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Ruby MahnstarWell informed grab bagLove the show, it’s a great way to start your day. They cover everything from policy to restaurants to things to do. They do a great job covering elections and try to get as many candidate they can on the show and cover all the weird ballot initiatives we often have which has helped me make more informed decisions. Their guests are often really funny or cover an interesting topic. Thanks city cast team! Keep up the good work
DavidInDenver2Exceptional Local News PodcastI’ve listened to City Cast Denver since almost the beginning, and it’s become my favorite news podcast! The team blends hyper local stories with larger state and national themes and a dose of hope and humor. Keep up the great work!!
soycandelasMisinformationThis podcast has gone so far left I think I might just stop listening. Everything they talk about is conservatives are lies and they spread misinformation. Terrible podcast. Only listen if you are a super far left radical.
JhujgAds in the feed is ridiculousI’m a long time subscriber, donator, and lover of the show. I simply cannot do with weekly ads in my podcast feed. I would not like Jay Shetty. I’m already subscribed to PSA. I don’t like city cast joining this trend of cluttering into every corner of our digital spaces with ads. Adieu.
gracie in denverFirst time listenerI really enjoyed today’s episode (Jan 24). I’ll be tuning in regularly. And thanks for the recommendation, I just got my tickets for The Reservoir!
NicolewavesDelusional about DenverI often wonder why I still occasionally listen to this show. The hosts are tone-deaf and delusional. I am shocked at the gaslighting about the complete social disorder happening in Denver in terms of crime, homelessness, and drugs. Having Lisa Calderon on the last episode is the only small step towards balance that I’ve heard in a long time.
JohnWnKGood recommendations with a heavy liberal biasOverall this is a good podcast. I appreciate their coverage of Denver events, history and recommendations. However, the hosts, guests and content lean heavily liberal, especially during election season. They often have Democratic party affiliates on the show and do not seem to make much of an effort to discuss different perspectives. This tends to give the show the feel of a liberal echo chamber. This turned a previously daily listener off, but I hope to revisit the show in the future.
KauFu303Good concept, weak (often irresponsible) “journalism”I have very mixed feelings about this podcast. Sometimes it is very informative about local issues and events. Other times they are just plain lazy in their research and understanding of their topic. Some of their speculation is just irresponsible, Ex. “I have one friend that says nicotine is healthy” or stupid, Ex. “My friends tell me that middle school kids vaping is actually a big issue, who knew”.
Scp114Come onWhen Bree isn’t involved the show is often very good. But Bree needs to center herself in every conversation. She also constantly interrupts the guest, who we are actually there to hear from. Bree should stand by the morals she claims to have and relinquish her host position, and insist she be replaced by a non-white person. Bree is 1990 Denver and we need new voices.
300 SunshineWish I Could Enjoy My City w/o the PartisanshipI really wish I could enjoy this podcast for information on how to enjoy my city and state, for the promotion of local businesses and for the events and politics happening in Denver without the far left partisanship of the hosts! I have lived here all my life and remember a time when topics could be covered without demonizing an entire side of the political aisle! As a moderate, independent voter since I was 18, I loved the fact that I could see a truck parked in a parking lot with bumper stickers endorsing gun rights, right next to an SUV with Grateful Dead and Peace bumper stickers. Our state proudly embraced all opinions, even if they disagreed with each other. Nowadays it seems like if you do not universally uphold all Left (mostly, far left) beliefs, you are a terrible person…and that’s the impression I get from these hosts (and guests too) every time I listen in with the intention to just learn about what is great to experience in my state. Really want to find a similar podcast, without the feeling that I’m not wanted.
ETL330Far left clownsDelusional far left clowns. Good concept for a local show executed horribly.
MaeGibLefty listenIf you’re looking for an unbiased news source, this is NOT it (and I say that as a left-leaning unaffiliated). I wouldn’t call this real journalism, rather more like if the Denver subreddit had a pod. The regular hosts are openly liberal and the main host prides herself on being super woke, but she just comes across as lacking any sense of reality or common sense to me. They do bring on some quality guests, which is why I stay subscribed. So, I pick and choose which episodes to listen to. I think a different host would make this pod more appealing to a wider audience.
KS1972Interesting Far Left Perspective on Public Policy IssuesI enjoy this podcast when they discuss development and restaurants and things to do. They are fantastic on those topics. If you are looking for an extreme far left perspective on public policy issues this is your podcast. No effort to present arguments on both sides of the issue, just far left advocacy.
AuroraDenverGreat for Denver Newcomers!As a person new to the Denver area, I love this podcast. I learn so much about Denver/Colorado history, politics, geography, events, and more. I found great restaurants, ice cream parlors, events, and other podcast through the show. I’m hooked!
weespeshPodcasts are people!Fan of this podcast, in general. I learn stuff I didn’t know! Love the focus on civic engagement! Definitely gone to new places and done things as a result of their recommendations. The hosts are personalities, which is maybe the point — people in Colorado have ‘em! And if they’re different from me, I am usually learning stuff from that, too! Helpful little pod, not worth getting upset about. Also have Olivia back again please because she is both relaxing and funny to listen to.
Good Humor FanNew Politics Format…Bye FeliciaPick a lane, I don’t want candidate sway, hope you are getting paid for your time. Later, I’m out.
CamP272727Great topics, irresponsible hostIt’s unfortunate, because in concept, this is a fantastic podcast. Local stories, topical discussions, and helpful perspective. If only it had another host! Bree is frustratingly uneducated on essential definitions, topics, and often takes an uninformed and irresponsible, biased angle. I would encourage her to speak with more intention and recognize more of the complexities of the topics beyond her individual viewpoint.
Jball1998I want to like this podcast but…There are very few podcasts where I can get daily news about Denver, so I want to like this, but host Bree Davies makes that pretty difficult. She is constantly giving “hot takes” that really have no basis - like that an article about how much white claw is consumed at red rocks is sexist (????). Feels like she’s just saying a “progressive” point of view without actually understanding what she is saying. She also acts like she is oh so special because she grew up here to the point where it gets really annoying. I really enjoy episodes with just Paul and other guests. Wish they would find a different cohost.
BACNE SPEARSPraise with a dash of shade…I love this podcast... Denver NEEDS it. I tell everyone to listen to it. Its truly a great way to feel more connected to the city and what's going on around town. I'm a little tired of the filler content AKA an excessive amount of the "Top 5 burritos" etc episodes. How about scaling back to doing eps every other day? What’s a review without a little shade ? Here we go: Paul is lucky to have Bree to help him understand A LOT of things ("what's mutual aid, bree?"). Lastly, I'm a little surprised here to see complaints about how slanted the perspective is on this pod..I don't think they are trying to present a "fair and balanced" perspective in their 15 min eps nor do I think they need's mostly a progressive take. Go in with your eyes open:)
Axel FlexThe hosts are extremely negative NIMBYsI wish I could like this podcast but the commentary is always really negative. The hosts scoff and eye roll anything new. And they really want you to know that they really don’t like new apartments in Denver. Denver is a fun place and this podcast doesn’t reflect that.
jes-cFavorite Morning PodcastThis show has great vibes for the morning, while also going into a lot of great topics. I live in the suburbs, so some stories just aren’t that interesting to me, but I love the hosts so much that I listen anyway.
International affairs studentEnjoy the showI really enjoy this show and it makes me feel connected to the city i have grown to love and call home. Sometimes i wish the episodes were a little longer and more in depth but overall really enjoy it. It has gotten me to try new cultural experiences and pay more attention to the issues our city faces.
MattDuffyShame2023 Nov 3 - It is ALWAYS wrong to judge people based on their gender. It is ALWAYS wrong to judge people based on their skin color. Shame on this podcast for broadcasting this offensive, sexist, racist material.
MjHillmanDon’t host when sick#1 pet peeve of podcasting: sick hosts! It sounds gross hearing your congestion, plus listeners are just feeling bad that you’re working through that. Take a day off and practice some self care, dammit! (…also, I hope the hosts feel that they CAN take a day off when sick) I don’t see the need for this show to air as frequently now that the episode frequency has increased. I already would pick and choose episodes to listen to and now it just feels excessive. Overall, I feel like this show makes me more connected to Denver and aware of what is happening in the city and would recommend it to Denverites new and old. I wish more time (prep and research) was spent on less episodes though!
thegreenkayakGone downhillI used to be a regular listener of this podcast. I quite enjoyed it at one point. However, as of late it has become increasingly difficult to listen to the one-sided, uber progressive slant on the serious issues our city our facing. The main host will often say things like she is not trying to be judgmental or take away from another person‘s perspective, but will immediately undermine that comment with judgmental scoffs and frustrations that leave little room for any opposing viewpoint. It’s really too bad because this used to be a nice addition to my weekly podcast repertoire.
Jason.KozaPotentialI was excited for a local daily update. I have listened since it launched but it has gotten really challenging. The main host, Bree, opines and seems disconnected. It is better to just check in on casually and skip Bree sections.
hellomilanparisProgressive political opinion showI’ve had high hopes for this show for a while. Their Mayoral Madness series was great, and I thought they were finally turning the corner from being an ultra-left political show. However, they’re back to their old ways and this show is really challenging to listen to. They only invite progressive guests they’ll agree with and, honestly, Bree is intolerable to listen to.
mflarsk24Valuable to the community, but losing its footing.I’ve been a daily listener of the show for the past couple years, and it truly has made me feel more connected to this city. That said, I’ve found the show increasingly difficult to listen to, and I found it interesting that other non-five star reviews revealed the same sentiments as my own. The show often tackles difficult issues facing our city. I support the show addressing sensitive and complex topics, but frankly the team needs to level up their game if they intend to continuing doing so. And yes, though I know she is coming from good intentions, this comment is largely directed toward Bree and the assorted progressive community activists invited on. Round out the panel, poke into the nuance, and suggest solutions (grounded in financial realities and compromise.) Paul tends to serve this function in the conversation, though it seems like that has started to decline as well. The beauty of local journalism should be getting into the specifics and complexities that are not easily achieved in the national conversation. Unfortunately the show is veering away from that effort (see the recent episode about renaming parks, which was essentially Bree and Paul evaluating the racism level of white historical figures… thanks…?) Denver may be a “deep blue” city, but this side of the aisle isn’t a monolith. Step up to the plate or stick to community cultural events and dining recommendations.
EliseHooUninformed hostsI stayed with this podcast for two years because I loved the general concept - local news, happenings and interviews. However, many times at least one of the hosts shows up completely unprepared with little research to point to on the given topic. It’s largely just opinion. I’m hoping it improves so I can come back. In the meantime, I’m looking eagerly for alternatives
IchoptopGetting WorseInitially this podcast was really helpful by letting the community know of upcoming events and current news. Over the last year it has grown into a partisan chat between likeminded people that cover single sides of stories. Though it is nice to hear Patty from Westword, she is the only one that can speak without a myriad of “right” and “like” in every sentence. Sadly I will go back to reading for local news instead of the ease of listening while on the train headed to work.
JillschladHear about denver from people who love itThis podcast is rad. As a long time Colorado living human, but spending 17 years in the mountains and three now in the city, it’s all the things I want to know, need to know, and just rad stuff. Before living here, I would come visit and always loved the city. The episodes are thought provoking and fun and pretty much all you need to know. Thanks y’all!
yippeekiyaymf!A fabulous way to learn DenverAs a Colorado native, I’m always wary of this kind of media. However, City Cast Denver does a remarkable job staying true to the Mile High’s cultural history while spotlighting new voices, ideas, spaces, and events with finesse and ease. I’m especially fond of episodes that take on non-Colorado natives like Lauren Barfbert who have no business representing Colorado in Congress.
Dunkin DoHomelessness political gapsI appreciate the news this podcast brings in a liberal environment. It’s not your fault the politicians who are talking here don’t have adequate solutions. An idea for asking the questions in hitting the elections and homelessness issues, some of the candidate ideas befuddle me. Yes, more resources need to be available with ease of access and cost to homeless people. Let’s talk about “dysfunctionality”… What about the professionals that provide these services? I can tell you first hand, there are not enough. Those type of professionals who stay in Colorado and continue to be employed in these professions, eventually leave Colorado due to the increasing cost of living. How about tackling incentives for professionals who can provide these services? Nurses, advanced practice nurses, therapists, addiction counselors, social workers, and other licensed professionals.
@AkiratechThe tipping episode broke meI can’t stand this show anymore, Bree is annoying, Paul is…..Apple probably won’t publish this review if I say want I want to say. Denver isn’t very diverse obviously but good god the host needs to be, having Bree play like she truly knows Mexican culture is laughable. Paul is a clueless white guy. The new guy they brought in gets no air time
jsf000Great to have a Denver dailyThis is a great podcast for those who want to understand Denver, it’s history, politics, cultural scene, dining and much more. Bree Davies is a personable host with deep ties to the city. They frequently have long time Denverites on the show who provide great insight. Really enjoyed Cherry Creek week, where they dove into the issues facing one neighborhood in depth.
J'cobLoveThe podcast and newsletter are incredible. Easily my favorite Denver journalism. Keep it up!!
TrigrrlExcited to Exasperated (cont.)After having listened to CC programs for other communities, I wonder why the execs continue to let the Denver show flounder with the now boring topics and tired groaning host and the predictable guest hosts. These are all journalists I guess but they just express opinions and highlight guests that confirm their biases. And the trend seems to be toward compilation episodes. Have they run out of topics? Time for a refresh. *** I loved the content and how it was presented in the early days. But even this die-hard progressive is so exhausted listening to Bree Davies’ one-sided grievance coverage of complicated topic such as housing and growth. I no longer subscribe and now just download episodes that focus more on local culture and quirky Denver bureaucracy/characters.
jcohenIt’s ok-some amazing episodes lots of meh commentaryThere are some truly great episodes. But I kind of dread every episode not knowing what I’m getting myself into. Occasionally you learn something really cool. Paul’s enthusiasm and commentary is the best and more of his joy would make the city better and it certainly makes the show better. Erin O’toole has been a nice addition to the show she communicates more factually than Bree, a lot less opinion and very factual. Maybe they aren’t anti housing but many of the opinions have the resulting outcome of being anti housing. Lots of “housing in Denver is so expensive but I hope no houses are built because of neighborhood character or that diner is essential.” More neighbors can mean more fun, we may lose some things along the way. But in the end we could gain a lot of good. Bree is pretty car centric over people. Recently expressed frustration that Denver doesn’t incentivize people to not drive. And as a result should add meters to civic center. Which would get rid of bus and bike lanes that are incentives to not drive. Of course the biggest incentive of all is making other forms of transportation easier than driving. Which in that sense Bree missed that they were incentivized. Not to mention making transit/mobility a feature leads to better equity. Cars are expensive and do not lead to just outcomes. Having these opinions gets trashed on the show A LOT. With people who express these opinions being labeled elitist or transit-freaks. This show would also be better if it was less depressing. Sometimes it really comes off as the Denver Bummer podcast. More being for things and less being against everything would make this so much more pleasant. At least closer to 50-50 on optimism/pessimism would be uplifting.
l.cityyMore diversity neededPeople of color and their perspective on Denver is needed.
TravisAClarkGood Info with some caveatsI like this podcast but the editorializing holds it back from being great. This host Brie definitely knows a ton and cares about Denver but inserts her opinion about literally everything and monopolizes conversations when there are round tables. Some tweaks to the approach I think would be welcome. I agree with her most of the time, but if this is supposed to be a news podcast it’s not reaching its goal.
RBMCommenterKeep up the great workI’m pretty new to Denver, and I really appreciate getting an insider perspective on local issues, where to eat, and even where to camp. I really like how you seek out differing opinions too. As someone who also works on a daily podcast, I know it’s a grind and I appreciate the work you all are putting into this! The complaints that how some shows are great and others not so much… yeah that’s how a daily show works and not everything is specifically made for you! Onward!!!
JohnG4Interview quote:Winter Camper: “I don’t think that people need to have trauma-based resilience.”
Andrew 3000more goodstein plzsistercast: paul + phil
love to argueA show I love so much I even love to hate itEven when my husband and I disagree with the producer’s/host’s opinions we love the show. The upbeat yet conscious tone is a great guide to Denver, making national trends locally relevant. It has a local news vibe where I feel as though I can argue with statements as though made by a contrarian uncle. Keep it up!
CobyCochranWhat a fun show!!Such a huge fan of the crew and excited to learn more about the city everyday!!! Love the OG CC Denver and am so proud of how much the show has grown, experimented and taught everyone!!
Trimmy trayhoTrue gem, deep Denver connectionMakes me love my city even more
Madeline LaMeeFeels like DenverIt’s small publications like this that are single-handedly re-vitalizing truly local news! This podcast is helping me get back in touch with local policial issues again and gives me a sense of my city’s culture in a way I haven’t felt from other publications. National news can feel far away and overwhelming but I highly recommend this podcast to any Denverite- local or transplant- to stay informed but also stay grounded in the place you live in.
(insert sad emoji)Wow!This podcast is so well produced and you can really tell they put so much thought and love into every episode. Bree is a star host! She is so mindful and has the best questions. Also the bloopers are the best!
WriteOftenLiveFullyFunBree is such an engaging host. I love her thoughtful questions, and she clearly puts her guests at ease. Amazing story selection and guest booking too. The producers are doing a great job!
MediumSizeLebowskiFavorite Denver podcast!Just when I think I know a lot about this city, City Cast Denver tells me something I hadn’t heard. Love it!
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