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tophcov🤪😜😝Aww geez man, this show is crudite!
wolfi2004greatlove it but i kinda miss the more unpredictable solo podcasts from earlier on. seems more cookie cutter now with guests every episode.
JFTF24lucky 7si'd give this mf a 7star rating if i could
dzakonlyrocket ruleslove the show… but wanna hear more about beat makin and gear/sounds from Danny and his guests
☹️🥳😢😢🍑absolute gemWithout a doubt, it's the best thing YMH Studios puts out, and for fans like me, it's a weekly highlight. 🐐
ElearleyGreat podcastDanny has the greatest laugh! Great guests and an all around awesome podcast.
Cadillac Simonelove itbeing able to hear Danny’s stories and opinions weekly and hearing his growth makes me like him even more as a person and artist. huge fan of him and so happy for him. podcast is very funny too
JalahzsAmazing!Love all the content but why have the episodes gotten shorter? I loved the bit more drawn out earlier episodes. All great nonetheless!
Nightfall UTStingy runtimeLove the show but you’re getting stingy with the runtime. Give us an hour atleast.
Pwnx2Funniest and most unique in the YMH rosterI’ve loved Danny Brown musician for the past couple of years and listening to this from day. One over the past year has been one of the best treats given to the listening audience. Danny is one of the funniest and most introspective, as well as honest 40-year-old men that’s podcasting at the moment. Is it interactions with his various guests are coming from not a persona or having an artificial feeling. I wish they were longer as they used to go for an hour but now come in about 40 minutes apiece.
thedrewniverseLegendLove this man.
Steamin' Willy B.My new fave PodcastLove Danny’s music and have always wished that Danny could be my best friend in real life with his eccentric and hilarious personality. Sadly, that will never be a reality… :( However ☝🏽, this podcast bridges that gap for me just enough to be okay with it. My favorite episodes have to be Danny with lady guests(dude has maybe a natural chemistry with the opposite sex that makes him hilarious)Aly Macofsky and Christina P. Keep the funny coming, Danny! We love you! Good luck with rehab! One.
kll55Listen to this podcast!I never miss an episode of this podcast! I started listening because I am a fan of Danny Brown as an artist, but I feel like I continue to listen more for his personality/perspective. He is hilarious and insightful at the same time, I hope this show continues to be successful and never changes haha
SouthwestboazBest podcast ever!!!🔥🔥🐐🐐
baksbdjsbFAV PODCASTMy favorite podcast with the boy Danny Brown!!! I love you this better be the 1000th review!!!
Phone Game GeekGET ASAP ROCKYIt’s time you get ASAP ROCKY on!!!! Y’all back-and-forth on YouTube was crazy!!!!!!!!!!!YOUR SHOW IS AMAZING THO BRO KEEP IT UP
LessCouchOnDear Danny Orbison,“One was chubby, one was ugly, the other one wack as hell…” 🕯 -WESTWOOD- PS: “Fall asleep. In your car. In the garage. With the engine on...” 🕯 -Les Couchon- 💄🐷🍒👠 If we were palling around when we were younger I’ll bet we would have thrown up lots together…🕯
dzchey21Danny is one funny mother FRSeriously one of the funniest podcasts ever. Love the solo dolo and the guests. Great podcast!
Matthew of MooEasily the Funniest Podcast out there.Danny Brown da 🐐no 🧢 ! Nothing else to say.
fergalisciousProductionLove Danny but you can tell it’s the same producer as two bears one cave because of all the edits that are repeated. It will play the same part twice in a lot of episodes. These podcasts are way too big for small issues like that.
rs7424AwesomeGreat podcast! Danny is the man!
TM585The bestAs n avid listener of podcasts I look forward to to this one the most. No other podcast has me laughing out loud this much
Thrillz!The Most UnderratedI already know this podcast is going up!!! Danny doing and hour of stand up every episode! I really can’t get enough. Even the old episodes go hard! Keep going!!!!
BrahmaSamaDanny Brown for PresidentI’m late only peeped one episode (episode 1) and it’s an instant classic.
tubthumberessWhat’s not to love about Danny BrownKnow what I’m sayin?
HahnCholoIconic laughter and infectious funThis is one of the most hilarious Podcasts out there. I never realized how multi dimensional Danny Brown is, he’s real he’s honest and is a master of entertainment. He will have you laughing out loud. It’s wild. When I’m feeling down I listen and it instantly lifts my mood and I realize if Danny Brown can do it I can too. Take a listen and you’ll get hooked.
DeeeznatsYou know what I’m sayinreggae has eek a mouse hip pop had ODB the culture got Danny Back and Forth with a$ap rocky run that back for the one time 💰
mshockaaIn my Danny brown laughDon’t ever have Jamie Kilstein back again
The Bobby Brown*danny brown laugh*I feel cultured after listening to all the episodes.
lov3linziKnow what I’m sayinOne of the best pods around 👌 LOVE YOU, DANNY!!
gdns56You’re great, good sir!You immediately became one of my favorite podcasts. I love the laugh along with everything else! Please keep it up!
Jammer The HutسمحصتصنThank you brother You bring much laughter and enjoyment into my life. Bruiser Brigade 4 Life
talemacheRareIf you asked me even 1 year ago, which rapper is starting a podcast, the last person I’d probably have said would’ve been Danny Brown. Now that I’ve experienced it, I wish that more rappers did, particularly in the sincere, raw, no filters way he has done it. This is by far one of my favorite podcasts of all time. Thank You Mr. Brown 🙏🏾
Juda14meYa know what I’m sayinBest new podcast love Danny brown his laugh is contagious
jt4330BruuuuuhFirst episode I listened to was #16. I have been a fan of Danny B. Just didn’t know he had a podcast now. Will be going back to listened to the rest of them. If you know or heard of Danny Brown, you will love this Podcast
mauim40HilariousDanny Brown is so funny this is my new favorite podcast
heyitsme87Arbys voiceLove the show man. Bingeing to get caught up. How do you not know the arbys dude is Ving Rhames? Iconic voice. Great actor.
yuckmouthAesop rockThank you for even mentioning el-p by name instead of just the white guy from run the jewels
funnymaticQualitySo funny & entertaining - love the format - Danny is the best.
infected666Super funnyI laugh out loud to this podcast more than the 12 other comedy podcasts I listen to. Super hilarious. Keep it up.
jonFriasSolid!This is what the worlds needs! Such a good show already! Five stars from Portland, OR, dawgy!
a grinwdanny da 🐐danny is a natural comedian one of the best personalities in rap, absolutely essential for fans of DB
KNIFELINE98Natural CasterHe’s mad honest with his POV and it’s incredibly refreshing and comedic. They say it takes around 30-40 shows to get good at casting but he was hot from jump. He’s the first one I look for on Tuesday mornings (even before YMH) and I can see this becoming a huge hit on its own.!
Aerxzrt. djGoddam hilarious!Don’t change a goddam thing!
Yungpharaoh10Great showFunniest podcast out rn Keep killin it Danny
Big Money RobDANNYThis podcast is insanely funny! Danny’s good at everything ahaha
TraderMingBest thing YMH puts out by farWith the quality of the other shows dropping Danny brown has been a great addition. If you like Danny you’ll like this, something about him just makes you in a better mood.
"chdyLove this dude right hereBest podcast I hate how fast is flys by I love this dude
Proximo620HilariousDanny is the man. Love the podcast!
jking9024Danny BrownGreat show but the “You Get What I’m Saying” every sentence is a bit excessive
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