Practical Stoicism


Stoicism is the pursuit of Virtue (Aretê), which was defined by the Ancient Greeks as "the knowledge of how to live excellently," Stoicism is a holistic life philosophy meant to guide us towards the attainment of this knowledge through the development of our character. While many other Stoicism podcasts focus on explaining Ancient Stoicism in an academic or historical context, Practical Stoicism strives to port the ancient wisdom of this 2300-plus-year-old Greek Philosophy into contemporary times to provide practical advice for living today, not two millennia ago. Join American philosopher of Stoicism Tanner Campbell, every Monday and Friday, for new episodes.

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Recent Reviews
  • bollmanj11
    Wanted to like
    I wanted to like it….but he goes out of his way to trash people that are genuinely trying to make them selves better because he doesn’t politically agree with said groups. Disappointing…
  • RockHardRaptor99
    pretty good content wise
    but too much self promotion. a distracing amount.
  • Ydrjopbssyvoo
    Episode Request
    Not sure if this has been recorded already, but an episode on stoicism if you’re feeling sick or dealing with other ailments would be helpful to learn more about.
  • RuthJoan
    This episode is why I enjoy Tanner’s show so much. It focuses on a valid concern for everyday day people in our every day lives. Not from an academic standpoint, but from a *practical* one. Nobody is a Sage, nobody is perfect, and that forgiveness, while perhaps not explicitly defined by ancient Stoics, is something we can infer from the teachings in general. Lovely episode Tanner, well done.
  • Dmunderloh
    Practical and useful ideas to adapt to my own life’s journey. Thank you.
  • tmlarso
    Used to be good
    Begins for money is gross. Put out good content, then money takes care of itself. The podcast initially was great as a journey. Lost its way when Kai came onboard. That mistake was corrected, but the podcast never returned to the initial enjoyable style.
  • MAZM75
    Best Stoic Podcast
    I am hooked, so easy to listen and understand. I have shared and continue to share this fantastic podcast, this is an experience. Please continue making stoicism available to any level of education. Thank you
  • Frustrated caregiver :(
    I could listen to Tanner all day…
    Listening to Tanner’s interpretations of stoic texts has helped me reframe my life. I feel more capable when it comes to setting goals, overcoming challenges, and pursuing meaningful work. I far prefer Tanner’s solo episodes to his more recent ones with Kai (or pretty much anyone else for that matter). Tanner is such a clear thinker that contributions from others tend to muddy the waters, in my opinion. I’m not surprised he’s trying to bring others on board as the podcast grows, but he hasn’t found a partner equal to him yet.
  • Scordra
    Shocked a Bit
    I do love this podcast but was shocked by Tanner’s talk about communism as something that just hasn’t been done right. I respectfully disagree as there are certain things by nature that are just wrong and can never be righted by human execution. Rape doesn’t work for the victim not because the rapist didn’t execute it properly, but by the very nature of its design it can never work for the victim. Ever wonder why communism doesn’t work and the horrors it does to the victims? Communism by nature is evil…it is not designed to work for the victims…and no matter who tries to execute it and how…it can only leave behind (as history shows) horrible crimes, injustices, pains, and suffering to humanity. So I still rate this podcast well overall…but Tanner please read more on communism, Marxism, etc.
  • B3asy
    Ad to content ratio is OFF
    About 7 minutes of ad reads for 6 minutes of content/critical thought
  • Wonder Wanderer
    Love this pod
    Just dove in from the beginning and will be binging to catch up to the present. This is giving to well crafted words to concepts I have been kicking around for some time. I didn’t realize that there was an ancient philosophy that can help to steer its followers into what I consider mental health, applicable to any era. I held the common misconception of what stoicism means. It is so much more. Do yourself a favor and give it a listen.
  • fi!xed
    Simply the best Stoicism podcast and discord community
    Can’t praise this podcast enough. Prior to first listening (and then binging) the episodes I dabbled in Stoicism but I wouldn’t say I was very knowledgable or that my practice was very deep. Then I started listening to Practical Stoicism and wow, what a rabbit hole. Tanner and Kai do an AMAZING job of explaining the ancient texts in a no-nonsense, practical way to help everyone integrate Stoicism into their lives. They have a free discord community which is fantastic, with hundreds of other practicing Stoics helping each other live better lives. I can’t thank Tanner and Kai enough for their life-changing service to the Cosmopolis. Do yourself a favor and subscribe, your life will be better for it.
  • YourBasicMelissa
    loved it until you started talking about Jordan Peterson
    I don’t know if I will keep subscribing to this podcast. I can refer you to the critique of Peterson by Chris and Matt on the Decoding the Gurus podcast, I guess, if I wanted to explain what I think of Peterson is as an intellectual. I know addiction so I can see the deception running through everything Peterson does. On the most important level, stoicism and addiction are not compatible, my friends.
  • MattS2394
    Thought provoking and great presentation
    This show is presented in a way that really lets you understand what message is being conveyed. Sometimes it takes a few listens not because of the presentation, rather the content is deep, practical, philosophical advice and can be hard to digest in one sitting
  • GusGib
    Gotta focus when listening
    The content is helpful, both original Stoic writings (translations/paraphrases) and Tanner’s (and now more) practical interpretations. I find I need to really focus when listening, which can be difficult when you’re trying to multitask (which our brains can’t actually do). I treat this show more as if I’m sitting down to read (vs some other narrative storytelling shows). Many of the shows are short so can fit in your day.
  • Memphis Chi
    Just what I was looking for
    I am a fairly recent student of stoicism. I looked for podcasts on the subject and this one was exactly what I was looking for.
  • OnlinePiggy
    Thoughtful and Well-Produced!
    I look for thoughtful content in my podcasts, and this is quickly one of my favorites. The episodes are not long, but thought provoking. Listen to one and think about it’s applications for a bit before moving on. Well-written and produced, with considered condensation of discussion.
  • Japars
    Loosing the shine
    I’ve been listening since episode 2, it was just about perfect back then. Quick, primarily the quote, a little interpretation. A man on a journey. Back then it presumed I was also on a path and allowed me to leave the interpretation to myself. Then came the adds, which were initially annoying but I don’t begrudge someone an income. Then came Kia Whiting. Since then the show is starting to include a bias and is starting to remind me of Daily Stoic and all the reasons Practical stoicism was so attractive to me when I joined the community. Please leave the politics or opinions about policy out of the discussion. I’m not sure how relevant minimum wage was to the letter to Marcus for example.
  • NickolasTB
    My favorite podcast
    I would happily listen to 20 minutes of ads for just 3 minutes of these conversations. This is without a doubt the most valuable show I have ever found. Thank you so much and please keep up the great work!
  • Just Tamz
    Liking and Learning
    I just started listening a week or two ago. I’m enjoying this thoughtful information about a subject of stoicism. I’ve been interested in it for quite some time. Tried to learn more through books, but honestly, those were boring. I appreciate Tanner’s commitment to excellence, the variety of content and caring about getting this message out in order to make the world a little bit better place by helping people to be better. Good luck - I plan to keep listening and learning!!
  • Dylan PB
    Easily my favorite podcast
    Most podcasts don’t even have the choice between ads or a subscription model, so it’s nice to be able to support a good podcast with my wallet rather than have to hear another war thunder ad. This choice alone makes 5 stars a no brainer. But the actual difference this podcast has made for me by applying some of Tanner and Kai’s wisdom to my personal life and work has really helped me to make positive changes to my character. I’m really glad to be a part of the community and I’m looking forward to going even further down this road.
  • JohnTheAthiest
    I can understand ads and getting paid, but when it’s literally 5 mins of ads and 3 mins of actual episode is too much. This isn’t the stoic way. When we value money over teaching it’s time to step back and reevaluate why you’re in this. Used to be such a great show too
  • Random Chinese Learner
    As a young and growing stoic, this podcast is vital to keeping me consistent and providing me with new brain food to keep growing. Episodes are usually constant and great quality. The hosts obviously really care and are putting their best effort into providing quality stoic content. Completely recommend!!
  • C2theN
    Brings More Interest to Stoicism
    I have long been intrigued by stoicism as part of my personal development journey. This podcast has a diverse number of topics that fall under stoicism and has opened me to new and great ways to explore it further. Very good content and great guests.
  • ChiTownCuban
    Excellent content!
    I appreciate all your hard work putting this together
    The podcast I didn’t know I needed
    I stumbled upon this show randomly. I have it a try and I really enjoy it! It’s perfect for a daily reading/listening practice and the episodes are short so they fit into my morning schedule or commute easily.
  • gmh23456
    Philosopher Tanner
    A friend of mine turned me onto this podcast, I always knew Tanner as “the podcast guy” but I’m glad he found this niche he seems so into and is growing such a great platform for those interested in this philosophy
  • BrightSideMetz
    A Thinker
    In these brief episodes, Tanner gives the listener plenty to think about. These are heavy topics, quoted from ancient philosophers, so taking them in small bits with Tanner's input is helpful. A worthwhile listen!
  • Maya Acosta- Health Lifestyle
    Lessons for life
    If you’re interested in mythology and the life lessons you can gain, this podcast is for you. Make sure to check it out. It’s a whale produce.
  • Phoebe abc123
    Daily practice
    I am using this podcast to work my way through “Meditations”. I listen to the appropriate meditation, then read it myself and journal about how it relates to my life. Tanner has illuminated parts of the book that, quite frankly tested my translation abilities. I am so happy to hear about all the changes that are happening with Practical Stoicism. It just keeps getting better!
  • Andrew Pledger
    Thank you!
    Thank you for this podcast! All the knowledge needed to practice stoicism in our modern world.
  • PodcastLover52
    Interesting podcast. As someone who actually didn’t even know what stoicism was it’s nice to have it broken down in a way I can understand. Also love the soothing voice of the host.
  • Bob2312312
    One of the few podcasts that I listen to continuously. I always look forward to a new episode and it really inspired me to apply stoicism to my everyday life.
  • mcphersonglen
    Great practical podcast!
    Host does a great job explaining concepts that can be complex. Love the show!
  • Derek Huggind
    New to stoicism? Check this out!!
    The host is really great at making you feel good about stoicism in your life. A must listen!
  • Jesse Veritas
    Calming… and educational?
    I know the two don’t go that well together but I feel such peace as I listen to the reading and Tanner’s voice helps to soothe and relax me. Look, philosophy has never been my strong point but I really felt like I learned something today. So thanks!
  • GetHelpDadPodcast
    I really like how he breaks down stoicism
    The podcast gently breaks down stoicism to the most basic person (myself) I like he flow on the podcast and his ability to answer questions. I you are into stoicism, this a must have podcast.
  • Lux208
    I was too familiar with Stoicism but now I’m beginning to understand the philosophy. You explain thing’s clearly and I have gained a more virtuous outlook on life. Highly recommend this podcast.
  • BrianMontes
    Great Way To Start the Day
    Mindset plays a big part in our professional and personal success. This podcast makes you think, provides words of wisdom and challenges you to push yourself to become a better version each day. Great way to start the day!
  • Bettina Brown
    Practical- to the roots
    Stoicism is a thought process brought about in Ancient Rome and Greece. They quote Socrates in this podcast. If you like a bit of cynicism, questioning, going to basics in thought- this podcast is for you.
  • JennyOfLovely
    Fascinating show!
    Practical Stoicism with Tanner is a fascinating show. I learn something new every episode and really appreciate his insights on everything with stoicism and history. A great listen if you want to think a little deeper!
  • Ozzyr24
    I enjoy listening to Tanner and his Team and how they ilústrate on important subjects. Thanks for doing what you do!
  • JAlpuche
    Stoicism is useful
    Excellent podcast. I enjoy learning about the stoics and their philosophy. I struggle with many things and the application of stoicism in my daily life has made me a better person.
  • JIVera
    I hope it gets better
    Began by watching the oldest of episodes first and it’s 50% advertisements 25% intro/outro and 25% content and the content is quality but I couldn’t pay to support a podcast with such little content. I will continue listening if only to update my review and provide a fair and accurate depiction based on my understanding because the narrator is great and deserves a fair assessment.
  • Weitlifta
    Great show
    Tanner is a thoughtful interviewer who has insightful guests into the nature of Stoicism.
  • cidk92
    Looking forward to more
    I just started listening to the podcast. Great positive message and deep thoughts. I look forward to researching the previous episodes.
  • Jubeeju
    This podcast is a great resource for those diving into stoicism. Episodes are short and concise which makes for great bite sized info!
  • emjay217
    Engaging and Actionable Ideas
    I enjoy this show and how the episodes are in palatable chunks of content that provide ideas to consider or action steps to take with the rest of the day. Tanner C. is also easy to listen to, which helps improve the quality and retention of the content. Thanks for this show, Tanner!!
  • Whitney Johnson
    Fascinating, and top notch
    First off what a great host Tanner is, and thank you for the introduction to stoicism. The outcomes are fruit was enlightening, and your guest selection, of Sharon Lebell, was top-notch. I was hanging on every word of your conversation.
  • Mind Triggers Podcast
    Enjoying the content
    recently discovered the Practical Stoicism podcast and have been thoroughly enjoying it. Keep up the good work.
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