Killer Psyche


When a shocking crime occurs, people ask “Why?” Was it about power, ego, or revenge? On Killer Psyche, retired FBI agent Candice DeLong draws on her decades of experience to reveal why these murderers and criminals committed these heinous acts. She will reveal fascinating new details about what drove these people, including cases she was close to. Candice will share specific psychological methods and profiling techniques that experts use to understand the deepest part of the most complex, fascinating, and twisted minds, from the Unabomber to Alex Murdaugh to Mary Bell.

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Recent Reviews
  • SarahJ38**
    Used to be great
    This is an update to my first review. I used to love this podcast and be excited for each new episode to drop. But I have to say that I am not loving season 4- it feels like a different show. The writing is not as good and although I am a huge fan of Candice, it seems like she’s on autopilot. I don’t know if it’s because the people making the podcast don’t care anymore, but this is definitely a different show than it was before. And when I went to listen to some of my favorite episodes again, they are behind a paywall so I can’t even enjoy them. Please go back to what this podcast used to be.
  • CatsRising
    Incomplete stories; dry delivery
    I wondered how much detail the reports would contain within such short episodes and quickly realized that there are FAR more intricate and entertaining versions of these same cases on other podcasts. Personally, I love a deep dive and Dan Cummins from the podcast Timesuck does an excellent job with both true crime and historical events. His episode on the Tylenol Murders exceeds the version on Killer Psyches by leaps and bounds. He has researchers and fact checkers on staff to ensure accuracy of the material reported. If your own psyche is too precious to handle some pretty intense profanity, skip Timesuck and check out the podcast Serial Killers. They also do deep dives into popular and not so well known serial killers while focusing on psychology of the perpetrators. Killer Psyches is produced as a digestible tidbit for the average listener with a short attention span. I think cases like these carry more weight than can be covered in 40 minutes. Plus, Candice’s voice is like sandpaper on my brain. Her journalism affect is irritating. Also, there are So Many ADS. And guess what - even on the supposedly ad-free Amazon Music platform there are still ads! They call them “sponsors.” Ad, commercial, sponsor… those are synonyms.
  • FJTiffsmom
    Older episodes interesting, but losing interest
    Covering John Wilkes Booth was a stretch. Running out of contemporary material...?
  • home-skllet44
    Excellent podcast!
    The content is engaging, well-researched, and keeps me coming back for more. The host is knowledgeable and presents the information in a way that’s easy to follow and always soooo interesting. Highly recommend!
  • The G-Raff
    Fantastic podcast!!
    One of the best True Crime podcasts by far! Nothing better than hearing from those with lived experiences. Candice is empathetic, intelligent and captivating. (Side note, I’m listening to the back log of episodes for the 3 time and the episodes are off by 3. Example, season 2, first episode about Amy Bishop, episode#22. I had to select episode #25 to hear it. The library is off or something)
  • Jersey Girl in Vermont
    I’am sitting here listening with tears. Candice is terrific. She can tell a story like no other Podcaster. Her Heart and Soul is in every episode…
  • Mightyjoe5280
    Used to like
    Really disappointing that a psychiatric nurse who is supposed to know science would tout that she’s carrying a gun on this podcast. We all know by now that statistically she has more of a chance of hurting an innocent person that she does of actually protecting herself. But go ahead Candice, brag about your love of guns and that you’re packing. I expect better.
  • ReebaF
    I enjoy this podcast, but in the last episode about Luigi Mangione, I felt they were very biased and opinionated - particularly regarding juror selection. They discussed how jurors would be chosen and how many people are not on Luigi’s side, but I found their take unbalanced. While I don’t condone murder, the data and responses from most Americans seem to contradict their assertion that the majority would side with the prosecution. In real-time, the situation appears to be the complete opposite. Unless you’re wealthy and don’t have to deal with health insurance, their perspective feels overly speculative.
  • KristaKennedy
    Takes 7 minutes before the story starts
    I’m done with the 7 minute intro, it’s better to listen to this podcast on the Amazon Music app
  • Brittany1985
    Get it together
    I’ve been losing interest in this podcast for a while, but Candice’s ‘analysis’ of the Luigi case just pushed me over. The public’s misguided perception of being wrong, etc, etc….is gaslighting at best. Propaganda at worst. Girl, get yourself together. You are a mess.
  • nickname1234598765431267
    Biased and out of touch
    I have previously enjoyed this show but the latest episode on Luigi Mangione has lead me to unsubscribe. It is clear that Mrs. Delong is coming at this case from a privileged point of view. Despite this, I gave the episode a chance until she talked about the “villain CEO narrative.” It is clear that she has never once struggled with chronic pain or with insurance denials for necessary procedures. Numerous people have unnecessarily died because of lack of health care and I’m supposed to sympathize with one of the men responsible for their deaths. Why don’t CEO’s sympathize with common people instead of only caring about their own corporate greed.
  • Hello Josephine
    I used to like her…
    No thanks! I already felt like Candice gets closer and closer to Nancy Grace as her career goes along. There’s nothing to see here. The podcasts aren’t enough to keep you interested. What we are missing here is the snapped narrator. Candice does great as a guest commentator. Not a stand alone for me.
  • DiamantinaMia
    Biased, entitled s, and out of touch. Review by former loyal listener
    Like all talking heads, the host decries the lack of empathy towards the ceo from the peasants. Does not address the polarization of the higher class (including the host) and the lack of empathy towards the taxpayers who pay high premiums for healthcare insurance and are driven to death and destitution because they unlucky enough to get sick. IMO, the host was highly biased, left out important details such as the disproportionate large response from NYPD and FBI. The host did not address how crimes committed against regular citizens are relegated to back burners, and the unfairness of distribution of resources. The host failed to address how the elected representatives sold the public sold our healthcare system to lobbyists and condemned hundreds of millions of people to living without healthcare insurance and die on misery in the land of the riches. The host seems to be out of touch with the struggle so many Americans have to face every day, just to survive. But mostly, I am indignant at the host’s glee and contempt towards both LM and those who have suffered at the hands of unalived ceo. Therefore, her claim of being an expert based of her credentials is no longer valid and relevant and I refuse to give to this host any more time.
  • Elp2r
    Surprisingly disagree
    I love this show, and I think Candice is amazing! I was just surprised at how much I disagreed with the guest about the Sarah Boone case. I saw that case as being extreme manipulated by Sarah on so many levels and it surprised me how much the guest saw it differently. My love of the show and high rating don’t change because of this, but I was shocked at her take.
  • Sirbuildsalot
    Pathetic sympathy
    I always listen. This interview was difficult to listen to when you show so much sympathy for a killer.
  • MRE131
    Want to love
    This used to be my all-time favorite podcast that I would look forward to every week. I love the in-depth analysis of the killers, but I hate all the interviews lately. I realize it’s free and Candace can do whatever she wants, and I’m sure some people enjoy that, but it is a big disappointment for me. I wish she’d go back to the original format.
  • 5280T
    Can you go back to your old format
    Hearing from experts isn't that interesting. I miss when Candice would just tell a story with her expertise.
  • Rs3314
    I love your show! I’ve always had an interest in “Why they do it” I am so glad you have an episode on Danny Rolling. I wrote my undergraduate capstone project on him and Nathaniel Code (another Shreveport serial killer). His diary is absolutely insane to read! Fabulous insight! Thank you for taking the time to do this show!
  • Rachel P849
    Started Strong… Now On To Interviews
    I used to love this podcast. It was informative, and Candace would tell a riveting story followed by an analysis of the killer. Now it has fallen into the content trap of guest interviews, like so many once-good podcasts do. We listen to podcasts for the HOST to tell us a STORY. Not to listen to people talk to each other about a story. PLEASE go back to your original format! Why change a successful thing???
  • Andygirlll
    This is a perspective you can’t get anywhere else. Psychiatric insight, high level law enforcement insight and profiling too, a triple win!
  • imarchon
    Lose the newest background “music”! Too distracting.
    I am a long time listener. This is the 2nd time this highly distracting background music has been introduced. Please stop - this makes it impossible to listen. This does not add anything positive to the podcast. It diverts attention from Candice’s excellent analyses. I’m hopeful this is also a failed experiment in audience reaction.
  • candleholiday
    Great podcast
    I absolutely love this podcast it’s so different then other true crime podcasts I’ve listened to I love the insight on why Candice thinks these people did these things in the beginning I wasn’t willing to pay to listen to the wondery+ episodes but the more and more I kept I listening I was hooked and I’m glad I did
  • Yilianne
    My favorite!
    My favorite podcast ever! Candace is phenomenal! Still waiting on Richard Kuklinski’s episode!
  • crazycatkatie
    This podcast is a favorite and never-miss title in my pod queue. Candace’s incredible career and experiences make her take extra fascinating. The interview with Karen Conti was so well done and consummately professional.
  • djeejhd
    Used to be good
    It used to be good, but now to listen to part 2 we would have to have a sub. I’m not paying for a podcast. There are others I could listen to that I donate money to. So I’m good
  • Mom of 3 in Houston
    I used to love this podcast
    Until they started making 2 part podcasts and hiding the second part behind a paywall. So disappointing and I’m going to stop listening since it is less interesting only hearing half.
  • Eeveretts
    I love the concept but I can’t follow the narrators cadence. She pauses at weird times. It doesn’t flow like a good story teller
  • Sugarbooger927365421
    Love it, but...
    I love this podcast. It's by far my favorite true crime media source since it goes into the why behind the crimes, and that's what I find most interesting. Understanding motives from a psychiatric perspective is absolutely fascinating and I really appreciate the insight from Candace. Truly, my only complaint about this podcast is that there are SO many encore episodes! If the episode was already posted, even if it was a long time ago, why post it again? Why not just make something new OR just don't post anything at all? I find myself scrolling through literally dozens of encore episodes that I already listened to and it feels like such a waste. I can only assume they do it to get the ad revenue from the "new" posts even though the content had already been covered...
  • sariebooboo
    One of my favorite podcasts! Please do an episode about Shanda vander ark, i would love your insight on why she would torture her son the way she did.
  • NicholeSSP
    Very well done
    Love Candace! I could listen to her all day. Love her podcasts and her tv shows
  • Collette French
    Leopold and Loeb
    Podcast was very good, but to listen to part 2 you have to have a subscription. Not good
  • ngdkgxlgxpux on
    Get rid of Bodi
    Like the podcast. I find the Bodi advertiser highly offensive.
  • AHCarroll
    Killer psyche that doesn’t analyze the killers psyche
    the host is knowledgeable but far too entertaining. She could be a reference that an experienced host refers to. Also, the show is called killer psyche but it’s often times only the story of the killer, not much mention on their actual psyche or any footage/tape on them at all.
  • Bella da wells
    What’s yalls problem?
    I love this podcast, so much production goes into these episodes. This podcast is the only thing keeping me sane while I’m at work. I love Candace Delong’s takes on the actual psyche of the murderers compared to what they were evaluated as in court. If ads bug you there’s this thing called a fast forward button and it works really well! 🩷
  • Mlatherton
    I don’t know how people listen to this?? She drives me bonkers. Like it’s either comical or just down right irritating. I think the people who say she’s great are lying. Surely. It’s gotta be a joke.
  • R in roc
    Paywall Nonsense
    Sorry to say but I am done with this podcast. I could tolerate the ads but now almost all older episodes are shoved behind a paywall. Newsflash: these certain podcast conglomerates are ruining the podcasts they host. They’re just going to lose a ton of audience members. Guarantee this will cause the failure of podcasts like this when everyone stops listening. It’s a decent podcast but not enough to subscribe to certain infuriating podcast group. Bye
  • chixbassist
    Love the podcast but hate the music
    I love this podcast but the music is a distraction. Too loud and unnecessary. It is getting to the point where the music makes it difficult to listen.
  • Nicksnamedbuteverythingistaken
    Great writing and research and potentially the most interesting show that I’ve ever heard, but the narration is so weak that it was difficult to listen to. Maybe consider somebody with voice acting experience to narrate and I think you have the best show out there.
    Nurses Rock!
    Nurses are so seldom portrayed as experts in media. Candace is one of my nursing sheroes!
  • ljlankford
    Great Show
    I consumed this show so fast! Her voice is nice to listen to and her story telling is top notch!! Great show!
  • nekewksnbd
    You have your facts wrong
    If you are going to do a podcast then maybe have your facts straight. It was starting to snow when Karen dropped him off. He was found on the lawn of the Albert’s not a snow bank. John’s injuries week to his face, head and right arm, no other injuries were noted by the ER physician. Several people deleted messages on their phones and several upgraded their phones. Brian Higgins got a new phone number, broke the SIM card and dumped the phone and the SIM card at a military base.
  • Nikki1492
    Really great true crime podcast
    Sometimes I would wish more depth into the psychological part, but then again, maybe there is none. Maybe glassbowls are going to be glassbowls. And are going to kill. Or the “falling on the head as an infant/toddler/small child” explanation.
  • Runnermama13
    Hero worship?
    Host seems to blame all the behaviors of the criminal on others in their lives’ than on the criminal themselves. Many people have bad things happen, abusive parents and head injuries, but do not turn into a serial killer. Sounds more sympathetic towards the serial killers most of the time. It’s a little gross.
  • Jljurado
    narcissistic parents…
    Very informative and I appreciated the topic. I don’t believe the emotional abuse of children is discussed enough. Especially given the lack of safety nets these children. Thank you
  • maria tenta
    i used to love this podcast
    …until i heard Candace de Long do a commercial in her own voice. How can i trust anything she says after this?
  • ClapperGal
    Use 1.25 for playback
    The material is thoroughly researched. Great topics. The pace is extended like speech is dragged a bit. Recommend listening on x1.25 and it will flow more naturally. However, this podcast is fantastic!
  • Duh I'm Deaf
    Some glaring mistakes
    For the Ruby Franke episode, the max sentence is not 60yrs, it’s 30 based on Idaho’s sentencing structure. In the episode about Charles Whitman, there’s a statement about his wife not following him on a deployment to Cuba. Families don’t deploy with soldiers. Beyond these types of mistakes that accompany the volume of production, it’s an enjoyable podcast.
  • tingolo
    Caroline Herrling EP 40
    She goes by Carrie Phenix. I used to hang out with her about 15 years ago because she was dating my boyfriend’s friend. She was smoking meth back then, too. I don’t how she doesn’t have noticeable facial changes. Carrie was incredibly smart and always finding ways to make $, whether it was stealing things and selling them on eBay or hitting up ex-boyfriends. At one point, she was considering becoming a madam.
  • Isildriel
    The Best of its Kind
    Huge fan of Candice Delong and her straightforward analysis of both well known and lesser known crimes and criminals. For my money nobody does it better.
  • OsLo's Mom
    I have been waiting for a podcast like this!
    It gives facts, not opinions. It leaves out unnecessary/filler details. The host doesn’t create fake dialog between the murderer and the victim. Host doesn’t make stupid jokes. The host gives explanations and causes to their psyche. Host even includes safety tips for if this should happen to you and WHY it works. I’m am all around impressed. It’s informative, educational and intriguing.
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