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WatsonyrmindLove Show/not so much AdPlease consider a different advertiser. The Rush Limbaugh voice for AI triggers PTSD
Bob_W.She’s out thereA malcontent far leftist who brings on other idiotic malcontent whiny leftists; what more could you ask for? It is almost funny listening to it. I don’t know how they can speak through their pacifiers.
Gibi1010Gives me hopeThank you for giving us insight and hope that we need so badly
Marybeth58My favorite political podcastLove this podcast. Molly JF had a great sense of humor while dealing directly with the most challenging issues facing our country right now. Her guests are top notch! I am always anxious for the next episode.
TarzjaniTrump will not leave this timeTrump wouldn’t support Vance because he is not planning to leave
80221Thomas FrankThomas Frank thinks that the majority of voters are policy wonks/pundits like he & his cronies. He’s dead wrong. No mention of the blatant racism of so many whites in America who have been convinced that brown people will overtake them & treat them as badly as they have been treated. And all the lies. Since LBJ, southern whites have vowed to vote against the Democrats. Talk about being elite & not realizing it.
MarbenmalDecent content, bad delivery.I find it hard to focus on the content, which I generally agree with, because Molly‘s voice is an assault on my ears.
Grape456Keeps us saneMolly’s podcast was the first thing I could listen to after 11/5. I have otherwise stopped watching MSM.
MMckennzieLove MollyI just wish she didn’t get so depressed all the time. I love Mondays with Rick Wilson.
Josh Pichon12.25.24 episodeThat’s not the John Ganz who wrote when the clock broke. The writer is American and the guy on the 12.24 episode does not speak in an American accent
Pablo PuppyFollett is my Favorite AuthorNow he maybe my favorite famous person. What a fantastic , but all too short, show. Absolutely brilliant.
Ccbg77Great podcastKeep the truth out there for us and this IS NOT NORMAL
Tom HallLove MollyYesterday, Today, Tomorrow — the best podcast — zero competition. Insightful. Fun. Rockstar. I’m a political/Social Media professional who is constantly impressed.
Prometheus---J Edgar Hoover vs Kash PatelGiven the choice between J. Edgar Hoover OR Kash Patel as FBI Dir., I’d pick Hoover everyday of the week.
Thisisafakenameftwtoo many commercialsHard to listen.
Le Fem MedicLove you Molly…butForcing federal workers back into an office or risk getting fired is no big deal to you Molly? These people are not married to venture capitalist. Not only are their livelihoods at stake, but so is their mental health. America doesn’t deserve federal workers.
JLC5270Love itRick and Molly together is fun and educational! Love Charlie Sykes
Me for heavenNot addressing the problems.How about we talk about what caused the red wave? Let’s quit pretending that the hatred for Trump is enough to run a country please. Democrats need solutions and not validation for the same things that’s aren’t working. Let’s start by quitting the constant judging and silencing those with opposing views.
C.A. O.Cranky old womanMolly, please please keep podcasting. Hope is elusive right now. Also a word from Rick Wilson. I miss him
SucyvtddtDisagreeDemocrats have to fight lies. Harris offered tax credits for home buyers & first time parents 45 talked about eating pets. Americans are not ready for a woman president. Racism & misogyny are alive & well in our country. 45 appeals to their worst feelings. It’s a sad commentary on America. How can citizens vote for someone with such a horrible disposition? He won’t do a thing for them.
ben nahanListenerMolly I love your podcast and I NEVER thought you told us that Kamala was definitely going to win. In fact I totally felt your angst and worry about the election! Keep fighting the good fight
molly dollyNPI love your podcast.I just started listening in august, and haven’t missed an episode since. I share your views on politics, especially with regard to women’s healthcare. I was a Nurse practitioner for 20 years, and did a lot of routine women’s care. Planned parenthood is mostly staffed by NP’s. I have known many NP involved in reproductive healthcare and serve in underserved areas. I wanted you to know that I have had past experience both providing care as well as receiving it. I am so frustrated with the state of women’s healthcare now. I’m no longer working(on disability for Lyme) but the stories I have heard about women having miscarriages and dying of sepsis bring me to tears. First of all Doing a procedure to complete a miscarriage is NOT an abortion. What do they accomplish by waiting to do the procedure. Even if there is still a heart beat there comes a time when providers know the baby will not survive. If men got pregnant we would not be having this discussion. And, do not get me started on methypriwtone. What judge knows more about pharmacology than the FDA. If that trend continues and judges start pulling drugs off the market our healthcare system is in trouble. Again if it were a drug for men such as viagra this would not be happening. I’m sorry this is long but I am very passionate about this. I thought women’s rights had made progress, but with 2 supreme court justices who are abusers it’s obvious nothing has changed when it comes to our bodies and women’s health. The woman who accused Kavanaugh was not treated any better than Anita Hill. I could go on but I’ll end here My name is Molly. I'm 64 and when I was young the only others named Molly were dogs. I just heard you mention that and I LOL’d. I was sad I could Never get a License plate with my name for my bike.
mizJpriceDef cringe worthy materialiVery immature…in an annoying way…just dumb opinion if you ask me, with bad personalities. I don’t like to cringe so much…if you do, you’re at the right place. My ears hurt.
Salena97202Take His Money - All Of ItI was listening to the episode airing 10/30/2024 when I thought I was having a stroke. Not one, but TWO Trump ads aired! Sneakers! Watches! Normally I’d feel ill, but then I realized how much money Molly & Company are taking from the Orange Mussolini and I felt pure joy. Hahahaha keep practicing capitalism on the capitalists and use it to take him down for good.
Szq115Trump commercials on your podcast, why?I listen to your podcast religiously so was very disappointed to hear trump commercials during breaks selling his golden sneakers and watches. Pls be more selective on who advertises on your podcast. Thanks
Dharma25Too many F-bombsI usually love this podcast. I’m not a prude but could do without all the F bombs from Molly!
athoughtbytimGreat pod!Love the pod! You gotta do a better job of letting us know about Jesse Cannon’s bio! I had no idea he was a music marketing person!
sfncar“Unless somehow Harris can win this election”Sorry Molly, I’m done listening to your stupidity. What a thing to hear at 8:30 with my morning coffee. What in the world do you think you’re adding to the conversation? Please go find another job and stop talking from the ledge.
Richard Miami BeachNot Enough CommercialsGreat commercials but they are interrupted too often by the pesky host and guests yammering. You could easily fit in more advertising so why don’t you?
A UK fanDonald is a FascistWake up America
Karen0717Love Molly, hate the new format.I get the news 1 million places. I want to hear Molly‘s interviews.
grannyartemishappypandaLove you, but “pundits” has ONE “n”!I LOVE listening to your podcast. However! Could you puh-LEEZ learn to pronounce “pundits”? You guys, there is no second “n”. Pun-dits, not pun-dints! I flinch every time.
GladysNanceLove Molly!Better without Rick—especially in the post-VP debate episode.
KO313Thumbs down for new formatI like meeting members of Congress 2-3 times per week. That was unique. I can get the news anywhere. I do approve of more Jesse. Love Molly, but 3 times per week sufficed.
DionIrvineMore MollyYay more Molly! Love the show .
KathyDunwoodyNew FormatLove the new format and look forward to your take on the news!
Linda StormsMore of the best!Excited to tune in 4 times each week (especially Saturdays) Thanks for the brilliant content, Molly.
TaralaineeHighly encouraging listenJust love Molly! She is entertaining and I usually feel better after a show. Great guests and important conversations! And excited for the new 4x a week format!💜😬
listener954Love all the voices! BUTI wish people— especially women— would change from “abortion rights” to the more accurate $ inclusive “women s health” or “women s reproductive rights.” Yes abortion has been made the focal point, but do not be deceived! This is about the control of women s body at a basic level which impacts our career choices, family choices, etc. Women —like men— in a democracy should be free to choose how they imagine their lives.
KosterbelleDiving Deeper Into the Why if the GOPThe explanation of how Project 2025 got its start decades ago by establishment Republicans is worth the listen. It’s eye opening to realize that Trump wasn’t the beginning of the “fall” of the GOP but rather the impetus that propelled the completion and “rise” to power sought relentlessly for decades. Full of details and names and actions by what could be called the real deep state. However, the only thing missing from this in-depth explanation is the unspoken motivations behind this GOP transformation. The GOP recognized the generational impact the rights that were opened to two huge voting demographics, women and minorities. And the credit for freedoms that would be felt for generations goes to Democrats and democracy. Bad news for a GOP future.
VAgrrlPlease, MollyI appreciate and enjoy the guests on this pod, but please don’t interrupt the folks being interviewed. It’s a matter of manners and for those of us without the best hearing it’s a matter of comprehension.
AnneE!Love the show butI don’t like how Rick cuts Molly off ALL THE TIME. They are both smart and quick witted. Just wish she’d get equal time and he’d let her complete a sentence.
brad5starEveryone needs thisSo funny and insightful.
Lincoln Project fan friendNot just adultery, but criminal child sexual predationI love hearing Rick & Molly banter each week. Rick accurately described corrupt Evangelical leaders & adultery. It’s worse than that though. These twisted powerful leaders in this subculture are involved in criminal child sexual predation. Rape, sexual assault, and child porn comprise the crimes listed with the average of 2 NEW mugshots I repost EACH day on Twitter. Please call this what it is! I LOVE your banter.
davptCan someone who works on this showPlease tell Molly it’s pronounced MIF-e-pristone, not “meth-e-pristone”? Please.
Melanie from GeorgiaRequestLove your podcast and listen to it every week. I am writing to request that you do a podcast on the current state of journalism. I feel that Trump is not being fact-checked as thoroughly as everyone else. This is quite troubling and we should be holding journalists to a higher standard. Thanks for your great work. Melanie from Mariettta, Georgia
K.Gallanttête-à-têteI really enjoy getting information in the format of an intimate conversation. Intelligent answers to well thought out questions and diverse topics with unique guests, on every episode. Molly has a way of having a deep conversation with each guest and it feels like we’re all just sitting around a bar, having a cocktail and sharing intimate secrets. Great podcast.
Justin F1Why did Sykes Say That? 02/08/24“Hey, from one crappy Jew to another, I guess.” …And he says he’s not jewish. Beyond crude. 5 stars for Molly
gigi11222Stuart StevensStuart Stevens is always the voice of reason. I regularly search for Stuart and will listen to him on any podcast or clip! Thanks, Molly, for a great interview with Stuart. I also wanted thought Biden could win and wanted him to stay in, so I’m very grateful that you gave a voice to this opinion (many refused to even acknowledge it) and showing it’s possible to provide full Harris campaign while being disappointed with the pundit and media treatment of Joe Biden.
t808mmyHorrible anti-white and anti- ChristianFilled with sophomoric views on the world. This “lady” tries to stick with the mundane appeal of every other person towing the liberal-centric media. If you’re looking for a stimulating conversation don’t come to this podcast. You’ll likely feel less knowledgeable than you were in 5th grade after listening
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