Pineland Underground


The official podcast of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. SGM Riley and MAJ Holzmann embark on a journey to provide the best podcast in the military with bi-monthly relentless awesomeness. Real. Bold. Un-restricted.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jo Lin Green
    A “MUST-LISTEN” Podcast!
    This is the podcast I’ve been searching for! With a husband currently in the ‘couch to assessment’ pipeline; this is the only place I’ve gained the insight and knowledge needed to give him the support and confidence he needs most. Thank you Ash and Derek, it all started with the Ghost in the Machine episode in 2022!
  • crabe001
    Great episodes
    Great content and guests. It’s also been a smooth transition from the OG hosts to the new kids on the block. Good stuff and keep it up.
  • Ordinary citzen
    Consistently good
    Lots of good content here related to leadership even if you’re not in the military. Yes it’s military themed but they do a good job breaking some terms down for civilians. Solid listening.
  • Mariorhdz
    Great podcast!
    As someone in the world of defense and foreign policy, this podcast does a great job of inspiring me and my peers. Keep up the great work!
  • bigsurferboy75
    SGM Ritter is my hero and I hope one day to grow up to be just like him. No, he did not pay me to write this glowing review. (PM Me on FB so I can give you my address for a 6 pack of the Pineland Underground beer.) This is a great podcast and I think civilian employers should have their leaders listen to this. There are a lot of great take aways. Keep up the great work.
  • Grunt hugs
    SGM Ritter
    SGM Ritter is my hero and by fa the funniest “Where did you get those stats” SGM Ritter: “ I made them up”
  • SpellitwithaY
    SFC Fiocca episode was phenomenal
    The truths stated in this episode are long overdue to be proclaimed. May God richly bless SFC Fiocca and his family for persevering through the suffering and for being bold enough and concerned enough to get the message to the ears that need to hear it. Not only do the powers that be need to listen to it, but those of us who have suffered horribly because of the exact issues SFC Fiocca described need to hear it as well. There is tremendous validation in having answers, in knowing there are solutions, and in knowing that we are not the only ones enduring that plight. God bless whoever made the decision to produce and air this podcast. You may never know the rogue wave effect this interview has had and will have on so many people similarly situated, and on those who will be spared this trauma because of the changes to come. Giving this soldier this platform has and will change lives. I pray that SFC Fiocca’s testimony is the first of many, and that those testimonies change the tide that has drowned so much hope and so many lives in the SOF community. I encourage you all to continue highlighting these issues and spotlighting solutions, including help for the families. They suffer greatly as well. My only suggestion for improvement on this particular podcast is that I would have enjoyed hearing more about the role that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit played in SFC Fiocca’s comeback. He hit the nail on the head when he said that it is spiritual warfare. As the Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Ephesians “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 Well done. De Oppresso Liber
  • Brackforce
    5-Star Rating with Caveat
    I’m giving this podcast a 5-star rating because the hosts had the incredible insight to force me on as a guest to boost ratings. That said, the hosts also consistently spew grammatical garbage despite my thorough berating for their misuse of the term “myself.” In fact, in the latest episode SGM Chuck Ritter reached new levels of trouncing the English language by adding “yourself” and “ourself” to his repertoire of misuse. I’m simultaneously impressed and ashamed by his complete disregard for self-respect. If there were a valor award for jumping into linguistic trenches unarmed and ill-prepared for the sake of others, I would recommend this man for the Medal of Honor.
  • Chuck Ritter PU
    Best Podcast I’ve ever hosted
    I’ve never hosted a podcast before which makes this the best Podcast I’ve ever hosted in my entire life.
  • trashquatch
    Invaluable lessons
    I thought I would check this podcast out with no expectations. I was pleasantly surprised at how insightful I found it to be! The first episode I listened to was episode 40, what an episode! If you take it to heart, it is extremely powerful. Not only are the principles discussed in the episode factors that make a great leader in the military but they are invaluable guiding stars after the military that won’t fail you in your career or interaction with others. Thank you! I look forward to listening more!
  • instagram is a waste.
    I have listen to two of your podcast. I have really enjoyed them with one exception. I don't know which host it is but he likes to talk more than listen to the guest . On both of the shows I listened to the host was talking over the guests and wanted to talk more than listen. You bring in the guest so we can listen to the guest not the host. The two shows I have listened to was Nick Lavery and the second one was the show with Kyle Lamb. If the host wants to talk don't invite any guest. Ask the question and let the guest answer them. The only reason I gave a two star was because of the host that talks more than listens and talks over the guest. This nothing different than a hot wash thee show was talking about with Kyle Lamb. Put your ego away and let the guest talk.
  • GeoTundra
    This brings me back..
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