The Victor Davis Hanson Show

News #37Politics #12

This is the Victor Davis Hanson Show. Victor is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History at Hillsdale College. Victor's co-host for 2 podcasts is Jack Fowler. He is the Director for the Center for Civil Society at American Philanthropic. Victor and Jack discuss current political and social events and ideas, and current and past cultural trends. Victor also is joined by Sami Winc on 2 podcasts as they discuss current national news, what's trending in California, and how history repeats itself.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mike5591637
    I was surprised
    to learn that Ben Shapiro is the governor of Pennsylvania.
  • trackcleat
    Don’t forget about Carter’s metric system debacle.
  • oleg512
    My favorite podcast
    I was recently out of the country for 18 days. I found that the first podcast I consistently downloaded and listened to while gone was this podcast. I’m surprised how much I enjoy listening. Thank you.
  • shinealight21
    Just Love Victor
    Victor’s podcast is so filled with information current and past. I feel smarter every time I listen. The farming aspect I am partial to, living vicariously through those tales. But Victor disseminating his history knowledge is the gem and helps build our country stronger by educating us. Thank you
  • Amdyfyn
    I’m all in after hearing this episode. I never subscribed to AARP because their political agenda was evident a decade ago. But I never truly comprehended AMAC in its whole. Now I’m enlightened. Indeed….
  • Marty Oh!
    Thank you for being a guiding light.
    Victor, I have been a fan of your podcast and interviews for well over two years now. Nobody comes close to explaining our current situation as well as you do, nor with the thorough, unemotional, honest and impartial analysis you add to it. You have been a lighthouse of insight during a dark storm. I have been very fortunate to be able to have done two book signings of my own over the last two weeks, one at Barnes & Noble in Charlotte, and one at the Book House at Wake Forest University. I was also fortunate enough to be placed directly in front of a display of your new book. I have added The End of Everything to my current collection of Victor Davis Hanson books. I would love to send you a copy of my book, Tent for Seven – a camping adventure gone south out west, for your reading during your Covid hiatus. It’s a testament to the importance of strong family ties and a faith in the goodness of strangers. From the things you say on your podcast, I think you might love it. It might also be a break from the intensity of your everyday devotion. Marty Ohlhaut
  • 1958 Wagonomics
    Question for Victor
    Dear VDH. I am a new subscriber. I started listing as I spent a week driving in West Virginia. Almost heaven. I am now working my way through the library. In your stories about California politics, you talk about the organized ethnic groups. I was surprised to hear that the Asians are left wing. I have always considered them hardworking and entrepreneurial. Why are they leftist? Is that changing as they are now considered white adjacent?
  • makin $$&
    Who is Jack?
    Update: May 30,24. JF talks too much and seems to be more interested in his promotions. Update: April 4,24. Mostly what VDH is saying is truth however the more I listen the more what he says comes across very whiny . And mostly I can’t tell if it’s the Victor Davis Hanson show since Jack Fowler drags out his questions but yet has no problem quickly articulating sponsorship and comments that listeners make about the podcast. Please please please Jack stop stealing precious time away from the most brilliant now famous VDH Thank you VDH for educating my mind and for your weekend shows with the great Sammy.
  • Shmuel Klatzkin
    Carthage and Africa’s closest point to Europe
    Your podcast accompanies me on the road and the excellence I can count on from you is a great pleasure as I travel. A corrigendum which I offer only because the error has been repeated: the site of Carthage is indeed one of the places where Africa comes closest to Europe. The closest, however is the southern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar. At its narrowest point, northeast of Tangier, it is only eight miles wide. The strait near the site of Carthage is about 90 miles wide. “Give to the wise and they will be yet wiser.”
  • Amplexus expecta
    The Good Ole Days
    -It seems as if your podcast is in danger of becoming an informercial with the more frequent interruption of short (often repetitive) commentary by increasingly longer ads. -It no doubt is difficult to be a host, but I do wish Mr. Fowler would desist from rambling and his usual, self-deprecatory referrals. It would also be much appreciated if Ms. Wink could refrain from her typical laughter when so often discussing issues of serious concern to many people. -Oh for the “good ole days” of succinct, focused, measured discussions with Troy Senik. You might want to listen to some of those, if available, to get an idea of an alternative approach. You won’t, of course, but it couldn’t hurt.
  • LSinger
    Great Podcast!
    Thank you for saying what is on my mind but oh so much more eloquently than I could ever do! I hope you recover quickly and completely. Best wishes, Laura
  • Crystalline 400
    Dumping on you properly
    Hello Victor! I’m frustrated when I hear how often people dump on your vineyard. Victor why don’t you fence off your orchard. Is it just impractical? Batya from Las Vegas.
  • FatFred24
    Goering Second World Wars
    I’ve started reading VDH book on the 2nd World War and the Europe air war. Goering is brought up, it seems that Goering was a hold over from WWI and a political animal not a good military planner, then dressed flamboyantly and weird, using today’s words “not a serious person.” Is it safe to say that Goering is similar to today’s DEI military leadership and some of the failures of the German War effort? The past is coming back to our future
  • Pamela Patriot
    Great podcast
    I don’t miss your podcast, ever! It’s always informative and entertaining as well. Thanks Victor, for always making my day.
  • Phil Mos
    Gaza Negotiations and Terrorizing the American Electorate
    Victor, all your shows are excellent! I was very sad to hear you got COVID again. I would not use paxlovid. I would use IVM. Also, vitamin D is very important for immune health. I take 6,000 units/day; trying to get my plasma value up to 60 ng/ml
    Covid recovery
    Professor Hanson As a 70+ senior citizen please remove any fantasy you are still robust 40 years old. Please allow your body to heal. Rest,Rest,Rest. Who do you think you are, Donald Trump Best Bruce, Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Bert*1
    Long Covid
    I used high dose Vitamins D & C, then a couple of Zinc per day for a few days de solved in mouth and drawn up into sinus , think zicam . Also I make my own saline nasal spray with sterilized water, pinch of salt and a small spray bottle add a drop or two of Povilone iodine and hydrogen peroxide and use several times a day. If it stings too much use less ingredients in the water . When I had Covid last year I only felt tired for two days with no fever, cough, sore throat or sinus problems and I only had a scratchy throat for the first day. My wife didn’t want to try it an spent a week and a half in bed. Other suggestions are to try the Dr Mccullough Protocol!
  • Vonharpo
    Outstanding show - Question
    Started listening/reading your podcast/articles/books from recommendations from Rush. A brilliant college professor with common sense is a rarity. Question: I flew operations in support of Northern Watch in 92 - 93. During that time I intercepted Turkish aircraft attacking Kurds while protecting them from Iraqi attacks. In short can you explain Sykes-Piquot Agreement from the 1920s and how that has caused problems in current middle eastern situation. Thanks
  • NBPTeagle
    Jim Plunkett!
    I enjoyed Victor’s recounting of Jim Plunkett’s football career. Two amazing facts to add -Jim’s parents were legally blind and, as a consequence, his family’s financial situation was always tenuous. Originally drafted by the perennially inept Boston Patriots, Plunkett was seen as the savior of this luckless franchise. Jim’s team was extremely weak and the coaching staff and management even worse. He literally ran for his life during his five seasons with the Pats. Somehow, despite the tough hand he was dealt, Plunkett preserved and won two Super Bowls and Super Bowl MVPs, proving good guys can finish first. He should be in the NFL Hall of Fame.
  • Jadyadyady
    Great but ads
    Great podcast, way too many ads to start show
  • cdk12us
    In depth analysis
    Professor Hanson provides a wide variety of content from the perspective of an accomplished scholar. His discussions of the ancient world are captivating and often provide insight into today’s global landscape. As someone with an interest in history, I find VDH’s musings far deeper and broader than anything offered on television. He also covers current events and politics with aplomb. Sami, Jack and Victor are people with whom I would love to sit around a campfire.
  • GiveMeRealNewz
    VDH is an Israeli puppet !
  • belliott77
    Welcome back
    We missed you Bret
  • DC-786
    Interesting, honest, humorous, VDH is a national treasure. So knowledgeable and straight forward. New listener here, excited to catch up on all the past episodes.
  • Libranjpa
    Very informative
    Love the show. By the way, Dr Sherwin Nuland was a surgeon.
  • Jarhead0369
    Mostly Good
    Informative and interesting podcast. Get a bit annoyed having to deal with ~5 minutes of ads in the beginning. However, easy enough to skip through.
  • Dukearu
    Love ask VDH a question!
    Another 60% Fowler, 40% VDH podcast. Rename the podcast so people know what they’re getting. Jack Fowler with snippets of VDH. At least it would be more accurate. Megyn Kelly, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino … all speak for the majority of their shows, so you get what you pay for. Still appreciate you Victor. De Oppresso Liber.
  • WarKingRoy
    Brilliant podcast
    How could it not be, with one of the most brilliant minds we have speaking on various topics? Love the show, not only for the wisdom VDH shares, but for how it is so informative and instructional, without making you feel you are being taught, that is, without feeling you are being forced to learn.
  • TheThinket
    Victor it is always informative and fascinating to listen to you about literature and history. Thank you, Ed Conti
  • Clyde:)...
    Love your every word!
    Whenever I see an article or interview with your very important words of wisdom, I make sure I watch or read. I am gratefully subscribed to your podcast and your website. I read the comments and really can’t understand the need for some of the writers need to denigrate your cohosts. I find that so arrogant on their part. Strange world we live in today!
  • Feeder Pig
    Fallen Soldiers
    Victor often mentions the American Battle Monuments Commission. What did ancient world armies do with their fallen soldiers?
  • WoodMorger
    Army Decreases the Denominator?
    Every now and then you remind us about the failure of the Army in meeting its recruit quotas. A few months ago I recall hearing that the Army has eliminated thousands of positions to better match what’s needed. Please take a look at this when the next recruit numbers come out. Did the reduction really happen - and did this just make their (likely lower) recruiting numbers look better. All the best. Enjoy listening to both your podcasts and reading your reports.
  • SpectrumStinks
    Thanks Jack!
    Kudos to Jack You, like the entire VDH podcast team, are building on your excellence, continuously improving. VDH, Sammie and Jack; Please keep up the good work. A special thanks to Just The News, the mothership. 👍🙏
  • Caity2281
    Who is Sami Winc?
    I've enjoyed the show for years. Decided I didn't know enough about Sami Winc and Googled her - the only results talk about VDH! Not even a short blurb on Wikipedia. Sami, are you AI?
  • outdoorpainterGwen
    Yet another insightful show
    As always VDH never disappoints. I love to hear Victor thank us all for listening at the end of each episode . I always reply thank you Victor! Ordered a singed copy of you new book. Can’t wait to get it! Jack said you would be out for a week or more. Hopefully it will be a much deserved break! Thank you Jack and Victor for creating these podcasts.
  • Loneryder48
    Really enjoy the show.
    Especially love it when Victor interviews someone one on one. I do tire of hearing Jack and Sami stutter and stumble when speaking. They are not broadcasters. Guess they are good friends or something.
  • Fremont Mountain Host
    National Treasure
    At almost 2 miles of elevation, sometimes we think that we’re above-it-all. We aren’t. The world may be circling the drain, but Mr. Hanson is our anchor to windward, a beacon on the shore, and the best expositor of ancient and modern history on today’s commentary scene. Thank you Victor, Jack, and Sami for bringing sanity to a world gone temporarily mad. We love and need your voices! MJ, your devoted Rocky Mountain Hillbilly
  • CaptD23
    The site is working weird; I’m not “sunny” but I feel compelled to write you VDH. 1) thank you for the wisdom of ancient times—despite your Eyore persona (we love it) it helps with perspective. 2) Sunny Cinq (sp?)—her voice. It’s like a combination of melting butter and honey. And she is a perfect foil for Eyore. ❤️ 3) Power through Victor; I live up north on the Puget Sound and walk my dogs every day listening to your wisdom. 4) Living where I do, your perspective on the fall of Constantinople resonates clearly. We (or our kids) are too rich. No more words need be said. 5) Thank you, and like “radio free Europe” You are the same voice we need ! Darrell West Clinton, WA
  • Angie's list user 5
    Voice of sanity and reason.
    Brilliant. Intellectual. Exercise your mind by listening to this show.
  • Handsome Hugh
    General Patton
    Not to pick nits, gentlemen, but the handles of George Patton’s pistols were adorned with Ivory, not Pearl. Faithful listener, Hugh Cascade Charter Township, Michigan
  • Timsgal
    Circus of Corruption
    Think of how many families and friendships could be restored if Fridays episode was required listening for every democrat still watching mainstream news. Thank you for confirming for us that we are not in the twilight zone and we pray more wake up from the haze of propaganda. Americans don’t deserve this manufactured chaos, lawlessness and erasure of history.
  • FujiAppleGirl101
    Reversal of Fortune episode…👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
    Excellent, just excellent! ♥️🤍💙🇺🇸
  • geeb1015
    Gotta love VDH!
    I really enjoy listening to the podcast. If I had one wish though it would be that the episodes come out the same day or next day after being recorded. News moves so fast these days that the impact of Victor's sage words loses a little impact since we are often hearing about topics that have already had further developments. I will always listen regardless. Thank you!
  • MikeCarolina
    My Guiding Light in Today’s Turmoil
    Victor, You are my guide to making sense of today’s turmoil in the context of the history of mankind. Each time I think we are in new, uncharted territory with our current chaos, you show me that there is really nothing new under the sun. That we will get through this as our ancestors managed to navigate their dark side over the centuries.
  • M2A3L
    A note of thanks…
    Thank you for appearing on the Steve Deace show.
  • Glades Runner
    Historical Factbook
    VDH a master historian. Profound knowledge. I think he lived in the past possibly as a ancient Greek Scholar, a Roman citizen, possibly a medieval Catholic clergy, a General in the Byzantine Army, maybe a lord in England and finally witness to the fall of Constantinople. Hearing VDH is a privledge. Salute Sir.
  • Rich in Salem
    Needing my fix of VDH
    Love the show, I able to listen to a wide range of podcasts all day at work from sports to entertainment and a bit heavy on the political side of things so I can get pretty worked up at times but I find your “ sober and judicious “ commentary and analysis helps to calm me down like some sort of new drug that I think the whole country could really use about now. Looking forward to listening to your new book on audible. I have a question and a suggestion for you, first, it’s seems somewhat easy now to look back and identify the things that were going wrong that led to the downfall of the Roman Empire but i wonder, were there any people back then that were ringing the alarm bells and trying to warn the population that we need to make some changes before we go off the cliff into oblivion? And could I suggest that once a week you give us some of your impersonations of the nasal voiced liberal academic, that stuff really cracks me up. Oh by the way loved “The case for Trump” I was a late to party but that book had a strong impact on me and really changed the way I was viewing him.
  • Getmeabucket
    Peaceful tranquility and VDH
    Nothing better than the early morning cool breeze, the quiet tranquility and VDH in my ear as I feed my livestock on my California Ranch. Thank you for your uplifting insights and spot on analysis of our bizarro world politics…and your assuasive voice seems to calm the horses.
  • jaaaacccckkkkk
    Love the May 9th
    Encouraging, thanks a lot! I like listening and learning from Victor.
  • Lee Geranios
    Civil War
    Why do you continue to perpetuate the lie that the War Between the States was about slavery. Your description of an “Iowa farm boy” fighting to free slaves is absurd. As a descendant of 100 Confederate soldiers whose descendants moved to California, I can assure you that Hampton Vanderford of South Carolina, my GGG Uncle, was not killed at Gettysburg to keep the negro. Sherman was a war criminal. Study the war from a Southern perspective instead of lying Yankees. Lee Vanderford Geranios Fresno, California Today you said only the South was “racist.” The whole country was segregated. Black people were not welcomed by whites anywhere that I know of. Let me remind you that the South has always been been Conservative. Where are the red states? The North has always been Left. Note the bright blue states. Lincoln threw the Constitution out the window. You can thank him for big government. Remember when forced integration was happening in Boston? How did that go over. When you use the term “white supremacist” you collude with the Left to vilify white people.
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