Candace Owens

All Genres #123News #13Politics #4

Candace Owens holds nothing back in her brand new show as she takes on the political and cultural issues of the day. Featuring deep dives, investigations and exposés on today’s burning topics. Listen to CANDACE OWENS Monday through Friday at 3 PM ET / 2 PM CT.

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Recent Reviews
  • SLoomis78
    What the heck? it’s Trans Shrek!
    Mandance Flowin’s steady stream of masculinity will have you wondering, “Now wait justa minute, ain’t that a DUDE?”
  • nbovay73
    Complete trash.
  • Love the truth3
    I think Candace says the things we are all to scared to say , she is a breath of fresh air that I don’t get from the mainstream media I think she is informed and puts things as they are and if you don’t want to know the truth got to abc or CNN but don’t diss Candace cause she’s right.Regarding Taylor Swift I think she is a manipulative narcissistic person who honestly disgusts me Im annoyed that some people are so clouded by their own opinion that they neglect the truth.Stop sticking your head in the sand.Go Candace for having the courage to stand up for what is right
  • Jonesboy88!
    My one wish this year is for a miracle to happen and more Americans become more like Candace!
    You are listening to a true American role model to our society, pure in motivation and integrity, wholesome and genuine, intelligent beyond measure with a magic tongue! ❤️🇺🇸❤️🌎☮️
  • woman/business/owner
    Love it
    Candace is great smart and intelligent woman and inspiring person.
  • ginas got a jew nose
    Candace Owens is amazing
    5 star
  • MelomanieMuse
    Tired girl who needs to be put out to pasture
    What a waste of time! If you need a reason to be in a bad mood…look no further. This wanna be is hilarious. Sentence structure is a thing. She should try elocution lessons and open a book or two. This podcast is just noise. Unproductive noise.
  • mouth of the river
    We truly need more people like Candace to speak up and speak out about these problems. Thank you I needed a good podcast to listen to and be informed about what’s going on and how it’s bad.
  • MREGoose93
    My Review
    I love Gex For PlayStation I also love Glover 2 And Gex 3 Gex is the Best Glover is Also the Best Dunkey
  • Kfir Ariel
    Candace is an unhinged antisemite and racist. This show is complete garbage, as she latches onto tired tropes and is too lazy to research what she talks about or present balanced viewpoints. For someone who had a national media platform I expected her to rise above regurgitation of debunked tropes.
  • Erica hamburger milkshake
    Candace speaks the truth
    Thank you for speaking up! And being so smart
  • Pamela7644
    Feminism ugh!
    Oh Candace… rabbi barclay is nuts. He was condescending to you, tried to take control of your show, was in my opinion out to bring you down. You did well. I suggest you sue for slander defamation of character his being a public nuisance. Good luck!
  • Cguess23
    The truth
    I absolutely love your podcast. I wish they were more frequent! Thank you for saying what so many don't have the guts to say.
  • Young People For Trump
    LoveD the Show
    No, the capital D is not a spelling error. Ever since the podcast has stopped, I’ve been looking for other places where Candace may have started a new podcast, but it doesn’t look like she has. I hope you start another one Candace, because the show was awesome and I believe that you shouldn’t allow people that smear you to make you stop fighting. Start a new show or something before your name becomes obsolete! Thank you and loved the show! If anyone finds a place where Candace has started another podcast, please let me know! Thanks :)
  • tonkatrucks213
    Glad you’re gone.
    A thousand people being killed and American hostages being held is the reason we should support Israel. Keep defending terrorists.
  • sjxifndhdosjdifefndj
    Bro what
    U and Ben need to get over ur petty little disagreements and start to work together normally. I’m 13 and it’s kinda funny watchin adults literally scream at each other cuz they don’t agree on the same things. There are things that I don’t agree with you about like The middle-eastern Conflict and Ukraine. However, I do 100% agree with u on everythin about families, vaccines, and the daddy thing. I just wanna tell u that even though you’ve got he best podcast u do seem to talk bout ur self a lot and always act like everything revolves around u. Also, I get depressed every time I listen to ur podcast cuz it always kinda talks bout how America is bad and all these little conspiracy theories about how the CIA is doin the terrorist attacks themselves. Also, sometimes you seem to lower expectations to your friends, such as Kanye West even though when he said some pretty bad stuff. I know ur a great person who tries to do their best but like from what I have been gettin from u now, it hasn’t been that great.
  • TBONE .T
    Really you going to quit
    So you just going to Quit no new content on your podcast no reason why , I don’t agree with everything you say However I like how your content makes me think … Pick the side your heart and mind truly can live with then Stand your ground and don’t Quit or you Are fake and Looser Be strong stand on something…!
  • calebhd
    Unabashed and Unafraid, but does that make a good podcast?
    As a lifelong conservative, I’ve become utterly exhausted with the grifters who have become prominent voices on the right. Candace is one who has gained a lot of traction for one of the dumbest reasons, because the left hates her. Political shock jocks like her are a joke and ultimately harm the conservative movement. Just because the others side hates someone doesn’t mean you have to become their champion. If only people realized that when you react this way, your ultimately being controlled by the left. I have always enjoyed Ben Shapiro’s takes as well as some of Matt Walsh, but am baffled by the decision to work with her.
  • Sadie*•*
    Thank you for existing!!!
    Love you Candace.
  • You have been rated
    Tough as nails
    I love Candace AND how she spells her name (I am a Candace too) I just love how she does not back down and yet not rude. Her guests in the other hand… LOL! But every time I have heard Candace speak she is intelligent and brings up great points I didn’t think of even though we are in the same thought plane. I support her and pray for her well being. Keep talking - thank you Candace B
  • Dabrinda
    Information in a fresh way
    I like the way Candace presents relevant news and her commentary is honest and brash, and that’s refreshing in a environment that most times is tip toeing around everyone like they’ll implode if you share what you actually think 🤔 Thanks for your candor 😊 God bless you 😊
  • tiredofbsproducts
    Just gross
    Too bad people like her exist.
  • 1&@;&:$2!/
    To the hater that said calm down
    To the hater that said she needs to calm down is not even true. She doesn’t need to calm down because her job is actually going really well. And all because you don’t support her doesn’t mean that her job is on the line. And that’s all I’m going to say
  • Tomoya L
    Dumpster fire of a show
    Someone needs a hug
  • Bokoblin exterminator
    Bad timing
    Bad timing for Daily Wire to fire her after she just released an episode titled “why does everyone think I am going to be killed?” (No, she’s not dead)
  • genxorcist
    Just WOW
    The very last episode is “Why does everyone think I’m going to be killed?” Then she disappears and not one person on Daily Wire talks about it.
  • Marzipan_4
    You just go, girl,go!
    Candace you have a brilliant mind. I get your talking about pop culture though I really appreciate your world view and grasp of political issues. Those shrieking about you hating Jews are part of the sheeple who say what all the talking heads say without doing any research. Rabbi Barclay didn’t like your words. He reminded me less of prophet Isaiah who trusted G-d and let him stand for truth and more like the prophets of Baal shrieking how they must stand for their god. My G-d stands on His own, sent his son to die for me, and asks I follow His commandments, not the white washed sepulchers of the pleasant Barclay and sex toy schmuley, yuck. Israel will be victorious by G-ds grace not people waving flags. G-d bless Israel and Candace. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Looking forward to your return. God speed
  • I can’t cook
    I’m following Candace
    Wherever Candace goes I will follow. Goodbye DailyWire membership.
  • lovgkids
    I enjoy your show , like your perspective & honesty , your smart & are up front
  • Youme123456123456
    She hates Jews and won’t stop
    Candace can be good about certain things. But seems to have a problem and obsession with Jews. Constanly saying bad things, but don’t worry, Muslims are fine. Islam is fine, even though they are after world domination that is instructed by their religion to do so with violence and breeding. Even though she knows nothing about either topic she won’t stop talking about it. Even though she know people in Hollywood worship Satan, only the ones that may have been Jews at some point, are just Jews and not satanists cosplaying Jews. The best part is she plays the victim about it too now.. narcissism at its finest. She is a raging anti semite while pretending like she’s not. I cannot believe she wasn’t fired sooner. Shes not a real Christian, or even a good person. My God.
  • taylor20045689
    Love Candace
    I’m so proud that she has stood her ground on her beliefs. Wishing you all the best on your own endeavors!!
  • Rachael Lavender
    I already miss Candace.
    Miss you!
  • Treasshopgirl
    Where in the world is Candace?
    Someone didn’t like the truth? Sell out much
  • gmann750
    Bye Candi
    I'll miss you from daily wire. They are less without you, especially from a black perspective, insights into the entertainment industry, vaccines. You turned over some rocks others didn't. I liked listening to your different points of view.
  • Cannabis Kat
    Candace Owen for Vice president 2024 🇺🇸
    God has placed you on this earth to speak the truth. No one will EVER be able to stop you! You’re a God send. Can’t wait to see what happens next. So many stand behind you Candace Owen’s. Including my entire family. My dad, mom, brothers even my fiancée we all LOVE Candace. As soon as I asked my dad if he knew you he said “she’s THE best!” 💗 God has something bigger planned for you that the daily wire couldn’t give you. We stand behind Candace Owen’s! Always have always will! Praying for you beautiful mama. You got this! 🙏
  • Lol. Lol
    Okay, but overrated
    I am hoping with the separation with the Daily Wire that Candace might be humbled a bit. Iike listening to her, but sometimes she doesn’t sound any different than the college students as far as being so stuck to her own narrative. That said, she often makes some really great points about current events. And her interview with the sex worker was well done, even though her bias always shows.
  • Anna'sTwin
    Candace is awesome
    This guy is a condescending JERK and Candace patiently and kindly owned him. Great loss for DW to let her go.
  • Stewart the Plumber
    Candace should not be fired for speaking her views!
    Candace has always been clear on her views. She should not be attacked and lose her job because she doesn’t conform to the narrative of the moment. The daily wire should honor her as an excellent team member and let her articulate her view points well. I think Candace cares as much for everyone equally and should not be pushed into a viewpoint that may not line up with the current media viewpoints supporting the Jewish only narratives . Respect her views and honor her commitment to speak for everyone. I do support the taking down of Hamas at any cost and I know the job is costly. They deserve the ability to destroy the evil people inside Gaza that threatens their existence. I believe the Palestinians can live in peace with their neighbors once again but let Israel finish the job so that can happen sooner than later and yes let’s protect the innocent Palestine community if they are not supporting Hamas. The Jewish people have a right to live in the land given to them by God before the Palestinian people were there. We should make a place for Palestinians as long as they love their neighbors like they love themselves . The needless death should be recognized as horrible from both sides. I think this is what Candace was trying to communicate. Let’s support her right to say that. Thanks!
  • Toddboy79
    Daily Wire made a HUGE mistake
    Choosing Shapiro over Candace is like taking a high school over an NFL team. Shapiro is a joke and only cares about his issues and his personal positions while Candace discusses everything in a thoughtful manner.
  • Jim Crutch
    Mister Barclay interview was informative!
    Thanks for taking us through the interview with Mr Barclay (I’d hate to refer to him as Rabbi and somehow fall afoul of the arcane rules of disagreement). You stayed cool as a cucumber while he stepped through a litany of logical fallacies (appeal to emotion, appeal to authority, ad hominem, etc) and illogic.
  • SharonArtC
    You have Respect and Grace
    I believe you have tried to bring objectivity back from the dead with your journalism by giving platforms to both sides of an issue. Also you easily spot “distraction methods” which is used to draw attention away from the real issue at hand: specifically name calling. Children take sides by calling each other names, and I tend to think that many adults still haven’t learned this lesson. Our childhood tactic was to boomerang back into the namecaller’s face the line, “I know you are but what am I?” Over and over. Of course, there are topics you are convinced you should support after the evidence you uncover strongly suggests it is truthful. Words we speak can come out wrong, such as Hitler as a globalist, not a nationalist. Heard the “OK” word slip but know that wasn’t at all what you meant. You will take the hit because conformity is never the stance of one who is becoming fully him/herself as God intended. We are still conforming to sides. We will never get the whole truth living in a deceitful world. Jesus Christ is truth, and he said he is humble. I am an older woman who loves and follows Jesus married to very mild tempered Jewish man who does not practice any faith. He does follow the current wars. I asked him questions to get some facts on the condition of the Gaza/ Israel conflict (which seems at a real stalemate as far as I could tell). Then I asked his opinion—and emotion I rarely have seen in this man filled the room as he said, “genecide!” (Whoaaaa! I pray for Israel, but as a mother, I am an advocate for innocent children trapped in Gaza too! ) This is a hate issue, whether it is Hamas or Rabbi Barclay. Regardless of the rabbi’s definition of anti semitism, he was scary full of hate in his comments and he had no interest in listening to you, only his agenda—LISTENING is an act of love. You are now smeared as an anti semite, and I am sorry that hate has done this. You are not anti semite (name calling distraction). You are brave. Please don’t give in to name calling and hearsay, or let bullies get away with silencing you. Do stay on a course by willing goodness to others. Sharon
  • bizz.jack
    Rabbi Interview
    Tell him to get a helmet. Period. This guy is is a bombastic propagandist.
  • therebbe
    Hides behind drama
    Of course she supports Omar Candece hates Jews more than she loves America so her support of Omar fits right in Update bye loser!!!
  • RFWalden
    Interview with rabbi Barclay
    Barclay came across as pompous, insufferable, and narcissistic Candace You held yourself very well, staying calm, letting him show himself as very self important. I listened to the interview twice to make sure I heard everything, I sure heard everything! This guy needs prayer to knock that pride off his shoulder!
  • I saw a whale today
    Candace is awesome!
    Do I agree with everything she says? No. Do I have to? No. Is she interesting, informative and unabashed? Yes!! Just listened to Rabbi Barclay say to Candace (a woman that he has written derogatory articles about) that he doesn’t care how the public receives what he writes and Candace OWNED him. In the face of condesending views and behavior Candace can handle herself like a pro and ALWAYS being respectful. Love this show!
  • Maily12
    Courageous Women
    Thank you for giving us the truth and for your honesty and integrity. You are an inspiration and I wish more people would follow your example. Keep strong and don’t let anyone silence you.
  • dalapj
    Episode 479
  • LeslieLizDtr
    Strong Woman
    Candace. I hate what they are doing to you. Freedom of speech is so important and I am so proud of you. They can twist anything to make it fit their narrative. God bless you! Stay strong.
  • gem092011
    Rabbi Barclay Interview
    Ooof. Even putting the content aside, Candace nailed the Rabbi Barclay interview. She was level-headed, straightforward, and intentional. He came across as insufferable, condescending, rude, arrogant, and nonsensical. His constant talking down to and interrupting of her was absolutely cringe worthy. As a woman, I’ve had to deal with men like him (in a business setting), and it’s hard to remain cool. Candace did, and she deserves huge props for that. Very enlightening interview.
  • Elder DaSilva
    Huge fan
    Your fearless, wonderful, extremely intelligent. The careful use of your words show wisdom beyond your years. Strength and conviction is the gift that’s been given to you. I listen to the Rabbi interview… all his smooth talk was nonsense. I applaud his attempt to make you look foolish, Using historic racism To mutate every little discussion to fit his narrative. Good job.
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