

Tap into your intuition and energy to create your desired reality. Manifestival is where you come to receive profound breakthroughs, courage to break old patterns and live into your soul’s purpose. Host, Danette May, is one of the world’s leading transformational coaches, health and fitness experts, and a best selling author. On Manifestival, Danette will remind you of your power; help you expand your mind, harness your energy and create infinite possibilities within your own life.You’ll hear epic interviews with some of the world’s most accomplished individuals who have developed incredible mental strength and learned to use this energy field to create miracles. Manifestival will also bring on live guests where Danette will coach them through some of life’s biggest obstacles. You will learn first hand, step-by-step, how to tap into your fullest potential and become a magnetic creator. Manifestival will bring you tools you can implement today in your own journey of self-discovery: relatable stories, invaluable guidance, gratitude practices, tips for manifestation, how to listen to your intuition, and simple ways to nourish your body, mind and soul.There is an infinite field of possibility swirling around you. Are you grabbing hold of it to create the life you want? Text PODCAST to (720) 706 5956 for a chance to participate in a coaching session with Danette. You can choose to remain anonymous.

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Recent Reviews
  • HollywoodBTM
    Manifesting takes you on a journey, a remembrance of who you are, a transformational path to tapping into your own spiritual innate energy to create and manifest your desires though a life you understand and love. Highly recommend especially if you’re interested in higher frequency development. Holly Lombardi DNA Wellness Mind~Body~Spirit
  • Meaning of 222…
    Dear Danette, Thank you for bring us the info regarding meanings of 222 and how/why we, as individuals, and as a collective species on planet earth must turn inward first and foremost to ask the important questions of why? how? what? when life begins to seem imbalanced and a day-to-day struggle. Your gentle but spot-on perspective always offers the positive, never-say-never- you’ve got this, girl, energy that always brings me a calm, clear, vision of how I need to realign myself with Universe/Source/God/Goddess, and trust and believe that my guardian angels and guides have my back, always. Thank you for your wisdom, your vision, your energy, your generosity and compassion. I am so grateful for what you bring, model, and teach! Respectfully and with grace, Heidi
    222 I have been seeing this for the past 3 days. So waking up to this podcast resonates with me. Hands down probably the best podcast that I’ve listen to! Danette has incredible quests that piqued my interest in digging further into my self awareness! I listen to her while I’m On my walk in nature. Thank you for this incredible platform of information & inspiration!
  • Keonalee
    Danette May has inspired me for many years. She rose out of a life of despair and took control of her life and shaped her future. She is a health guru and life coach who helps you emotionally, spiritually, physically, and relationally. She is so trustworthy.
  • Heather555❤️
    Magnificent magnitude
    Each day becomes a canvas of appreciation, painted with the hues of thankfulness for the simple joys, the profound lessons, and the cherished connections that enrich our journey. Gratitude is a melody that harmonizes our hearts and I am hugely grateful for your inspirational podcast! Thank you for sharing your shine. Xx
  • Rali Koleva
    I’m becoming a huge fan!
    I recently found out about Danette after hearing her speak at the summit. I started following her content, and then I recently found that she has this podcast. I I have enjoyed every episode I have listened to. The last episode on money mindset really hit me. I listened to half of it on my way back from work and then I felt the need to journal about my negative money stories. Then I finished the episode today on my way to work, and I resonated with the story Danette shared at the end even more. Thank you Danette for sharing your wisdom, and for motivating me to finally acknowledge and start working on my negative beliefs around money.
  • Beautiful Soul 💖
    💖 Love Manifestival!
    It’s truly magical! ✨ It‘s changed my life & opened up my eyes to new avenues of thinking - To loving myself & others more, stepping into my power, & following my own intuitions. I love listening to Manifestival @ home, traveling in my car, & even grocery shopping. Danette is simply the best! Love her insights, stories, intuitions, & wealth of knowledge! ALWAYS has amazing Guest Speakers! Simply put MANIFESTIVAL IS THE BEST!!! 💝 Thank You Danette 🫶
  • Carla Hollman
    When buying doesn’t make you rich
    I listen to The Danette May podcast every week. I almost didn’t listen to this episode because of the title. But I’m glad I did.
  • jlbaroth
    @danettemay review
    Danette is the real deal! She has taught us so much about mindfulness, healthy eating and movement! Can’t wait to see her take it to another level and teach us how to do the same via her podcast Manifestival!! Bring it girl!! I have listened to nearly all of Danette’s podcast and some twice! The insights, wisdom, guests and the timing of them are impeccable! I always gain nuggets to apply to my own life! Her ability to tackle tough subjects with grace and ease make her easy to listen to and follow! Thank you Danette!
  • Mimi Cracken
    My new Love lol
    I just found Danette…. And I’m obsessed with her energy, her story, and yes this podcast! I love the real tangible steps she gives plus the spiritual side that she brings. She is a true gift to the podcast world!
  • Anita Mamasitaaa ✨
    Amazing podcast
    I love listening to Manifestal podcast. Danette May always had a way to bring people together and share the most profound experiences and stories. I have been fallowing her now for 7 years, done many of her challenges and programs. She is an amazing coach and what’s most importantly she is real and she truly cares for the wellbeing of all and dedicates her time and energy for the better of others. She is a born motivational warrior.
  • Loralei07
    Love this! So uplifting 😊💜
  • TE LlC
    True Potential
    I have been involved with Danette coaching since early 2018 and have met her personally! She is the real deal! She has brought calm to the storm. I look forward to growing toward my true potential and become the best part of me. You will never be disappointed and there is a subject for everyone.
  • Haley Molloy
    This is my go to podcast
    I love Danette I’ve been following her for over 10 years! It never fails. Her podcast are always right on time for me!
  • Zmanbro989
    I just finished listening to the solar eclipse episode- so enjoyed it and needed this!! I think it would serve all of us right now ♥️ Thank you!
  • Liz from SVC
    Life changing
    Lean into the future you want to create. Danette will show you the way. She lays it all out on the table. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful! She is so easy to relate to, it is like sitting down and chatting with an old friend. I have tried first hand many of her suggestions and they are LIFE CHANGING. You can do this, and you should do this. Harness the power that is in you and become who you are meant to be. I cannot recommend this podcast enough, maybe my friends and family get sick of hearing me talk about it. But it is amazing. It can change your life and will if you let it. Go Dan-ette!!!
  • Energy Fields Here and Now
    Energy Field Podcast
    I have been following Danette May since the early fitness/wellness days and recently discovered her podcasts. I have enjoyed them all so far. This latest one in particular regarding energy fields I found incredibly insightful and fascinating. I did see this on Netflix w Goop and I would be grateful for the opportunity to explore and experience this myself. I am open to learning more about how my heart and energy fields can help support my body, mind and spirit and possibly help to heal my being as well. I then could use it to support others and especially young ones.
  • Butterflatisimo
    Love this podcast!
    Dannette is so positive and wise. Amazingly inspirational spiritual podcast!
  • Jamie jone
    So enjoyed the exploration of the energy fields we have and how the effects of healing and connection is a very real practice. It is hard to explain and both Danette and Dr John Amara did a fantastic job of describing the holistic practice. Thank you!
  • Tessiboo22
    Manifestival/Energy Field
    I find this topic very interesting! I’ve always been listening and watching from a distance trying to capture what its all about and try and incorporate it into my MS life. I have had Doctors dismiss me as patients because I choose not to take the “Disease Modifying Drugs” that have horrible side effects and no guarantee of it helping my disease. I choose natural! I learned of Manifestival ;Danette May; Earth Echos from Instagram. Can’t wait to try the products I have ordered.
  • AJCM269
    Addicted to this Podcast
    Loving everything about this podcast, I usually listen while I’m out walking my dog, there’s always no matter what episode I find myself saying a ha yess me too or It gives me all the feels! Danette keep doing your thing you are definitely my life coach thank you for all you do for us and the planet 🫶🏻~Amy M
  • kindpharm
    Resurrection with Joy
    Coming from a life of severe trauma from soon after birth, with a mother who had been severely traumatized and unhealed with borderline personality and depression and a father who also did his best after his own traumatic upbringing, to 50 years of age… I’ll be 51 in June of 2023 and I have found new life filled with Joy- a joyful resurrection 🥰 It has not been easy but so worth it and so grateful for the bravery and love of Danette for sharing her story, struggle and awakening to a new and better way of living 🥰🥰🥰 Listening to this podcast has helped me find a better way to get through this ride on this big rock circling the sun that better serves me, my family and the planet as a whole 🌎👯‍♂️🌎 Thank you 🙏
  • Mitzi LaRue
    Playlist for the soul
    I love Danette’s podcast and the guest she brings onto the show. I listen to this podcast when I am getting ready in the mornings. I agree with her holistic approach to life and find her messages inspiring and powerful to put me in the right mindset to tackle my day with confidence knowing my creator put me on this earth at this moment in time to do awesome things!
  • Tracy Hermes
    The Truth about my religious past and vision for the future
    I love that Danette was interviewed by Brooke so that her listeners can learn more about her and how she got to where she is today. It shows how she has always been a visionary, but had to work through many obstacles to get where she is today. I loved the part about how her intuition was telling her things but she chose not to listen for fear that if she did, EVERYTHING would have to change. Fear is so powerful in keeping people from stepping into their truth. I think we can all relate. And how life is always giving us messages, and it starts off as a whisper...when we don't listen it ends up like a brick on the head. I also loved how she shared that she doesn't fan girl on celebrities, and why I think that resonated with me is because she understands deeply that the same light that is shining in them, is in her too. Great message for all to take away. First step is always to love and honor thyself. Thank you Danette, you are raw, honest, authentic and so full of love. The world needs more of you! Keep shining! ✨
  • Created Future Academy
    A deeper glimpse
    Danette is such an embodied leader and hearing how she navigates life, business, relationships and growth in real time is such a gift. She has great guests and great solo episodes filled with wisdom. You can really feel that she is rooting for you in each episode.
  • Chaw the crime figher
    Danette May
    I have followed Danette May for years. I participated in a couple of programs and I love how she helps the whole person (body, mind, and soul). Her programs are ones that you can adjust to your needs and that you’ll end up turning into a life style instead of just one of those trendy get fit quick schemes that doesn’t ever last. What she says really works and lasts forever. I am currently unable to afford her premium coaching so I love that she had a calling to make this podcast and do it for free. Every episode is relatable and genuine. I have gotten a meaningful message that I have applied to my life from almost every episode. If I am having one of those days I always go back to previous episodes and listen which helps. She’s truly amazing :).
  • Kimmy Kool
    Manifest loading
    This is a great podcast to help me to keep going & to remind myself I still have the power to create the life I deserve.
  • Kusi ocher
    My peace of mind
    Love listening to this podcast because it gives me a chance to quiet down and listen. Listen to Danette, her advice, her guests’ advice and ask myself what serves me and what doesn’t. It’s my little soul time!
  • Atsirk67
    Speaks to my Soul- 5 star review from me
    Love this Podcast! Danette shares so much truth in her Podcasts. They speak to my soul! She shares all that’s she’s learned to help us grow. She is vulnerable & lays out the truth in a way you can really understand.
  • Fabby M
    What a great title Danette. Thank you for your Love for us all. Thank you for loving yourself first and climbing out of the dark. Thank you for teaching us what you learned from what you lived through. I love Myself and anyone who listens will learn too as well. Love the podcasts episodes. Looking forward to the next one. With Love, Fabby
  • BlissfullyJan
    Raw, real and simply awesome!
    I’m so excited that Danette has launched the Manifestival podcast. Having been coached by her for over 5 years now, I can truly say that she has given me the tools to enrich my life. I’ve been focusing on manifesting my dream life and I’m watching things fall into place for me. She serves it up raw and real and I love that about her. Love!
  • Inspiring women
    I have always loved Danette May, her books, workouts and daily emails have been a guide for my mental and nutritional health quest. I love her podcast. Thank you Danette for sharing and advising.
  • SittingTogether
    I love having Danette May’s support!
    Danette is highly knowledgeable, has terrific insights and is always so very inspiring! Having her help to guide me as I move forward with my healthy lifestyle has been tremendously valuable!
  • Hudicat
    Very relatable topics
    I just listened to your podcasts. I enjoyed you interview with Anita so much I am making it a mission to read her book. I am no longer married but I liked the advice you gave your 2nd person. I feel my daughter is in the type of marriage where her partner likes the title husband and father but doesn’t play the part. I try to give her advice so she knows I will always support her but at the same time I need to stay in my own lane. On the other side he is always very rude to her friends and family but she always makes excuses for him. I hope she finds her happiness because I don’t see her smile anymore.
  • Sillygoose73
    Life changer
    Danette had change my life in so many ways. I had learned so much with her Monday mindset and being part of FitRise. I had been a lover of cacao bliss and her books had been inspirational in all levels of my life. Thank you.
  • kaseface87
    Great podcast!!!
    I love hearing the wisdom flow through Danette and the guests she brings on the show. The topics are always relatable and inspiring. Highly recommend taking a listen.
  • Inspired Kim
    Thank You
    Thank you Danette for going to the next level to help others. You continue to grow and evolve your business and with that help others through this awesome social media outlet. I am so excited to have finally started following and listening to Manifestival. It has really been so refreshing and it touches on so many different levels. I can find value in each Podcast I listen to. You are amazing! ❤️
  • Serenity Susan Alice
    Medicine for the Soul
    Listening to Danette fells like listening to advice from a soul sister. We all need to make time for self love. For me that means making sure to spend meaningful time with my friends and family, cooking, exercising, meditating and learning. These podcasts are informative, comforting and intelligent! Thank you Danette May!
  • LBoville
    Love these Podcasts! They are so helpful and informative! They always have good tips for improving my life!
  • M.4.SB
    Mind Changing
    Thank you Danette for your mind changing wisdom- your beauty, mind, and soul is just what I would love to emulate in myself. I was born in Colorado and feel like it’s calling me back- just feels like home whenever I visit. Love and Light
  • Listen to them all
    I love the way Danette always talks about real life topics and opens up my mind to think new thoughts and new ways of processing life
  • Cat R5
    I love this podcast- it has helped me in my life in every aspect! I highly recommend!!
  • Karen Kaderlik
    Manifestival with Danette May
    I can always relate to a few guests and their stories on DANETTE’s podcast. Her expert coaching and genuine concern for others keeps me coming back to hear more. Continually digging deep to be the best person I can be. Thank you, Danette for your contributions and goodness in this world.
  • Secureconcious
    So many nuggets!
    I love the Manifestival podcast. It has a variety of topics that are relatable and some times fascinating! I also love all the free visualization sessions offered to her listeners!
  • Lolita1164
    Finding your own power
    We all hold the power within us. Manifesting and having simple exercises to guide and help us achieve the life we want. I love this podcast. It resonates with me on every level. The affirmations and exercises help us transform our thinking and live happier, more fulfilling life.
  • -Renae
    This podcast is full of so much wisdom, knowledge, and insight! If I had to use just three words to explain how this podcast will affect you, I’d use the words “healing”, “uplifting”, and “transformational”. I’ve learned a lot about myself through listening to this podcast, and it has been profoundly empowering! Thank you so much Danette… I hold a lot of love in my heart for you and everything you’re doing! I’m getting choked-up while writing this, because your words are what has kept me moving forward and not giving up. You have helped me believe in myself again, and I can’t thank you enough! You’re magic! XOXO
  • jjvibeshealing
    Realistic advice
    Greg podcast, really helpful and real life stuff you can use to manifest and not feel alone. Thank you Danette May
  • Joyful Cindy Lou
    Alway Amazing!
    Every time I listen to this podcast it’s live changing. I am always leaning new things that I can apply in my life or how to shift my thinking. Danette is an incredible soul that has so much to offer and truly wants the best for everyone!
  • Kristen Santa Fe
    Magical Advice on Manifesting
    This is such a powerful program. It reminds you that you have the power within you to create your reality. Love the real world stories and authentic raw truth shared by these guests. Look forward to every episode!
  • GPT. 4
    Always high-quality life-changing information
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