Project Unabom


Decades after Ted Kaczynski was caught, society is still asking some of the same questions about him: Is Ted a genius who went astray? Or simply a madman who murdered three people in cold blood? Project Unabom takes an in-depth look back at the Unabomber saga and Ted Kaczynski's legacy from the perspective of FBI agents who worked to solve the case, his brother who turned him in, and Ted’s very own writings. 

New episodes out every Monday. 

Project Unabom is an Apple Original podcast, produced by Pineapple Street Studios. Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts.

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Recent Reviews
  • ksfische
    So. Well. Done.
    Amazingly well done, amazing storytelling
  • torreyt25
    Static in Episode 7
    I love the podcast as well! Great story telling. I was also getting static in episode 7, so I deleted the downloaded version and streamed it instead and no static. 🤷‍♂️
  • DZG8732
    Episode 7 is unlistenable. Static through first 20 minutes.
  • Hiimsam
    Static on Episode 7
    Couldn’t listen to most of Episode 7 because of static.
  • Philtable
    Great podcast but is anyone else getting a corrupted file with static in episode 7 ?
  • MidwifeJen13
    Wonderful- but episode The Arrest is full is static
    I loved this podcast and was looking forward to hearing about the day of the arrest. Unfortunately I think the file is corrupted as it was filled with static off and on. I hope it gets fixed soon!
  • Diremax
    Well done!
    This remarkably detailed podcast took me back to the 80s and 90 in my twenties and thirties. I remember hearing about the unabomber after his arrest. By this time I was well into a life on the edge of society, nothing like Kaczynski, not totally isolating myself; but moving to the mountains, living on as little as I could. Having a very frugal existence but not solely non-technical. I drove old junker cars and I would work seasonally to save money for the rest of the year and spend time in the deserts and mountains of the west. I considered myself (still do) a deep ecologist, and non-violent eco-defender. 9/11 and the internet and just getting older changed that to a large degree. I moved to urban areas to protest against war and got involved in the labor movement. I fell in love and became entwined with lovers who were not into living on the edge. So here I am. Ted was very angry. Understandably so. But his anger was so disconnected from his humanity he either already was or became dangerously sociopathic. As disenchanted I get with my fellow humans, I don’t want to be that person. So, I hope he found some peace toward the end, but he did what he did and paid for it. On an aside, he deserved what he got, but if you look at the mass murderers in suits and uniforms raining death down on tens, hundreds of thousands and millions of people and then retire with pensions…well it makes you think.
  • foxsongs
    Really great
  • CJW-DisneyPrincess2
    Wow. I’m so impressed with this whole series - incredibly well-done, very well-produced, and so thoughtful in every word stated. I’m so glad that multiple perspectives were able to be shown by the individuals that lived them, and so grateful to have been able to listen to their stories (that were expertly weaved together).
  • Deni6'4"
    Great detail
    Great in-depth reporting on a story where most of us only know the broad story and not the details.
  • DSS333
    One of the best series I’ve listened to. I listened straight through. Very well done.
  • KJ from KY
    Like most people, I was aware of the story and had seen the artist rendering numerous times when the story would, again, make the evening news. If you have ever wondered what is it in someone’s life experience that leads to a path like this, this is for you! Very, very well done.
  • aducuvoysie
    Worth listening
    I really enjoyed this podcast. I knew this story, but not the details. This podcast was interesting and well done.
  • booboobooobaaaaaaa
    High quality, wish there were more episodes
    I’m a true crime fanatic and this was seriously one of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to. The host is amazing, the research is very thorough, story telling is top notch, the flow of the episodes is really natural and easy to follow, and the best part of all…. No ads <3 thank you to pineapple street studios please make more podcasts like this!!!!!
  • LoliFre
    Great podcast!
    Amazing podcast with so many interesting details and interviews. On the edge of my seat the whole time and so glad to know more about what happened.
  • Queen4225
    I listen to a lot of podcasts and this one is the most/best researched. He tells a very good and structured story. The host’s voice in really clear and warm and doesn’t contain obnoxious hints of his personal perspective which lets the listener form their own opinions. I thought I knew this story well but I learned so much more from this podcast. Really one of the best. GREAT JOB. PLEASE do another
  • TrishyxLou
    Scariest true crime case.
    Always afraid it will happen again đź’” Good on his SIL for speaking up!! This has so many victims that never got a voice and this podcast gives them that.
  • pdtucker
    Very Well Done
    Wonderful production. Thank you!
  • JenBroZ
    Excellent podcast
    Truly excellent reporting, but like others, we were also surprised & confused why Jim Fitzgerald wasn’t mentioned… interesting & odd.
  • worldcupfansinceBWtv
    Time For An Update
    This podcast is a window that puts the Unibomb Case in perspective as to what’s happening now with our society. Tech has improved many aspects of our lives. It gave us the vaccines so we could climb out of the rubble of the pandemic. It also has rapidly caused unquestionable deterioration in the warming of the planet. The out of control development of and easy access to weapons of war and its use for mass murder. Putting electronic devices in our children’s hands may lead to the dumbing & numbing down of our brains. The rush to develop AI which isn’t science fiction anymore, where Hal takes control of the the singular thing it was designed to protect, is terrifying. Technology can be a powerful tool for good. It can also be dangerous and destructive. Theodore Kaczynski in this podcast is both a troubled man and a genius. His warnings are still not measurable. His arguments will have to be proven in the decades to come.
  • Sarahkate622
    A compassionately honest telling of the hunt for a terroist
    This the gold standard of the true crime podcast genre. This is great reporting and great storytelling storytelling.
  • rampitup84
    Great production quality
    Compellingly narrated and paced. Made the timeline easy to understand. Did a great job at exposing the intimate thoughts of those involved. Hoping he makes more pods for Apple.
  • BrianJDoyle
    What a Family
    Man oh man. Great series. I want to know everything about the family growing up… because either nature OR nurture having your only two children both flee their homes and go into seclusion is wild.
  • Alejandrosaurus
    Loved the pod, hated the order
    Can’t explain how well written and produced this mini series was, however to my surprise I started in reverse order at first since I typically start at the bottom as these are the oldest. I was able to figure it out, but sort of odd the sorting.
  • ellemac
    So intense how the family dynamics are explored. Excellent show
  • Nilsome
    Extremely Engaging
    One of the most intriguing podcasts I’ve listened to. This is a well researched and in depth analysis of how Ted Kaczynski became the Unabomber and how his actions affected the people around him as well as the FBI agents and his victims. Excellent podcast.
  • K_Gager
    Really gets you thinking. Great listen
  • CatsDontLikeFancy
    Worth a listen
    Really in depth, learned a bunch about Ted which was unknown to me before.
  • DMBAddict
    A must listen
  • Harpoon 95
    Liked it but . . .
    I liked this podcast a lot - well-told, well-produced, well-written. Here’s my gripe - by focusing so much on the relationship between David and Ted, what gets lost is the real human tragedy of the Unabomber. In the oddest way, Ted, as an extension of David, becomes a kind of protagonist. I walked away from the series feeling misled - as if we never understood the toll on the families and on society of the random acts of Kazinsky’s acts. It all got overwhelmed by the interesting and strange love between these peculiar brothers. It’s a very interesting perspective and one I am so glad to have gotten to know. But, in reality, Kazinsky was a terrorist and murderer engaged in countless acts of mayhem against innocent people. That fact felt like a footnote in this series.
  • auntieowl
    Total hit, binge it, perfectly told
    Very few shows get it this right
  • Lorrie-Loo-Loo
    Interesting, but…
    A good listen. Just wondering why retire FBI profiler, Jim Fitzgerald, wasn’t mentioned or included. As someone who worked on criminal linguistics, spending a lot of time in the manifesto, it seems his contribution could have been included.
  • aj evenwood
    There IS new info - highly recommend
    I’d like to challenge the lower rating reviews grounded in the claim there is no new info - they clearly misunderstood the podcast. This is a 20+ year old case; expecting new information is silly. This podcast created a radically new framing by interviewing many individuals not included in the Netflix documentary, giving voice to the brother, and downplaying the Harvard study(among other choices). It challenges the “why” behind TK and offers a different, perhaps more challenging (because not simple or finite) answer. It would be unfortunate to skip this podcast b/c of unthought through reviews
  • kb948
    Profound and meaningful
    Incredibly well-done and well-researched, but the human grappling with meaning and connection and forgiveness and hatred it displays is what makes this a profound and meaningful podcast. I highly recommend it!
  • JoeyGonnella
    Well produced but no new information
    This is a nicely produced podcast but 90% of the same information can be gathered from the Netflix documentary on the Unabomber that came out a few years ago. Does not have a unique angle on the subject.
  • Giantmomo3
    Well done
    More info than shared publicly. Nicely reported.
  • Ads really?
    Great listen
    This is a very well done podcast. Not only does it go into the unabomber’s crimes but also digs into his life and how he got to stay here ended up. It’s also very nice to hear David’s perspective on all of this and give his brother a real human feel. I still can’t really understand Ted and his psychological problems but it I was moved by how much David and Wanda still loved Ted despite his crimes. Would highly recommend giving this a listen.
  • Mthrbmpr
    No new ground
    Dull. Breaks no new ground except to tell us there were a couple women on the FBI team and the dept. leaned hard on a couple of suspects in Chicago. Also kinda shocking no attention was given to TK’s experience as a subject of psych experiments at Harvard, a crucial element of the story.
  • JMShaffer
    Great Podcast!
    I don’t tend to write reviews…but this is one of the best podcasts. The subject is not new as I think most feel relatively informed about the Unabomber. However, this podcast is so well done. One of the best in my opinion…the content, production, the host, the flow, the details…Great Job!! I learned so much and couldn’t wait stop listening!
  • theAndhedrew
    Compelling story badly let down by the host politicking.
    It cheapens the story when the storyteller injects their political ideology into it. Just let the story stand on its own, don't use it as a vehicle to spread your political beliefs.
  • poor horatio
    Worthy of Your Time
    There are tons of podcasts competing for your attention. This one is excellent and highly recommended. Made an old story new and riveting.
  • Dosman!
    Very Informative
    This podcast was much more informative than I expected. Plenty of recorded audio interviews, both current and historical, to help paint the picture. I can’t recall most of the news coverage at the time, but I really felt as if this podcast filled in some blanks in my knowledge. Well produced and high quality!
  • Taki Z
    Great podcast. But be prepared..
    Fantastic podcast. But I would suggest preparing yourself to come away from this realizing that Ted K was right about pretty much all of it.
  • CJS11111
    Educational and emotional
    I have watched documentaries on the Unabomber, but this podcast gave so much new information from new sources. My heart really goes out to David.
  • Eddier909
    Mr Me
    Outstanding podcast. Learned things I did not know. Great job !!!!
  • D-Litty
    A different look
    A different look at the case that doesn’t focus heavily on what The Unabomber did but rather on how the people involved caught him and were effected by his actions. Excellent producing as well.
  • Couch potatoette
    Well done storytelling!
    Really great podcast - no fat just the story.
  • Breeb714
    FIVE STARS, We’ve heard this story, we’ve seen the Netflix and paid for tv series. But this podcast was a great wrap up and behind the scenes focusing on the people who caught Ted. FIVE STARS
  • E-Dawg54
    Exceptional and emotional
    I expected to learn some facts about the Unabomber. And I did learn a lot about Ted Kaczynski. But what I didn’t expect was how emotionally moving this podcast was. Especially when getting to know Ted’s brother David and his parents. I was in tears by the last episode. So well done.
  • jldela85
    Thoughtful, balanced
    What a great podcast. Well-written, well-researched, well-presented. I didn’t think I needed to hear another account of the unibomber but this provided something fresh and new and insightful about this sad chapter in our country. Thank you.
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