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Recent Reviews
  • hgfttdde
    I like the show but Scaramucci needs to go.
  • JLARGE53
    Decent Content but Not what it was
    The new format and hosts are adequate with some strong guests. However, majority of guests are really weak and all over the place as far as expertise and experience. Known charlatans and average advisors. Hosts regularly interrupt the guests just to insert their egos. Listen less and less often after being a weekly listener with Adam T.
  • Tbbat
    Scaramucci is a disaster and a traitor. Done with wealthion. It had become very boring anyway.
  • AdolphEinstien
    What a Mess!
    They took a great informative podcast, and turned into a apologist for the current state of affairs. I tried for awhile to give them a chance, but it’s simply not worth the listen. I’m unsubscribing and will happily be found listening to Thoughtful Money.
  • 18B4W8
    Hot. Garbage.
    Since Adam T left, this pod has turned into what Iraqi street sewage smells like in August. I wouldn’t let the guest on 3/5 manage my dirty underwear. If you like being poor, then deff take his advice, no cap (as the kids say)
  • Zeusy Goose
    Not as good as it was
    Let me say that I still like this show, I just don’t love it like I did before the change. The guests are still awesome and have an unbelievable wealth of knowledge. For me, I feel like the structure has changed so that the interviews feel more like a CNBC interview now rather than an intellectual financial conversation like it did before. I’m not a fan of CNBC, but that is just me personally. I feel like there is always some agenda they are trying to push by only focusing on the questions they ask rather than allowing the guest to go where he/she wants to with the conversation. This is how I feel this show is moving and I’m not as big of a fan as I was. In addition, the audio quality isn’t nearly as good as it was before, which is a bit annoying. It isn’t bad, it just isn’t crisp and clear like it was and is a noticeable decline. I’ll continue listening to this show but I find myself not as excited to choose this show over others like I was before. This tends to be falling into the “there’s not much else to listen to” pile of my podcast choices.
  • Wang dangle
    Excellent information
    Wide variety of guests with various strategies on how to grow and preserve wealth. Must listen.
  • No11111166666
    Raoul pal insights r top notch!
    Raoul pal!!!
  • Raju Narisetti...
    Messed with a good thing (too bad)
    Talk about not understanding your audience. With Adam, there was one host and one narrative. You knew what you were getting. With multiple hosts, there is no consistency. Feldman ruined his own creation, which is his right to do, but just so much hubris. Reminds me of when Jerry Jones fired Jimmy Johnson. Too much ego in the organization but the owner forgot that the fans weren’t there for him—they were there to be a part of a winning product. I decided to write this review after listening to the 2024 prediction episode, which was nauseating and felt totally defensive. It’s as if Feldman came on to justify his decision and try to put lipstick on a pig with his old college pal. I held on long enough to learn two things: (1) that Scaramucci is (still) insufferable. (2) that Feldman actually reads these reviews, so hopefully he reads this and course corrects before Wealthion goes the way of Meet the Press.
  • Hawkeye252
    Has gone downhill since the change
    Adam Taggart has somehow found a way to interview great guests routinely and his interviewing style is excellent. This podcast is a tremendous resource of excellence. Edit 12/7/23: Since the changeover this podcast has gone markedly downhill. It sounds like so many other podcasts out there now, same thing, same stories, etc. One interviewer in particular needs to learn one portion of the art of discussion and that is to not interrupt the guest. Downgrading from 5* to 2*. Edit: 12/22/23: What was once a fantastic podcast has really turned into the same echo chamber that other podcasts have been doing for years. Little original or interesting now. Downgrading this further to a 1*.
  • kjhgeirystowiyg
    Disappointed very Mooch
    Sorry tried the show post Adam and they featured Mooch. Not worth the time in my opinion
  • Funny Money man
    Was great
    I’ve been a weekly listener from the beginning, never missed an episode. Really feel it’s significantly gone down hill without the natural talent and passion that the founder-creator Adam T brought to each and every podcast episode. Unfortunately it’s just not the same at holding my interest level. Now it just sounds like one the normal run of the mill talking head financial shows. I have switched to Adam’s new creation “Thoughtful Money”.
  • Samjack's on
    Sad Ending to What Used to be an Amazing Podcast
    Adam was Wealthion. The change that took place is terrible. The podcast now sounds like MSNBC lacking substance, data, and direction. I have probably watched 85% of every podcast ever released here. The change that happened Fall 2023 was a terrible one. Bring Adam and his interviewing skills back or point me in the direction of where his new podcast will be. Podcast went from hero to zero. No joke. 5 starts two months ago, now 1 because I have to rate it.
  • RCL!!
    Sad demise
    The changeover in Fall 2023 made this channel a fraction of what this podcast used to be. After giving the new team a chance for several weeks, they have failed to deliver.
  • KapStone Traveler
    Lost its Mojo
    Unfortunately, without Adam this podcast offers no differentiation.
  • Fletch F.
    This is a great find for me. I like the diversity of topics, but the depth of discussion and caliber of guest expertise is also top notch. Information is also accessible, not overly wonky and technical.
  • ScottKacz
    Not the same podcast
    It’s only been a few days and I miss Adam. The recent shows felt and sounded like a 2 minute CNBC or Jim Cramer segment strung out to 45 minutes. Adam and his guests offered so much insight backed by data. This was one of my favorite podcasts but if it doesn’t improve quickly I’m moving on.
  • G Stonk
    Love Adam, Miss Him Immediately
    I really hate to do this. I listened religiously. This _was_ one of my favorites. First podcast with new host & guest was awful. Zero insight. Guest just yelled aggressively with no data. It was clownish. Jim Cramer levels of lame.
  • WyldKR
    No hype on assets Just good conversations about growing our wealth with various people with many ideas and strategies. Look forward to each episode
  • Just-Plain-Chris
    Wealthion Rocks! Adam’s the MAN!
    Excellent intelligent very well informed & honest podcast! Great guests (selling their book and brand) offering very interesting and well informed insights into today’s markets and economy.
  • Jeffrey Purtee
    Just Keeps Getting Better
    Update Sep2023: Thought they already had every great guest possible. Then they had a brand new guest: Melody Wright on real estate. Fascinating discussion and great addition! Keep up the great work. Update Dec 2022: the “Weekly Market Recap with Lance Roberts” has become the favorite part of my favorite financial podcast. 90 minutes gives me an overview of the key issues that week plus little mini financial history lessons. Never miss an episode.
  • jp1844
    Favorite Pod
    This is my favorite podcast of all, and I listen to quite a few daily and weekly. Adam is a talented interviewer and also a highly intelligent human being. I have learned much from he and Chris and continue to do so.
  • Based7304
    Economic information that is critical for the subscribers
    This show has become a must see and is so superior to any mainstream business media presentation it’s shocking. The level of discussion is so practical and the host does a fantastic job of either asking the quality guests the right questions or leading the guests to where the audience wants to go. The topics are timely and cause you to think. I rarely write a review but this channel is fundamentally changing the way economic information is presented and analyzed. Business TV channels are 8 track players compared to Wealthion.
  • Pharmacist Jordan
    Love the show
    Really enjoy Adam’s interviews and his guests. You can tell they really try to avoid politics - I wish they would get into every now and then. Political will and power has massive economic impact, so it’s difficult to go out of your way to remain “neutral.” I think engaging with political discussions would only create good tension and conflict. Keep it cordial and it would only increase the ratings and following. Let it loose Adam! Keep up the good work.
  • MIflyer
    Love Adam and love his guests!
  • ABC3 girls
    Awesome information!
    Love your show! Great information on Social Security and retirement
  • aid32
    Best financial podcast
    I have been listening since it’s creation and have learned so much! Adam ask questions that people actually want the answer to. He gets the best of the best on this show. I share and recommend to everyone.
  • finmeister
    Chicken Little much?
    After being told consistently for a year that the sky is falling any minute now, I’ve started to suspect that these folks are nothing but a bunch of Recession Fetishists. Exciting for a bit, but this drum beat gets old
    Lance Roberts again!
    Lance Roberts is always on the right side of the trades with the benefit of hindsight. Never in anticipation. Always, after the fact. Sounds like Tony Greer. Lier to me.
  • tomcruse123
    Great interviewer
    I was watching Adam interviews with Jim rogers and other in u tube other channel for years now he is focused I like his contrary views, he has in depth knowledge in finance it’s worth listening.
  • Fast Donkey
    401(k), IRAs, Roths and other retirement vehicles
    Love the show. One of my new favorites. Lots of great economic and market data, but for those of us working for companies with retirement plans in which we participate, it would be nice to dedicate a show to discussing such. Some plans include pretax, after tax, and Roth options. It would help many of us to understand the contribution limits and benefits/disadvantages and tax implications related to these options. For example, one can only contribute to a Roth if they make less than $X, yet there is the option to roll your 401 into a Roth. How is that? What are the rules around that and is it worth doing? The 401 is limited to index funds and the investment strategies all look very similar. They seem to all invest in the same companies. We have limited choices. Is it better to take advantage of company matching programs tied to the 401 and then invest the rest in an IRA where one can actually invest in similar indices, yet have the added option to invest in companies, etc.? I think a series of episodes dedicated to this would bring great ratings. Thanks for your podcast and consideration. Robert Houston
  • Useful criticism
    Good content but…
    Um a um a um a…. Those words do nothing to enhance your dialogue. In fact, they hinder your ability to communicate effectively and diminish the audience’s perception of your intelligence. “Brevity is the soul of wit” My brain runs faster than my mouth and caused me to stutter as a child. My guess is that you are extremely intelligent but need more time to organize thoughts into effective communication but it’s hindering you.
  • Jay Hopkin
    Great podcast with awesome guests
    I've really enjoyed this podcast so far, thye seem to get some great guests!
  • gold canyon mike
    This a valuable service
    Thanks Adam
  • KiyaKora
    So educational and fascinating. Excellent guests, great interviewing style. Unencumbered by sponsors or bias. This is the content I’ve been searching for, so glad I found it. Adam does a great job. He always asks the questions I’m wondering in my head. I appreciate that he never loses sight of what these topics mean for the daily life of an average person. He has an excellent grasp of, and empathy for, how different generations are impacted differently by the various topics. Really approachable even for someone like me, newly passionate about financial markets and the economy, but still lacking knowledge. Adam, stay true to the integrity you’ve displayed, this type of high quality content is rare and so valuable. You are appreciated!
  • KMax*
    Strangely Addicting
    I look forward to these episodes throughout the week. I would never have imagined that a macroeconomic podcast would be my go-to entertainment, but it absolutely is.
  • Sato's dead cat
    Stop the part 2 nonsense
    I’m not sure who told you to break up the majority of your interviews into 2 parts, but it’s incredibly annoying. Knock it off. Also, get some professional interviewing instruction. Listen to “Invest like the best” podcast. Way too much throw away verbiage commenting about commentary with platitudes that don’t move the narrative forward. Dropping this to 1 star because of the continued fake 2 part nonsense.
  • LizardLicks
    Good podcast if you can get by the constant use of “um” that proliferates from the interviewer. It is distracting and unprofessional.
  • Joeltrout
    Great Insight
    Great guests and great insight. Love the information and the way it’s presented.
  • Ray Roberson
    Enjoy your channel
    This channel brings amazing insights from people who know the financial world and answers the questions curious people have. Breaking the interviews into parts is frustrating. An interview should be a single event rather than divided into content released over multiple days.
  • Lew in Chicago
    Listen and Share
    Great show, Mr T
  • Annie Jo Jo
    Great show don’t change a thing.
    I started listening to your show about 6 months and I haven’t miss an episode since. I have learned so much from listening to you and your guest. Thank you for providing such great a platform for financial education. You are the one in a million who really cares about educating your audience. Please don’t ever loose site of your reasons for founding Wealthion.
  • Guiddm
    Interview with Joseph Wang
    Very chilling interview with Mr. Wang, such an acolyte for the Fed. Not sure when the Fed was elected to be the US bank and purposefully inflict Pain upon the citizens of this country… Now they even have a mandate to control population. ?
  • This is not here.
    Thank you for the I-bond gift tip
    Adam, your thoroughness is appreciated. I see a lot of financial people sending out messages about buying I-bonds. But, I don’t see any of them referencing the gift box. I’m a happy Wealthion subscriber. Your legend continues to grow. Cheers.
  • Dr. Stephen B
    Good stuff!
    Consistently excellent interviews that are timely and cover a broad range of financial and investing-related topics.
  • McKinstryJr
    Very Solid
    This podcast is in my regular rotation. Adam and those who help him really get excellent guests across the worlds of investing and economics. Adam does a pretty good job of letting the guest go in a good direction when appropriate but reeling things back in when needed. The rants (which are human nature) are kept to a minimum. I enjoy the weekly recaps with Lance and the debriefings with the New Harbor guys. I appreciate Lance’s sort of quasi-populist mindset but sometimes he is a tad too nihilistic for me. I applaud how he apparently put his money where his mouth is and sold his house recently. My only criticism of the pod is that there is not enough diversity of market views in my opinion. At the moment, there are too many bearish guests. I understand the reasons why skepticism and negativity may be warranted. But what if things don’t turn out terribly? I think listeners might find it useful to hear from a few relative optimists/bulls like Tom Lee or Ed Yardeni. I really enjoy this podcast, but sometimes I worry that everyone is getting too entrenched in a bearish echo chamber here.
  • totalfan18
    So much knowledge and education
    I really appreciate your show. I just discovered you and look forward to listening to every episode. I love listening to all sides and predictions. Thank you!!
  • Dr. Alpharetta
    Great Content!
    I don’t work in finance, markets, or banking. I have had an interest in economics, markets, and investing since I left college. I have been listening to and reading everything I can get my hands on for the last 20 years. I found this channel only a few months ago, but this is some of the most amazingly informative content I have ever found! I am truly enjoying the information and education from some of the most thoughtful and well informed people around. I highly recommend Wealthion to everyone.
  • pfizer söze
    I have a recent unfounded passion for finance. I am completely new to all of this and it started with reading Thomas Sowells Basic Exonomic. That led to my interest in the 2008 housing market collapse. I work In IT for a large Mortgage company and the clicks and whistles in our town halls and state of the state began to irk me. I stumbled upon this podcast while doing random searches to obtain as much info as I could. The first episode I listed to was with Ivy Zellman and I have been hooked here since. The content and guests as well as Adam’s poise present the topics in such a way that even I, a newcomer, can understand. The more I listen the more this podcast deepens my interest. While the current economy and patterns in today market have only piqued my interest more as the former clicks and whistles of finance talk meant nothing to me have begun to become understandable.
  • Axlebender
    Grateful to have access to these folks
    Impressive guests, thoughtfully interviewed by Adam - this has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts.
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