

The Big Stuff is my one stop shop for my weekly newsletter, minimalist lifestyle podcast, and Downsizing Series. Come hang out if you're ready to design a life that's bigger than stuff!


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Recent Reviews
  • Meredith Carpenter
    Helps me get grounded
    The honesty, depth and ideas in the podcast help me feel grounded and hopeful that I can create the life I want. Thank for everything Renee and I am excited to keep following as you embark on a new branch of what you offer!
  • Cb1234567654321
    New podcast title idea
    What about “Unpacked”? I enjoy the podcast in whatever form it may be.
  • Kindra2105
    I will be here during these new changes
    This is my first review and felt compelled to say that you have all my support in this new journey. I appreciate this podcast and will be here for as long as you allow me to be a listener. Thank you for your honesty and content.
  • 2121212121
    love listening
    I love listening to your podcast during my drive to and from work. I feel like I’m catching up with an old friend! Best wishes on your book and new endeavors!
  • Jamie Wolters
    Love love love!
    I listen to your podcast while at work and you inspire me!! ❤️❤️
  • saviem01
    Content vs Editing
    The content is really really good but the editing overshadows it by a lot. Ads are haphazardly inserted mid-sentence (at least in older episodes). The episodes often start with audio that is featured later in the episode and I can't tell if this is an editing error or if it's supposed to be a cold open (if it is then it is not working). It's clear that the host will take a sentence again from the top but doesn't remove the flubbed take. It is incredibly distracting and pulls me completely out because it sharply points to the fact that this is scripted (which is absolutely fine). It just feels less personal (that might be a me-thing). As I'm typing this I'm listening to an episode from 2022 where the host is reading a review calling the editing horrendous, so that gives me hope that it improves! But also, the content is really good and it's why I keep coming back but I don't know for how much longer. Update: it's been a few days but I've hit the middle of 2023 episodes. The editing has definitely improved so I'm adding a star. I'm still usually just confused by the cold opens because they don't differentiate themselves from the body of the episode, so usually I just think that I hit an episode that I had previously started. Also the intro is SO long. I have to hit the skip button three times (because I don't need to hear it ten times in an afternoon of listening). But I'll say it again, I really really like and appreciate the content so I'm still here.
  • Jul_In_NC
    Episode 107
    This was just what I needed! Hearing the breakdown of types of burnout and recognition of the harmful patterns of social media consumption in my own life in the way Emily put it out there — it was like the lightbulb just went on. I know the facts already but this candid conversation just hit the right way, just when I needed it. “If this isn’t enough, nothing will ever be enough” is the most encouraging thing for me in this stage of life while I’m considering the pros and cons of working less and how that will impact my day to day. I’ve listened to this episode TWICE just to take it all in. LOVE THIS PODCAST.
  • carolinejud
    New listener- loved the 3 things that scared you
    I have a parent that is addicted to alcohol. The way you described the situation really spoke to me. Movies and media really don’t show what alcohol addiction is like. The episode me think about my values and how even though I barely drink, I am still addicted to material things. I need a change so I can hold the things I really care about closer.
  • J Brunink
    Thank you SO much for the ever so relatable episode on alcohol/addiction and the grief it comes with. As a child of an alcoholic mother, whom I lost exactly 2 years ago today due to addiction, I NEEDED this today. More so today, than ever. I have never felt more understood. ❤️
  • Apackard17
    So relatable!
    I found this podcast at a time of self growth and confusion about what I want. Renee has a way of bringing everything into focus and I love listening to her! It feels like a coffee date with a close friend, thank you!
  • baehman
    Happy to be an Unstuffed listener
    I recently stumbled upon this podcast and it is like a hug! The topics are both so intriguing and calming to listen to. A lot of the conversations have validated the ways I have felt throughout my life and my decluttering process. I’ve been feeling more confident in my own skin since becoming a listener. The time you’ll spend here is so worth it and it’s just the perfect podcast to binge on long drives.
  • livmacv
    We’re a match! :)
    I don’t know if it’s your voice, your story, the content of what you’re talking, or if I just have found someone that knows exactly what I need to hear! Your podcast makes me feel calmer and makes me want to change even more.. I admire the way you turned your life around and you didn’t let yourself be another victim of our every-day-life. I love how positive you are! Thank you for being you! Honest, funny, straight to the point! Love listening to your podcast! Thank you thank you thank you! Livii
  • AngOmom
    More than about things, it’s therapy
    I love this podcast. It is like listening to a therapist. She has such a great view on life that I want to instill in mine. ❤️
  • KellsbellsFL
    Binge worthy
    I just started my minimalist journey and binged this podcast over the past month! Love listening to new ideas and views. Thank you for all you do!
  • SaratogaCounty
    Love it!
    Renee is down to earth, transparent, good-humored, and enjoyable to listen to! She offers wisdom of her own and shares the wisdom of others. I’ve lost track of how many good tips I’ve gained from her podcasts. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this podcast! ❤️😃
  • dezignluv777
    Pretty Cool Podcast
    Solid content not too preachy or judgy. Definitely make it less about stuff and talks more about the root causes.
  • KPH29
    Love this Podcast!
    Renee is so down to earth and relatable! I truly enjoy her podcasts, I’ve learned so much about myself and why I do the things I do. Definitely made a connection here and I look forward to every new podcast!
  • Biking4Hiking
    Sound quality
    I love this podcast, but what happened to The sound quality? 🤔
  • Jenni Franz
    One of the highlights of my week
    I look forward to this podcast I never miss it… Renee is unbelievably relatable…
  • Draper 11
    Enjoyed the content
    I have only listen to a couple podcasts and recently listen to the podcast with Marissa from A to Zen. I enjoyed the content and the guest speaker, thank you. I did feel the want to point out the podcasters constant use of the word absolutely, it ended up being so distracting. I don’t know if she wasn’t as prepared because it seemed to follow pauses. Just thought I would mention…
  • howdy509
    I can relate!
    The overalls had me laughing out loud, it was so relatable and I’ve had the same type of conversations with myself when impulse buying something that inevitably NOT transform me into the person I want to be. That takes actual work, you can’t buy self improvement lol. Thank you for this and what you’re doing, I appreciate the honesty - it’s a weird time to be alive with all the consumerism and distractions and instant gratification.
  • CkNookk
    Brings such a deeper meaning to minimalism
    Renee is the one who got me on my minimalist journey. I love her fresh take on things that everything doesn’t need to be in a perfect glass container and your home doesn’t have to have that perfect “minimalist” aesthetic. Living with less is about so much more than removing things, it’s about living intentionally and Renee really delves into this topic. Love this podcast!
  • TessaJC7777
    A Gift!
    Rene’s podcast and perspective has been a gift to me. Not only does she share great ideas, perspectives, and thoughts that make me think and act, but I am incredibly grateful to have a “friend” who is leading the way on perspectives that are counter cultural. Most of my in person friends don’t share the same passionate values with living simply, so I love getting to “chat” with Rene. It feels like your not alone in trying to make imperfect positive changes. Thanks for taking the risk and sharing your thoughts with us!
  • J*smo
    I finally found a podcast I truly align with. I listened to two episodes so far and I’m hooked. Thank you for being so real & open about the hard stuff! ❤️
  • Benna369
    I LOVE this podcast. Her content is so relatable to real life, which makes her advice and tips and views actually useful and motivating. Her voice is beautiful also. I am so excited for this find!
  • KristinSorrells
    So, so grateful for Unstuffed!
    I’m pausing my morning coffee date with Renee to leave this review because I am overcome with gratitude for this podcast! I have been on my minimalism journey several months now, but have never felt more understood by others until listening to the Unstuffed podcast. Renee spreads her messages passionately, thoroughly, and kindly. Minimalism has helped me work through postpartum, anxiety, and depression. I believe that everyone in the world could benefit from minimalism & this podcast is one closer step to that. Thank you for being in my corner! Forever a listener & supporter.
  • LindseyMom19
    A friend at a needed time
    Rene, just want to say THANK YOU! I found the Unstuffed podcast a few months ago while driving my toddler around hoping he’d fall asleep for nap time, so I could quickly get back to work. As a mom who works full time from home and also has a little one, a home, and a marriage to maintain, I’m often lonely and burnt out. I usually listen to this podcast when I’m feeling low and your episodes always leave me feeling more in control and positive! I’m finding a lot of your advice not only helps with creating a more simplified life, but also helps me to combat overwhelming and racing thoughts. I usually think I’m the only one thinking or feeling certain things, and when I come to your show you often talk about the topics most consistently on my mind. I love your authenticity and just want to say thank you for sharing!
  • arielleluana
    Thank You!
    I just found this podcast and it’s a breath of fresh air. It really does feel like I’m just chatting with a new and wise - yet down to earth and very relatable friend. Thank you for your honesty, encouragement and authenticity. Great content!
  • egh1500
    Love this podcast!
    I started listening as an aspiring minimalist, and I really appreciate how Renee goes deeper than surface level on so many different topics! Super relatable and fun to listen.
  • NayNayoMay
    Great content, has potential
    Love the message behind this podcast. Unfortunately, the editing is horrendous and very distracting. I will continue following in the hope that this improves.
  • Mis2bebes
    Great podcast
    I truly enjoy listening to your unique way for talking about minimalism! You are truly connected with yourself and that is transmitted!!!! Keep doing the great job of being you! Thank you for sharing with the rest of the world!!!!
  • @Debbie
    So glad I found this podcast
    The content is so relatable! Renee talks like she’s a longtime friend. Love it!
  • saizpardo
    I love this podcast!
    I love this podcast, Renee is just amazing! I understand so well all what she explain and tell, ahi is not above anybody else, she just walks by your side showing you the paths and shortcuts to get your own way. I enjoy so much listening her. I definitely would recommend this podcast to anyone!
  • nicolesunshine83
    The push we all need
    Renee is that non-judgmental friend that gives you the push to change your life and guides you as you jump into the future you dream about. She gives you baby steps so it doesn’t feel overwhelming or scary to start taking control of your life. The podcast is bite sized, long enough to give you what you need but short enough to keep your attention. No better time than now to start…go take a listen.
  • Clare 192
    Has Potential
    I feel like Renee‘s content is relevant and meaningful and that given another year, this podcast could really develop into something big, but the technicalities in her recording, editing process, and sound quality are lacking a bit of polish that detracts from the overall delivery.
  • BeautifulMinimalMillennial
    Hooked on Unstuffed
    OMG Renee is the friend and voice I wish I had during my declutter journey. I love the ongoing bits of encouragement!!!
  • jennifaeriedawn
    Thank you!
    Well done. I’m happy I found this. Thank you for the validation and inspiration.
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