Nontendo Podcast

Leisure #73Video Games #16

Nontendo Podcast is a weekly Nintendo podcast, hosted by Wood from Beatemups.

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Recent Reviews
  • greekappi
    Very fun and unique goofy Nintendo times!
    This is a great show because it’s so free form and flowy. Also, Wood, please don’t feel down with people saying they miss Bob. You were the best part when he was there (I’m biased because I hated how he said Mario as “May-rio”). I feel the only thing that could be improved is that you discuss much less about the actual show and content creating and just focus much more just on discussing Nintendo. Basically do the show rather than talk about the show. Keep your head up! If you had left and Bob stayed then it would have totally sucked. That guy seriously is annoying, ha! Kidding! Maybe?
  • CappyFMO
    Wood is cool.
    Other than all the random sexual innuendo. If that stops, I’ll give it 5
  • Datboidud
    This is entertaining
    I watch Beatemups eveey day and when I can't watch him I can listen to this
  • Madman_07012
    I love it
    I watched beat em ups YouTube and this podcast is amazing it talks about manly Nintendo news and what happened, what will happen, rumors, and what should happen they also talk about Pokémon a few times and over all just a amazing podcast I definitely recommend listening it!
  • 602 s0s
    Love the podcast
    I look forward every week to the Podcast.. I’ll miss Bob but it’s good hands with Beatemups.
  • plattor
    Awesome show.
    I’ve enjoyed this show for ages. And I loved wood as your cohost, and I love the idea of having different cohost every episode, but Austin John should be your permanent cohost.
  • Karticus20
    Good clean fun
    I enjoy listening in to Wood and guests speak about topics and gaming in general. I’ll miss Bob, but I don’t think it’ll be too much to get him back on the show every once in a while, especially since he won’t have any responsibility for the writing and direction of the episodes. Looking forward to seeing a lot of new faces this year. Keep it up Wood!
  • isalicia
    I love the podcast but the ads are so random
    The ads in the episodes are so random and the volume is so out of wack. It would be great if you threw to an ad segment so I know when you to expect them, especially because some episodes are sponsored. I want to listen to the podcast more but the ads are so intrusive and I don’t want to pay for a Patreon to get rid of them. That’s a video game scummy technique to make money.
  • Lionheartdamacy
    Glad to see Nontendo Podcast return!
    Nontendo Podcast has become a staple of my week. When I heard it was ended I was devastated— yet here we are, in 2024 Wood and Scott the Woz! I can’t speak highly enough of Wood and this podcast. It’s one of the few podcasts I can relax to and feel as though I’m chilling out with the hosts Keep it up!!
  • Koro Sensek
    Bob…pls don’t leave us
    I just finished my second listen of episode 84…I’m sitting here crying. I’m not ready to lose bob. I’ve listened to over 71 episodes in the last week because I’m not ready for this era to end. Trying to convince my dad to let me sub to the patreon. Wood, thank you for inspiring me to become a twitch streamer ThePackRat
  • Cadwal
    Not ready to end
    Wood and Bob are amazing and the Nontendo podcast is too young to die. I hope to see it reach 100 and keep growing. Maybe have a rotating hot seat going forward.
  • Josh r 126
    I love beatemups
    I really love the channel beatemups and bob wulff and they are the main reasons I like switch so much and it is super cool to be able to hear them talk about Mario and Zelda and all things gaming.
  • Mike loves convenience
    Sad it’s ending, but…Have Co-Host audition episodes
    While both of you are still doing the podcast together, you should have co-host replacement auditions through the end of the year! If it works out, great! If not, at least you tried! Co-Host Suggestions: Scott the Woz Alpha Omega Sin Me Billy Gamechaser Guy …or me?
  • TokeyFroakie
    I’m so sad
    You guys are so great together. There really aren’t any shows doing what you do as well as you do it. I look forward to your shows all week long. I really hope wood finds a way to carry on in some format. It’s too good to just let it die. Best wishes though bob. As a fan I still love you
  • cfhggbhfcggfncdg
  • Paulson26
    Certified AAA 5 Star Banger
    I stumbled across this podcast and I am over the moon. These guys are hilarious and knowledgeable. Their chemistry is absolutely tremendous. Highly recommend!
  • Jlaconcha89
    I love this podcasts
    Found bob by accident on YouTube and then this podcast and is super fun.
  • Howard Stern’s Penis
    I will not comment
    Bob said to not comment on this podcast anymore so I will not comment on this great podcast
  • Cort Willis
  • cfjjgffh
    This is the coolest podcast dude
  • dgreggregerrge
    please do another which character would win episode
    it was so fun please
  • itsmevictory
    Great podcast
    The only gaming podcast I actually like. LOL.
  • gary the gator
    I watch both of the YouTube channels and I love them
  • Gabriel5597
    Love listening when I’m bored to get caught up on the latest Nintendo news.
  • respawn?
    Love the pod
    This is my favorite podcast it helps me get through long work hours and I really enjoyed you guys as YouTubers so it was really nice to have your channels to watch and your podcast Keep up the good work
  • Arun Bradbury
    Amazing and Informative
    Great people! Sometimes gets a bit chaotic, but that’s just their charm. Bob and Wood are just funny and cool. Even though I don’t agree with Bob’s Zelda rankings…
  • Ranordy
    Short and the ad break is so long
    An ad break is fine, but they spend nearly 5 min talking about it. And the podcast is only an hour long with half the time wood and Bob are asking how long they have. People in the background with no mics. Watch the Wulfden Podcast instead if you wanna support Bob. It’s longer and more entertaining
  • BendingUnit64
    Eating on a podcast…
    Automatic stop and delete.
  • Cheetah_prints24
    Many people complain about the adds but I don’t see why they seem like something they use even off the podcast. I don’t think these adds deserve the hate they get, personally I find them very interesting. Ps. Wood love your 10 Eshop game series
  • MsharkPlayz
    Love these dudes.
    These guys are great! They really help with keeping you informed on the latest Nintendo updates.
  • Nugget Monkey
  • tlowe4
    I just listen for the ads 5starz
  • snoopdoogydog
    Comfort listening
    The sponsors that are chosen are clearly not vetted and are just easy cash grab sponsors that the hosts could care less align with their listeners. It’s honestly disappointing since I love the podcast othwrwise. However, I could listen to these two gentlemen talk all day. I honestly get a jolt of positive and happy vibes whenever I listen to a new episode. Wood is such a pure wholehearted person and Bob is the perfect Yang to Wood’s Yin. He’s got a bitter side that’s the facade of his sweet heart. I get Ron Swanson vibes from him. Anyway, I’m a life long listener - thanks for the good times :)
  • SmakkinDatASSS
    Relaxing and entertaining
    Love these guys, great pod
  • Emmycv03
    Kind of everywhere
    I like a bit of chaos when listening to a podcast. It definitely keeps things interesting. However, sometimes the direction goes in too many directions, the ads are some of the longest I’ve ever seen, & Wood gets this bad attitude when people don’t agree with him. All in all, it’s good to put on in the background while doing chores but doesn’t keep my interest when solely focused on it.
  • robertdoes
    Generally good content - annoying ads
    For the most part I enjoy listening. It’s decent content, it feels like you’re in on a conversation about things that interest all of us. It’s not a podcast with much depth where you learn something substantial. It’s a comfortable, easy listening show, like watching Seinfeld reruns. There are times where it feels a bit like a cash grab, or they’ll shamelessly make comments about click baiting, or monetizing things - which I get 100%, it’s their livelihood, but sometimes as a listener it’s a bit off putting, something I don’t need to be reminded of as I’m driving to work. Also annoying, the UNNECESSARY capitalized words in the TITLES of the EPISODES. And if I hear one more poorly placed ad for chumba casino I may throw my phone out the window.
  • Isofosho
    Love the show I only have one gripe.
    I love the show so much. You guys are grate and the production and topics you guys choose are awesome. I love how you guys are natural and everything spoken is informal and fun. Only issue is bob can be a bit annoying that’s all.
  • iconmaster
    Great fun, but the ads
    Bob and Wood have great chemistry and regularly come up with fun ideas for their show – developer interviews, Nintendo trivia, etc. Their perspectives are different enough to keep the conversation interesting, even when they’re largely in agreement. However, the show labors under the weight of its ads. It’s not just the sponsored ad reads, which go on for several minutes an episode. At least if you’re getting this through Apple’s Podcasts app, on top of the lengthy ad reads you’re getting multiple commercials inserted into the show at the beginning or at random points in the middle – sometimes mid-sentence. It all ads up to be a bit painful at times. Keep your 30-second-skip button at the ready.
  • Jake 20000000000000000
    I’ve never been into podcasts, but…
    I’ve never been into podcasts, but these fellas and their banter have really grabbed my attention, alongside a good deal of spit-take laughs. Been listening/watching since episode 41, where they talk about Nintendo closing the 3DS/WiiU eShops…and that intro will NEVER FAIL to make me laugh. Keep up the good times. Also…the intro/outro theme song is really chill. Y’all should consider having it be available for purchase on iTunes.
  • Masontubbing
    Good but slight problem
    Great podcast love what this is all about. but the ads guys some episodes it’s so bad that it’s hard to listen to. Again the discussions are funny and really good. It’s just the ads like if your using them so a little bit of extra money you also have sponsors and patrons, I think that is enough but if there are other reasons I would love to hear them and then maybe ill give it 5 stars.
  • Average Nintendo enjoyer
    Bob’s Zelda list
    Bob’s opinion is bad……..just horrible.
  • jrunner623
    Love the Pod
    One of my favorite Podcast. 50th episode was for sure the best! Bobs rankings of Zelda games is the most honest I’ve heard and I’m thankful for hearing this and his opinion on these games helping me stay clear from some of these bad games and the pesky cat!
  • Deathstorm4587
    Amazing podcast
    Wood,bob, and scoot are all great guys along with E, Hannah and Kim. The show is great, always look forward to listening at the end of my work week and just makes the entire week so thank you so much you guys are killin it! Keep at boys
  • Godvilla13
    I also saw the podcast from Wood’s YouTube.
  • mostlyhreen34
    Moderate the ad placement
    The pointcrow episode is very badly edited. I had a few lines cut and restart mid sentence. The ads are also mid sentence throughout and it makes it a terrible experience. I may drop if this continues.
  • CJ_Gamez
    Good Job!
    I originally saw Wood from his youtube(BeatEmUps), then he mentioned this podcast and I checked it rock!
  • SigmaDaddy
    Bobby and Woody
    Two Unhinged Gigachads
  • zuckuss00
    Ads ruin this podcast
    Listen Bob/Wood… I’m not sure if you’re listening back to episodes. But these random inserted ad breaks used to monetize are completely ruining your podcast. They’re literally cutting in mid sentence multiple times an episode and often repeated and sometimes even a different language. It’s jarring and makes it really hard to listen to this podcast. I’m not sure why but this is the only podcast out of the 20+ I listen to that has this sort of problem. Hopefully you guys see this and work on addressing this issue. Otherwise the content is great and entertaining.
  • Jim11211990
    Boob and Wood
    Boob and Wood
  • Uwsup
    Wood and Bob are awesome and provide a ton of content on multiple platforms. We must protect them at all costs. I love when they bring on friends and family (Bob’s brother is a savant when it comes to game knowledge). Even Scoots is funny and fun to hear. The ladies also do a great job.
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