SEAMSIDE: Exploring the Inner Work of Textiles

Crafts #65

SEAMSIDE host Zak Foster explores the inner work of textiles with various textile artists. In each episode, we seek to understand how working with fabric helps make us more human.

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Recent Reviews
  • UnceasingLove
    Happily Covid Binging this Podcast
    I’m a new nookster and just learned about this podcast. It’s providing me a great companion while I’m sick in bed and stitching this week. I am loving hearing from all the different artists, just eating up all the ideas and perspectives! Thank you!
  • lymanwren
    Warm n cosy
    Thank you for this warm and friendly podcast which I listen to while working in my studio. It renewed my deep love for textiles.
  • veusvi
    Insightful & inspiring
    This is my new favourite podcast! The conversations are natural and dive deep into the emotional and practical realities of creative and intelligent textile artists. Zak is an expert interviewer and conversationalist. These are gems. Thank you Zak and the guests for all these wonderful words!
  • @kimberlybrooklyn
    Why write a review?
    I often listen to Seamside while in my car driving across Brooklyn to Staten Island to New Jersey where I spend the weekends decompressing from my work schedule as a therapist and looking forward to being with my textile projects and walking along the beach with my dogs. It’s perhaps strange to say but while I listen, I tend to feel that Zak and his guests are actually in the car driving along with me. Zak feels like a colleague or friend, and his discussions with other textile artists on his podcast always feel intimate and warm, the way conversations with friends feel. Zak’s interview style is related, curious, and connected which makes him a good listener, a great questioner, and a playful human being. I’m writing this review to let others know that this podcast is truly one of my favorite resources for exploring the world of art and craft using textiles. It provides me with a community of people who have the same passion for art and creativity that I have, and helps me navigate the traffic from Brooklyn to Asbury Park each Thursday evening. So if writing a review helps Zak to get more guests on Seamside and continue holding space on the Quilty Nook, I’m happy to support!
  • OAS711
    My absolute favorite show
    Textiles and deep thinking, with such a lovely host and the most amazing guests! I am always inspired both creatively and intellectually by the wide array of exciting topics. Sometimes I even listen to episodes more than once! 11/10 would reccomend for quilters, textile enthusiasts, and really anyone!
  • CatherinePaul
    High Volume Joy
    I’ve loved this podcast for a long time, but the episode with Russell James Barratt was just extraordinary. I loved imagining the pieces as they discussed them, but then seeing the images blew my mind—so inspiring. Thank you thank you!
  • ~Bob~
    Love this show
    I’m a long time listener, if somewhat inconsistent. Every now and then I pop back in to see what’s been happening here, let a few hours play, and play with fabric. It’s like I’m listening into a great conversation between friends, whoever it is Zak’s chatting with. Thanks so much for the work you do.
  • bagel 11
    Love it!
    I learned about Zak's podcast recently, and it has been so thought provoking and inspiring. It came to me at a perfect time where I'm just starting to learn about quilting. Zak tells stories and interviews his guests in the friendliest and most comforting way. I also have roots in the Carolinas, and this podcast reminds me of home.
  • JR Stitchery
    Thank you
    Thank you, Zak, for sharing your gifts with the world. My love affair with textiles began when I received my first sewing machine at 11 years old. Sewing and all things creative have literally saved my life and continue to help me heal from the loss of my son to suicide two years ago. Finding you and your work have been a big piece of my healing puzzle. Thank you!
  • urlyturtle
    Backstitch with Coulter Fussell
    Just listening to Zak and Coulter Fussell in conversation - got her humbly brilliant fingers on the pulse of this world. Lots of deep intelligence threaded through your podcast, Zak - way beyond quilting and textiles, while never straying far, because it can all be found right there. Thank you.
  • Reading Bug Fans
    Ode to Seamside
    The questions are deep & Zak’s voice is calm. There is laughter and lightheartedness, as well as an exploration of the hardships and difficult sides to human life. This show has helped me deepen my creativity. Each conversation has kernels of wisdom and sparks of joy. & the episodes that are deep dives into Zak’s quilts are so inspiring and thoughtful. There is no podcast I would rather listen to. Thank you Zak.
  • Jeremy Mathew
    What a wonderful world to stumble into as a new quilter!
    I’ve listened to 2 episodes and already have so many new ideas for quilts. They’re inspiring and heartfelt ❤️❤️ also when Russel mentioned PRINTABLE FABRIC in the latest episode that further stretched what’s possible with quilts. Thanks for what you do!
  • Addie XYZ
    My first-ever review
    Thank you, Zak, for this fabulous and always poignant podcast. I started listening in Oct. 2023 when I discovered quilting and have not missed an episode. Rating and reviewing because you always ask so nicely in your opening and I want everyone with an interest in textiles to know about this. MUST LISTEN!
  • Rocco214178
    Highly Recommend!
    Zak has a velvety, calming voice, and it feels like a friend who guides me along my quilting and life journey. His podcast makes me think about quilting, fabrics, and even life in a different way. Each week I look forward to the new episode and it is a companion as I work on my current project. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who wants to broaden their creative process!
  • CSD954
    Life changing
    Found this podcast at the exact time I needed it. I’ve only listened to maybe 4 or 5 and not in any order. the one with Paolo Arao being my fave so far. This is all about creativity and inspiration. It is refreshing and much needed to shift the focus away from turning everything into making money. Every episode has me near tears as my brain remembers what it was like to be flooded with emotion and color and light. Thank you!
  • Whisks&Words
    I feel simultaneously all chilled out and all psyched to make stuff
    I love this podcast. I come to each new episode knowing, for sure, that I will 1) feel blissed out by the tempo and the tenor and the whole vibe that Zak creates with his guests; 2) feel so very awake with inspiration and new ideas to think through; and 3) feel so ready to get back to my own creative practice. A great listen for creative folks of all stripes.
  • Fiber&Flora
    Absolute Magic
    Oh Zachary (did I spell that correctly?), you are a gift to this planet and most especially to all the artists on it. This podcast is about textiles; their histories, their people and the stories they tell. But also, and maybe more so, its about being human, being soft, being compassionate and being raw. The guests Zak finds are treasures in themselves but Zak’s soft southern voice opens people up to the most beautifully insightful conversations. Maybe it was Zak’s years with high schoolers that taught him how to listen with such devotion… whatever it was, it shows in both his art and his interactions with his friends/guests. He mentions in an early episode that Zak sees himself as a lighthouse (one of a great many). That seems to fit. I was a bit lost at sea with my artistic practice and Zak and his guests (and friends on the Nook) have shown me the shore. In this country, at this time, gentleness like Zak’s is a great rarity. When you find it, you hold it close (and listen to each new Seamside episode the second it comes out). Thank you Zak, you’re a gem.
  • Joannemontzin
    What’s in our hearts
    Zak puts words to how we feel about textiles and fabrics. His calm and inviting manner lets the conversations with his guests flow as if we are there right with them. The topics are challenging, and understood at the same time. The conversations open the creative doors and encourage us to find our creative directions. You’ll be inspired!
  • WCS60
    Brings me peace
    Zack is a treasure. My favorite episodes are his personal ones that are meditations on his work. I am so calmed and inspired, and I love his sweet heart. Bless you, Zak, from this old Southern sewist!
  • mandykatg
    Like going to a great restaurant
    I have been enjoying listening to Seamside as I drive. I feel like I am sitting in on a conversation with friends. Zak is a great host and storyteller and somehow makes me feel like I’m there in the room with him. It reminds me of a feeling I get at a few wonderful small restaurants - I feel like I am a guest in someone’s home. Thanks Zak for letting us in, for sharing and encouraging.
  • ec_ziegler
    Always a pleasure…
    to listen to Zak’s podcast. Each interview I’ve heard contains at least one nugget of goodness that continues to resonate with me long after I’ve listened to it. In particular, I had to write a review after listening to Zak’s interview with Paolo Arao. As a Filipino quilter, I was delighted to hear from and about another Filipino textile artist—thank you, Zak!
  • jeanie bernard
    seamside episodes
    i have learned more from the interviews on Seamside than taking a college course in textiles! and met some exceptional artists… thank you zak for such thoughtful interviews…
  • Dietta H
    Insight and inspiration
    Oh my, so glad to have stumbled upon this podcast! As a textile artist, I appreciate hearing from others with like philosophies and such interesting takes on their own practices. Zak is an excellent interviewer and host. Having this podcast to listen to helps get Me out to my studio faster!
  • RMeginnes
    Treat yourself to a listen
    Zak’s podcast is magic ✨
  • Anne NJ
    Zak Always Gets Me Thinking!
    I love this podcast because it never fails to inspire. Zak’s takes on creativity are something special in the quilting world.
  • China /÷÷\\o\0\u0i
    This is a long over due love letter. Keep up the good work <3
    Seaside is so deep - and so light! I love sewing while listening to others discuss the many seasons and thoughts from within their own processes. I love how sewing and quilting grounds us to this connection of stories. I love what you accomplished with this Zak, thank you! basically, love, love, love listening to Seamside :) And how it fills some of the gaps in bringing together community around fibers, to have space for these discussions. Listening to others definitely influences me in a good way. I loved the nuances of talking about making space, empty space to start fresh with Nick, and even NOT doing things and still being a quilter with Jennifer. There is such life lessons in all this - listening to people take their art seriously and not so seriously - as I'm sewing away too.
  • WriterRunnerChickTexas
    Welcoming, inspiring and comforting
    I’ve inhaled this beautiful podcast today the first cool breeze after a long hot summer! Highly recommended for artists of all kinds (which means all y’all).
  • Zoe Frasier
    Thank You Zak
    For introducing us to quilters and artists through your podcast. I never miss an episode and repeat listen as well.
  • ejhern
    How do we love Zak?
    Zak is a fantastic artist. He makes wonderful art—quilts and textile goods and the like. His work has elements of traditional, elements of innovative. It’s all great. It’s all really, really wonderful! HOW ABOUT as a philosopher, have you met a deeper thinker? Zak is someone who entertains different sides of the issue, the dilemma, the conversation. He’s answered your questions, and he has sparked so many new ones. AND HOW ABOUT as a communicator, have you met someone who connects better with each person he comes across? With his guests, of course, but also in random encounters elsewhere. He make each of us feel important, like we’re an important part of his family. Zak is a gift. And his ability to make us better thinkers and better communicators and better connectors and better people cannot be understated.
  • MurphyScanlon
    Love Zak!
    Seamside is such a relaxing listen…always positive and fun!!
  • Thyroid23!
    Each time I listen to Seam Side, I learn something new and exciting! The various artists inspire me to be open to new ways of expressing creativity and Zak allows them so much time and space to share their ideas and habits slowly so we can picture them in our own mind’s eye. And…I like the introductory music!
  • RafiBomb27
    Always a peaceful joy
    Zak brings such peace, joy, and magic to each conversation. I love the big and little talks with each artist. I always feel inspired after listening.
  • bhibb3456
    Such good times for me
    I have been really enjoying listening to Seamside. As a member of The Quilty Nook I have been aquatinted with Zak for a while now. I am new to Seamside though. All the different artists have such different views on how they relate to the world, themselves, and their creative work, and they help me wonder about how I relate to the world, myself, and my current recreational fabric art life. Thank you Zak for bringing all these people to me so I can expand my own world view right from my tiny rural American town.
  • allthenicknamesaretaken:(
    Seeing the radical possibilities of the south
    The best kind of big, deep, generous, enthusiastic art talks! I don't even know how to sew but I love these.
  • Ali Moncrieff
    Could listen til the cows come home!
    I love this podcast! Zak’s conversations with other quilters manage to be at once very mellow, wildly inspiring, and profoundly mind-expanding. I listen to certain episodes more than once—they are *rich* and often influence my perspective and creative work. Grateful for it! Thank you. 🙏🏼🦋
  • littlenikkionesock
    A thoughtful conversation about textiles!
    I love this podcast and look forward to each episode. Zak has such wonderful spirit! I really enjoy the variety of artists he features and the intimate conversations around textile and textile art. His interviews are so thoughtful and really engaging! Five stars!!
  • LeeLee Lauree
    let's be real ( i wish they let me review different episodes)
    zak's authenticity kind of reveals the truth of his guests...this revelation is the ultimate creative act. coulter is the best!
  • akjaybay
    Like an old friend
    Hi! I just listened to your podcast go the first time and feel inspired and connected. I am new to quilting, but have been a maker, crafter, artist my whole life. A friend of mine @kadeyweaves recommended your podcast to me, and I’m so glad she did! While listening, I was motivated to start my layout for my first large quilt with oh so many small, puff squares. Thank you for your conversations which feel like I’m tagging along in a conversation with an old friend. Besos!!
  • PalomaQuilts
    Keeping it real
    I really appreciate your interview style. We as the listener are able to get a true glimpse into the guest as an individual, as well as their approach to their craft and/or business. I am so glad that I found your podcast. Emily
  • @bhyuiimfdzzs
    Seamside has been an absolute gift to me. It helps me to remember that we’re all human, and that we all experience challenges in our everyday lives. Seamside takes these conversations and shares the impact it can have on our textile practices. I love hearing how artists confront their difficulties by making creative outlets for the world to feel and see. I just listened to Zak’s conversation with Lou Gardiner. I have fallen in love with her Cape projects. Oh my gosh!! “A must listen to”! Beverly
  • Denise Tackett
    Denise Tackett
    I love your gentle way of communicating with your guests and the way you bring in not only their work but their lifestyles I keep your podcast for when I have to walk on the treadmill (which I find deadly boring) and it’s beautiful way to take me to a place that’s lovely
  • a.h.franz
    Candor with kindness
    The open and honest conversations that Zak engages in with an astoundingly rich variety of accomplished guests is such a pleasure to be apart of. Never before has a podcast conferred such a feeling of home for me. This podcast is a source of inspiration, a salve for those of us who don’t feel like “real” artists because we work in a “craft” medium or on the side, and a community and family for those without a tangible stitching circle. Thank you, Zak and guests, for putting this lovely work into the world.
  • jess.janae
    Exactly the type of textile podcast I want
    There is incredible richness in this podcast, I love hearing about all of the meaning and humanness in Zak’s textile work and that of his guests
  • maybemitchell
    Zak is the Brene Brown of textiles
    Zak’s gift is not only his talent and the art he produces but his humanity and how he’s able to authentically connect to others. The discussion of the process of creating art and navigating life is equally important. He is able to present a beautiful perspective without judgement that makes listening as joyful as his the colorful pictures of his work on Instagram. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • 5redhens
    What a fun, and informative podcast. There’s so much to love about quilting, and this podcast shines a bright light.
  • Mary@BCF
    Seamside with Jess at Public Library Quilts
    This is just the conversation I want to be privvy to as I pick up my needle and stitch. As I listen, it feels like I have good company, like-minded folks who understand as we draw the needle in and out, together.
  • Embry2
    Are you kidding me. So so good.
    I don’t write podcast reviews, but I MUST this time. Every one of these interviews gets better and better. I’m a picky podcast listener. I want every moment to be worthwhile or I just can’t. I love love the thoughtful questions, amazing guests…Zak creates a comfortable and intimate space for the interviewer and listener to reflect and listen and feel. I don’t think you have to be a maker to enjoy these episodes, but it sure is nice to sew while listening. I can’t wait for the next one.
  • petdoc35
    Beautiful podcast for quilters!
    I’m an admirer of Zak’s work but I just recently discovered his wonderful podcast. His calm interviewing style makes the talks so enjoyable and they are not too long. He gets to the heart of each artist and I enjoy exploring the works of the each of the artists that he interviews. It’s a great inspiration for me. Thank you, Zak! I look forward to the next podcast and seeing more of your beautiful work.
  • Kiangaj
    What a Gem of a show!
    Zak this podcast was quilt church for me. Every word that Beverly is speaking is taking me on a journey of spirit. My maternal grand parents are from North Carolina and migrated to Baltimore where I was born. The talk of leaving home and returning home and the connection to your quilt journey was just delicious! There was so much synchronicity for me in her journey and also what you shared of your journey. I’m grateful for the discovery of this show and it has definitely been added to my podcast library. Thank you Beverly for all you shared it was soul food! Keep going Zak keep going!
  • danmar53
    In One Hour,
    I can experience the peace and presence of meditation plus the exuberance of creative inspiration!! And I knew, after listening to the first three episodes of SEAMSIDE, that I wanted to tune in to Zak’s conversation with Victoria at a time when I could savor the experience, along with time afterwards to allow it to soak in. I love the zine accompanying each episode! Zak captures quotes from the podcast that I can revisit and offers questions to use for additional reflection.
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