Now & Then

History #36

How can the past help inform today’s most pressing challenges? Every Wednesday, award-winning historians Heather Cox Richardson and Joanne Freeman use their encyclopedic knowledge of US history to bring the past to life. Together, they make sense of the week in news by discussing the people, ideas, and events that got us here today. Now and Then is produced by CAFE and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

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Recent Reviews
  • NPR-affectionado
    I know genius when I see it
    I’m not worthy to make this review because I’m merely a science professor, who is also a Sufi priest. Be that as it May I have been teaching both meditation and human anatomy and physiology for a long time. I’m 75 now and as a long time teacher, I know genius when I see it. This is a podcast to savor. Something to sip slowly and bring it into your meditation. When Heather corrects Preet’s historical understanding, it’s a pretty special moment. I like listening to these podcasts multiple times as I begin reading and rereading Democracy Awakening.
  • ULP87
    Why end it?
    This was one of the best podcasts ever, why did they decide to end it? A light has gone out of my life …
  • Penny4books
    One of the best podcasts EVER
    This podcast relates history to our current situation. Each topic is interesting, & as history is applicable to our current times. Drs Freeman & Richardson provide a wealth of knowledge in an easily understandable presentation. They are not above humor & fun! WHY is it ending? That is a travesty!
  • Abby Joseph
    Brilliant show foolishly terminated
    It’s Wednesday, September 20; if management was operating with skill and intelligence, they would have made sure a new episode of Now and Then was available today and every week, and I’d be listening to Heather and Joanne’s latest insights right now.
  • Sad JB
    Why is this wonderful show ending?
    We deserve an explanation. Not sure I can survive next 14 months without Heather and Joanne. If we protest enough will,that change anything?
  • 1st harp
    Why Are We Losing You?
    I know I heard Heather say it was not your choice to stop podcasting so what lamebrain made the decision to take you off the air? There is so much garbage in podcasting they should clear out that crap first. You have made history so enjoyable and you have posited so many novel and interesting juxtapositions of events and people that I had never considered. The world doesn’t need more vapid pundits who blather on. We need more people like you who know what you’re talking about. Please, if it was truly not your choice, please find a more intelligent sponsor and come back soon!
  • poddconvert
    Devastated by the cancellation
    I am so disappointed to learn Now and Then has been cancelled. It has been a highlight of my week.
  • MapDogg
    So sad to say goodbye
    You were my favorite podcast. It meant so much to be able to put all of today’s craziness into historic perspective. I love that you shared your friendship and laughter with all of us through your podcast. Thank you for all you did.
  • yousosilly
    Don’t go!
    So sad this show is ending. The hosts are so engaging and the show is tremendously informative. I have learned so much. Thank you!
  • Cbr213
    Loved this show
    Huge mistake to cancel this podcast! We need our history to help us not make the mistakes of our past now more than ever. The hosts were great to listen to. Enjoyed their conversation.
  • CR Cervantes
    I love how you bring sanity to the news of today. I’m also somewhat embarrassed by how many things I thought I knew about American History but clearly did not. I’m very sad to hear you are leaving the airwaves but know that you will be sorely missed.
  • rachelir39
    A Must Listen
    I came to this podcast through Heather Cox Richardson’s “Letters from an American”. I so appreciate the thoughtful perspective that Heather and Joanne bring with their vast knowledge of history and ability to apply this expertise to our current circumstances in the US. I love going ‘back to school’ with them every week. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication! *Edit - as I pulled up reviews to add my disappointment to many other listeners, I found this review I apparently never sent. I just listened to the last episode today and I am so sad to lose this weekly ritual. Please bring it back!!
  • ChickieMcNugget
    Sad to see this go!
    This is so good and it is shame it has ended. Someone really f&$@ up when the cancelled this podcast. The topics are important and the historical perspective is sorely needed in these times. It was entertaining and educational.
  • Harryprince1234
    Great podcast! So interesting and relevant!
    Really interesting podcast! Historical information extremely on target, and so relevant to today’s issues. So sorry it’s been cancelled!
  • Bluemoon724
    One of the best podcasts
    I’m listening to the finale episode and am struck by how much I have enjoyed listening to the podcast. I’m disappointed that this podcast is ending. Heather and Joanne make history interesting…I wish I could’ve had them as professors when I was in college. I hope that they continue podcasting in some form or another.
  • In SM
    We need this now!
    We could really use their insights for this upcoming election cycle! Please come back!
  • kearena
    Informative and fun
    Additional comment 9/10/23: I’d like to know who the bozo is who decided to end this podcast. It’s one of the best out there, the best of ALL Cafe podcasts. A big shame. I will sorely miss the weekly learning & entertainment. *** I listen to a lot of podcasts - political, legal, media-related and current issues. This is my absolute favorite. Hearing about bits of history from scholars in a casual format - bits that you otherwise wouldn’t have previously learned or known about - is priceless, especially when related or foundational to current issues. Brava!
  • Evanston supporter
    Disappointment over management decision to end Now and Then
    For those of us who love history (and let’s face it, we all should love history), Now and Then is important on many levels. First, the hosts relate critical issues of our day to our country’s complicated history. Second, they do so in a way that is both informative and entertaining. Third, and perhaps most important, they make us think critically about matters upon which all Americans should be educated. I greatly hope management will reassess its decision to terminate the podcast. We need more shows like this one and fewer of the many pablum filled podcasts that seem to be proliferating.
  • JoeiMoments
    The Best!
    A treasure trove of how our past informs the present with two of the absolute best historians. It’s the only podcast I make an active point to listen to each week and I thoroughly enjoy each episode! It’s both educational and entertaining - and so very much needed.
  • listenerfromME
    Love this show!
    I was so disappointed to learn that this podcast is about to end. Please reconsider! It’s so informative. The hosts are insightful, entertaining, knowledgeable. This podcast should not end!
  • Northeast Jane
    Now and Then
    Fascinating exploration of political ideas and personalities in American history - what happened in the past and how that informs our present. Most times Joanne and Heather bring up events and even persons that our high school history classes left out. I’m grateful to this podcast. I hope it finds a new home. It’s been a treasure.
  • Sjugrad1971
    Great college course
    This was a fantastic series! I really appreciated the week to week comparisons to modern days and looking back at the same topic over the course our country and learning how difficult it always has been yet came through. I am also sad I won’t here from these two great professors and hear there co-teaching. I also loved the imperfect third voice of the bird in the background that made this sound as though I was at a dinner table or coffee shop. Thank you and I hope Joanne and Heather can return on this format and I can learn more from historians.
  • RuthlessP
    Who is pulling the plug?? I love this podcast
    This is the best podcast! The history leading up to today's politics and racism and so much else is important, entertaining and educational. Please keep this going!
  • FeministInUtah
    Deep, real, honest history lessons that help us understand our world today and what the future may bring. The hosts’ insights come with a depth of knowledge, unlike any other. A true gem of a podcast!
  • IceWallowPee
    Now and Then Best Podcast
    We LOVE this podcast. This is the only podcast that we listen to every episode at least once. So sad it is ending.
  • eKamria
    Please don’t cancel
    This is the only podcast I regularly listen to. Sad that Ionky discovered it a few months ago. I hope Drs. Richardson and Freeman find another platform to continue this important activity together. Their knowledge and insight is so important right now.
  • Srmike214
    An outstanding podcast
    I too am sad to hear this podcast go. I will definitely follow these illustrious scholars should they podcast elsewhere, which I hope they do. I looked forward to each new episode. I learned so much and my worldview was expanded and vital conext was given to today's events through history (third parties, title IX, just to name two). Heather & Joanne: Thank you both for this outstanding podcast.
  • Skent0611
    Love this show, wish it were able to keep going
    such a great look at history with brilliant hosts covering wide ranging and important issues. their quirks and friendly jokes make it feel like you are in the room and getting to learn with and from them.
  • woodlandjewel
    Absolutely the best podcast
    I am stricken that Now and Then has been cancelled. Heather and Joanne were terrifically good presenters and were very well prepared. They provided a need perspective and brought significant background to current issues. They were also fun. I’m striking CAFE from my podcast library.
  • R@bb!t74
    So sad it is ending
    I have enjoyed every episode of the show, and I am sad that it is coming to an end!
  • Quistgaard1
    My favorite podcast
    Why is this wonderful and informative podcast being cancelled? Two intelligent women riffing back and forth on American history and educating us all during the present trying times. What a loss. AJ, Winthrop, WA
  • commuter2019
    Great Fun!
    I love this podcast!! I’m so sad to hear that Cafe has decided to cancel it.
  • Nitsirk the Giraffe
    Wish They Would Stay Forever
    I love the show and have been listening every week since it started. I am one of those people who always felt like I should write a review but never got around to it. I’m sad to hear the show is ending soon and hope that Cox Richardson and Freeman will do another joint podcasting venture soon. It is such a witty and informative show!
  • Anonymous VA
    Really sad
    Really sad this show is ending. It is one of my favorites!
  • Roo’s Mom
    Oh no!!!
    I’m sad to hear this podcast is ending. I learn so much each episode. I’ll follow you elsewhere of course. But I want to share that I feel it’s a mistake to let this good thing go. Thanks for the clear, concise, humorous discussions.
  • Randal 1951
    Incredibly relevant
    I have thoroughly enjoyed the education you have both provided through this podcast. I have also been frightened down to my boot laces at what is happening now. I’m an old man, so I may not have enough time left to see the destruction or salvation of this noble experiment. The young people who are now coming of age and who, thankfully, seem interested in the kind of nation they are inheriting, are the hope now that we won’t descend into a so called illiberal democracy. An oxymoron if ever there was one. As circumstances allow, I plan on buying your books, any that either of you have written. Thank you for seeing your duty and not shrinking from the storm.
  • Masterpiece afficionado
    Outstanding podcast
    Have been reading “ Letters from an American “ for quite a while and have appreciated the historical perspective HCR brings to her comments on today’s breaking news. A friend just introduced us to the Now and Then podcast which we have been binge watching and relearning so much about the past. Realizing we have experienced and survived similar scenarios in the past, gives me hope that our democracy can survive if we continue to fight for it.
    Love the pod, but…
    I love this podcast but please do something about Joanne’s bird. The noise is very distracting - the squawking and scratching.
  • kaytwbo
    Great Minds Inspire
    Perspectives in where we were and how far we’ve come, with a warning of the strangle hold happening now as we lose the right to choose. Title 9 empowered women and their bodies as they participated in sweat, athletics and competition; BECAUSE of this strength and visceral intention within mind-driven bodies, there is a force to be reckoned with; respected, recognized and admired. Break the stranglehold in anyway possible on every front, NOW.
  • We're All Just Leaves
    This podcast usefully discusses the span of America history as it applies to current dilemmas. It adds enlightening perspective on “near history” , I.e., what’s happened in the lifetimes of my parents and myself. I like Heather and Joanne’s conversational style and sense of humor. Heartening and enlightening.
  • Tlhdt
    Now and Then
    History made fun and for a good purpose
  • Toothless carpet
    This episode was very informative and entertaining. Barbie’s purpose in my life was as a model for the clothes my sister and I sewed for her. She was Queen Elizabeth I and nurse Sue Barton, based on a a 1930’s book series about a nurse. It was a luxury to buy pre-made outfits with all the accessories. In addition to the red bathing suit and high heeled open-toed shoes she came with, we got a tennis outfit with accessories including tennis shoes that were not shaped like her feet, and a blue and white polka dotted dress outfit with accessories. One Barbie had a ponytail and the other had a “bubble” hairstyle. Heather and Joanne are history rock stars and help keep today’s current events in perspective in relation to events of the past.
  • bakerscholar
    Now and Then
    I highly recommend this podcast! Brilliant dissection of complex historical events into that makes history interesting and helps explain the past and it’s impact on the present. Excellent!!!
  • badgerbrew
    Learn, laugh, luminaries
    Engaging, articulate, knowledgeable and fun - a fantastic recipe for the best podcast around! I refuse to miss an episode; I learn and laugh every time.
  • peelmeagape
    Joann has caged birds? Or a bondage partner encased in cheap metal?
    7/26/23 Joann’s sound was very off.
  • chrisaferr
    Highly recommended to anyone who cares about history
    Found Professor Heather Cox Richardson through her Facebook letters and have been hooked on her perspectives ever since.
  • TressaMN
    What is going on with the background noise? Is that a BIRD in a cage making all that racket? It’s not amusing to the listener. Annoying. Could not listen to it. Grow up and be professional.
  • MT Blues Lover
    Learning from the Past!
    Minutes spend with these two wise women is precious time, well-spent. Just clear the decks and listen….Historical perspective on today’s issues discussed by two cheerful voices. So valuable.
  • craigspofford
    History alive
    I connected with Dr Richardson’s writing and articles and then heard about the podcast. I have really been helped and encouraged by the podcast as it looks at current events in the light of American history. Grateful for this engaging, thoughtful and energetic podcast and highly recommend it.
  • Dylanonymous
    History Teacher Approved!
    I love how they continuously show precedent and parallels throughout American history that make ya think twice before we make grand conclusions about the past and what it teaches us.
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