Thank You
    Can’t tell you enough how much joy this pod always brings me! Each episode is always interesting and I love the dynamic between Ryan, Meghan and Daryl- so relatable. For anyone curious about the pod, do yourself a favor and listen in each week!
  • xtinaparrett92
    Love it!
    This show is so upbeat and fun. Ryan is also an extremely talented host!
  • bluemeanieface
    You heard me
  • SMU Alum
    a teacher Hater
    sorry but meghan didn’t get where she is by teaching herself. I loved her, I am a music teacher. I will never forgive her for what she said. Her opinions are horse doodoo and she should be cancelled. Her apology was half @$$ed too. Press fast forward and thumbs down anytime her music comes on pandora and stop following her. No one cares what she has to say anymore.
  • tumble for the win
    I love this podcast so much JUST cut down on the swearing please
  • KThomasG11
    Such a good time!
    It’s so much fun listening to these 3 every time they put out a new Podcast, I’m usually smiling the whole time I’m listening and love their content so much. PLEASE don’t stop making these podcasts (I’m talking to YOU RYAN)
  • universul cookie
    I listened to this and what the heck “f teachers” really.This is a shallow podcast Megan has a fake accent. It is all about her like and some other and don’t talk over them. Get a life 🙄🙄🙄
  • Cynthiaaa<3
    I think one of the biggest issues with this podcast is that Meghan has a bad habit of talking over everyone and constantly wants to be the center of attention. While I understand that this is her show, she should respect her guests and allow them to speak rather than making everything about her. The podcast is structured well and they occasionally have great guests and interesting topics but I could not get over the fact that Meghan makes everything about her.
  • Cate reviews this & that
    The amount of 1 star reviews because Meghan made a mistake is a disservice to the joy that this podcast brings. Adore them! My only note is that sometimes Ryan (sorry!) yells on the mic sometimes so I have to run to turn it down. Otherwise, love y’all!!
  • T. Ebben
    I love the Trainor team
    I see so many comments about the teacher thing… are we really gonna hate on the entire podcast over a comment? We all say things we don’t mean sometimes. Give people the benefit of the doubt. This is one of my favorite podcasts because of the raw conversations that are had and watching them on YouTube is entertaining as well!
  • gleite21
    Lou Taylor
    Supporter of abuse
  • DeshkaBane
    Litterally love this show so much
    I laugh so hard I cry
  • MaeMaecy
    New Listener!!
    So far I love this podcast!! It’s very upbeat and real. I love the honesty and bluntness of the show. Keep up the good work!
  • Nvteach
    Irrelevant celebrity acting like anyone would find things she’s talks about relevant.
  • JennMari
    You have to be kidding me?
    First off if her weird fake accent isn’t awkward enough. How about listening to her talk about the husbands huge d in front of her brother. Yeah um, no. That guy bootleg actor ain’t packin nothing, DEF not a paycheck. He’s living off Meghan. The discussions that she has in front of her brother are beyond cringe 🤢. Also she and her guests talk to valley girl fast that it’s like, grow up. You’re 30. Do not waste your time on this junk. Also what she said abort teachers is just deplorable. Homeschooling a 2 yo is NOT homeschooling, what are you even teaching. Also how do you even have a career. You’re irrelevant and haven’t had a hit in years. Go away
  • Mr_Beck_
    Don’t Bash on Teachers
    Kinda crazy to be so rich and out of it you think it’s cool or ok to bash teachers. I really liked this show but instatnly turned it around when she started sounds like the anti-vax moms.
  • Mr. NerdyTeacher
    A Tired Teacher
    So disappointed.
  • maa1235
    Go back to school
    After writing some of the most uninspired music of our lifetimes, maybe you should ask a teacher for help instead of bashing them.
  • gward22
    The comment about “eff teachers” is soooo disrespectful and insulting. Podcast wasn’t even that good before she made those comments.
  • Christine5158
    Good Vibes!
    I love listening to Meghan and she’s hilarious but I’m giving it a lower rating because every episode, they ALWAYS talk over one another. I can’t stand when I am unable to hear every person talking. This show would easily be a 5 star show if everyone just takes a break and let’s the person talk before interjecting. Meghan, you’re the main culprit here!!
  • hunter_ehd
    Shame on you.
    Shame on you for comment about educators. We are one of the most disrespected professions and for you to minimize the threats we experience EVERYDAY and for little to no money?!? If you think you could do it better, come be a substitute for me!
  • SoonSingingOCanada
    Disgusting Karen
    Perfect show for people who like thoughtful insights like “f%^# teachers-lol”.
  • Alexis25peregrina
    Get over it
    Hop off the bandwagon we all say stupid stuff but I like this podcast. Fun guest, great conversations !
  • Dogslifeforall
    Come on
    Do we really call keeping a child at home at 2 years old “homeschooling”?! Your comments about public schooling and teachers are showing your ignorance, immaturity and lack of knowledge.
  • D.J. Geo
    I love this podcast!!!!
  • Bellac337
    So bad
    This is so bad . Besides her ignorant teacher comments the podcast is just not good
  • Okley Meri
    I’m so happy they came out with a podcast!!!!
  • Hb10110
    Uncalled for
    I’ve been listening to the pod for months. Although the quality has not always been great, I thought the conversations were interesting. I am appalled that the Meghan put out the podcast with that comment about teachers. With the current climate around education, public figures making uneducated comments about the profession is just one more reason why we can’t feel safe going to work. Even after making an apology TikTok acknowledging how we have had issues with her comment, she doubled down and left the episode up. You lost a subscriber.
  • Emelyn123
    Your comments about teachers and about your husbands manhood is absolutely appalling and your appearance on The View embarrassing
  • Chrissy 212
    No no NO
    My students will NEVER hear a Meghan Trainor song ever again. When they ask why I will gladly let them know why. I'm beyond disgusted and defeated by the likes of you. How dare you use your platform and spew such hurtful words. Teachers mental health and stress is at an all-time low especially after and during the pandemic. What a terrible example to give to your children and all they young children like my students who adore you. You wouldn't even last a day in a classroom.
  • zoe.kurth19
    Trash and evil
    Meghan trainer is evil. To leave this episode up…
  • K-eel
    Sorry??? Really??
    If you were really sorry about your comment about teachers, you would remove this podcast. Action speaks louder than words! Bass.
  • Miss J's class
    How about you sub in my class?
    Try it for a day and see if if last 15 minutes. You’ve lost a fan.
  • Rapuzel312
    Awful human being
    If I could give this 0 stars I would. She should lose sponsors and be taken off the air for what she said about teachers. She apologized and said it was in the heat of the moment yet she still allowed it to air for millions to hear. If it was such a heat of the moment thing and she felt terrible about it, she would have removed it in editing. Obviously, she didn’t feel that bad since she left it in and let it air. Such a privileged thing to say when you can afford home tutors for your children. I have been teaching for almost 20 years and everyday I work my butt of to make the next generation better than we are, while also wondering if this is the day a shooter comes into my school. You have no idea what we go through on a daily basis. Come walk a mile in my shoes, then talk crap. #itsallabouttheteacher
  • CEE888888
    F Meghan
    Deserves a 0 star rating She doesn’t know anything about teaching yet thinks it’s ok to trash teachers.
  • Keepn-it-real
    F teachers
    All these snowflake teachers in the comments with their overblown sense of self. If you’re under appreciated for such a tough and important job, find another one. It’s no wonder kids today can’t handle criticism and require trigger warnings. Look who’s teaching them
  • SweetLou324
    In awe of the takes
    To disrespect teachers the way she did makes this podcast tone dead and flat out disrespectful
  • Cafletch
    Lost a fan
    Beyond disappointed to hear “f teachers”. That’s all.
  • McKee1650
    F*** teachers????
  • luvvagoodstory
    Goodbye Meghan
    I’m not a fan of cancel culture.. we make mistakes.. but Meghan, you’re too young and stupid to comprehend why you’ve just permanently alienated teachers (and their families) from your fan base. I think back to when I was in my 20’s (even 30’s!), and I just can’t remember being this dumb, hateful, and mean. That’s all of the energy I’ll give this.. Good luck Meghan.. teachers tend to be an open, forgiving lot, but THIS teacher will never forget how you used your platform to trash my passion/ profession.. what a classless troll 😞
  • LindsB23
    Your comment about teachers was unforgivable. Think before you speak. But then again, you had plenty of time to think afterwards, and edit out that comment if you truly wanted to. You lost a fan and my respect.
  • audreyinnyc
    Not nice
    “F$&@ teachers dude” This did it for me.
  • eLizWetz01
    Don’t bother with the apology tour. Maybe speak on education when you’ve actually done the job. Also, Tricia Paytas? Disgusting.
  • kp0248
    Teacher Appreciation is Next Week 04/08-04-12
    I absolutely loved listening to this podcast. Meghan has always been one of my favorite music artists and to know that her talent was just as entertaining as her personality made me so excited to follow her podcast. I’m a teacher…I’m not going to elaborate much more than that. One statement crossed a line and I’m no longer able to show support. My heart is broken.
  • Laurie2008
    Don’t disrespect teachers
    You should remove that episode or demonetize it for that disgusting comment you made about teachers.
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