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80'sVillagerHatersNasty and a bad podcast to boot!
Joe The ButcherThe Bar-B-Best!Jordan and Jake know their stuff and are timely with their content (3x per week). They’re also funny and obsessed with baseball, which is how I prefer my hosts!
hannibalmo76Best baseball podcast aroundEver since the Ringer shut down its Ringer MLB show, this is the best baseball podcast around. It’s tightly organized, smart, funny, and full of love for the game.
amfg75Loveya butThese intros are CHEEKS. Just play the ad(s).
The Eagle RamCespedes Family BBQ is BackI’ve followed these guys through several different podcasts. They only get better. Cespedes Family BBQ forever
DavidsheadIt’s incredibly disappointing but not surprising.I was listening to the most recent episode, perhaps the last episode ever and what I heard caused me to leave this review. It’s incredibly disappointing but not surprising. Another hiatus? This is the offseason and a lack of baseball content is absolutely crushing. Almost like hearing that the biggest free agent signing a team has made is Craig Kimbrel. Hey I paid a lot of money for a signed mystery ball and what I pulled Craig Kimbrel. I could try to make it sound better and maybe flip it but no… it’s not for me to try to convince people that adding Craig Kimbrel is a plus move.
chrisalfordBon voyageIt’s incredibly disappointing although, frankly, not surprising
natebuchholz3Incredibly disappointing, although frankly not surprisinggood podcast
MP LutzIncredibly disappointing but not surprising.Always a fun and entertaining listen with tons on baseball insight.
Grant Plunkettincredibly disappointing but frankly not surprisingall hail our lord and savior david rubenstein
Irritated Person 1052Annoying ChadsJust because you spew stats and know big names doesn’t mean you know what you’re talking about. Baseball for dumb casuals.
EthanRKasselEasily My Favorite ShowReally the only show I go out of my way to listen to when there are new episodes. I have a month’s worth of podcasts I’m behind on, but every new Bar-B-Cast episode goes to the front of the line.
FappyPapi10/10Easily the best baseball podcast out there. So funny and so much random niche baseball knowledge. It’s perfect.
Christian from HyattsvilleAppointment ListeningFirst-time, long-time here… The Bar-b-cast is my #1 overall podcast pick. Jake & Jordan have developed a familiar flow and fun-loving vibe over their years podcasting together, and I readily relate to their earnest enthusiasm for baseball. I don’t get the same level of enjoyment out of other quite informative baseball podcasts, and I listen to many of them. They are a fantastic connection point to other members of the baseball media, club front offices, and professional players themselves around the game. You can tell they’ve done an amazing job cultivating relationships and confidently presenting their creative vision in everything they do. I always root for the Cespedes Family BBQ, and am really happy to see their careers taking off in all sorts of ways. To many more Bar-b-casts in the future! 🍻
Jaycee3435078The Bar-B-Boys love ballLove this podcast. It’s informative, fun, sometimes goofy, and Jake & Jordan’s love for the game always shines through. They really know their stuff but what makes the podcast fun for me is their contagious excitement and love for baseball. They also have a unique perspective on players and treat them like human beings as opposed to many sports talkers. That’s all, keep up the great work guys and thank you for all your work! Oh yeah, also…Tony Peña Jr.
baseballjim77Best baseball pod on the internetI listen a ton of baseball pods and this is by far my favorite. Not only are they LEGITIMATE BWAA CARD CARRYING BASEBALL WRITERS (ignore the butt hurt braves fan reviews) they present baseball in the most amusing and relatable down to earth perspective. They lack the egos and disassociation with modern baseball exhibited by some of the older baseball writers with pods. They are funny, smart, insightful, and they care a lot about being professionals while calling it like they see it. Listen to this pod. Ignore the braves fans. Go Jake. Go Jordan. Keep it up
vger8An entertaining baseball podcastThis is my favorite baseball podcast. It’s wonderful hearing Jake and Jordan express their love of the game of baseball. They have good insights and humor as well. Having some humor is nice after a brutal September for the Mariners.
habwbwjdbd djaksnTattle talesThis dude eavesdrops in clubhouses and leaks hawt goss
dexteriteeNot JournosBias fans who masquerade as journalists, they have their head so far up their own behind.
awesomest show everBest baseball podcast Bar noneThese two consistently put out the most entertaining podcast about the mlb there is. I don’t even like Major League Baseball I actually dislike the MLB but I listen to these two every week for hours on end. Because at the end of the day they’re young and fun and provide a fun twist on what’s happening all across the mlb
Henny LoftonCasualsNot where I’d go to find any real takes or knowledge on baseball.
JoshAtTheBeach77Braves Fan Who Loves Bar-B-CastJust want to say that I am a lifelong Braves fan, but I have also listened to this show (the different iterations at least) and loved it for years. When I first heard the report on Arcia’s comments on Harper from Jake, I immediately believed it. You both genuinely follow and love the sport of baseball, and I know Jake would not make up a story for “click bait”. So, as a Braves fan, thank you for making some of the best baseball content out there, but I do not thank you for the extra bulletin board material you just gave the Phillies. Keep doing what you’re doing!
Steven000Baseball funHard to find a high energy, high humor baseball podcast. This one’s it.
ColeZzzFunny + Informative ….. But Let It Breathe, Dudes!Jake and Jordan are goofy in a good way and their knowledge (expertise, even) of amateur baseball provides a dimension of credibility that many baseball podcasts lack. However, I wish the pod was less beholden to time constraints and commercial breaks. I presume there has to be a lot of structure since it’s a Sirius XM production. But every ep sort of feels like a race against the clock. It’d be fun to listen to the boys just riff a little more……even if it meant not being able to hit every single news item of the day.
StuScottFanBest baseball pod in 2023Best combination of passion, knowledge and humor on the baseball interwebs.
ElpadredenolanKnowers of ballJake & Jordan know ball and got some jokes. it’s the 2 things I look for in a pod, can you share some knowledge and make me laugh and these dudes go back to back upper tank every episode.
Donni112233The best baseball podcastThis podcast walks the line between informative and entertaining perfectly. Their sense of humor makes this podcast unique and they find a way to find joy in all the good, bad, weird, and uggla in baseball!
Matt ElyEverything I want from a baseball podcastPunchy, consistently funny, but also very thoughtful and critical. This pod has absolutely everything.
GabeMichael4210/10One of best baseball podcasts!! These boys, I love these boys
ronginsdWe tI was fed e Edt t I iee see SSH if xE as Ed fwalk I think try
MichaelM0The best part of my MWF!Getting to wake up 3 days a week and knowing there is a new BBCast to listen to is better than any cup of coffee!!!!
bt12359775578The 2012 Miguel Cabrera of Baseball PodsJordan and Jake are podcast vets with fresh takes and an infectious enthusiasm for the game of baseball. They have a great rapport together, as well as the perfect blend of fan/journalist and vibes/stat-head-ness. Over the last decade this pod has buoyed my own love of baseball despite some tough seasons from my hometown M’s. Make this pod a regular part of your week! Long live Hiram Bocachica.
hughdarvish99HughYu Darvish
Coach GusGiddy UpLove the pod. It’s a fun listen.
wotnonsenseRules fail.Stoooopi start to the show.
DocJJEBaseball Bar-B-CastRJ Reynolds
brhauIt’s litHiram Bocachica
cfbcfbcfbcfbZach DukeZach Duke
Plenty of teachingBest MLB podcastWish I could find other podcasts like this one for the NHL. Smart and dumb. Great humor, but also a great overview of the narratives that make baseball great. Excellent context and live reporting.
Aharr1Javier ValentínJavier Valentín
IAmCharlesLOLNotReallylove the content, recording quality is poorlong-time fan, love the actual content, love Cespedes Family BBQ, loved the pod on the Ringer, but PLEASE fix the audio as it’s becoming unlistenable (harsh highs / lows and plosives) and at times indecipherable (jordan sounds like he’s being recorded as if someone is running past him with a microphone). they were recently guests on Effectively Wild and the difference was night and day and I got to enjoy two of my favorite podcasters without the distraction of the extremely uneven audio. help!!!!
wiscolegendAnalysis LackingThe Cespedes BBQ guys are great and funny when they bring out the personal side of the game. That said, Jake’s actual analysis and takes can be really annoying and makes the podcast unlistenable at times. He really likes the Padres, Mets and recently the Phillies. That is all fine and good but it comes at the expense of disparaging comments about other teams that have had similar or more success in the past few years. (Braves, Brewers, Guardians, Rays, Twins, Giants etc) I hope he can become better as time goes on because the other content on the podcast is great.
gchildforeverGood StuffLyle Overbay
burstahurstDoug DrebekDoug Drebek
ryshannHideki OkajimaHideki Okajima
Fern from MIGreat podcast!Mickey Morandini
ronGantRyan KleskoRyan Klesko
Chelseafan0082627Greg NortonGreg Norton
bxrosenbergReally entertainingFelix Pie
KeanuthonBris LordThe Human Eyeball
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