Choose Strong


Hosted by Eddie and Sally McRae, Choose Strong is about choosing strength over fear in every situation in life. Strong Mind, Strong Body, Strong Love. Each episode is filled with candid insight, raw and relatable stories and interviews. As a pro athlete, wife, mother, and biz owner, Sally seeks to encourage others to live a strong and courageous life and uses her running as a metaphor for life. The show covers a variety of life focused topics including running, total wellness, mindset, parenting, life balance, the impact of social media, and staying motivated while working toward goals. Support this podcast:

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  • Mjurinak
    Positive mindset for your life
    I first heard about Sally from Joe Corcione and was a bit nervous to follow another ultramarathoner. But after the first episode I was hooked. Even through my postpartum depression and anxiety, Sally’s strength and optimism encouraged me to get out of the house, even if it was only a 10 minute walk. My baby is now a year old and I am up to running 6 miles, feeling like my normal self, and even running with friends, and signing up for endurance challenges. I will be forever grateful for Sally’s wise words and bubbly personality to encourage me through all of life’s challenges. And Eddie’s silly sense of humor of course. :)
  • Oceane Molnar
    Awesome podcast!
    Big mega kudos to this podcast!! I listen to Sally and Eddie while at work , and always find myself laughing out loud ! Sally’s laugh is contagious , I love the relationship you both have together! I Because of you, and this podcast I am now on the road to my first 100 miler , I can do this !! You are right ..we are capable of so much more !
  • Love2Run333
    Laughs, Love, Life and Running
    This podcast has seen me through countless workouts, long drives, and even a few races. If you want to laugh, get inspired, spread love, and get running tips - this podcast is for you! Sally’s laugh is contagious and Eddie is the perfect sidekick to keep every episode interesting, informative, and so entertaining. I truly see Sally and Eddie (and the Choose Strong community) as friends. I look forward to the release of the podcast every week, and even love when the episodes are several hours long. Give them a listen, and join the Choose Strong fam!
  • Trailmomma
    Needed nuggets
    There is so much goodness in this podcast. I am an athlete and an ultra runner but I am also a mom and a youth soccer and basketball coach. I listen for the unbelievably uplifting nuggets of positivity and the confidence boosters that Sally (and Eddie) give each and every episode. I tell my own kids and the kids I coach that they are keeper of their own value and if they put in the work, progress will happen but no one can take away their self worth. So, thank you for inspiring, for believing and for sharing. Happy Trails! -Pam
  • CNP13!
    Do the work.
    First encountered Sally on Cam Hanes’ podcast and found her relatable, authentic, and inspiring! She and Eddie churn out great stories, wisdom, and a genuine atmosphere of camaraderie every week on their podcast, offering a special sense of connection and community to people who have never met, but who share a desire to chase after discomfort, dig deep, and find joy in the journey. Really appreciate the spirit of the show and the constant reminder that strength is a choice.
  • sharonredbaron69
    Love this podcast! Sally and Eddie are so inspiring
    I love this podcast! Sally and Eddie are so inspiring and motivating. They talk about how to get thru the hard parts of training and races. They let you in behind the curtain to hear about what it’s like to crew for an athlete. They are so down to earth and relatable. And yet they are so remarkable too. I wish I lived in CA next to them! They keep me going when the going gets tough. Try it and you’ll see too!
  • SeaWolvesRock
    So motivating
    Every episode is GOLD (or yellow!) with tips, stories, motivation. Eddie and Sally are such fun storytellers and keep the listener engaged the whole episode. I appreciate the length of the episodes so I can enjoy them for my entire run, workout, or when I’m moving the lawn. #choosestrong
  • trodick
    Amazing energy
    Sally and Ed are two beams of sunshine. I encourage you to listen to this podcast if you need a boost of positivity in your life. I started listening to this podcast as a runner, but I have gotten so much more than just running inspiration. This podcast will restore your faith in humanity. Sally is inspirational in every sense of the word ( and her laughter is contagious) and Ed is an amazing co-host. You both make me smile and motivate me to be a better human. Thank you for sharing your light and your gifts with us listeners!
  • Kris-1013
    Thank you Sally and Eddie!!!!
    Hands down my favorite podcast! I’m so thankful that I found Sally and Eddie! I take them on my runs, lift sessions, commute to work, etc. !!! Always so encouraging! They make me laugh , cry and everything in between!!! Thank you both for being voices in my ear on my best and worst days! Thank you for reminding me to always choose strong!!!
  • Ahsgbedu
    Life Changing Podcast
    I can honestly say, the Choose Strong podcast has definitely changed my life for the better. I’m a first responder, and have been in a darker place recently. I’ve been battling work stresses and loneliness, as well as some deep self-worth issues. I’ve run my whole life, since about 7 years old, and while I’ve never been good at it I’ve always had endurance and have run dozens of marathons. I stumbled upon one of Sally’s documentaries, and became absolutely hooked. It lit a fire in me that I haven’t felt in a long time, and I’ve recently been running with a purpose and am even training for my first ultra. I’m excited to run again, but what I’m even more grateful for is the podcast. I listen to it everyday on my way to my shift as well as my runs, and I can’t even count how many of the episodes have hit home with me, not only in running but in my personal life as well. I AM worth something and do have a purpose, and following Sally’s mantra from many of her races, I GET to do this. I am very fortunate to be living my life and continue to do so with more passion and drive than ever before, and I owe the Choose Strong Podcast the ultimate kudos!! 👍🏻 Good luck Sally at Western States- you’re going to crush it!!
  • Suzie747
    Inspirational and Hilarious
    This podcast has very quickly become one of my all time favorites and a staple to my weekly long run or really any other task that calls for a little motivation. Sally and Eddie are the reason I’m laughing out loud (by myself) through tough workouts. Not only will their hilarious banter keep you laughing along the way, but Sally will have you wanting to dig a little deeper and try a little harder in every aspect of life. They do such a beautiful job of encouraging kindness and fostering community. You’ll feel like you have your friends by your side while listening to every episode.
  • Wasslaur
    Pumped to track Sally’s success at Western States!
    After listening to episodes of the Choose Strong podcast I am always encouraged and challenged to put in the work and keep my head and hope up. As a mother to five daughters I often find myself listening to episodes while in the kitchen making meals and cleaning up and laughing along with Eddie and Sally like they are sitting at the counter with me. As a former competitive swimmer I can relate to a lot of the mental toughness discussions and while at this point in my life I’m not formally competing in things, I love the mindset to choose strong in all you do and share this with my girls and my community around me. I love to move my body to de-stress and it’s uplifting to be reminded that the work we put in is worth it. (Plus having kids ranging from age 3 to almost 13 it feels like some days I’m in a high endurance sport and I have to stay sharp with my mind and my body and spirit to really stay the course!) Thanks for all the effort you both put in to putting out great content. You are my favorite recommendation to share with others whether it’s this podcast, your instagram, or your book! Thanks for your integrity and light you bring to the world! Cheering for you this weekend as you push your body at Western States! 💛🫶🏼
  • KatTahoe
    My favorite ! Inspiration with lots of wisdom and laughs!
    Love pushing play while heading out the door for my daily run! The hours and miles just fly by while listening to you guys:) Lots of great advice and inspiration with light humor and great stories that I really enjoy to be part of! Thank you Sally and Eddie for sharing! Run strong this weekend! 🩷
  • 3 out if 5
    Phenomenal for motivation and true heartfelt content
    I love how genuine both Sally and Eddie are. As a father with a young daughter I love learning from their experiences and advice not only on handling the race life with kids, but on parenting as well. It’s nice to have a wholesome experience in a running podcast that isn’t all stats and paces. It’s also nice that it’s all appropriate to listen to with my little girl unlike most content online these days. Thank you both for sharing your experiences and message. Keep going strong to you both!
  • Anissa K.
    Love these two!!!
    Eddie and Sally are both so inspirational, funny, sweet, humble and just such a pleasure to listen to!! I love this podcast to pass time while I drive and do household chores but have also listened to help pass the miles on a trail run! Love this podcast and my friends Sally and Eddie so much!!!
  • Appmam13232
    The only pods that I’ve been listing to lately
    Found this pod while listing to Nick Bare’s interview with sally . Immediately found chose strong and was drawn to the friendship that her and Eddie have . After a long layoff of consistently running and racing , I’ve been inspired to chose strong and train again. Not sure if I’ll take a crack at the ultra distance but will definitely be signing up for race in the near future. Thank you both for being such a light in the world . I give you both mega big kudos
  • McKenna0325
    The best!
    Eddie and Sally, I appreciate the way you authentically share your life with all of us and encourage us along the way. Your testimony has taught me so much about life, racing, and faith. Keep shining!
  • Briana Kallas
    Inspirational, Informative, and Fun
    The Choose Strong Podcast has quickly become my favorite running/ultra-running podcast! Not only do Sally and Eddie keep me company and keep me entertained on training runs, but they get me through long days at work when I would rather be running. I have learned so much listening to these two - about running, life, mental toughness, and the importance of family through it all. Sally’s energy is infectious, and their stories inspire me to go after my goals and dreams wholeheartedly. The information they share has made me a better runner and a better human and I can’t wait to listen every week!
  • Tabsbatz
    Gigantic kudos to Sally and Eddie!
    Sally and Eddie are the best. They are both kind, humble , inspiring and funny. This podcast is a great combination of reaching goals, family, sacrifices and staying consistent. Even though my running level only deserves mini micro minuscule kudos, I always feel included and inspired by the conversations.
  • Ethan Wuestenhoefer 🤙
    One of the best all around podcasts!!!
    In prior years I was in the best shape of my life racing obstacle course races all over the country and even making some elite podiums! Since the birth of my son I have let a lot of the fitness go and have been struggling mentally with all the work I’ve lost and wanting to get back to that place of fitness but being overwhelmed by the amount of work it’s going to take. Listening to Sally and Eddie has helped put a better perspective on things and hearing the analogy about being in different seasons in life and how things change has helped a ton! I have also realized it hasn’t all been for nothing, and that I can get back to that place fitness. It will take time and patience but this time I’m armed with all of the knowledge I’ve gained from my 5 years of racing. Listening has also helped in everyday life as well especially in times where I’ve felt down and unsure of my future. For some reason I needed to hear Sally say, “if your dreams don’t scare you they’re not big enough,” to get myself back in gear and set new exciting and scary goals! Not just in fitness but in life. Thank you Sally and Eddie.
  • JK_galeforce
    Do the work
    I’m 65 and training for my first 100 miler. I look forward to taking Sally and Eddie with me every weekend. I appreciated the encouragement this week for older runners to follow their dreams. I firmly believe it is about “doing the work” and this mantra of yours helps keep me true to my running and strength training plans. I’ll be wearing yellow on Saturday and following your journey. Find your joy out there!
  • Danrod6551
    New runner!
    I’ve been a fan of nick Bare and sally for years and finally made the jump to train for my first marathon and coming from powerlifting for 7 years I had zero running experience. While walking and jogging I was watching Sally’s YouTube and listening to her podcasts, 2 months later I am now able to run for 10 minutes without stopping and I really resonate with her views on pain while running and strategy to mitigate and adjust when encountering tough runs or moments. 10/10 love the POD!!!!
  • Jessi Johns
    Emotional support podcast
    I love listening to the Choose Strong podcast for two reasons. First, listening to Sally and Eddie’s banter makes me feel like I’m hanging out with good friends and leaves me with positive vibes. Second, Sally is guaranteed to go on a motivational, no-nonsense but loving rant that will make me feel confident in my capabilities in life.
  • Andrew Botz
    Super Duper Mega Kudos
    Listening to Sally and Eddie has been such a joy. I started my running journey last summer and was listening to them when training for all my firsts, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, 50K, 50 Miles, and now training for my first 100 miler. Thank you both for creating this community and providing encouragement to me. Love you guys! Side note: Sally’s laugh is contagious. My wife and I listen together sometimes and we always end up laughing out loud with you.
  • rickienichole
    Go to motivational & training podcast!
    I listen to Sally and Eddie on the majority of my morning runs. Training as early as I do can be quite lonely and often scary training in the dark. There have been several days where I feel like I am losing my spark or motivation because maybe I’m not feeling my best. However, Sally always has a motivational chat with her audience that captivates and inspires me to challenge myself and keep going. Not to mention Eddie keeps me laughing! Choose strong.
  • Johnyauwsome123
    Nothing to say but amazing
    This podcast is so consistently uplifting and encouraging. I love how it’s just like a conversation between friends and how I feel like I am sitting at the table with them. I just recently finished my first 50k and this podcast was a pillar I constantly used for my training long runs. I am so grateful for the community that you guys are creating and that you are always looking for ways to include the people around you no matter their background. Choose strong is a motto I will be using the rest of my life. Thank you to Eddie and Sally, undoubtedly the best duo in the entire running community.
  • BetsyGig
    So encouraging!
    Sally and Eddie have been so encouraging, inspiring and helpful to me. This podcast is exactly what I needed in this season. They speak to the journey we are all on in such a gracious and hopeful way.
  • jenn.fisk
    Stop, walk, & listen!
    Stop what you’re doing. Go for a walk (or run). And listen to this podcast. I promise you won’t regret a single moment! Do you ever have one of those days where you don’t want to be alone but don’t have the energy to be in a social setting? I used to until Sally and Eddie became my friends. And I say friends, because that’s exactly what it feels like when I listen to the Choose Strong podcast. Whether it’s driving to or from work, meal prepping, at the gym, or out for a run/walk/hike, I feel like I am sitting with two close friends. Only I don’t have to contribute to the conversation - instead, I laugh through their conversations and always feel more motivated by the end. Together they make me want to be a better friend and partner, but most of all a better version of myself. This podcast has given so much insight from a runners perspective, tips and knowledge that I’ve gained as a crew and pacer, and even life advice that you can take and use right away. I want to thank Eddie and Sally for sharing a piece of them with us through stories of strength and struggles. I grew up in Auburn, CA and don’t live too far away so you can bet I’ll be at the Western States starting line (wearing yellow) to help cheer on all the racers on that morning!
  • Rickultraruns
    Positive, Challenging, Real
    These two are so real and down-to-earth. Their discussions are not just about running long, they’re really about living well. I’m challenged every time I listen.
  • motivationnation
    Mango Gel Box Giveaway Entry Review!
    Giveaway or not, I would have written this review! Listening to Eddie and Sally laugh, banter, and share stories is the HIGHLIGHT of my week :)! I look forward to every episode and save them up for my long runs. Eddie and Sally have created so many inside jokes with their podcast community that you actually feel like you’re friends with them. Can’t recommend this podcast enough for any runners, parents, and lovers of humanity! Keep choosing strong 🤘🏻
  • AllinaF
    So Inspiring
    As a “new to distance” runner - Sally is so inspiring to listen to. She really makes me feel like I could go a little further, be a little stronger and completely change the way I’ve allowed myself to think in the past - which was “ you’re not a runner” - but I’m finding that I totally am. 💪 Listen and be inspired!
  • Kdub Fisher
    Found yellow 🤩
    I’m so happy I found this podcast! Transitioning into ultra running from Ironmans, it’s getting me excited again to try something new. Thank you for many happy hours 🙌🏼🏃🏽‍♀️
  • Mango Madness for Sally McRae
    Going for the Win with BPN and a Yellowrunner Mindset - from a listerner since day 1 of the pod!
    Leaving another Review of Gratitude for Sally and Eddie McRae. Gotta say, I am going for WIN of the 1 in 5 BPN coveted SPLASTED & DECKED OUT BOX featuring our beloved Yellowrunner herself. Sally, I’ll be sporting yellow on Sat during a 13-mile training run in the AZ desert with some new friends I made since joining the trail running community in Jan. I want to thank you for the continuous words and images of inspiration and insights we all take on the trails with us, from the “Champion of the Sport!” I can’t wait to be cheering you on during this WS endurance run that you’ve express with be a "special experience" this go around for Eddie, Makenzie, and you all together in a meaningful way and with Isaiah in spirit!
  • Shamsonite22
    You should listen to this!
  • Gabyinthemountains
    Never stop dreaming
    The most INSPIRING podcast ! Every time I listen to the weekly episode, I feel motivated and determined to keep chasing my dreams. I am a triathlete who has big goals in sport but have also entered a season of life where we have decided to start a family. I have learned so much from eddy and sally about embracing the seasons of life but also knowing that my goals don’t have a specific timeline. I look forward to chasing my dreams after pregnancy but also loving the journey ! Thanks to eddy and sally for always being positive and chasing their own goals alongside everyone who listens.
  • Beck running
    Keep up all the ENERGY and ENCOURAGEMENT
    I have been drawn to Sally's energy very early on and this review is a long time coming . I am a very muscular woman and I don't look like a runner should. Sally has always made me feel special and that I am me and to be comfortable with that. I've even started lifting using the app. And it actually is making me feeling stronger. I never thought I would run a 100 mile race...but maybe one day I will. The podcast helps me appreciate myself throughout even in very dark times. I loved the podcast to NEVER give up . And how Sally talks about seasons and how seasons have an END. Even if there very long I'll keep running choosing strong. Running has always made me feel strong. But now with Eddie and Sally cheering me on I feel unstoppable. Thank you for your positive thoughts and energy...we are listening ❤️
  • Gerralynn McKenna
    Truly inspirational
    It is always truly inspirational to listen to Sally share wisdom about running and just life. I always leave listening to this podcast ready to take on whatever run or growth opportunity is waiting for me.
  • Happiestwhenhiking
    Like having friends along for every run
    I’ve been following this podcast since the beginning and can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to stop my run because I was laughing so hard, especially last week with the what not to say to your runner part. I actually played it back for my husband and son while we were walking and we all laughed. Thank you for giving me a space to feel seen, so much of what Sally says is so relatable. 💚
  • Jjkkcooldudes
    Amazing Pod
    One of the best running podcasts, so motivating to train hard
  • drewskiskiski
    Must listen on release day!
    This is one of a few podcasts that is a must listen on the day that it comes out. Sally and Eddie bring a real life perspective to everything even though she’s a professional runner, she relates to the everyday person so well and relates her lessons learned through running in life to everybody and it’s able to be applied to all aspects of life! Thank you!!
  • zzzzzzoverit
    Great podcast 💛
    Love to listen to this podcast when running or commuting to work. Sally is so inspiring and love her and Eddie’s dynamic. Choose strong!
  • Begeerte
    Love love love this podcast! As an average person trying to stay active and in shape, I find this podcast inspiring and helpful when I’m lacking motivation. Thank you, keep up the great work!!
  • josh0947
    Strong Life!
    The journey to a strong life seems to bounce us along from unexpected place to unexpected place. To say I was a lifelong non-runner is an understatement. Love fitness but running was not for me. After finding Goggins and Cam Hanes I started running, to do something I hated with the goal of growing mental strength. While diving into that world, along came Sally and Eddie McRae. Same world, similar sports, different kind of worldviews. Sally and Eddie embody the Strong Community in the best ways. With the Choose Strong podcast (binging all 66 episodes in the last two months) my view on running and growing mental strength has completely changed. What started as a goal of mental strength fueled by discomfort and doing hard things just to prove how tough I could be, has now turned into a goal of building a Strong Life with Strong Mind, Body, and Love. Sally is so inspirational in the way that she sees the world, loves people so well, and encourages everyone to relentlessly Choose Strong especially in the little things. Eddie is such a relatable counterpart to this duo, with this calm, collected, fantastically lighthearted sense of humor. Watch out for these two, they will have you setting goals and encouraging you to do things that you never thought possible (setting my sights on a 50k after watching Eddie complete a marathon and Sally complete the Grand Slam 200’s on un-usable feet 😂). Thank you Eddie and Sally for your wonderful community, Strong Faith, endless miles of encouragement and laughter. As a Father of an almost two year old watching the way that Sally has crushed a career as a mother and professional athlete while raising two incredible children is beyond inspiring. Eddie and Sally you both make me want to be a Strong Husband and Father, to show my family that we can endure together through life while lifting up others along the way. Almost 200 miles into my running journey that started this year (fueled by the Choose Strong Podcast) and can’t wait to see where my feet will take me. Thank you everything that you are doing, for the community you have built, and for encouraging the world to Choose Strong in all that we do!
  • mwilliams1981
    Choose This Podcast
    Just wanted to let you two know how much I appreciate the time you spend putting together these podcasts for us. I love your dynamic. Sally, I admire your strong mind, body and spirit! You are truly an inspiration to me. I am a full time working mama to a toddler. I trained and ran a 55K earlier this year and you guys got me through the race and even some of the tough training runs with your motivations, silliness and well produced content. Eddie, your silly side and updates on your goals always makes me smile. I love getting to see you and Sally’s relationship and the way you guys interact and work together. I love you both and thank you so much for all that you do!!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes333
    motivation and love
    I’ve been listening to Choose Strong for a couple years. I listen most when I’m training, as Sally and Eddie’s stories about life and running help keep me focused and excited. I’ve recently had a rough go of it. It’s been a few months or more since I listened to the podcast. After a quick run this morning I felt the push to click play, knowing how their words help set my mood. I’m feeling lighter and ready to move head strong into the rest of my week. Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing people together far and wide through the podcast and in your day to day- it definitely motivates me to do the same! Best, Dani
  • Gaengels
    Amazing podcast
    This is the best/funniest and most inspiring podcast. I started listening when I was living in Saudi Arabia and help me doing my first marathon in Riyadh. Now my family and I moved to NY and would like to start running more trails thanks to this podcast. Also so inspiring as how a marriage and family should be. Thank you guys and good luck with Western State Sally!!
  • k.shoop
    Sally is my free coach
    Thank you for such quality content. What a privilege to be coached by one of the greatest humans of our time. I love how you incorporate your faith, family, and normal life into your pod. The Bend story gave my fiancé and I the confidence to continue taking leaps of faith. We’re moving to South Orange County from the midwest. Maybe see you on the trail out there! You are so down to earth and in touch with real life. I love how encouraging you are- it’s a breath of fresh air and grace in a world that can be so intense sometimes. Thank you Sally for inspiring me and so many others with your life!
  • Trevin Vass
    Great podcast
    Amazing motivational podcast with no bad language. Things learned on this podcast really helped me run my first 50 miler.
  • Amber Runs
    Kudos no matter the Size
    You both are an extra large kudo to me and what I would guess lots and lots of people around the world. I love your positive energy and what you both talk about sits in my head and heart all the time. When things get tough during a run or just in life I take a deep breath and think of this podcast no matter what one it is I then move on. Stronger for pushing on. Thanks to both of you for this amazing thing you are putting out in the world. Now back to training for my 50 miler.
  • Daniel Parvin
    The Laughter Is Contagious!
    I don’t do social media so I love that Sally has a podcast; it’s my way to stay plugged in and feel connected to her adventures. I also love that it’s about more than just running. Sally and Ed spend the first 30+ minutes talking about life and giving shoutouts to the Choose Strong family. I’m fairly new running, approx. 2 years of consistent training, but it has changed my life and I’ll sing its praises from the mountain tops. My kids have seen me watching Sally’s ultra adventures on YouTube and want me to do an ultra so they can be my “pit crew”! And to top it off, my heart melted last week when my almost 7 year old daughter said “daddy, I want to go run with you”…. Knowing that my kids see my hard work and consistency helps me to continue to Choose Strong on those early mornings when it would be so much easier to just sleep in. Thanks for being an inspiration and for sharing life, laughter and love!
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