Next Level Soul Podcast with Alex Ferrari


The Next Level Soul® Podcast is a podcast that helps you navigate life's journey and connect with the power within you to make changes in your life. Host Alex Ferrari asks the big questions about living and thriving in the world today by having candid and inspiring conversations with some of the world's best teachers and thought leaders from every walk of life.

The show discusses all the mysteries of life's journey and reality. Topics like: Spirituality, Near Death Experiences, Channelers, Quantum Physics, Creativity, Ancient Civilizations, Lost History, Spiritual Masters, End of Life, Mindset, and Healing & Wellness. We are here to help you shift your level of consciousness and help you on your life's journey.

New episodes of Next Level Soul air every week anywhere you listen to podcasts. Let's take your SOUL to the next level. To learn more, visit our website at

Guest Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any, Alex Ferrari, subsidiaries, or any corporate entities they represent.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jenny, Maine
    Talk less, Interview more 2
    I agree that Alex has such great guests, but he REALLY needs to not talk as much and to really let his guest speak more! We are there to hear them!!!!!!!!!
  • Cowabunga02
    Talk less and interview more.
    Alex has great guests but he needs to TALK LESS and let his guests speak. His recent podcast with Suzanne Giesemann is a prime example. I tuned in to hear her, yet Alex rambled on and on. Alex, ask a question and then LISTEN. He seems like a sincere and nice man, but his interview skills…ouch.
  • Layla Koosen
    I want to give this 5 stars but the ad-timing just kills it for me
    The content is incredible but just when I’m getting into it the ads abruptly interrupt my whole zone. It feels backward to have a podcast about spirituality fully littered with ads. Even when I listen to silly or comedic podcasts the ads nowhere near on this level of interruption. I don’t know how I feel
  • ccfrench0323
    Please let your guests speak!
    The topics are interesting, the guests have important things to say, but every episode is dominated by the host talking about himself and asking rambling questions and then not letting the guest deliver the answers. It’s not a conversation so much as it is the host boasting about the impact of the show and what he personally has done or is interested in. I was really embarrassed to hear the inimitable Suzanne Giesman, there to talk about her new book, barely get a word in edgewise. I checked the talking time, and he talked 82% of the episode. Please, please Alex — prepare, know what questions will open up the topic, and keep your own personal stuff to the bare minimum. It will make the show more professional and more helpful to your listeners.
  • Tere&Lulu
    To many ads
    I enjoy this podcast but there are many times that I skip listening to it because it has to many ads. It is very annoying. Fix that and you would get five stars.
  • noooooofu
    WAY too many ads
    Love the show, absolutely despise the ads. Two minute ads every five minutes or so sometimes. And the ads are not only completely irrelevant to any of the topics on the show, they’re also sometimes totally antithetical. Ads for things that are basically the opposite of some of the ideas this show is working to promote. Would 6 stars this show so fast if that aspect was improved.
  • bean.view
    Unsettling, disruptive, counterproductive ads
    That being said, information seems legitimate and thought provoking. The fix I’ve found for the jarring ads is to only listen when I can remove my head phones when I hear the whoosh, skip ahead using the transcribe view- hold down to select play. I appreciate that the whoosh doors warm the upcoming disruption. Thank you
  • Down8ve
    Great Show, Unlistenable
    As others said, the podcast form of the show is not worth the frustration caused by the advertising. Just listen on the YouTube channel instead.
  • FireSign76
    The Ads!
    So much love for the host and his guests. The ads however, make it very hard to enjoy the interviews which are interrupted at least 6 times per show. Many of them are in Spanish and sound sped up too and tend to be for pharmaceuticals which is a bit ironic when taking about spiritual matters with guests who have awakened. Please, do something about the ads so we can fully enjoy your show!
  • Zoom kitty
    Next level soul
    Thank goodness for u Alex!!! Please consider having Phil on the show owner of Beads Crystals and more (Encinitas CA) I pray to talk with u some day thanks for all u do !
  • nilenoel
    Love it, but
    I love Alex and the show, but please find more relevant ads. Feels extremely unaligned to hear vaccine commercials, fast food, insurance.
  • Mercybucket
    So many commercials.
    I love the show, I love the content, but the commercials are out of control.
  • Millennial83
    Love the show, too many ads though.
    Feel like every 10 minutes I’m skipping through ads. Don’t know if it is that often but it’s enough to make me hesitate before I listen to this pod even though it’s one of my favourites.
  • Unwoke anti-zionist
    Zionism needs to end
    Zionism is one of the most evil ideologies that I have witnessed on the planet. If that can end, the world will be a much better place. The idea (delusion) of being eternal and unique victims combined with being chosen has allowed Israel to commit heinous atrocities against the Palestinian people -who they have completely dehumanized. It's so rare for anyone in the "spiritual" community to tell the truth about this. I just finished reading Saved By The Light by Dannion Brinkley and what an amazing thing to read that during his first NDE the beings of light told him that Israel had become full of racial hate. Seeing that was so gratifying because it is completely true. Israel is committing genocide and ethnic cleansing. May the beautiful brave souls of the people in Gaza find relief soon from this dark time. My heart breaks every day for them.
  • aa5115
    Life changing
    I don’t have much to say except that Alex is and his guests are so legit. Love it all.
  • doge123r
    Interesting but lacking
    The topics and guests are interesting but I agree with others, way too many ads. Also sometimes it feels like it goes on and on and it takes a while to get to the meat.
  • randhan
    Too many ads…
    Great content interrupted every 10 min with unrelated ads. You hear about spirituality and then an ad from American Express. It’s a bit jarring.
  • 73Ryder
    My Favorite Podcast!
    I really appreciate the way Alex Ferrari interviews his guests! Thank you Alex for bringing these voices to the world.
  • HollyeDexter
    Richard Gordon and Dain Heer episodes made me skeptical about your show
    Alex, I really enjoy your podcast but when I hear guests like Dain Heer use the word “plandemic” while talking about how we should judge nothing and be open to other perspectives— or Richard Gordon claiming to be a spiritual person and then saying “the Fauci powers that be“ are preventing him from controlling his own life – seriously how much less spiritual could a person be? Aren’t we all connected? Isn’t that what spirituality is about? if you give these guys and their conspiracy theory beliefs validity, it sort of makes me question everything I’ve heard on this podcast.
  • JMVK3
    Great selection of topics
    This is now the only podcast I listen to. Absolutely LOVE it! I also watch on YouTube when I’m not in my car. The variety of topics covered is great. Interviews and guests are all fascinating. The only issue is that I can’t keep up with all the shows 😂.
  • Gibbons67
    Covers everything I want to learn more about!!!
    Terrific interviews and stellar guest!!!! Thank you 🫶🏻❤️
  • NenaCH
    Really good…. but the ads (!)
    Fantastic content, great place to find very insightful information, excellent presenter, Alex speaks clearly and is very well articulated, a true gem! But man, these ads, annoying as they can be. Other podcasts with much greater fame have been able to keep ads to a minimum, you should follow!
  • Dfreehug
    Listen like us
    I enjoy the variety of guests on this show and I truly believe that getting information to the public is very important. My biggest gripe is that the hosts talks more than the guests. On the show with Anya Nayaswami he spoke more than her! She is not his peer, she is an Elder. I would have liked to her more from her. Some diversity would be nice as well. Also the ads!!! Too many and too loud. Thank goodness you can skip over during the podcast.
  • Pmurph1988
    Your Great
    Alex i love your show its great you should think about doing another book like the RA contact i wish there was more about learning the law of one and you are in a great place to be able to do that ypur show is called next level soul and the law of one is all about the evolution of the soul ….your great keep doing what you do
  • Hitrs
    The lack of integrity. Commercials every ten minutes for three more minutes! You’re not a good enough podcaster to have this many commercials. Very phoney, a lack of real heart and intellect. No thanks.
  • PRQ2024
    I LOVE what you do! Thank you!
    You are amazing at what you do and ask the perfect questions so that we get a better and deeper understanding of that which can be tricky to grasp!
  • RuthBBBB
    I love your show that hate your commercials. Period
    I listen to a lot of podcasts, and none of them have commercials every five to 10 minutes. Not only that, they are the same same commercial over and over and over and over. If other podcasts only have one or two commercials, why does yours have 10 or 20? It really pulls a person out of the show. Why ruin your fantastic show with more commercials than any other podcast? Enough already!
  • Teryle
    I appreciate you!
  • Britnie Beer
    Such an amazing host, channel, podcast! Highly recommended!
    Alex has been such a pleasure listening to. Through his YouTube channel I was enlightened and can never go back to who I was before. I was in such a stuck place, not wanting to live life anymore, and one of his videos kept popping up, at first I would just dismiss it. Thinking to myself, I don’t believe this stuff. But one day I clicked on that video because I felt the urge to watch it. I’m so glad I did, and the heavy coat of how I use to be just fell off. I felt it and it was pure bliss. I have made Alex’s content a daily routine for me. I recommend everyone to think from a different perspective, widen your curiosity, and go within yourself because the answers you seek are within you. Open your mind to the possibilities of going beyond what they teach us. Alex you are doing such a good job at bringing people together. Without your shows I’d still be struggling, and life hasn’t been easy for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Alex. You are such an inspiration.
  • Little. Angel
    I can’t believe I just discovered this podcast. Love the positivity and discussions.
  • Janejane0
    Good but TOO MANY AWFUL ADS every 5 minutes!
    Like this show but it’s worse than others as far as WAY TOO MANY ADS! Why would someone want to torture their listeners with so many INTERRUPTIVE AWFUL LOUD OBNOXIOUS Ads?? Greed ? I would like the show better and feel Alex was more decent if he just put a couple ads at very beginning and maybe one at the very end but constant interrupting ads makes the listening experience quite UNPLEASANT & sometimes stressful. I don’t feel good about hosts that are more interested in the constant advertising than in a focused thoughtful interview show… I hope Alex reaches the higher level soul view in this- I am CHANNELING GOD & GOD told me to TELL YOU THIS ALEX ….
  • ggddhiug
    Great show but way too many ads
    I’d definitely give this show 5 stars if it weren’t for the ads. Host is engaging and kind and lets the guests talk. Great guests, many people I know and love to hear from. I’d totally binge listen to this show, even several a day, but the ads are many many. Usually a few minutes of ads every 10 minutes. I keep checking back to see if it’s been adjusted. When it is, I’ll be all in!
  • Shannavavs
    Good Stuff
    I appreciate your dedication and consistency. I know how much work it is. Kudos! - Shanna from Sense of Soul
  • MHJ889
    Only one problem…
    Love this show so much but the obnoxious ads make me not want to listen. Is there some way to listen without the ads? Geez.
  • DCDC2011
    Great podcast
    I really enjoy the guests on this podcast. Great work!
  • chilly down to the utmost
    I resonate with all of these shows. Amazing guests and topics!
  • Tifanie843
    Love it!
    This podcast is amazing. I highly recommend!!
  • animeartE
    The subject matter and guests on the show are so interesting that I desperately want to listen—but the way the ads are formatted is maddening—too loud, too sudden, and totally breaks the mood of the interview. Also, I love long form podcasts but with this one, I often feel that a two hour interview is tedious and I’m just struggling through to get to the meaningful information which could be summarized in 5-15 minutes.
  • Websterbankapp
    Ad format is horrendous
    Just started listening. Interesting and entertaining topics, but the ad format on this podcast is atrocious. Interrupts multiple times in the middle of the episodes with non related or aligned content. Pre recorded ads by advertisers completely takes your focus off the podcast conversation and is hard to refocus after such a bad ad experience. Would recommend Alex read the ads himself and play at the beginning of the podcasts for a much smoother listener experience. Also, choose ads that align with your content! Not sure I can continue to listen when other hosts create a much nicer listening atmosphere
  • KM_70
    Best podcast ever!
    Thank you for all you do. I look everyday for new podcasts from you. I am on my own journey after the passing of my dad and then my daughter five months later and your show helps. Thank you so much! I love your sense of humor!
  • 60pi
    Love it but…
    way, way, way to many ads! 😳
  • MileHighGrandma
    Love your show
    Listen daily while I walk in the park, typically reveling in every guest and their beautiful messages. I’ve laughed aloud & cried under the watchful eye of old trees and glorious flowers. That said, the interview with Rev. Grace screamed EGO to an extent I’ve never heard a single time from any past (or I hope future) guests. While I certainly understood concepts and most of what she had to share, the delivery was so focused on herself, I found the interview a complete turn-off. Thank you for your 99.9% of the time most incredible podcast.
  • SusanBanti
    Content great, But…
    Love the show, except for the ridiculous amount of commercials!!! This show has far and wide, the MOST commercials of Any of the many Podcasts that I listen to!! The only reason I can’t listen to it very often.
  • Jeannette527
    I’m thankful for you
    I just wanted to say thank you Alex. This show is incredible. My eyes have been wide open and my abilities to start thinking for myself. Thank you
  • Panjelina
    Thank you
    Been listening for over a year now and this show has helped me understand myself in so many ways. It’s helped when I felt crazy for “woo-woo” experiences and it has shown me there are others out there like me. Thank you Alex!
  • Aecj99$
    The Bodhi Tree on Melrose
    was a very cool place with lots of exceptional reads. I thank your inspirational guest for that fond remembrance!
  • BagelBaxter
    Please adjust commercials.
    The commercials are so loud and disruptive, as others have said, that they take away greatly from the experience. I often discontinue an episode for that reason. I don’t experience them so obnoxiously in any other podcast, and I listen to many.
  • jeff9909
    Me likie
    I enjoy this pod. One thing, Alex may want to show more interest in his guest’s opinion as apposed to expressing his. Overall, great job!
    Too Many Add
    You are a great host. The topics are engaging. But it’s very annoying to have to skip through the constant loud ads.
  • kerwin11/2
    Great podcast
    Awesome topics great information thanks for all you do 🙏🙏
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