Sounds Like A Cult

Comedy #59

A podcast about the modern-day “cults” we all follow. Each episode asks the culty questions we’re all wondering… Do you think SoulCycle is a cult? What about Elon Musk stans? Or the Royal Family? What about spiritual influencers? Is Instagram itself a cult? Sounds Like A Cult, hosted by Amanda Montell, author of Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism, analyzes a different zeitgeisty group every week to try and answer the big question: This group sounds like a cult, but is it really? And if so, how bad is it? 

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Podcast Instagram - @soundslikeacultpod

Host Amanda Montell - @amanda_montell (Preorder her new book!)

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Recent Reviews
  • Birdie337
    Take with a grain of salt, then enjoy!
    I’ve read Amanda’s books and just discovered the podcast, so I had some background on how the hosts approach the word “cult.” And I’m not nearly as offended by it as some reviewers. Also, these episodes are not meant to be deep-dive, thoroughly investigated topics. They’re fun and interesting explorations of the line between culture and cult.
  • notafananymore2021
    Hard pass
    Big yikes.
  • Michael Donovan
    I wanted to enjoy it. The topics looked interesting. The concept of a show analyzing everyday cults is something I think we all enjoy. But it was just trash. It was frustrating to hear so much snark and hatred from the hosts of anything or anyone different than them or their way of living. I only heard a few interviews and they were just weak. I was hoping there would be balance if they interviewed people. Overall I felt less intelligent and misinformed after listening
  • Poppg
    Lots of Generalizations and Snubbing
    Amanda specifically laughs at and judges A LOT of things she hasn’t experienced first hand in a way that is borderline mean. I like Issa’s vibe and hate to compare them but it’s just hard to listen to Amanda bash or put down things she ~seemingly~ hasn’t even researched that much. I really enjoyed the episodes about the Kardashian’s, Plastic Surgery, Goop etc. and I appreciate the guests they have on… but even with the guests! Amanda laughs at their experiences and pretends to relate when she obviously doesn’t? It’s weird and reads mean girl/snobby/upperclass detachment (lol I realize this is me judging Amanda for judging other people). Anyways - hope she can open her mind a little more and stop being so know-it-all. She’s obviously super intelligent and her attitude on the pod does a disservice to that! And this podcast is a cool concept and could be really good.
  • Kat in Chicago
    Fun but short on substance or critical thinking
    I really really wanted to like this show. It’s full of topics I’m really interested in but it’s just so short of any substance. Often there’s no attempt to understand why the people involved are interested in it, there’s basic missing information or explanation of who random mentioned people are, and numbers are presented as shocking without any context at all. I know that podcasters need to make money but some of the ads were super jarring given that they were for somewhat scammy products. Also this is just a pet peeve, but it drives me nuts when people make a big deal over privilege/inequality while they’re in a ridiculously culturally privileged position themselves and don’t question that.
  • citrus-sloot
    Fun and easy to listen to!
    I love listening to this podcast while organizing, cleaning, and cooking. It’s light hearted and fun. I just listened to the jam band episode and thought it was spot on. My mom followed the dead and even has a dancing bear tattoo. The String Cheese Incident plays at Electric Forest and one time my friends were being silly as we walked around between sets (no one way playing), just calling out cheese types. A fan heard and got really upset with us for ‘disrespecting the cheese’. He was fully personally offended. In the show, you mention that no other genres are as intense and make others listen to the music. I’m obsessed with EDM and over the last 10 years, I have been to countless festivals all around the country. EDM (the music and the culture) is so important to me
  • Ruffaroundtheedges
    Love it…keep up the bad work!
    The topics of your show are just personal opinions of subjects you are obviously not women enough to be part of…jealous much?
  • Alexxaarey
    not the same as it used to be
    Aside from the obvious that it’s missing it’s cohost this podcast no longer does it for me for a multitude of other reasons. It’s falling flat and at this point feels like right on topics are being picked for the sake of making an episode. The intro is insanely and usually includes things that myself and I’m sure many other listeners are not interested in and by the time the topic is discussed, I’ve lost interest. It’s disappointing to say the least as I was one of the fans that followed from episode one in the early stages of the podcast. A big bummer and L for the listeners at home.
  • Chagall
    Eye Opening & Well Researched
    My favorite podcast! Amanda’s point of view and writings are refreshing and well researched with a touch of sass thrown in for high entertainment value. Her research on LuLaRoe in particular was nothing short of ground breaking. I have a 17 year old and it’s opened my eyes and flipped the well worn scripts of some of the toxic cultures in which we engage - at our own peril. Fascinating and thought provoking content. And she’s funny and charming. She speaks for a new generation with a linguists verve and wit we all should be listening.
  • Emmykfelter
    I’ve left the cult
    I used to be a massive sounds like a cult fan. Listened to almost all of the joint episodes and would constantly recommend the show to anyone I talked to. After the two most recent episodes, it’s been clear that it’s going downhill. There’s little academic analysis and tends to sensationalize a lot of things. The topics have also been getting more superficial and not worth a full episode.
  • *emily
    Not the same
    I miss Issa
  • Fell_in_a_hole
    Gets annoying
    I really want to like this podcast because the topics are usually something I’m interested in hearing about. Unfortunately I end up never finishing an episode because I can’t stand all of the giggling and jokey asides.
  • mattdalton34
    Falls flat…
    I used to enjoy this show pretty well, though I’ve honestly always considered it kinda lowbrow. It’s never felt particularly well-researched, and guest interviews tend to feel pretty shallow. It all feels sort of shallow, honestly. Ever since Issa left it’s just been snoozier and snoozier. Amanda just feels like a perfectly inoffensive host with basically nothing to actually say. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with that, but I find it pretty difficult to invest for more than 5 minutes, let alone one hour.
  • thankolivia
    Low analysis, high snark
    This show is snark about anything that has a large following. I can do that myself with my friends. From a podcast, especially one led by someone who’s positioned herself as a cult expert with a book, I expected a lot more analysis and insight. The hosts also fail to recognize that many of their featured “cults” are largely just things that women and lgbtq+ communities enjoy en masse and are belittled for it. Are Stanley cups and celebrity stans worth an occasional eye roll? Sure, but the podcast is disappointing and lazy.
  • HodaE
    Good content
    If you need something to listen to while folding laundry this is great . Amanda’s giggly LA energy has gotten worse over the seasons. Despite moments of brilliance and eloquence she will then revert to giggles. It had become distracting. But the subject matter is ,for the most part , good.
  • YogaEtc
    Miss Isa!
    Listened to all the joint episodes; now have unsubscribed. The episodes are way too long for one host especially and so much filler. And now it seems to be shifting into a podcast just about Amanda’s book?
  • Teenfitgirl
    Getting progressively worse
    This was a podcast I used to enjoy but recently the host have been making a big deal about some normal trends and making these things out to be evil. I was looking for a fun, satirical view on modern fads but this podcast is moving away from that. If you want to listen to people overdramatizing normal human behavior, go ahead. Another thing I am starting to notice is the underlying disgust for anything remotely conservative or religious. Not everything faintly conservative is a “misogynistic, bigoted, right wing rhetoric”.
  • Dgently
    Eight minutes into this podcast
    And idiot host just said, “Now onto today’s topic.” She’s unbearable.
  • GeminiHeart
    Review of the Catholic School episode
    Hi Amanda! I just found this podcast and as a Catholic School survivor (barely), this episode hits. I love the charm, wit, and realistic approach to the subject matter. Catholicism itself is a huge cult and deserves every bit of scorn and criticism, and the “educational” aspect of it simply exists for monetary and cultural gain and power. It’s absolute trash, but I’m impressed that you were able to drag it without being…disrespectful about it? Does that make sense? You told the truth about it in an entertaining manner! Anyway, great episode, and I look forward to becoming a full-time listener of your show. Excellent job! Stay culty!
  • olivecat
    In the last two episodes; homeschool and ballet, the host found several negative aspects of the “cult” and ran with it. There are two sides to examine in both episodes. I wish you had done so. Please stop sensationalizing the bits and bobs and instead, tell the full story.
  • Ecke1mal
    Too much rambling/filler
    Why do I regularly have to fast-forward 8 minutes before I get to the actual content? I used to love this podcast but I haven’t been able to get through an episode in months. It can take forever before even getting to the subject of the episodes and even then there is way too much rambling a not enough of the actual topic.
  • AwolfnamedEarl
    Downhill fast
    Offered an interesting premise but has gone downhill fast as of late.
  • Izzy_Cat_Lover
    Love but…
    I love this podcast and really hope it sticks around!!! But. I’d recommend starting with season 1 and listening in chronological order to see it at its best. Quality went down when the show hosts had growing issues and eventually split, but I’m thinking/hoping it’s on the way back up with just Amanda hosting
  • Thisgirllovescountry123
    LOVE LOVE I do miss Issa but Amanda can hold it down also cult idea “ travel” youth sports and or competitive dancers
  • Lbc4474
    Scraping the Bottom
    Using the word “cult” in the title of this podcast is a joke. It’s stretched so thin on material and is so boring. I wouldn’t call any of the topics cults but rather fads or products that have popular followings. I tried a few episodes and they just got worse as they went.
  • SolitaryBean
    Better with Isa
    Don’t bother listening after Isa leaves. Amanda just likes to hear herself talk and without Isa to balance her it’s just annoying. Also we came here for a cult podcast, not your audio book. 0/5 stars imo
  • Amanda Murdock!
    The podcast used to be good. However more it’s mainly just Amanda trying to talk about Amanda. She comes across very judgy and self centered and most of the show is her trying to relate to the guests by her own experiences and it’s annoying.
  • daphne338
    Loved it in the beginning
    I used to LOVE this show when it very first started! I thought it was fun, lighthearted, and funny! But I feel like around a year ago it really took a nose dive and it hasn't stopped nose diving since. I've finally given up and stopped listening.
  • lilu1414
    Normally wonderful, but has turned into a commercial
    I love this podcast normally. It is fun and typically light. The host is very funny and personable. However, her promotion of her own book has slowly taken the show over. From long ads to entire episodes being devoted to it, it has begun to put me off of the podcast. I’m sure the book is great, but it isn’t what I signed up for with this podcast.
  • Mrs Kevin’s mom
    Great show! Yeti girl here
    Love the show! Love Amanda and the language. Fascinated by language and why we call things what we call them. I prefer Yeti mugs in part because they live up to the claims AND fit in the cup holder!!
  • trulydooley
    Not Like The Book Cultish
    Last year I read Cultish: The Language Of Fanaticism and I found it insightful, non-judgmental and interesting. One major takeaway is that anyone can become entangled in a cult. Naturally when I learned there was a podcast hosted by the author, I started listening immediately. Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that the host(s) and guest(s) tend to be rude, very negative and harsh to those who fall victim to the various cult scenarios provided. I tried listening to several episodes but tearing others down for entertainment purposes doesn’t fit with my interests. I really wanted to like this podcast, but alas, we can’t always get what we want.
  • podcaster1224
    Too many ads
    Used to love this podcast but at this point HALF of the episode is ad reads. Love Amanda’s books but the language used in this podcast could come across quite badly.
  • Kwehri4
    Great content terrible host
    I love anything cult! cult hating and learning about cults has always fascinated me. The content is interesting but host drives me insane with her vocal fry and phony cadences. There are also way too many commercials. It’s a decent listen if she could correct that as well as tone down the biases
  • CaptivateKate
    Not connecting to it like I used to
    3.5 stars rounding up. I used to like this podcast a lot and found it informative while being entertaining. This past year it’s taken a turn and like it’s going through an identity shift since losing one of the co-host. I think it’s time for a new brand and for Amanda to let it morph into whatever she’s wanting it to be going forward.
  • Britney Duncan
    Mostly good
    I generally enjoy the show each week but the host at times tries too hard to relate her experiences to the guests’ and often cuts them off mid-sentence. It is unrealistic (and comes off a little self-centered) to relate or try to relate to every single guest on every single point they raise. Let the guests, subject matter “experts,” speak uninterrupted.
  • hodgizzle
    Better with 2 hosts
    I’ve been a fan for a long time and still enjoy it, but I think it works much better with 2 hosts. Now that there is one, the part where she talks before having a guest host come on is started to feel like a lecture. I don’t look forward to the episodes as much as I used to.
  • j_a_x_
    Pleasantly Surprised to Vaguely Confused
    Originally I was delighted by this podcast but confused about the future - what happened to the second host? And now the first host is leaving? These ladies were well spoken and funny at first, but I really hate they way they say “girlies”.
  • kdifjrndkqls
    Great show please stop with the sounds
    Please stop with the weird sounds it ruins it! Otherwise love
  • reydavis32
    They use the word cup like people use the word literally.
  • Mmc33
    Ableist Language
    The episode about Stanley cups included ableist language that is extremely hurtful to the disability community. When talking about being able to easily drink from the cup they said ‘it’s giving vegetable’, ‘invalid aesthetic’ and ‘invalid chic’. and Not only were the comments absolutely awful and hurtful, they deleted all of the instagram comments addressing this issue. I also tried to direct message the podcast to alert them of the issue, to which they never responded. Why hide the issue instead of simply apologizing and trying to do better going forward? I’ve loved this podcast for years and it was a quick unfollow for me when I saw they weren’t willing to issue an apology.
    Chiropractor Episode
    I practiced Chiropractic for 42 years. I never bought into the adjustment or cracking. I never used high velocity adjustments. My patients improved with gentile range of motion and stretching. Most of my referrals where from MDs. I never treated a symptom and ordered scans and MRI to see fine tune a diagnosis. I often referred my patients to Orthopedic MD or injections to relieve their symptoms. I slept well at night knowing my patients well being was more important than my bank account. I made enough $ to retire comfortably.
  • Jade Kelland
    Disappointed in Stanley Cup episode
    I have loved this podcast for a long time and generally am a fan, but this most recent episode refers to drinking out of a Stanley cup straw as “giving vegetable” and “invalid chic.” As someone who interacts with people with neurological impairment daily I find this offensive and thoughtless.
  • Nappa/Addy
    I have been a listener of Sounds Like a Cult for a couple of years now and I'm entertained every episode. The conversational style makes my car rides so much more enjoyable and I find myself laughing out loud all the time. Amanda Montell is a perfect host and is consistently delivering even after a major switch from co-hosting to solo hosting. She has made it remain informative and entertaining and clearly knows her stuff. Thanks for keeping every Tuesday morning an enjoyable one!
  • caitbabo
    Suchin Pak!
    As a child of the 90s who lived on MTV, I am so delighted to hear Suchin Pak’s voice in my ear!!
  • ...jolene...
    I heard Amanda’s interview on Fresh Air, which was thoughtful and intelligent. In searching for her podcast I hoped for more of the same. When listening to the Stanley episode, I heard so much vocal fry, women watering down their intelligence, over-sexualization and very little actual intelligent discussion about the cult following of the cups themselves. In fact, every host in the episode owns one. I’m disappointed that someone with a great amount of intellect and knowledge has molded herself to so many stereotypes and seems to purposely dampen her own intelligence.
  • Abbie Shull
    This show has gone off
    Like something you forgot in the back of your refrigerator, this show has gone sour. What was once a show making interesting commentary about the day to day obsessions of our lives is now a vessel for mean girls to make fun of things/people they don’t like. For instance, instead of focusing on the rampant homophobia, racism and fatphobia inherent to LuLuLemons brand, the hosts used their show to take little jabs at the people who wear the brand.
  • stoutbr
    Fun weekly listen
    This show is so entertaining. Amanda is a delight to listen to. Get her books, too!
  • Nullity
    Giggle much?
    I thought I would try your podcast with the cult of cruise ships episode as, while I am retired and 40 years old (not nearly dead), I have been on 51 cruises and been to 72 unique countries. The cohost you had join gave the carnival cruise line perspective, but keep in mind The only people that go on carnival are alcoholics and/or those who can’t afford a real vaca, meaning it’s not an accurate representation of the entire industry. Keep in mind, I am not a big fan of cruising whatsoever, but with the cruise lines I use there are less than 300 people per ship versus several thousand so you’re able to get into little known ports that are not as populated and the fact that you only have to pack and unpack once is a benefit, I’m definitely not into the cruising cult but know a bit more than your guest does.
  • Kasffgghjkk
    I heard one of the hosts being interviewed on an episode of Fresh Air. She used some terms like “thought canceling comment” to refer to something that leaders may do to keep you from thinking for yourself. I looked this podcast up because I want to understand better what is and what is not cult behavior. I am a parent in a homeschool family, and that causes me to come in contact with some fundamentalist Christians. I thought it would be helpful to be able to distinguish some of the culty things from the non-culty things. I was disappointed. I did not feel like I was educated on how to recognize a cult. One of her recent episodes was the cult of homeschool. I was intrigued, because those are the people. I am encountering. That is the only episode I have listened to on this podcast. She made a few good points that I believe are correct. She also expressed a lot of prejudicial stereotypes. She spoke with equal confidence whether she was correct or incorrect. It felt like she thought that she was absolutely correct. After listening to this podcast, I was left feeling that this podcast is just a collection of ramblings by prejudicial people who do not take the time to understand what they’re talking about. There are indeed some really kooky things in the homeschool community. But homeschooling is a tool. It is not inherently good or bad. I think an improvement would be to say “when people say these things and do these things, they are trying to control your thoughts, and that is cult-like behavior. However, when people do these other things, they are just being responsible humans. When people do these third things, they’re just weird.” There is plenty of weird stuff going on in the homeschool community. There are some real kooks out there. I think this was a missed opportunity to have a very healthy conversation about what is good and what is bad in the homeschool movement. Instead it felt like she had pre-decided that everything about homeschooling needed to be criticized. She seems surprised that something could come out of it. I am not interested to hear anymore of the opinions expressed on this podcast. I feel that way not because she said bad things about the community that I am associated with. But I don’t want to hear more propaganda from yet another source. I want truth and facts.
  • He who shall remain nameless
    No train of thought
    Montell can be entertaining despite always sounding over caffeinated, but after listening to her Fresh Air interview and now most of this episode on manifestation, I find that I can’t follow her train of thought. There is an ADD quality to the way she jumps around between assertions and supportive anecdotes, but nothing ever really lands. It all feels like massive conflations and definitions that are applied so broadly as to be meaningless. Not every example of poor critical thinking is “a cult.” Manifestation concepts are not conspiracies, they’re just good old fashioned mysticism and superstition. Wanted to like this but it lacks focus and clarity.
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