Match Made in Manhattan


Welcome to your new favorite podcast: Match Made in Manhattan, hosted by the iconic two girls & a gay trio: Katy Bellotte, Colbie Cassidy and Adam Harrison.

This is a podcast all about navigating your twenties in the city that never sleeps. Tune in every Friday to hear us chat about all things life in NYC: relationships, work, advice, social life, and everything in between. Match Made in Manhattan is a light-hearted, fun, banter-full show that will help you laugh, cry, and smile your way through all the ups and the downs that come with living in the big city.


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Recent Reviews
  • thatssoriles
    My absolute favorite pod. I could listen to you three talk all day. Adam is hilarious, Katy is quirky and reminds me of myself, and Colbie’s anecdotes are life-giving. Love it!
  • Tkllkkkg
    Love this podcast!
    Love listening while commuting/working, but it’s becoming harder to listen to when Katy is constantly interrupting (whether it’s to relate to the topic, or look up a definition of something, etc.)… Katy I love ya, but please work on listening to your co-hosts and not responding/interrupting so quickly.
  • jestays
    Katy Is Insufferable
    I used to like this show but ever since Katy started dating her ~~BRitIsH~~ boyfriend, Katy has become insufferable. She always interrupts Adam and Colbie. Always wants to make it about her and her bf. This podcast has gone downhill and it’s due to Katy.
  • fjnfbfhrhehf
    I count down the days until Friday for a new episode!! They truly never miss and I feel like I’m on the phone with my besties
  • sclub4eva
    Take a beat Katy
    I know Katy wants to relate and add something to this podcast but her interrupting her friends to talk about herself, her romanticized perspectives (that come off as delusions) or her relationship that is still in the honeymoon phase & younger than a full term pregnancy, she sounds so self righteous and annoying. Not everything is relatable and thats okay. Just sit down and eat your food
  • Dancing Oreo
    let your cohosts speak
  • Alexa W 1551
    I honestly really enjoy this podcast and all the exciting stories and life updates! I think each person balances each other out. I just wish I could hear more of Colbie and Adam sometimes. I love Katy don’t get me wrong, but I think she takes over the podcast too much and I love hearing Colbie and wish she had the opportunity to speak more!!
  • Gigglygirl65
    Love it but Katy constantly interrupting
    I generally really like the pod but lately Katy has kind of ruined it for me. She constantly interrupts Adam and Colbie’s fun stories and rambles on about literally nothing. It’s at the point where I fast forward every time she speaks. She also makes strangely mean and pessimistic comments about the men they talk about? Like why are you not happy for your friends lol weird behavior
  • ellarad100
    Katy, STOP interrupting
    Katy’s constant interrupting of Colbie and Adam’s stories makes it so hard to listen. I’d like to hear more from them without Katy’s constant butting in and judgement.
  • bridgeeeeeebo
    Katy pls give Colbie and Adam a chance to speak
    I do like the podcast and it’s a fun listen. I just wish Katy would listen to colbie and Adam and allow them the same amount of time for their stories as they allow for hers. It’s not a great dynamic when she interrupts and goes on tangents in the middle of them speaking and telling a story that is fun & interesting. Also the amount of digs and negative comments Katy makes when colbie and Adam are sharing their stories is upsetting. For example, when Colbie is talking about how a guy from love island liked her DM she responds “joking” but honestly serious about how it was a pity like since she unsent previous DMs. I’ve had to stop listening multiple times bc of Katy and I’m not leaving this review to be mean I just honestly think the podcast would be so much better if she listened and engaged as much as she talks.
  • pinkgirly1519
    Love the pod but…
    Funniest podcast ever but please move the mic away from Colbie. The way she pronounces the letter “S” pierces my ears. 🥴🥴 Love the banter between Adam and Katy.
  • Lily1497
    So much potential ruined by Katy
    This podcast has so much potential, it’s always fun to listen to dating stories and feel like you’re just hanging out with friends catching up but Katy makes the podcast unbearable. She constantly interrupts, talks over, redirects when the conversation is not about her or Jack. She is incapable of letting Colbie talk interrupted.
  • cassi_7
    Feel good podcast!!
    Love listening to the banter between these three and hearing stories about their lives in NYC. Always waiting for Friday just for a new episode. Highly recommend!
  • megalochon
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Good chemistry/banter amongst everyone. Even if you aren’t dating and will never even step foot in NYC it still feels relatable just because it feels like listening to friends talking and they are pretty normal. Also I lol at so many things Colbie says because I relate to her random neurotic thoughts.
  • i wanted a bagel
    We get it, you have a boyfriend
    I've listened to every episode and generally enjoy the content. However, Katy being in a relationship has taken over almost every conversation. She relates everything to Jack, even when it doesn't make sense. While it's great to share your perspective, talking over the single people on a dating podcast to tell the same story about your bf isn't fun to listen to. I'd like to hear more from Colbie and her dating experiences. Adam's stories are always so fun! I just wish there were more balance. The snide comments from Katy about being so grateful to be off Hinge and in a relationship need to stop. It's awesome she's so happy and in love, but I'd rather hear more pointed stories about her relationship experience (him meeting the family was great!). We know how y'all met! TLDR: Focus on dating and have more balance between the hosts instead of Katy talking over people and trying to relate everything to Jack.
  • What’s my nickname?
    A fun podcast
    Lots of fun banter! Good chemistry between the trio. A great way to start your weekend!
  • sarahtalena
    Love y’all! (especially Colbie)
    I’m obsessed with Colbie! I obviously love Katy and Adam too, but I love Colbie’s stories and takes on everything. Loving hearing more from her in the new year!!
  • katlynn c.
    love this pod!
    I’m a recent listener, and match made quickly rose to the top of my podcast rotation. Katy, Colbie and Adam are hilarious and never fail to brighten my day. If they made merch with little cutie match boxes I would totally buy and rep the pod! xoxo
  • Shakari Peingles
    What a weird thing to say
    I understand Katy is a late bloomer and very inexperienced in relationships, but why would she say on a podcast that thousands of people listen to that she’s worried people won’t think her boyfriend is cute? Imagine someone you’re dating says that about you on a PUBLIC PLATFORM. That is so mean. Katy that’s an inside thought - share it with your close friends if you just but the fact you’re even thinking about it screams insecurity. Get help.
  • Emmielu14
    The absolute BEST podcast
    I listen to at least one podcast every single day. Match Made in Manhattan is my FAVORITE podcast. I look forward to listening every Friday. I have listened to every episode and wish there was more!!! These three are so funny and know how to bring joy to my day❤️
  • Pohym2
    My favorite Friday ritual
    as a life long New Yorker, I love listening every week (and jotting down new restaurants to try). You can tell this podcast is a result of a true friendship and most often feels like you’re just “part of the gang” wishing Match Made alllll the success so they can keep making episodes forever :)
  • KristiKawasaki
    Favorite podcast!!
    Absolute favorite podcast I look forward to hearing these 3 every Friday
  • moeliza
    Love, Need more
    I could listen to you three talk for hours. My heart breaks when I realize you’ve skipped a Friday upload; literal dagger to the heart. Currently relistening to old eps. Also happy Colbie is given more space to speak 🫶🏼 Never stop this podcast!!
  • GirlCherry69
    Delusional and I love it
    As a west coaster, I’m absolutely obsessed with these delulu city girls and I can’t get enough of them. All 3 have never been in a serious relationsjho, ever, but have a relationship advice segment every week. Katy thinks every dating situation should turn out like a teen rom-com, Colbie seems terrified to date, and Adam just wants to find a rich hott top. They live incredibly privileged lives that are wholly unrelatable and it is vvv entertaining for the desperate lol factor of it all.
  • Edie_94
    my favorite friday guilty pleasure
  • knr321
    More singing
    MORE singing please 👏😘
  • RachelALowry
    Love these three
    I love the banter these three have and how relatable they are. KEEP SINGING!! 😂♥️
  • AmandaOrien
    I’m a newer listener and I love it so much! I am going to go back and listen to older episodes but I think their 2023 episodes is their best work. Definitely going to be a weekly listener!
  • Brooke Autumn
    Favorite Friday Podcast
    Honestly couldn’t say enough good things about Match Made!! The banter is great, they are all so funny in their own way, and I love that you feel like you’re just hanging out w/ your friends. Its refreshing compared to other pods! Def. Give it a listen.
  • 782862672
    Honestly love this podcast but WHAT IS UP WITH THE SINGING???
  • Ellie Gutierrez
    New favorite pod!
    This podcast has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts and is another great reason to love Fridays!
  • Jessica55ss
    Love this podcast!
    I look forward to this podcast every week. I love their dating stores and just keeping up. 💕
  • K746
    Love this podcast!
    I look forward to Match Made in Manhattan every week 🤩 They are such an authentic, funny, and lovely group of friends. Big fan over here!
  • annieMadsD
    Friday Pregame
    I have a ritual of putting this on, cleaning the house and getting ready for a night out. So fun and light hearted. Love their honesty about dating
  • catwall2438
    Favorite Podcast
    Stumbled upon this podcast by accident and now it’s one of my favs. I listen every week and find it very relatable as a single gal around the same age! LOVE!
  • APeterson1991
    This is one of the few podcasts I have in my rotation and I look forward to Fridays to listen! Some constructive criticism… most people say “like” multiple times when talking, but for Katy, the word is HONESTLY. She starts most of her sentences off with it and it’s starting to drive me crazy. Very niche criticism and I probably sound crazy, but once you hear it you can’t unhear it. It’s starting to sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. For reference please listen to the June 23, 2023 episode. 6 mins in I already lost track of how many times she has said it 😅 Would love to hear more from Colbie and Adam!!
  • Alena. Buj1222
    Highlight of my week
    I look forward to this podcast every week. It’s such an easy but entertaining listen and getting to know each host over time by just their voice and dating habits is so fun! Even their new ads are easy to listen to and I don’t feel like I have to skip through a minute of scripted content.
  • nickylindy
    My fave pod
    My favorite pod but here come the ads😭 I get it gotta get that coin but it was so refreshing to not have any ads and have like a whole hour of content to listen to. Regardless, I listen every Friday and I love all three of you!!
  • torixo18
    love the the pod as someone dating in their 20’s in new york. would love to hear from colvin and adam more! maybe more structure. love katy but we hear from her on many other platforms!
  • sunshineBBlove
    Fun easy pod
    This has become my favorite podcast to listen to lately! Their stories are entertaining and fun and I love the advice segment
  • AliHills
    This podcast makes me so happy.
    I love hearing you all recap your weekend and your current events on life. Love that it’s set in the city, the city that we love ❤️
  • EdogFan
    Relatable and entertaining
    Relatable and entertaining for 20 somethings working the 9-5 and navigating dating
  • minneapolisgirl
    I’ve loved each and every episode thus far however in one of your recent episodes, a listener asks about what to do about her friend’s boyfriend with a ton of red flags. The red flags included not sharing cereal, being racist, being douchey about his watch collection, and making rude comments about her parents— all terrible things. However it just made me feel a little uneasy listening to a podcast where every red flag this man did was considered to be the WORST thing possible yet him being racist wasn’t the upright dealbreaker in this situation. Trust me, I don’t wanna be THAT person because all of the other red flags are actual problems but it was just a disappointing to see that part completely ignored. (Think of the Britta Perry meme lol) Please don’t take this as a bash because I’m a fan of this podcast, I’m just advising that if you open up the opportunity to talk about something of that matter at least acknowledge it.
  • JMR3153
    This just feels right
    This is great, so fun! Would love to see some guests that date women in the future too! Also would love if each of you gave a clear update each week on your weekend, dating and the status of current flings. Right now it’s a bit jumbled and everyone seems sometimes too shy to just coke right out and give their update. Maybe if there were set turns it would be easier.
  • katrina234567890
    Never wrote a podcast review but I love Match Made so much! I feel like I’m sitting with them drinking in our of their apartments. Love hearing their stories bc it reminds me of my friends and I. They deserve more sponsors 👏🏻👏🏻
  • alex rae 159
    Fun, honest conversations about dating
    One of my favorite podcasts! A lot of my friends aren’t actively dating right now, and I’ve been missing these conversations. Katy, Colbie, and Adam have funny banter and are so relatable with all the thoughts and feelings that come along with dating. I wish there was more than 1 episode per week!
  • jk9476
    Love but a little repetitive
    I love the podcast, but Colbie always sounds like she’s trying to impersonate Kourtney Kardashian.
  • rebecaileana
    I absolutely love the podcast, I look forward to it every single week! It feels like your with your friends having a chat! I really wish the podcast was longer, I feel like the episodes pass by so fast :( I would literally not mind listening to the pod for over an hour lol
  • peace.blossom.boogy
    LOVE ❤️
    This podcast is such a fun listen! Katy, Colby & Adam have incredible stories + advice for 20-somethings navigating dating, city life, friendships and so much more! Their genuine friendship and banter make you feel apart of the crew! I look forward to Friday when a new ep comes out!!!!
  • Cyabyeforever
    They will be single forever
    Our relationship gurus have complained about how it’s weird to be asked out on a Sunday because it’s an afterthought. They complain about being asked out during the week, because of work the next day. The latest episode they are complaining about dates on Friday and Saturday nights. Yeah ; I’m out. They pick EVERYTHING apart. Then the people that are CLEARLY not interested they over analyze. Hey guys- if someone is into you, they will make the effort. These 3 will be single forever. So sad, because this podcast started out with so much promise.
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