Emergency Intercom


Emergency Intercom is a comedy podcast by Enya Umanzor and Drew Phillips. There is no emergency, but there is an intense need for attention, so maybe listen up… You don’t want to know what happens if you don’t. (we will be violent)

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Recent Reviews
  • oroszsoph
    ground breaking
    i listen to this pod like everyday. I re-listen to episodes in school, on the bus, in my bed, doing homework. im a lil obsessed but its worth it!😇😇
  • ailynmartimez
    I have a crush on enya
  • ilovesamray
    life changing
    im a saved soul
  • blondebaby07
    the drewth
    the shadow people are back. i need ky biblically
  • Lobotomiesbyrae
    It used to be really funny with some good topics but now it’s just some really uneducated chronically online people who have nothing of real substance to say, even if it were a minuscule idea or topic, nothing of actual entertainment is being said.
  • eliofmyeye
    this podcast turned me gay then converted me back to normal
  • aangieeee4
    *drew said he would give me a free Gween birky if I gave a good review* 😔 This podcasts has showed me that I am not the only schizophrenic human. I truly loveeeeee how naturally funny enya, drew, and ky are. I look forward to every Friday because of them <3 !
  • aviellla
    justice for ky
    ky i see you and i love you keep your head up my glorious king
  • Supercalafragilicistic
    I see you
  • aubrvwnans makqlqam
    This podcast gives me schizophrenia
  • Blondiedragonfandom
    Writing this to spread the drewth about this podcast
  • jackfishrr
    They are the perfect balance of unhinged and good looking
  • dhhetnwtnetn
    my favorite podcast ever ,, helping me get through senior year quick 😊😊.
  • Alex44297
    love yall
    i hope you guys know how obsessed we are with you! my ex bf put me into the podcast and when we broke up i listened to comfort myself in my saddest moments. i saw on tiktok this was a universal experience of being in a breakup and using the podcast to feel less lonely cause it feels like we’re all just having a ki. 💕💕💕
  • lava donkey
    Casually Comedians
    I love these guys they aren’t very bright and they know it and yet if there is something funny in a topic they will find it. They also are very much from LA (a world I want nothing to do with) but they find a way to make dystopic things like red 40 and doomscrolling hilarious. Thanks Drew and Enya
  • 0nlineboy
    I love how this podcast is about absolutely nothing …. yet they cover absolutely everything.
  • Tay nation
    Amazing podcast
  • gaping hole🫨
    enya, drew n ky. live in my brain rent free<3 slayy💅🏼
    I have no one to share this podcast with! Because of how funny and crazy this podcast is! It’s also where I got some of my media! I love this podcast and wait for it each week! E+D 🤭
  • Unocornsummer1234100
    Too good but needs work
    Enya is so fine so cutie but the twinks need help
  • xdsavave
    professional brain rot
    enyas podcast is so good idk who her twink co host is but i think he might be straight…🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
  • Fairyxx!!!
    My favorite podcast for the past 2 years
    This podcast has been there for me when nobody else has
  • Mad M Graham
    Thank you <3
    I’ve been watching drew and enya for the past 10 years and I cant put those emotions into words. I feel like they are my friends and I knowwww we would be the best of friends. I am now 21 and to say I started watching them on vine when I was 11…. Is soooo scary but so comforting. I am so proud of these two and where they have come. I have cried, laughed and most importantly.. gotten all of my humor and lingo from them. You two are the best!! This podcast is so comforting in such a weird nostalgic way.
  • TWENTY ONE PILOTS(biggest fan)
    My parents
    My parents
  • SunnyLuvsLPS
    I’m addicted
    This podcast is giving me brain rot and I don’t care. Love you both!!
  • yungdeltaco
    I love this podcast sooo much
    drew and enja are so insightful and funny. PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAASE DONT CHEW INTO THE MIC THOUGH IM BEGGING. I had to turn the podcast off because I couldn’t stand it anymore.
  • Yaviah Ortiz
    Love it
    My two to three brain cells communicating is weird to see on the outside. Enya was Hospitalized: mononucleosis is transmitted through saliva, so kids aren’t gonna get you sick unless… Enya and Drew went on a date: the woman didn’t have her baby turn to stone in her gut, it calcified (like teeth) to her spinal cord/uterus.
  • carmencochran5
    neeeddd to listen on my normal podcast app
    PLSSS get and rss link for the patreon eps i need to listen on apple podcasts😭😭
  • Jeeeefffffffffff
    bottoms are safe here
    a sad gay woman’s dream
  • coasterx
    everyone needs to hear this
    im gonna play this in my church
  • Enjoyed the game
    I fw these 🧍🏻🧍🏻‍♀️
  • TheRealActuallyOnika
    ONIKA BURGERS 💜💜💜💜💜💜🦄
    My favorite cult I’d join if I had the chance ! 💜💜!
  • kdenbman
    Help me
    I discovered the pod about a month ago and have not stopped listening to it I can’t be alone with my thoughts I have listened to 60 episodes in a month please help me
  • Slader777
    The Drewth
    This is a cult
  • drewstoes
    Onika BURGERS 💜
    amazing podcast
  • JanieTucker
    my babies
    ive never felt so connected with people that ive never met but this is my family
  • devuqe
    they saved my life
    i haven’t touched myself for 22 days and they’ve changed that. thanks.
  • ReadTheReviewPleaseAndThanks
  • Reed my face
    id marry enya on the SPOT drews there ig
  • Bj3alex
    Cures disease!
    This podcast cured my colon cancer 🫶🏻
  • SammyBee1904
    this podcast makes me understand parasocial relationships
    in a time where adulthood is extremely lonely, listening to this podcasts brings me a feeling of warmth and friendship
  • A******que
    I’m peeing
    I love love love this podcast.🥰
  • nessa866
    i love y’all
    this podcast makes me feel like i have friends…thank u so much for endless laughs every friday
  • fernytd
    love love LOVE this podcast
  • Mango Stickers
    They put their whole USSSSY IN THIS PODCAST!!!!
  • Mary_Jane6
    this podcast gave me covid…
    drew and ky OTP 😍😍😍 and enya pretty…
  • qyeenchcjdse
    I LOVE YOU ENYA and hello drew…..
  • Shabellygarcia
    A roach crawled up my arm while listening to this podcast.
  • ilikebigcoxk
    constantly horny while listening
    is this normal?
  • sick and tired of this sht
    Amount of Ads is OVERKILL
    I love this podcast so much but the one i just got done listening to had 3 2+ minute long add breaks within the first 16 minutes!! and then 15 minutes straight of ads at the end. you constantly have to be near your phone to skip through them becuse of how long and frequent they are. it’s most likely the studio adding a bunch of ads for other shows of theirs. all of the ads not spoken by enya or drew makes me oppositional towards all studio 71 podcasts. i’m going to assume all of your ads are overkill. pay them money for the pod without making fans listen to 25 minutes of ads per episode challenge level impossible apparently.
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