The LOOPcast


Tom, Erika and Josh keep you on top of news and culture with a healthy serving of humor.We may be in the twilight zone, but we are in it together.
LIVE shows every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11:00 ET.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mia Bree
    Delightful & Informative
    Loopcast is a fantastic way to learn the news in the world & the Catholic Church, while being delighted by the humor of the hosts. Erika is so sweet and thorough in her research, while Josh’ sarcasm and rants frequently match my own attitudes towards things. It is on my “must listen to” list for podcasts, and should be on yours too!
  • Christine1 in Virginia
    Catholic and conservative
    Right up my alley. I appreciate the Catholic perspective on the news as well as news on Catholicism. I learned what TLM is. Not a fan myself: I was young when they changed to English - no desire to return to Latin! Arlington diocese is regularly getting new priests. Great place to be.
  • kimberdancer
    The Catholic Pod I Want…An Edit…
    This trio of courageous Catholics make my day each time an episode is released. I enjoy getting news through a Catholic lens & the banter between the three hosts has me joining in as if I’m there…being a fellow GenX, I do a great deal of head nodding with Josh & Erika & Tom’s GenZ flavor complements the commentary for a balanced, entertaining, interesting, educational, and uplifting podcast! Thank you for this ministry…21st century Catholics need champions of the faith! May the Holy Spirit continue to keep a fire in your hearts for this! God bless you & your families!
  • Gofor3_u2
    Hot Takes from the Truth
    I enjoy the show and hearing perspectives on the latest events and news from a Catholic point of view. Great stuff and keep up the good work. PS Shout out to Tom for keeping it all together.
  • Janice Fahy
    First rate podcast about atheism
    These folks tell us they are Catholics and yet, the hosts are a never-ending font of deceit & dishonesty. I know a LOT about Catholicism and lying is forbidden. It’s super depressing to witness politically-minded Catholics use their time, talent & treasure to confuse listeners and spread lies. Heartbreaking really - self-identified Catholics spreading atheism instead of the good news of Christ. There are Catholic podcasts out there hosted by genuine, confessional Christians - go find one of those and stay far away from the atheists and nihilists of Loopcast.
  • Raging-Reviewer
    Fire 🔥🔥🔥
    This podcast is fire
  • Hate news. Love Loopcast
    Hate News. Love LoopCast
    May 6, 2024 - Still a big fan of LoopCast. While the discussions are too newsy for my liking, though I guess they can’t get away from it - the news these days is exasperating - the crew always entertains as well as informs. A big thumbs up for Josh’s Twilight Zone today! Pope John Wayne! I could absolutely get behind that!
  • catholicmomof8
    Love it!
    I love the camaraderie of your team. Your show is entertaining and informative.
  • Nebraskanicky
    Good info, but I hate when Tom talks to Josh like he’s his dad. **Ok, first of all, of course I’m listening! Second, I meant Tom talks to Josh like Tom is Josh’s dad, and third, hate was a strong word, my bad. It’s Friday, I changed it to four stars.
  • FrancieP
    Great to have Ericaback!! Great Stuff
    Love your podcast. Keep it going. Your hosts are very smart, truly Catholic based and on top of current issues.
  • Abe53
    Best News Coverage with Catholic values
    You don’t have to be Catholic to appreciate this podcast. I appreciate the insight and background of current events. I just unsubscribed from NPR and subscribed to this one.
  • kenhagen
    Love the show
    Engaging and thoughtful. One of my favorites for news.
  • 1391
    Volume levels are problematic
    One voice level to low to hear one normal and the other painfully high. Every single podcast has this problem.
  • Jubilee Vineyard
    Best newscast
    Insightful, informative and faithful. Presented with a good attitude and the dash of humor. Samantha Stephenson has a podcast, Brave New Us. She does a terrific job, resenting the problems with the transgender ideology affecting our society. Please consider interviewing her on your podcast. 1SG (Ret) Dave H.
  • 58ric
    Great show
    So many good points
  • jeannie_waitress
    So out of touch
    Just more propaganda 👎🏽
    I enjoy this program very much.
    This podcast is very informative and has a very strong and engaging Catholic view. It is refreshing to have a program that is high in morals and can literally tell true facts of a subject. This podcast is one of my top go to podcasts.
  • dymphna515
    Sorry to say goodbye
    I’ve been following this show for awhile now and I just can’t anymore. The surprising lack of compassion, poor recognition of nuance, and failure to argue in good faith is disheartening. An oft-cited criticism of this team is that political opponents or “liberals” (a term used flippantly and without definition) do not see or respond to the issues Christians are sympathetic to. While I have no opinion one way or the other on whether “liberals” argue in good faith, the criticism is undermined when the side of the Christian fails to do exactly what they want the other to do. For example, in addressing immigration, the hosts wholly fail to recognize concerns beyond the headlines. Instead of criticizing a school system for housing immigrants on their football field and then moving them to the school building, which in turn caused the students to have e-learning days, why not criticize the lack of funding to social services? Why not criticize that an appropriate shelter isn’t available? Why not advocate for social workers to be paid more? Why use a comparison to a visit Vegas when the reality for migrants is often so much more horrific? Why not argue that the problem of high immigration should be responded to in a humane way? Why not articulate a viable solution? Instead, the concern is limited, focused on tax payers, “rich people,” and students. While this focus is not totally wrong, it oversimplifies the issue to the point of undermining it. Be wary and think critically, Catholics. Issues are rarely as simple as they seem. The biggest issue I have with this podcast is the “us” v. “them” rhetoric. Of course an advocacy group should make clear stands. Of course a podcast is not a place to make concessions on every issue. These are practical realities. What is troubling is that the permeating language subtly encourages listeners to find an an enemy in every “liberal,” “democrat,” “rich person,” or “pope-splainer.” This is frankly not how you advocate well, nor how you make a credible argument, and is a poor use of pathos. I have to stop listening because I don’t want to seek out enemies in my coworkers, colleagues, or family members. I can’t serve well those who I am encouraged to view as my enemy. And by absorbing my Catholic commentary from those who see enemies in the only slightly left-leaning, I am bound to start seeing enemies in those who were once friends. I would never encourage a friend to continue to consume another form media like that, so it’s time to stop doing it myself. Thank you, hosts for the research you do and the attempt to communicate. Thank you for the behind-the-scenes good that you do. I just can’t follow your lead anymore. I may listen a few times in the future, because I hope that this criticism is responded to well, but my support of your use of this platform troubles my conscience and it’s time to say goodbye.
  • jenStodds
    Thank you for bringing light and truth to issues that are important to Catholics (or should be). I talk about this podcast with my husband and older children all the time (we have seven kiddos and will include all of them when the time comes). We appreciate what you are doing and the balance you provide.
  • Valley of Tears
    Just listened to your December 29, 2023 podcast I’m an old lady Catholic. I’m pre-Vatican II and have seen many changes in the church. Don’t necessarily like what’s going on right now but I have a big problem with what I believe morally and ethically about my faith and how politics have invaded it. I especially now with Trump and his immoral and unethical behavior and his his preaching of revenge and breaking laws and how a lot of these podcasts that are Catholic oriented support him and Fox News in the spreading of what I think are lies. I don’t think this behavior and their interpretations resonate with my belief and what Jesus Christ teaches. I don’t think Biden is an example of adhering to Catholic dogma I am tired of media questioning his mental capacity. As an old saying goes. He’s forgotten more than Trump has ever known. Trump admires dictators and by his own words would abolish many of our democratic institutions. I pray for this wonderful country that is the United States of America!
  • daydaymarie
    Please report the truth
    I am so very tired of hearing things about the Pope that are untrue. I used to like the podcast but I really have a problem with the spreading of mis- information. The issue of blessing same sex marriages, really, that’s not what he said and I’m sure you are all intelligent enough to know it. You have a platform to do good. You should be correcting the headlines of MSM but instead you are feeding into it. Shame on you.
  • angelagraf
    Interesting content
    You have struck the balance of information and culture through the work of the Holy Spirit. I am hooked on this show and it’s a thrill to hear the Catholic perspective on current affairs. Thanks!
  • Wild about elehants
    Informative & entertaining
    I have been enjoying the LOOPcast! It’s a great way to stay up to date with what’s going on in the Catholic world! Josh, Erika and Tom offer insightful and varied perspectives while remaining upbeat. The “Twilight Zone” is aptly named.
  • one Catholic dad
    Informative, entertaining, Catholic
    My favorite podcast that I look forward to each Thursday! Informative weekly highlights of key news stories and current issues by knowledgeable hosts and an authentically Catholic perspective.
  • NancyinAlexandria
    Such intelligent discussions on this podcast
    The hosts of this show address these important issues facing Catholics with intelligence, good humor, and compassion. They walk the walk and not just talk the talk for their faith. Please keep up the good work.
  • EdisonNJ
    Critical of Pope Francis
    The hosts criticism of Pope Francis is disrespectful of his Office as the Vicar of Christ. Also, is there such a thing as a liberal Republican in congress?
  • Algetbacktoyou
    5 Stars for the Loop!
    The loop team is awesome! I love getting a Catholic perspective on current news of the day. I appreciate your levity at times and how you can make me laugh. I am impressed that you never forget to remind us to pray and pray more often. I look forward to every podcast! Thank you for all the research you do, and the depth of understanding you bring to current topics.
  • GringoBob01
    I look forward every week to the three of you and bringing us perspective on world and Catholic happenings. On a critical note: Josh could pay more attention to the endless “you knows, I mean” and “like…..”. This demeans you when I know you’re very intelligent.
  • Longtime user 12
    Catholic by name, woke by influence.
    As a young practicing Catholic, I was hoping for a simple, objective view of political issues from a catholic perspective but was pretty disappointed by the subliminal influence of anti-conservative woke-ism from the hosts. It is clear that they try to at least read some stories from both sides which is good, but will draw overly simplistic, critical, and sometimes personal-attacking conclusions more often towards conservative viewpoints. Josh is the only one who actually seems to understand history and foreign policy but he also has a tendency to randomly go off on personal rants against conservative actions. At least he does it against both sides of the aisle sometimes. The other hosts are classic Gen Zers who regularly make personal jabs at conservativism. At least have the decency to rename your organization from CatholicVote to something else so you don’t keep manipulating people into thinking that they’re not Catholic if they don’t agree with you. Maybe “Catholics Who Typically Vote Anti-Republican” would be good for your brand!
  • DCIw2hybz
    Honest and Vibrant
    I love the perspective on this show! Josh is so much more informed on the inner workings of American politics than I will ever be, Erica always brings well researched viewpoints and info with her motherly presence, and Tom does a good job of bringing it all together. Also the only podcast that has ever given feedback when I’ve written in, which is much appreciated! Nice to know the audience is truly heard. Praying for you all.
  • RexGa/Fl
    Enjoying the show - 5 Gold Bars.. I mean stars
    Big fan since discovering the show. I appreciate the honesty and levity they give to the situations at hand. Sometimes a little too negative for my glass half full personality but that’s another reason I like to listen; because it keeps me balanced.
  • libra276
    Great mix and perspective
    Listened to my first episode and I am hooked! It was a great balance between the three hosts, and a positive, Catholic-centered review and analysis of news and politics. I enjoyed the lightheartedness, clarity of Catholic doctrine issues, and alternative perspectives then my own on current events. Will definitely be recommending to my friends and family.
  • Sbalceniuk
    2x the LOOPcast!
    I vote YES for twice a week Loopcasts!
  • Roberca2
    Terrific show
    Great combination of news, humor and straight facts about church and culture
  • rsidrys
    Current events through a Catholic lens
    I always look forward to the engaging conversations and commentary about the week’s social, political, and cultural issues. Down to earth, fun, and knowledgeable cast.
  • RileyA24
    Catholic perspective on news
    I enjoy hearing this podcast every week. I appreciate the Catholic perspective.
  • ATL Lisa C
    Great insight and information; not charitable
    I make sure to listen to every episode because where else am I going to get a well-formed Catholic opinion on current events. I love the Twilight Zone segment as my husband and I often discuss how we feel we are living in upside-down world. All that being said, I do wish the hosts would expand their example of Catholicism to the words they use when talking about other sons and daughters of God. It is clear that our faith informs us in ways that directly contradicts the mainstream, and that the evil one is clearly active in our country, particularly in our politics, but we are still called to treat each and every fellow human with dignity and respect and that extends, I believe, to the words we use.
  • trebird
    Ease of explanation
    Great podcast! Love how you give explanations on issues to help us understand them better.
  • Woodpen38
    Thank you
    Thank you for keeping me abreast of everything that is being swept under the rug by the MSM. I truly enjoy news from a Catholic perspective.
  • Antcam5
    New listener
    Appreciate insightful takes on current topics from a Catholic perspective.
  • Kfkfktkgk
    I never miss a show!
    You guys are wonderful! I love all the political info, keeps me up to date, and I can listen while I am getting everything ready to start our very busy day as a family!
  • Great Podcast subscription!!
    Love this podcast
    Thank you all for the time you give to Catholic Vote. I am so glad I have found this podcast. You all have helped me understand and be excited about my Catholic Faith and current affairs of today. Praying for you all and this podcast, God Bless you all!
  • Cathy in AR
    the Loopcast is Terrific!
    Great weekly rundown of top news stories on both Church and culture. Entertaining as well!
  • Kyleemar
    Great unbiased info
  • MelissaRose58
    Thursdays is my new favorite day!
    Every week I eagerly anticipate the latest episode from the Loop Cast! Honest, true and informative, this crew is on top of the latest news stories, especially ones that aren’t covered by the mainstream media (but should be). Thank you for incorporating a Catholic perspective and for your courage in reporting what others won’t! God bless!
  • PlantStrongEater
    Surprisingly interesting
    I get the daily Loop email and once was invited to visit the podcast. Then I was hooked. Although I read more than I listen, the reverse is true for this podcast. I really enjoy a fresh look at the news and the premise that I might not like their take on it. Not a narrative. A point of view. I recommend it highly. You will hear about things that MSM never mentions. Great way to round out my view of the world by including this voice.
  • Catholic Mom First
    Love the Loopcast!
    It’s only been a few months since I began listening to the Loopcast, but I’m so glad I did! I look forward to it each week, but wishing it was on more. Although I do listen / read a variety of things, listening to the Loopcast is one of the best and reading The Loop is something I do everyday. Thank you for all that you do😊
  • AJG04
    It lacks Catholic charity
    It has a lot of potential, but needs a great deal of improvement. While I agree with most of their views on the podcast, the tone in which they take is incredibly uncharitable. Josh has few kind words for anything discussed.
  • fsfda
    Wonderful insight
    Love the bantering back and forth .
  • maroon212
    Great podcast - with one exception.
    There is so much I enjoy about the LOOPcast. Timely info, solid Catholic content, interesting, balanced opinions, great guest interviews. One thing drives me crazy, though, and that is Josh’s constant interjection of “you know”. That is so distracting, Josh! Sorry to be so nitpicky…
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