The Yard

Comedy #241

The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.

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Recent Reviews
  • Rupduc
    Hard Labor
    I have listened to this +100 hours of this pod working for relatives below the minimum wage 5/5 Official Podcast of Labor Exploitation
  • MayrioIsDoctor
  • 1233557788
    In the nicest way possible, I use it to fall asleep.
  • alrighhttttt mein
    the alright man has invaded my home. he is in my walls.
  • AdityaKas
    Love The Pod!
    This pod is amazing! brought me back to the good old days with the boys in ASU and the nelk nights. Those were never the same after what happened to Breslyn 🫡.
  • Michael LaManna
    Some might say the goat
    With him the show is great. Without him the show seems empty. He is love, He is life! My goat is Nick
  • SAO Fan 321
    I laughed audibly in a grocery store to the Shaytard bit ^_^
  • hayhayhamilton
    i am ill
    podcast so good i projectile vomited all over my car while listening to the recent episode (this is a completely factual statement and not at all related to my current state of sickness)
  • Borovayz
    The Lard
    My favorite host is Aimen Ross
  • totalscrotal
    great pod
    if this were high school i’d avoid lud cause of his jock energy i’d avoid slime cause he’s mean i’d want to be friends with nick but i’d fumble every convo and aiden would be my only friend love the pod
  • Chuckle forever
    Shmuckle shamdwich is Bebber Dan dis pobpast
  • rrameir
    The yarb
    50 views they fell off
  • Jack Graddon
    It’s fine
    It’s alright I guess. 10/10, maybe give it a try.
  • Kobe_s-
    Yard D&D ever gonna come out?
  • Steve Irkel
  • TheLiquorCpt
    Great poncass very nice
    I like you man alright man
  • Mc Mole
    When we were legends
    Do you remember when we would stride along side the grace of the wind? When we would clash with noble beasts for our meat, when in fact we ourselves were the true beasts, but we were too blind to see. Do you not look back on the days of old with Breslyn when he was with us and we were him and he was us, and we were in each others skin.
  • Land5harkie
    Chunkle smandwitch
    Chicken sandwich is 50x better but if they get rid of Aidan then it's ok
  • Zachary616
    L podcast
    Chuckle sandwich is better, it’s a simple known fact
  • Alexboy500
    Aiben Slibe Nibck
  • willrocks650
    hello bears
    lugug gaming
  • mmaxmora
    Mmmm yarg
    I love the yarg
  • SipsTea_
    Best podcast
    Me and Breslyn use to hang out on the quad 10/10
  • Alysssing
    lubbin anders alright man
  • The Dude from Montenegro
    The Yard Review
    These guys are really funny. I have no idea who they are or what they do, but they’re funny. Like when they’re doing stuff that isn’t purely a visual gag on podcast for example. They just had Zac Oyama on so they’re a good podcast now.
  • SlimJimAssassin
    thanks from bruce
    me and slime are the same
  • Tangy ch oh
    Highly recommend 10 out of 10!
    It’s so good I could listen to it all day
    Best podcast
    10/10 should have moistcritikal on
  • JustGoaty
    Super Mario Galaxy is Bad
    Ludwig is right 🫡
  • Vapor 93
    Funny podcast. Slime carries and Ludwig is cool too. I started rock climbing and playing melee because of this pod.
  • KML98
    I listen and go *sharp nasal exhalation*
  • Sinbad The Demon
    Came for Ludwig, stayed cumming for the boys
    I went into this only knowing Ludwig and now I’m sure that Aiden, Slime, and Nick are the funniest people on the planet.
  • Igothaxed420
    rate 5 star
    i rate 5 star very fun and funny very very funny funny hahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  • nucknam 🙉
    5 stars
    5 stars
  • Coco4emily
    Slime IS Mother
    Slime’s a better girlboss than ex sorority sisters, which warrants at least 4 stars by itself. The fact that they keep calling it a boy’s club is so funny when you realize there’s one mother, one tw!nk, one fangirl, and Aimen… my fav pod to listen to while getting wine drunk
  • jayjmc10
    Great Podcast
    Everytime I listen to this podcast it’s a great time. No matter what I’m doing whether it be doing work, at the gym, or gaming it’s enjoyable entertaining experience. Thank you to all members of The Yard.
  • heiwbidehs
    Happy dab day
    Amazing podcast happy dk drum day and dab day I’m kinda stupid and is the people named zipper js the ppl who help run it or are there 3 different ppl named zipper. Amazing podcast
  • fdhbxg*dthhfy
    LA twinks make good podcast
  • Sehaj S.
    Sleepy man
    Good pomcast man I sleep with podcast
  • aidenportal
  • the real thaiboy digital
    i think it is cool when slime makes very specific references to final fantasy 7 and metal gear let him cook
  • morganholiday
    This podcast made me love Wednesdays
    Nick is so effortlessly cool and Aiden is mother
  • Connor Speiser
  • DancingKitten10
    Funny podcas:)
  • John C. Gaming
    Just another on of big pharma’s scams
  • EliEliEliEli123
    I love jschlatt
    He is buteful
  • the shaggedy
    Pretty Sussy
    Why is this soo Sussy Baka.
  • The Forsaken one
    The Dilema
    Although at first I hoped it not to be true I have come to accept audio listeners are the unloved child of The Yard. I weep when I hear “zipper pull this up” for I know it will be followed by a symphony of laughter over something I will not know. The only hope I have is for some explanation from Aimen, more times than not, which inevitably will have a premature interruption followed by a change in subject. I often wake in a cold sweat thinking of a joke I cannot understand or laughter I cannot join in for the simple fact is, I am an audio listener. So I call to all those Yardigan’s and I hear you. Your plea for the understanding which those blessed with the accompanying video behold. All I wish to know is that which is known. Fin
  • oozie23
    My review
    Bro I will leave this on all night and wake up to you guys talking about some weird bodily fluid
  • fazebanksbaby
    These one star reviews are absurd. It’s don’t like bald people
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