Naked Lunch


Don't you love a great lunch and conversation with an interesting friend? You know, the kind that you talk about for years to come. Phil Rosenthal, creator, and host of Netflix's "Somebody Feed Phil," already knows how to find fascinating people, foods, and cultures. While he always likes eating lunch, he's even more enthusiastic about a lunch that includes a conversation with smart people who share their stories.

From Straw Hut Media

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Recent Reviews
  • Sarie R Jay
    Only the best showbiz stories & lessons
    My goodness, I’m not sure if you’ll find a pair of more charming, humble gents in Hollywood. These two have some amazing guests they genuinely seem to have real life friendships with. You can feel the high level of integrity of character as they schmooze & lunch while giving us the best Hollywood stories. What a fun fast pod to listen to. Always leaves me smiling. Good vibes only.
  • gwlk
    I couldn’t finish the Andy Kindler ‘cast; stopped approximately 4 minutes in.
  • Tuatha23
    Fun and Funny
    I listen to you guys on the way to work. A great, positive start to my day. I hope someday you seek out June from Delish magazine. She did a series called Budget Eats during the pandemic. I think she’d make a great guest on your show.
  • 0mikefink0
    Please let this just be Phil’s show
    David seems to have had quite the career that’s for certain. I don’t need to know about this fact every episode nor have him step on guest’s answers/not let them answer or just fumble and stumble around. Season 1 I was able to handle this but no mas. Sorry but have to say it as this is an annoyance every episode.
  • brothersurfer
    A Whole Lotta Life
    This episode spans a timeline full of life and love. Yes everybody loves Phil but with David we get so naked. Not that we want to feed a naked Phil, mind you. Thank you, guys. These two amazingly talented writers bring their craft to the table where we meet Donny Osmond. The idea is furtherest from in considering how these two would celebrate the 100 milestone. And yet this concept sums up this podcast. The sheer charm that these three share in hearing Donny’s stories is truly special. You gotta have a listen.
  • Jo Ellen K
    Your Donny Osmond interview was exceptional!
    I am looking forward to downloading some more episodes!
  • Smockit34
    Donny Osmond Fan
    I was totally tuned into part 1 of your Donny Osmond podcast. I loved it. The memories you brought back were fantastic. He’s had an amazing life.
  • W Best 65
    The most interesting and funny podcast!!!
    The best lunch that you will ever have.
  • luvs2bake
    Lilys a podcast rockstar!
    Loved the interaction between Lily and Phil. So heart warming to listen to there interactions and feel the love and joy between them. Lily is so funny. Hope she comes back for an encore!
  • Die hard senior skating fan
    Jane’s commitments
    Always want to hear updates on what Jane is doing politically. David talks too much, taking away time from the guests. We want to hear the guests! Lately the podcasts are more on David and his career and circle which is turning me off. Want more Phil and his circle. If David has so much to talk about Rolling Stone and his work, then start his own podcast
  • Charlito monkey
    Love these but please stop eating. I’m always famished when the podcast ends
    Great shows! Thank you.
  • Ross37
    Less David talk
    This is a great podcast and Phil is gracious host, however David Wild talks about himself too much taking away precious time with the guests.
  • MariaP1991
    I love love LOVE this podcast! I always love Phil and wish that you would put this on YouTube to watch! I want to watch everyone zabble and chat so I can actually feel like I’m part of the conversation! PLEASE START RECORDING THEM AND PUT IT ON YOUTUBE!!
  • Sadiemol
    Good but could be great if…
    Please let your guests talk. David Wild at times talks for 3-6 minutes nonstop (literally timed it) without stopping. So frustrating. He has good stories but you don’t have to share them at this length.
  • MSL1973
    Did anyone hear a name drop?
    Phil is outstanding. Charming, deferential and obviously trying to make every guest seem their best. But literally every time David opens his mouth, it starts with a name drop. It’s a distracting turnoff and I find I turn off early.
  • POB 293
    Lip smacking was too much
    If these guys were as funny as they think they are it would be hilarious. The food hook is unnecessary, you have great guests but talking with your lip smacking mouth full is unnerving for me.
  • Mrs Linda at Home
    Love this podcast!
    I retired recently and when people asked if I had any plans for retirement, I would joke that I was hoping to finally listen to all of the podcasts on my phone. Naked Lunch has been the perfect companion for my morning walks (new habit) and often gets me to walk another lap so I can finish the episode I’m listening to. Thanks! ❤️
  • Revfan53
    The VanZandts Were So Interesting
    I mean, Stevie got most of the air time but I love Maureen, and please do have her on separately! Thank you for sharing this really good chunk of time with them with us.
  • Ozzie 101010
    Let the guests talk more
    I overall enjoy this show. I will admit that a came and am here for Phil, who I adore. They’re slate of guests has been pretty good, but as a younger person, I might not know some of them which is ok, My issue with the show is that sometimes it can get overwhelming taken by David. I admit that David seems an interesting person and has some great stories, but they usually run too long and leave little space for the guests to talk.
  • Lawilsonnj
    Joe Bonamassa interview is a favorite
    I appreciated Phil and David’s friendly conversational interview approach, as they explored Joe’s guitar playing origins from age 4 to blues rock stardom. Their genuine interest and questions gave Joe the opportunity to share what it’s like to have a lifelong singular focus - interesting and inspiring!
  • lucky listener's
    Just started to hear this today
    I heard the Gilbert one and Paul Rubin one and going to hear the other’s so far great show
  • Fsu83
    Thanks for Frank!
    Us Gilbert Gottfried Amazing Colossal Podcast devotees sure miss Frank. David and Phil, you are a great legacy to that podcast and I look forward to hearing you both each week as much as I did Gilbert and Frank. It was a pleasure to hear, what could easily be, the three most decent men in show business all on one episode. Keep up the great work!
  • Bradsdad44
    Great Gilbert Gottfried episode
    The interview with Frank Santopadre was enlightening. I listened to almost all for the Gilbert Gottfried podcast episodes and this interview explains a lot about the podcast. It was what I expected, Frank held the show together and Gilbert was changing the flow of the interviews with a segue that was unrelated. This is one of the best episodes if you’re a fan of Gilbert. Thanks for doing it!
  • RedheadedFanfromTX
    My Favorite Thing Every Week
    Phil and David, deliver another great podcast with their guest Wendy Malick! Such wonderful stories Wendy told and it’s interesting to me to hear about how celebrities know and work with each other. Now I have to find a copy of Jewtopia and watch Phil and Wendy as Mr. and Mrs. Rabbi! Another fantastic show gentlemen! P.S. I would love to see Patty Heaton and Monica on the podcast talking about their Raymond days together. My husband and I have recently started watching reruns of Raymond and Monica is SO great in her part and Patty too! I think their comedy chops don’t get enough recognition so would love for them to have the opportunity to remind people what funny ladies they both are!
  • Szukey
    Best podcast!
    Food, great easy conversations and you both make the show fun, funny and entertaining! I learn so much about topics you bring up…..I’m an 80s music fan, but amazed at the knowledge of music history! Phil, would have enjoyed the opportunity to meet you, I understand your in Lenox Massachusetts right now 8/23/23–at Canyon Ranch. I live in a neighboring town. Unfortunately not offered to anyone outside of Ranch guests but I sure tried! Enjoy the Berkshires! Has always been my home. Tanglewood is wonderful this time of year …. Patty Carpenter
  • Wth1010100
    Great Podcast.
    This is a terrific podcast with great guests!
  • GigiK39
    Solid Stuff
    I do enjoy listening to artists who have what appears to be and I trust truly is a good hold on life and love. Shaun is a good ‘un.
  • Clynn7077
    Shaun Cassidy
    So glad to hear from my Teen Idol again! The excitement is back and looking forward to More shows and stories! Thank you for having him on your show!
  • jdichdbdji
    Shaun Cassidy
    Loved! Loved! Loved the Shaun Cassidy podcast! I’ve seen Shaun in concert 10 times now and can’t wait to see him again. I enjoyed hearing all his stories about his life. Thanks for a great interview!!!
  • rockinalf
    Love Phil & David
    I love Phil & David - would love more shows with just them - and MONICA! More Monica!
  • mg eldo
    Let the guest speak
    Not sure which host, but in J Bateman episode they kept interrupting her to a degree I found off putting and distracting. Maybe just this one and may give another try. Otherwise not bad
  • Yom Melech
    I actually like David’s name droppping
    But apparently based on all these comments, I’m in the minority. It’s the human element folks ! The described interactions make these famous or maybe sometimes semi famous guests etc. seem relatable. Plus I will admit a guilty pleasure in hearing David keep apologizing for ir. Phil’s good too.
  • Lagamerrd
    Friends & food. Yum!
    I love the friendly combo of Phil’s goofiness & David’s enthusiasm :) It’s fun to meet people in their informal talk & eat format. Interjecting their own stories of Hollywood & Rock Stars that are so personal & Entertaining!
  • OC Janet
    Too Wild for me
    I straight up love Phil and have seen all the episodes of his food shows, including the season on PBS. David Wild is not a great co-host, however. In love with the sound of his own voice and always has to mention his wife. I’m shocked you are married too, David, but it gets really old. The choices of guests and topics is wonderful, so will keep listening. Let the guest of the week speak, this is why you have them on!
  • mikejohnson1
    Talent with humility and gratitude,
    If you were born in the 60s and 70s these are your guys
  • Knighmayor
    Love it
    Love hearing Phil and David talk to all these people in a common conversation.
  • jdruns
    Give your guests a chance to speak
    I love this podcast, but when David is in “fanboy” mode, your guests fade into the background and he talks ad nauseum. There needs to be a balance of sharing stories and experiences in the interview; I didn’t subscribe for a 60-minute monologue. Perhaps re-listen to your episode with Elaine May; that was a fantastic one because we got to hear her stories and bits of her classic skits with Mike Nichols!
  • LilyViolet$
    Just breathe
    Phil stop interrupting with all the “yes”’s; it seems like you are rushing the talker and can’t wait to interject your thoughts. Relax a little.
  • Ambran411
    What’s not to love?
    I got into this podcast because I adore Phil’s show on Netflix and rave about it to anyone who will listen. I’m now getting that way about this podcast. Love love love!
  • Luna Moona Tic Tuna
    Guests should be the focus
    Great guests! Love experiencing a new side of Phil. David has toooooo many stories he’s determined to tell to be a co-host. He hijacks guests’ stories and episodes often end knowing as much, or more, about David than the guest. (Similar to trying to connect with people by “me too-ing” instead of listening and asking thoughtful questions.) I’ve just listened to a fifth episode and am giving up.
  • Alan G.
    Love Phil
    Fun podcast that shows more to Phil than just as a food fanatic. Love the stories from his show-biz career.
  • Frustrated in Ojai
    Let People Finish
    I'm a podcast newbie and I love Naked Lunch, however, while listening to Pamela Adlon story about Redd Fox, she was interrupted by David’s story. Pamela never finished story and they went on to other subjects. They did circle back to Redd Fox at the end but by then the story had lost its steam.
  • marmieJS
    Somebody tell Phil
    I love this podcast and love Phil! His co host has a lot to be desired. I will continue to listen because I enjoyed his show on Netflix and hopefully it will return.
  • AnnalynnC
    Great Stuff!
    “Everybody Loves Raymond” is one of my all-time favorites and I love being able to hear the other side of Phil. I’m a huge fan and love that all the conversations are stripped down, like you’re hanging out with Phil and his friends.
  • A. Justin Case
    Harsh but needs to be said.
    I’ll admit to being a Phil-fanboy. From Raymond to his appearances on Curb to Somebody Feed, I love Phil. And I really like Naked Lunch. And I hesitate writing this fearing I’ll hurt some feelings but David has to go. His continual sycophantic speech to the guests and his meaningless long windups to ask a question takes so much away from the organic conversation that happens. I long for one episode when he doesn’t desperately namedrop Rolling Stone. This show would be better without a sidekick. Or at least someone more tolerable. Maybe Monica.
  • da-wdc
    Want to Like it
    Phil is awesome. His sidekick is like a bad Hollywood stereotype. I feel bad being so unkind because Phil is so kind. But Wild just likes to drop names and kiss up to guests. It’s made him very successful but makes for tough listening.
  • AnnaJ*
    So Depressing 😳
    I’ve loved listening to Naked Lunch while walking. So many great visitors ( the wives, Hannah Einbeinder, Valerie Bertinelli, Wolfgang Puck etc) and interesting stories that you have shared. The interview with T Bone was so depressing though that my head hurts. I hope the next week is more fun. Thank you.
  • Scoot_Coloured
    Elaine May
    After seeing her first ever on your show then listening to her on your podcast, we need one more episode with her! We know her a little better after hearing some of her amazing life stories. She is pure treasure!
  • nickname weather
    Great guest
    He’s so interesting and well informed. And a mensch
  • Bellweather Trader
    Ed Begley Jr
    3 mensches on the stage for the Ed Begley Jr. episode. Such a great episode on a great podcast! Somebody make sure it’s in a friend’s feed!
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