Twin Flames


We all want love, that happily-ever-after feeling of finding your soulmate. What if someone not only claimed they could help you find that perfect partner, they guaranteed it? Jeff and Shaleia, a young couple famous on YouTube, teach about ‘Twin Flames' — a deep, romantic connection with your perfect partner in their videos. It’s divine love, you’re designed for no one else, and they’re designed for no one else. But the path to finding your Twin Flame isn’t so simple. Some followers claim they were encouraged to cut ties with friends and family that are holding them back, and to claim their Twin Flame by any means necessary. From Wondery, Twin Flames is a podcast about what happens when the quest for love turns into a dangerous obsession. Hosted by Stephanie Beatriz.
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Recent Reviews
  • Lorio4478
    Very informative
    I’ve watched the docs but this podcast had some great details the they missed.
  • Shotataduck
    The podcast was better
    Podcast is better than the Netflix series. Seems like that the old adage of the book was better is applying to podcasts these days.
  • xoxogossipgirl*
    Pay for one podcast?
    Why do you now have to pay to listen???
  • merstroh
    Better than the Netflix doc!
    This truly had me on the edge of my seat, I couldn’t wait to start the next episode. Story is told genuinely but very compelling; I felt this podcast was done much better than the Netflix documentary that came out around the same time.
  • MildredFierce
    I’m very annoyed that this podcast only offers the first episodes on the free feed. Most podcasts will delay the release of episodes in the free feed but not completely bar access. I feel it’s not a fair practice to offer a first episode & then cut off the remainder.
  • Princess char
    You have to subscribe to listen to any episode? What?!?!?
  • BabyBear483
    This is so wild! I’ve had obsessive stalkers, and it was a true psychological torture. It’s like living in a real life horror movie. These two cult leaders are absolutely disgusting and deranged. I cringe every time I hear them talk. Major ick… Some of their followers are equally deranged and scary. Wow. “I’ve been standing up to my twin flame bully” wow. Just wow. I do not feel bad for Katie even a little bit. I feel really bad for the people they were harassing. Angela just seemed sad and very…. low romantic/emotional IQ and/or very low social skills. Please be cautious when you’re getting involved with any group or person that encourages intense self absorbed thinking and behavior. “Is it honoring you? If so that’s all that matters” it’s so disgusting, all I can do is laugh.
  • lati91
    Binged in one day
    This was a really interesting podcast! I’ve never heard of these people or their group so it was crazy to listen to. I also loved that I could listen to the full show in one day. Made my work day go by faster!
  • poopyoppydoopshoots
    A traverse city resident.
    I’ve seen these goofballs out and about.
  • Nolawyerjokes
    Has to be satire!
    This has to be satire, there’s no way anyone can be that gullible. And then I look around and think, yes, these people are probably that stupid.
  • G Buddha
    Strange story of a mini cult
    Well produced podcast series about how easily a cult can enthrall people to do outrageous things, equally important is how the individual strength of just a few stopped it.
  • dhejqjdk
    Great start, crappy finish
    First episodes were awesome, then it’s like they didn’t know what to do with the material and published some filler episode, and then just stopped completely. Talk about blue balls.
  • Kerimarie2
    A story that needs to be heard and shared!
    This podcast is a beautiful blend of narration and interviews. Very easy to follow and incredibly engaging. With that being said, The Twin Flames podcast tells the mind-blowing and thought-invoking story of yet another egomaniac “leader”, Jeff and his brainless sidekick and “twin flame”, Shaleia. Just a couple of nobodies, talented with only a silver tongue and the insight into a humans need for love and acceptance. Jeff and his bobblehead go on to groom, manipulate, and lie to gain followers whom become completely victimized and disillusioned. Jeff claims that he is the Messiah and God speaks to him. It’s obviously just another cult, but it continues to exist. Jeff and Shaleia continue to drain the banks of these poor people who desperately want to be loved. I pray this podcast has prevented other from falling victim to these money hungry losers.
  • K_merr
    Fascinating story of a cult I had never heard of. The interviews were very interesting and not drawn out. Played the entire podcast in a day!
  • MKinGunn
    Thanks for this wonderful podcast! It was done so well, and very easy to follow! So interesting!
  • vAsOunder
    Nothing of sustenance. Just blabbing and repeating. It’s amazing the nonsense they added to string this podcast out for 7 episodes and not say a thing about anything. Nothing was accomplished!
  • penny adrian
    Gender is not sex
    The trans consultant does not do trans people any favors by conflating sex with gender. Most people are smart enough to know that gender is fluid, but genetic and reproductive sex is fixed ( a genetic male cannot get pregnant no matter how he identifies, while most genetic females can get pregnant prior to menopause even if they identify as men). To conflate sex with gender makes trans people seem crazy and it trivializes the need for medical transition for those suffering from sex dysphoria. The trans consultant comes across almost as gaslighting as the cult leaders, which is not good for the trans community. Please stop making trans people seem crazy by denying the factual reality of genetic and reproductive sex.
  • festatichiama
    The hosts are saucy and deliver a juicy tale with intelligent commentary. So snackable, you'll burn right through.
  • imoutofnicknamesgeeze
    The story is great buuutttt
    You forget about the podcast because they never do anything !
  • DeeCeefromBos
    Compelling story, needs more
    This story is really interesting. Dynamics between the characters; Jeff & Shaleia, Angie and Ron then later Victoria, and Katie and William, are fascinating. But as others have said, the detail in many cases, is missing. We never learn much about Shaleia’s pre-guru background, nor hear from Katie, or others in her life, about her stalking William/their reactions to it. This case was significant, as it’s resulted in a trial. We don’t find out if Angie reconciled with Victoria after realizing she was manipulated. We don’t hear any other perspectives on the forced gender-adoption, considering it occurred in multiple instances/to multiple people. We don’t hear much detail about what Jeff/Shaleia are doing now, their current subscribers, etc. And the episodes are only 30 minutes, of which the ads take up nearly half. Torture to listen to. I wish this had been explored more in-depth by the producers of this podcast.
  • metalhead112
    Started off great but…
    This story is intriguing for sure and the first couple of episodes started off great but I lost interest towards the end. There was also minimal closure in the last episode and the ending seemed abrupt. I would have liked if it was a wider range of perspectives from people involved- the cult leaders themselves, other leaders in the cult, etc. It only told a couple of victims’ stories.
  • zinnowinno
    Started off intriguing then fell flat
    Started off very intriguing, but it was soon obvious that there was not enough content. The episodes are too short, especially with the ads! It would also be nice to hear what ended up happening with the various people they’ve introduced. Also, it would be good to know how you have the audio from the phone calls with Jeff and the girl (episode 3). Overall, it fell flat.
  • reginagrant1436
    Ducked up
    I’m glad you get so much joy off of our pain
  • theapalad
    Kind of garbage, sort of recommend
    Ridiculous story but bingeable. Key takeaway: Shaleia is the worst hype man (person?) ever
  • DEMAdam
    Very interesting Podcast and out of my normal genre. I wish there would have been more because I felt it was left open ended.
  • Jaybug😋
    Soooo good
    Sooo good
  • beccalc15
    Almost perfect
    This is well done. I host is great! I just wish there was more to the story which means it’s good - good enough to want to know more
  • Groupworker
    Started out great
    Loved the first 2 or 3 episodes and the. Got boring.
  • resgb
    Entertaining…not journalism
    Vanity Fair did the work to expose them, so I would expect a podcast to do something to add to the conversation. Confront the cult leaders…nope. Ask the second tier leaders tough questions about the harm that they did…nope. Interview a professional about what might cause someone to start/join a cult like this…nope. Saying you tried to reach out by email and phone?? When you know where they’ll be in person? Come on. This is just further exploitation of the victims. As perhaps obvious by the fact that an actress (rather than a journalist) is the host, this is just a salaciously entertaining show. The final episode…ridiculous…excuses to clean up how offensive the show was.
  • I Rule with an Iron Fist
    Enjoy the criminal, relationship, and cult podcasts. Loved this podcast, it told the brief background and journeys of some members of this cult. The mix was so good that it was sad it ended, at least without those two in jail. The delivery and questions were so much fun (I love the cult stories) but very interesting and shocking - almost like a suspenseful story. The chosen details, like the comment by the guy being stalked calling the two " Skinned potatoes " then I wanted to know what they looked like (his description was TOO ACCURATE) and actually watched a recent YouTube video of them trying for a baby together. That answered my question looking for an ending; they are still spewing this Twin Flame but I didn't get into the other videos and barely watched the one. They speak like tongue twisted idiots.
  • QuintaviusQuire
    Decent podcast, obnoxious commercials
    The ending felt a bit rushed and this story still seems to be in the progress so I hope that at some point the leaders of this cult are held accountable.
  • gemcjxnencnsncnc d
    Good but no ending
    It was interesting and I enjoyed the inside info. But there wasn't an ending. No wrap up. Nothing????
  • SuperUser80
    Seemed to end abruptly
    Great podcast, was really enjoying the interesting (heartbreaking) story with many compelling and sympathetic characters and victims who were deeply affected. Some great background storytelling in the beginning (setting up who Jeff once was from the friends who knew him), which really elicited so many more questions about who/how he came to be. But then it just ended with Angie’s departure. How is she doing? Has her therapy helped her recover? How does she reflect on the group now? Has she made any peace with her former friends? Does she feel reintegrated into life outside the cult now? What do Jeff’s old friends think of his “ultimate” evolution after all the previous steps they saw? Are there any other people who saw his evolution happening? What is his mental state like outside the classes? If it’s unknown, can anyone speculate why he’s such a mystery? Are there any real theories on how he got to this point? (Episode 7 not being very helpful). And what on earth was up with that violent story about Jeff and Shaleia getting in a fight where she wanted to split him opened with a rock?? Many unanswered and unexplored questions at the end. Not sure why it wrapped up so quickly.
  • gfhshsvf
    Good not wonderful
    Good not great. The ad transitions were off putting. I was wanting more of the story not the commentary from the host
  • Bytjo
    Dullsville. Typical Wondery podcast.
    I should've known. A story that could have been told in 2 shows tops. It's all about the commercial revenue here folks. Commercials in the description of the show? Clue. The story was mildly interesting. Wondery's the low level churn 'em out quick and loose. Then they drop in the buzzword interests of mainstream media drivel at top speed throughout to feel relevent. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Thud. I should've known.
  • ffstl
    Wish a more professional podcast had covered this
    Fascinating story, but it’s twice as long as it should be with the excessive ads, weird music, unconnected story line. It took over 7 minutes for them to get to the story in the first episode, ads are every 4-5 minutes. Not sure if I’ll be able to finish this.
  • camerongoodman
    Compelling start to finish!!!
    Really excellent story telling!! Hard to hear at points bc your stomach turns for Angie. Angie be well!!!
  • NC PharmD
    Good. Not Great
    I really liked the story, as I’ve been interested in cult like groups as of late. While the whole story was good, and I found the former “flamers” to be compelling, I was a little let down with the ending. Actually I didn’t even realize that the podcast was over. Also, I wish these podcasts wouldn’t clog the feed with Q&A episodes. I can’t imagine people actually enjoy those (I’m looking at you Ep 7).
  • Nullity
    Binged in a day!
    Really enjoyed this. Ep 7 not necessarily though.
  • Liz11692
    Good but
    Host needs to stop interrupting the guest and saying “yeah” “right?” “Uh huh” and laughing. Really distracting and annoying
  • skyealiyah
    So good! Was looking for a good binge and this was perfect!
  • haleyaj
    A huge missed opportunity
    This is a truly fascinating and honestly INSANE story that was not done justice by this inadequate podcast . I even paid for the subscription to get episodes early and was so disappointed to see a complete lack of reporting or any sense of resolution. A missed opportunity by Wondery. I hope this extremely fascinating and (still up and running) scam can actually be exposed at some point! Thankful to the pod for exposing it at the most basic level.
  • dogfacegirl01
    I couldn’t turn it off!
  • Marilyn Monopoly
    I loved this podcast because I love the psychology behind why someone falls victim to these scams. I’m also fascinated by the people who perpetrate these scams. Unlike other reviewers, I enjoyed the last episode - especially the interview with the therapist who supports people hurt by cult-like groups.
  • Zander801
    It’s great to listen to. I like to ride my motorcycle and listen.
  • jazzyyy44
    “Some lesbians like penises, some lesbians have penises.”
    This is an absolutely disgusting homophobic statement. I immediately unfollowed and stopped listening.
  • fat-fir
    Hard to follow
    There isn’t a real thread of this story to follow. There is no flow or follow through with any of the people mentioned. Promising start, but then fizzles…..
  • Katels1
    I love true crime and cult stories, and this was great particularly given the first-person interviews with former members of the community. (Also love seeing Stephanie Beatriz getting more work—she rocks!)
  • Hulahulaluv
    Super interesting but “flamed out”
    There was a really interesting build up and the end just fizzled out. The person they convinced to change her gender now doesn’t identify and honestly if her flame had and end story it was un-memorable. It literally just ended. Super boring last episode.
  • admpod
    Finished in one day
    I blew through this one because I couldn’t stop listening! It’s so mind blowing that this still happens today but also not shocking. I loved the recent episode that broke down the psychology behind it. I would love an episode that dives into how this podcast was received by the community if that is something we know. Also the legal side of it. Can they be held in any legal capacity for in our aging people to break the law or is it considered free speech? Made me think of the girl convicted for encouraging her boyfriends suicide.
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