Fast and Fabulous

Nutrition #190

Ditch diet brain and find food FREEDOM with clean intermittent fasting. Michelle Montone, a mom, who tried numerous fad diets, trends and products until finding food freedom with IF hosts this informative and supportive podcast. Whether a longtime IF veteran, a newbie looking to get started (or everyone in between) this is your forum for having the healthy relationship with food we all need and want!

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Recent Reviews
  • AmySB!
    Real life discussions of how to deal with obstacles to success❤️
  • MJIFWarrior
    What a Fraud
    No training, no education - how does reading Gin Stephen’s book permit her to anoint herself an expert qualified to teach others?
  • Martin Sher
    Love this podcast
    I enjoy hearing the success stories on intermittent fasting. Very inspirational and informative. I like Michelle’s genuine approach and interviews.
  • MichyLee23
    Honest & full of details
    Thanks for sharing these stories!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • if'er
    Great Podcast!
    I’m all for getting the word out there on Intermittent Fasting and Michelle does it so we’ll. Down to earth and relatable. Love it!
  • April Pinto Photography
    Life Changing & Inspirational
    I’ve tried every diet out there! I’ve paid thousands of dollars for help and assistance! I’ve never felt a sense of community or support the way I do with this amazing podcast! Listening to the stories daily has truly kept me on track, added tools to my toolbox, and given me the courage to commit. The greatest thing I have come to appreciate is that I only have my experiences, but I benefit so much from learning from what others have gone through!!
  • Ssingh525
    Love your podcast, your FB page, and insta handle! You are I inspirational & responsive and I love that about you! Congratulations on this podcast!!❤️
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