The Genius of Thomas Sowell


Thomas Sowell might well be our greatest living Intellectual. His accomplishments span 6 decades and include over 40 books and thousands of columns and articles written on a wide range of topics, from economics to sociology to history to race and culture. It is hard to name another intellectual who has studied and written on as wide a range of topics in such a profound way. This podcast will discuss his ideas and is intended to provide a place for admirers of his work to discuss his contributions with other like minded thinkers.

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Recent Reviews
  • BarbVice
    Best new (to me) podcast I’ve come across in a while!
    Each episode has several different areas to enjoy and learn about, seemingly unrelated at first but quite creatively woven together to illustrate and illuminate a specific theme. The great wisdom of Sowell combines with music of all eras and genres, art and culture, books and film. Add in a current author or historian to interview, and the whole thing gets tied neatly together with a nice little bow. I always learn a lot. Unfortunately, this gift only comes out once every month or two, but I suppose real quality and depth takes time and good things are worth waiting for.
  • T_K_9
    Creative, educational, and easy on the ears!
    Incorporating Billy Joel’s music into economic theory is something I never would’ve thought possible. But this podcast did it. Can’t wait to hear more.
  • FrenchOrwellian
    I am hooked on this podcast series, I absolutely love it. I wish everyone would at least listen to the Heather McDonald interview. It is captivating.
  • SteveHess63
    This is one of the best things I have ever listened to. Sowell is a genius at simplifying economics, politics, history, society and how we continue to mess things up that should be straight forward. Thanks for this gift.
  • sumflem
    Wolan puts Sowell, Dalrymple and Eminem in a frame…
    I’ve never listened to Eminem but this podcast gave me a framework so that I could learn why this genre exists and why it gives voice to the psychological and physical breakdown of a swathe of young people. Alan Wolan’s perfect framing of how one arrives at life at the bottom of society is exemplified by Eminem: he juxtaposes Sowell’s empirical analysis and Dalrymple’s recollections of firsthand experience in prisons and hospitals to essentially explain how an Eminem is born. An Elvis Presley song comes to mind…
  • Luuuuuuuv
    More interesting than expected
    I heard about Sowell then found this podcast. The host is very personable. The production is way better than I expected. The Dalrymple/Eminem episode was outstanding! I’ve listened to the entire series and my only complaint is that there are not more frequent episodes. With no ads I feel like all listeners should support the show in any way possible. It’s great!
  • Caliboybythebay
    Very well done
    Whether you are familiar with the ideas of Thomas Sowell or not, the host of a fantastic job of exploring them, in great detail, alongside incredible production (music, interludes, side notes etc) that you don’t see from many much more popular podcasts.
  • ELF4800
    This is the best!
    I really enjoy this podcast. The host is very clever and thought provoking with his commentary. I really like how he uses music to work through Sowell’s ideas. Please make more!!!
  • sage traveler
    Excellent in two ways.
    Excellent subject. Thomas Sowell is a brilliant American scholar whose works are wise, relevant, and desperately needed in public discussion. I have been a fan for years. Excellent host. Alan Wolen is a master teacher and he loves his subject. He's also a great podcast producer. There is no inane filler like I've heard on some podcasts. He has carefully prepared, staged, and edited each show. His voice is pleasant. The pace is unhurried but focused. He is an excellent interviewer. He is in earnest to thoroughly understand and communicate the findings and insights of Sowell. He has a great sense of humor. My wife and I have very different levels of interest in politics, culture, economics, education, and academia. But we both enjoy listening to this podcast. We listen as we travel and always learn much, gain insight to current issues, and find a lot to talk about. Great job Alan!
  • beepeeo
    How about interviewing Cathy O'Neil?
    I've read about 20 of Sowell's books, and listened to all of your podcasts. I agree completely with the way you titled your podcast. Recently I read "Weapons of Math Destruction" by Cathy O'Neil, 2016. I would love to be a fly on the wall during a conversation between Sowell and O'Neil. They both have powerfully logical arguments, but seem to diverge in significant ways. Would you consider having her as a guest on your show. Either way you are doing all of us a great service and I hope you continue to grow. D. Campbell Tucson AZ
  • TT NY
    If you are interested in truth versus political truth then tune in to this show . It does not disappoint!
  • JVJ1975
    —Well done. Thank you.
    —This podcast highlights some of Prof Sowell’s writings —Anyone who has ever lived in the U.S. will benefit, as will anyone who has ever met anyone who has ever lived in the U.S. (I would not have used the word “Genius” — perhaps “Writings” or “Perspectives” or “Wisdom” would be a little less fawning. Also objectively the guy is probably no genius … he’s just , really, nobody’s fool , who has for decades poked gaping holes into the foolish arguments of the foolish fools who have foolishly acquired positions of authority in some foolish segments of a foolish American society; and so foolishly are given foolish platforms to say and do and write such foolish foolish foolish foolish ofttimes destructive things.)
  • Jgmac68
    Alan Wolan has done all of us a great service
    I first encountered Sowell on Milt Freidman's Free to Choose series on PBS in 1980 (I was 12 at the time). A few years later I began to read everything I could find by Freidman (at least those texts that a teenager could grasp) but found Sowell's writings to be more approachable. Over the years, I've read nearly every book Sowell has produced and re-read a few. I don't know of any "public intellectual", writer, or speaker who has impacted so much of my thinking way. With this podcast, with humor, and sharing of his own intellectual journey, Alan Wolan has brought the essence of Sowell's thinking to all of us in a way that inspires the listener to seek out more reading and study. I give my highest recommendation to this podcast.
  • twinkieboy73
    Great show
    I was pleasantly surprised by this shows approach to Sowell . It’s well produced and very enjoyable. Please keep making them !!!
  • John Meekins
    I have always been a Sowell fan
    I have been reading Thomas Sowell books since Rush Limbaugh started talking about him on his radio show. Alan does a nice job with the show. I think my favorite episode is the one about disparate impact where Alan talks about the black running backs and white kickers in the NFL. I also appreciate the one on education where Alan plays a clip of Thomas Sowell being interviewed by Diane Rhem. Alan always has interesting guests on his podcast like Heather MacDonald and Amy Wax.
  • andysphere
    Pathetic Hagiography
    You expect a podcast titled “The Genius of…” to be hagiographic. But this podcast takes lickspittle-ness, brown-nosing, and toady-ism to a level that would be almost comically admirable if it weren’t so pathetic. Nearly every sentence is prefaced with a claim that it was paradigm-shifting, earth-shattering, or game-changing when Sowell wrote this or said that. The host emotes like a middle-school drama student in extolling how much every bit of Sowell’s life and work amazed him and should be amazing everyone else—if only the rest of academia, of readers and thinkers, and of the world weren’t so pettily but determinedly biased against Sowell. The podcast brings on truly interesting and unique thinkers only to make them parrot how amazing Sowell is. This podcast insults its listeners, its guests, and its estimable subject.
  • Hi I had to do this
    edutainment at its finest.
    Alan’s passion for Sowell is infectious and unique. he blends pop-culture references into most episodes and provides a heaping helping of audio clips of Sowell’s prolific works. It’s like having a study-group in your pocket. Keep em coming Wolan! Excellent pod.
  • J o e L P
    My new go to podcast
    I love this podcast. I’ve recently been introduced to Thomas Sowell and this is the best way to familiarize your self with the man’s work. But also done in a way that applies his work to current events and with guests that will come on to give their prospective on certain subjects. I find I’ve become smarter after listening to one these episodes.
  • Gnome chopper
    Best so far
    This was the best Genius of TS ever. Disparate Impact is a fascinating an diabolical idea. Heather McD was da boss!! Impressive podcast 🎼
  • Elliot F.
    Thomas Sowell +
    Great idea for a podcast. Thomas Sowell has enriched our lives with truth to power. This podcast is rooted in the truths of the great Thomas Sowell, and then enhances that with insightful guests and discussions. Thank You!
  • Live Not by Lies
    Lessons of the Cold War
    Another great episode! This one maybe the best episode yet. Allan reveals a few personal stories about his youth and time spent in Europe. Great stories Allan. Weaving the history, music of the day and your personal life experiences was emotionally impactful in a very positive way. Kudos!! Sowell is a little on the dry side in general. However, his is work is so crucial to help set historical , economic, cultural, government, etc. misconceptions/lies/propaganda straight. Sowell manages to turn so many subjects to a new light with his careful examination of facts on various topics. Allan pulls it all further into the real world of today why it all matters. Keep up the good work!
  • Dan the movie guy
    Life long Dem. Still a dem, but with a lower case d.
    One of the great ironies of Thomas Sowell is his scorching of the intelligentsia while also being a member of that very category. A rejected member, sure, but a member nonetheless. If you fear his ideas, then the cracks in the foundation of your beliefs have already begun to show. He deserves acknowledgement and, if you’re capable of it, an intellectual rebuttal of his ideas. However, you’ll be hard pressed to do so because his claims and theories are based in fact and results. And regardless of your beliefs this man was a tremendous thinker. Let’s listen.
  • Valium69
    Spread the Word
    In comparison to the scope of both his genius and bravery, Thomas Sowell is unknown. This seems unlikely given his thousands of newspaper columns and dozens of book which speaks to how brilliant he is. If you are a stoic instead of a spin-doctor or prefer logic to rhetoric you should appreciate Dr. Sowell’s philosophical approach to an array of topics even you do not draw the same conclusions. Honestly, though, I cannot imagine that is possible. If more people were aware of his philosophy and his story and open to what they convey the world would be a better place. Mr. Wolan’s podcast is an intelligent and respectful step toward spreading that knowledge.
  • Tko62
    Like an NPR show, but for Independents or Conservatives
    High quality program, which helps to teach about, and reinforce the teachings and works of Thomas Sowell. We stumbled on one episode and now are starting from the beginning to listen to them all – very well done.
  • Jengoesto D
    This podcast is an invaluable introduction to one of the greatest thinkers of our time. The interviews are thoughtful and patient; and various perspectives are presented respectfully. It’s refreshing to hear honest discussions and debates relating to important societal topics, all without self-serving drama.
  • Dellawill
    Thanks for spreading Thomas Sowell’s wisdom with us!
    This podcast sets a high standard for intellectual conversation and production quality. For some episodes, I’d love to revisit and recap the main ideas and supporting arguments. Also this is the only podcast I wish I have all the transcripts. Thanks Alan. Please keep up the Great work!
  • Thanos Fan
    Required listening
    It is such a shame that there’s so many people have never even heard of Thomas Sowell.
  • cthiele10
    Excellent and valuable information
    Alan does a great job of discussing Dr. Sowell’s work by bringing together experts on both sides of the different topics and showing the depth and brilliance of Dr. Sowell. It’s nice to have that balance and insight both from the host and guests. Please keep up the work in showing your audience the depth of thought from Dr Sowell.
  • Adelgarde1
    Always a Pleasure!
    The latest podcast on Freedom is outstanding. Once again, Alan has crafted an insightful program that continues to highlight the hypocrisy of the so called liberal left, (can we please stop all the insane and inane labeling) and the dangers they pose to open and critical thinking in our society.
  • MrAeroGrad
    Great Podcast
    This is an excellent source for all thing Thomas Sowell. Alan does a terrific job putting together the topics and presenting materials. The show has helped me know which Sowell books to read next. Thank you for getting this information out there.
  • jonsby
    Better with every episode!
    This is one of the few podcast that I actually slow down so I can savor it!
  • cY83646929
    Invaluable information
    Great podcast!
  • Daniel Moore
    Great Introduction to Sowell's Work
    This is a great podcast to introduce you to the work of Thomas Sowell. I was already very familiar with Sowell prior to listening to this podcast and I think Wolan does a very good job of discussing and distilling Sowell's works. It's a well produced show for a one-man crew, and I look forward to new episodes.
  • CSM RA
    Dr. Sowell GOAT
    I just discovered him about 2 years ago and have been buying and reading all his books. I can’t believe he is not a nationally known intellectual, he is the most brilliant social scientist I have ever read.
  • CJ in TX
    Better Late than Never-Thank You!
    So, I guess I tangentially knew, sort of, about. Nah, baloney I didn't know squat about Sowell. And the truth is he probably never will get the recognition of the intellect and pragmatic sage that he actively has been for decades, until sometime after his passing. That is is shame. But this podcast is a blessing for finding out about his thought processes, his empirical analyses of very often emotional issues. Todays problems are indeed the results of yesteryear's solutions. There are no solutions, only trade offs. One tip-reverse the order on the playlist and listen to them from the beginning episode. Makes it so much easier for the podcasts to role into the next newer one-you're welcome!
  • C McKeel
    Thank you for the hard work
    In a world where issues feel like they’re being addressed for a championship wrestling audience, it’s refreshing to hear topics addressed from an intellectual who is actually intellectual. And from a host that is as well. I have enjoyed every episode. I wish our society was willing to adopt the genius of Thomas Sowell.
  • T. S. forever
    A very worthwhile podcast.
    Thomas Sowell’s ideas on a wide variety of topics is very intriguing and so worthwhile. He backs up all his information with much empirical evidence. What a great opportunity to expand one’s way of thinking. Alan Wolen does an excellent job discussing Sowell’s books. The episodes include interesting and knowledgeable guests. This podcast is definitely worth one’s time.
  • Khan Dulce
    Sowell is a genius and true renaissance man; in the classical sense. Please have more podcasts of this type.
  • Bo Coffman
    Amazing podcast and addition to Thomas Sowell reading
    Alan, I am so grateful I found this podcast when you first started it and haven’t missed it since. It was great timing, right after two friends of mine spoke of Thomas Sowell and introduced me to his books. I was one of the many who had never heard of him and I’m so glad I do now. Your podcast provides such rich enhancement to reading Sowell. Excellent insight, commentary and guests. Keep up the incredible work! -Bo Coffman
  • James FitzGerald
    Such a great idea, succinct and solid layout and execution. Makes me wish there were more podcasts like it. Thank you for doing this!
  • checkers9
    Love love love
    My favorite podcast next to Victor Davis Hanson. So happy that we have such a variety of interesting and intelligent podcasts to feed the mind. Thank you!
  • Loosemonk
    I’m here for you
    Alan, I’m here to review because I can’t review on stitcher. Really enjoy your podcast and thoughtful commentary regarding arguably the greatest thinker America has ever produced. The world needs Thomas Sowell and you’re giving it to them. Keep it rolling 🤙
  • abanegas71
    “Making sense in a senseless world”
    Wonderful and enjoyable and very educational conversations of smart people talking about one of the greatest minds of these times and his work. Alan Wolan does a fantastic job bringing very smart thinkers and creating a catchy and entertaining show in every episode. I reached to ep. 11 to find ads on the show. Ads that are tad obnoxious and quite out of tune to support the “unsorting” process explained by Alan Wolan in this episode. The content is still fantastic, but the ads curated by Apple are getting on my nerves. Ep. 14, dealing with public education… I wish I have heard it before sending my kids to the public system in the U.S. Again, Alan Wolan nailed! He used an interview with Thomas Sowell of 1993 to describe the maladies of the U.S. public educational system. It seems that the interview was made yesterday. It could have not been so current. The system has been declining for over three decades and as Wolan said, for some reason, COVID served as a catalyst that has accelerated such decline even further. I am really concerned about my children and the future of this country.
  • thefirepanda
    Love Sowell, Hate ads.
    Love Thomas Sowell and was excited to find a podcast discussing him and his works. The first few episodes are pretty great. Then you get to the ones with ads. Just way too many and it takes you out of the conversation. Knowing I’ll have to wade through the ads now make me want to listen less.
  • brandysol
    Wow! This podcast is so informative! The wisdom of Thomas Sowell is so vast that it can be a lot take in so I’m appreciative of the way this podcast breaks this wisdom down into small bites! It allows me to ponder and think more deeply about the topics addressed in each episode! Thank you!!! Please keep up the great work!!
  • big let-down
    Brilliant! not for your average Snowflake
    If you’re looking for common sense in our senseless world, this is the show for you. Presentation of facts, data, and science versus feelings, egos, and ideals. This podcast embodies the true essence of the ever so humble and underrated Thomas Sowell. Unlike the fashionable hype, this podcast looks at social issues through a simple, yet enlightening paradigm: facts. No hurt feelings, no agendas, no nonsense. Highly recommend for all.
  • Rebecca_N_Austin
    Thanks for this podcast!
    I just ordered some post it notes and I’m very much looking forward to getting them. This podcast is so informative and needful!
  • ""Happs
    Excellent use of existing material from the great Thomas Sowell. Thank you for providing this.
  • papooatagra
    Very Best
    Excellent discussion, well researched and narrated
  • bnhttumkllcgenne
    Great ideas
    I am so glad someone decided to do a podcast like this. Getting people to read a book these days is like pulling teeth. They will more readily listen to a podcast. If podcasts are what get people to actually start reading these important works by Sowell, then the creation of this podcast is a great service to society. The ideas presented here are truly enlightening.
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