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TheJUDoubleDThe perfect BatmanI dream of becoming a Batman artist and writer and this would be the kind of Batman I would want to do the two face’s story is amazing same as the build from the 1st to 2nd season also the comic book is a really good read also love this show
paladinarteaWe need a S3I really enjoyed this series as a long time Batman fan. The only downside is that it ends in a cliffhanger with multiple threads needing continuation
Aitami DoisMore we need more!!!!It’s the right thing to do
Josiah the MessiahSeason 3!!??!?All I gotta say is the people demand it.
Nathan_Void slayerSeason 3?This is amazing please oh please have a season 3 I think a lot of people would love it
TodoKim.cosSeason 3SEASON 3! PLEASE!!!
corneliakkkkSeason 3Please make a 3rd season!!!
kowill13Season 3 pls?I love this podcast and before I finished it, I used to listen to it every morning! Today was just a random day when I decided to read the reviews for this podcast. The thing is, most of the reviews that I read were asking for a season 3! I don’t know what your studio is working on right now but it has been over a year since the second season ended. All I’m asking for, is for a third season to release.
I follow the light in the darkBroI’m not usually a Batman fan but I love this podcast please make season 3
Brian-27Excellent Series!This might be my favorite take on Batman outside the Animated Series. It's fantastic & I hope we get a third season!
none of your business🤨🤨Really good!This is the best podcast ever! Where is season 3????? We need it 🫠🫠🫠
SourishCubGood overall except…The overall stories are incredible. I would rate it a 5 except that it’s kind of hard in my opinion to follow the main story. Still, Season 3 needs to come!!!
Davey soloFive starsI love this podcast so much more more !!!!!!!!!!!
Sir HAFBatman Audio Universe🤌The show just percet🥹 I can't believe how much they creatively work on the story and sound effects🔥 Just make season 3🫠
JVonHizzleIncredibleThis show is absolutely incredible! We need a season 3!
Batreviewno.1The batGive us 3rd season Give us the bat
Ahhhhh!! 🤩🤩🤩3rd season?Once I started these is didn't know if I'd like it or not so I just started. And after a while of listening, I fell in love. Please make a 3rd season. I will listen right away. I recommend to others
TeacherwithaboringcommuteMore please!!!Great cast and story arcs! It is paced really well also. With so many different ways to present Batman and Gotham, this one has its own niche. I love it and wished there were more seasons. I am not opposed to doing a GoFundMe for birthday clowns if that’s what it takes!
QUEENSIDE69Season 3Please make more of these I really enjoy this . Very good quality . I wish we would have more radio shows . Thanks you for making this . My friend can’t watch tv but they can listen to podcasts so they can also enjoy Batman ! Thank you
Bahtmahn27Top Tier BatmanI went into this without any real expectations but it blew me away. This might be one of the best Batman adaptations since the animated series. Just like that series, it’s a brilliant blend of everything that makes Batman great across every different interpretation. It has the campiness, comedy and over the top performances of Batman 66, the hopeless gothic city of Tim Burton’s Batman, with conspiracies and corruption like Matt Reeves’ Gotham City. It perfectly balances being hilarious and creepy. I rarely buy tie in comics for shows or movies as they tend to not be as good as other comics, but I loved this show so much I bought and enjoyed all the companion comics for it. DC, I am begging you for a season 3. This is top tier Batman content, and it would be a huge shame for it to end on a cliffhanger.
Smirk SnirgglerWow! So good!Very fun! Bobby Moynihan as the Penguin is my favorite part of this show! But daaaaang - where is season 3???? 4?????? 5??????
SeigeOnAn fun listenYou have a bunch of talented voice actors, a GREAT vibe, with a space that isn’t afraid to have fun but also engage with what makes these stories so enjoyable
Chopper ChrisF’n love this! Please make S3!This is a fantastic podcast! Please make a season 3! I bought the comics and everything!
youravragecoolQueerkidPLZ GOVE US SEASON 3!This podcast is freaking amazing, I love the film noir like tone and atmosphere, the voice acting is top-tear, and it’s a perfect adaptation of the Batman Mythos, since I first discovered this Podcast I have listened to it nonstop and on repeat for months! I just finished my fourth listen of the entire thing and I am just dying for a season 3, I will literally kill a man for a season 3 and 4, I am begging you, please!
Isabella rose danielAmazing! But I would like a third season!It is so realistic that I can imagine being in the adventure itself.
MCU nerdGive me season three!!!!!!!!!Why are they shelving season three they have it made. They’re just not giving it.
Anonymous (29)The Best Batman PodcastI feel like they should make a 3rd season as of writing this but it’s still an amazing show. I love how it shows the perspective of anyone, not just Batman.
Hot_Cheeto76Please make a third seasonThe storyline and acting in this is amazing. It’s humorous, gripping, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I NEED a third season to stay sane, please make it happen. DC makes the best podcasts, I also loved Escape The Midnight Circus. They should totally make more of these.
Spider-Man >:DSeason 3!!I love this podcast!! Season 3 please!! The storyline is amazing and it’s so funny!! I love the voice acting too!!
bobisme reviews 😜😉The best audio I’ve listened to in a whileI’ve listened to a lot of audios but this one is by far one of my favorites! I hope they come out with a new series!
unicorndragonqueenLeafstar’s opinionHmm…Best.Batman.Podcast.Ever. Loves for you, Leafstar :) P.S.If I had the money I would give you $90,000,000,000!!;)
JDuckworthBatman Audio AdventuresAnd absolute joy to listen to! Takes you back to radio cereals allowing your imagination to run wild. Not to mention the all-star cast voicing these iconic rogue characters. Come on season three!
elTHUNDRLove this podcast!I’ve been looking for a podcast series to listen and as soon as I found this one, I got hooked! Batman has always been my favorite hero and knowing this show existed really made me happy. Hopefully we get more seasons 🙏🏽
ComicgeekedSEASON 3 PLS!!!I LOVE this podcast. It’s the best thing in this app and as soon as played the first episode, I fell in love with it. I really need a season 3. I LOVE John Leguizamo as riddler,Rosario Dawson as catwoman,and Jeffrey wright as Batman/bruce Wayne. So pls if you can, make a season 3.
NG1010Best Batman AdaptationThis is the most authentic depiction of Gotham City I’ve seen in media since the Animated Series. I NEED another season!
standard_humani need season threeriddler and scarecrow are two of my favorite rogues, and theyve had so much focus!! also, i read the tie in comics and now i need to hear waylon rip penguin apart. season three!!!
Shino Akiteruplease please please i want a season three releaseat this point i am begging- DC, please bring this back for a season three! i know there’s a comic run that has the same energy and characterizations, but this story needs to be continued, not ditched! why would you leave us on a cliffhanger like this???
don'tholdyourbreathA little dark but incredibly well done!Love the voice actors and the sound design! I am mainly in it for Batman and Robin, so the ending of season two is nerve-wracking! Please continue!
Dr.appleboiSeason 3 pleasePlease make a season 3, this is my favorite podcast ever.
starwarsgeek2SEASON 3We kinda need a season 3 at this point
Zurr-enn-arrhSeason three!Please do season three. Also, amazing voice actors.
Goose029Great ShowBut I mean are we just sleeping on season 3 or what?
FA<3!Season 3I NEED season 3 bad. Just as much as Harley needs the joker. Just as much and two face needs Harvey. Just as much as the joker needs Batman. I NEED it.
Nickname the 20thAhhhThis is soooooo good season 3 PLEASE
tfyddjySo amazingI could see the gruesome things that happened
TheGamerTeenagerguyAlways love the comic DC BatmanIt’s really awesome episodes I like it is so funny but it is a fictional story and it’s a superhero story so I love it
QbnCongueroNothing like it!I love audio dramas and have listened to almost every super hero related one on iTunes. This one is by far the best in production value and storytelling.
WillieJonessGreat cast!…mostlyThe cast of this audio adventure is really good for the most part! Except the woman they cast to play robin. She has a really weird voice naturally, and when she tries to sound like a young boy, it’s just creepy and off-putting. I wish they had just made Robin a girl. And cast someone else to do her voice.
List. EningPhenomenalEnjoyed the heck out of this (after being a little skeptical of whether or not a new Batman universe would work as a podcast). The cast is great, the storytelling is top notch, and I really hope we get another season at some point.
sir.goatGreat storyI have listened to a few episodes and, this is great for when you are doing Homework.
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