Just Sleep - Bedtime Stories for Adults


Do you have trouble drifting off to sleep? My mission is simple. To help you relax, put the stressful day behind you and drift off to sleep. In every episode, I will read an old story in the public domain. So lie down, settle into your pillow, close your eyes, and let me read you a story to help you sleep.
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Recent Reviews
  • LA YMCA user
    love the accent
    I listen to this - and when i want crime I listen to True Crime for Bedtime bc I’m a weirdo who likes true crime before bed
  • kpodcast1971
    Just needs to be a bit slower
    I enjoy this podcast, and skip the ads in the beginning, like many others do. I find Taesha’s voice soothing, but as many others have posted, it’s just too fast to be relaxing. I adjust the speed to .75.
  • MysteryLoverCoco
    Love love love!!!
    I found recently this podcast and listen to it when I find Nothing Much Happens is not quite distracting enough. I love Taesha’s soothing voice. The stories are perfect for shutting off my thoughts until I fall asleep. The ads are in the beginning but once the story starts, the volume is perfect. My favorite stories are Sherlock Holmes as I like mysteries but I will make my way through all of them eventually. Keep up the great work Taesha and thank you for my restful sleep!❤️
  • Slivjack
    All Kinds Of Bad
    Not sure who is reading me to sleep, but it’s called “JUST SLEEP”…so a loud putrid ad just as I’m about to doze off defeats the purpose. No thanks. 🥴
  • EssEm09X
    Lovely Voice
    Very much enjoy the voice, reading style, and story selection. It really helps me wind down and fall asleep. Thank you for continuing to read these classics. Excited for the Virginia Woolf episode.
  • aftermyownbelly
    Love it! Ads are no big deal! LOL
    I love these stories and listen to them in the bath while winding down. I like the pace and readers voice. I always know the ads will come at the beginning as the host explains each episode. Most unpaid podcasts have ads, it’s how the host makes a little bit of money usually to barely cover expenses. Just skip past them and then relax. The amount of people complaining is so odd when other sleep podcasts also have them at the beginning.
  • Sleepy knitter
    Reads too fast!
    I was so excited when I heard her low, deep speaking voice. But then she was speaking so fast! I can’t turn my brain off to sleep if I’m constantly trying to keep up with what she’s saying. Please, just speak low, slowly and softly. Why is it so hard to find a sleep podcast that has this?
  • yeeunnie
    Rapping narrator
    Why is the narrator reading so fast?? Had to turn it off because it sounds like she’s reading on 1.25x speed. It’s so bizarre.
  • Cactus Octopus
    Worst sleep story podcast. So many Loud ads!!!!
    Worst sleep story podcast. Loud ads!!!!
  • PonyFly
    Ads included heavy loud drums and music?
    The ads that interrupt the podcast have abrupt loud percussion that literally woke me back up and startled me. Kind of defeats the purpose!
  • KMCinGA
    Good stories, LOUD ads
    The stories are great, and her voice is soothing, but the ads are so LOUD that it destroys the effect. I find it really hard to calm down after a shouty ad. Please lower the volume!
  • unicorn3567
    I listen 👂 to the podcast on my iPod touch. 1. The stories are long. 2. It’s soothing and relaxing 😌 3. The intro is very nice 👍
  • lover emoji 1432
    Good but…
    On my phone it kinda sounds sped up and robotic, what speed should I listen to it on too? Love this podcast though. -very confused listener
  • TeeJay4444
    Good stories
    This podcast is the first podcast I’ve ever listened to. I really enjoy it. As a child, my dad read me bedtime stories from Childcraft encyclopedia. Now, I often wake up in the middle of the night with my days worries on my mind. This podcast has the same effect of my dad reading me a bedtime story. It takes my mind to the story and allows me to relax and fall asleep. The stories are interesting enough to wrap your mind around and allow you to stop thinking about real life. The readers voice is nice and even toned. This allows me to fall asleep.
  • Kristybear72
    Sleep is restored
    I’m able to drift right off to sleep. Thank you so much for your podcast.
  • aLuLu4u
    How does a sleep podcast have ads?!
    I’ve been using this sleep cast for over a year now and took a small break now that my schedule has changed. I was surprised to come back and try a sleep story and hear ads! This podcast was a godsend when I was experiencing insomnia. I’ve even recommended it to several friends who also love it. The readers voice is perfect, so I’m disappointed to know that I have to pay to listen to a story with no “outside” noise (ads). I’ve tried SEVERAL different sleep podcasts for adults and this one was the best.
  • DJStine
    Thank you! A strong female voice, finally!
    I'm not even through a single episode, I just had to stop and express my gratitude for a calm, strong female voice. So many female artists who offer stories or meditations sound super nasally, way up in the throat, super-high-pitched, and cutesy, as if they're trying to sound like some cosmic cartoon fairy. If that's your jam, you're in luck, there's a lot out there. I prefer to hear a grownup woman who at some point discovered the fine - and apparently highly mysterious - art of speaking from the diaphragm. I like to hear 'strong, competent, knows how to breathe' in a presenter's voice. It isn't necessarily about pitch. Someone with a naturally higher-pitched vocal range who sits up straight and projects their voice properly will still sound strong, competent, and pleasant to the ear. I confess a preference for contralto speaking voices, as with this presenter, but it's more about technique. There's a precise, measured way of speaking here, and I really appreciate it. In my book, this presenter earns the 'She could read me the phone book...' award.
  • ravenmun
    Very enjoyable!
    Perfect cadence allows for following the story just enough to drift off to, there is a soothing depth to Taesha’s voice. The best stories are selected, and the lengths are perfect especially if you struggle getting to sleep! I had issues with other sleep podcasts that would wander off into mumbling which made me strain to listen because the mumbling was actually distracting, but Taesha does perfectly to speak clearly! This is by far the most soothing sleep story podcast I’ve found. Such a blessing! For anyone complaining about the speed of Taesha’s voice; if you put the podcast speed to .75x you might find it more enjoyable. I don’t know if Taesha’s voice gets sped up in post production, but there are times that her voice does speed up and setting the speed at .75x restores the natural sounding speed.
  • jdailyx
    Slow Down!!
    Good stories, but simply read too fast for falling asleep. I’ll check back in a while to see if they’re more soothing.
  • HappilySnoozin
    Exactly what I need
    Thank you! This podcast is so helpful. I appreciate the simplicity of your approach and your clarity of purpose. Mission accomplished! You help me sleep. (And I like the stories, too!)
  • Groovy Bevy
    Her calming voice gently lulls me to sleep.
  • Cool Gane!!
    Perfect for me!
    I love these classics and the delivery is the perfect combination of understandable and not overly emotional. I am very comforted by Ms Glasgow’s voice.
  • Proffesor Kitty
    Your voice is sleep
    I am intrigued by the stories but I can’t stay awake through them. Usually I replay them the next day. Beautiful, beautiful… voice…..zzzzzz………
  • cnango61
    The Adult RX for sleep
    Wonderful, soothing voice. Great short stories to help me to snuggle in, relax and eventually fall asleep. I rarely make it through the whole story, so you must be doing something right. Thank you!
  • the100acrewoods
    I love this podcast and the stories!! Thank you so much!! For helping me fall asleep!!
    You are awesome!!
  • MNpcla
    Love your podcast!
    Your voice is perfect! Smooth, mellow & not too high. Thank you for this podcast. It really does help me fall to sleep.
  • merrrggge
    Love it!!! 😁
  • Nic in Cali
    I love the classic stories and simplicity of how she introduces the podcast. Short intro and right into a soothing telling of the classics. Coffee coming your way, that’s my kind of payment too 😉 Thank you!
  • Mexican Hibiscus
    Why is the voice so robotic?
    Too much for trying to sleep.
  • Des111111111
    Love love love
    Excellent selection of stories. Great soothing voice. I never get to hear the end of the stories because of how fast I fall asleep lol. Thank you for this
  • TxMommarazzi
    Slow and calm is better
    Too fast and too staccato for relaxation…
  • Mozart's Momma
    Thank You!
    You are the queen of my sleepless nights. Thank you for helping me.
  • graytongoose
    Slow down talking!!!
    Haters try Get Sleepy
  • Kathy devoted listener
    This is such a wonderful podcast. I noticed one of the reviews stated it was a lifesaver. I completely agree. Before I found Just Sleep, I had terrible insomnia as well. Taesha’s voice is so mesmerizing and comforting. I don’t know what I would have done without her podcast. Wait, I do know, I would still have crippling insomnia. Thank you Taesha for developing this podcast.
  • Yes2Sleep
    Go-to podcast for me
    Taesha’s podcast has been a life saver for me during my periods of insomnia. Her voice, tone, and cadence help me fall asleep. I’m so grateful she’s doing this.
  • Sandy-indiana
    Spoken Too fast.
    Too fast and very broken.
  • th3tt
    I wanted to love this
    A big part of finding a good sleepy time podcast is finding a podcaster that can deliver a deliciously boring tale in a calm, slow pace with soothing vocal tones. Almost hypnotic delivery. This podcaster has an amazing voice, but her rapid, sharp delivery of her stories only gave me anxiety! Def didn’t help me sleep. The stories could be good but she just needs to work on soothing pitch and hypnotic pace of delivery.
  • lesliepopleslie
    Taesha Glasco
    I love listening to these classics read Taesha Glasco during the day while in commute, working or anything. Her voice draws me into the mysteries in a calming relaxing manner somehow. Don’t ask me how.
  • i dont believe all are taken
    Jane Eyre
    Are all the chapters of the book available on this podcast? If so how does one find them?
  • smccarty84
    So good
    Just found this podcast! So glad I did! Love this unique concept! Check it out!
  • Gotchayeah
    Painfully slow
  • Erin loves sleep podcasts
    Love the podcast
    Want to hear more of Anne of Green Gables please!!!
  • mozzebella
    Title Suggestions
    Would love to hear some classic spooky tales in the public domain leading up to Halloween! Like Dracula, Carmilla, and Frankenstein! Also would love to hear classical myths!
  • TheAuthoress/Music Lover
    Love the podcasts
    Wish all chapters of all stories were available. Seems to be that stories are uploaded a bit out of order.
  • DriverWife
    Perfect for falling asleep!
    Love this podcast so much! I have a really hard time falling to sleep. This podcast always helps me fall asleep!
  • itsmekaylee
    Suggested for sleep!
    This is the only podcast I’ve found that actually puts me to sleep, I love the narrators voice. I do wish that there were the whole books of some episodes read, like Anne of Green Gables and Alice in Wonderland would be awesome to have :)
  • m. scarn
    Great podcast
    Love this podcast! I listen to it every night and it always helps me fall asleep. Could you please read the first few chapters of Pride an Prejudice?
  • KrisMillerJD
    Please update new chapters
    I love this podcast, but wish entire stories would be available. I listened to A Study in Scarlet and wish additional chapters were available!
  • ThinksALot29
    Very relaxing and great stories
    Reader has a very calm voice with good cadence and emphasis. I appreciate that there is no music during the story, as that can be distracting for me. The stories/chapters are great classics that are perfect for adult bedtime readings. Thank you so much for helping me relax and fall asleep :)
  • Urban Lady Homesteading
    I wish the stories were longer, but other than that nothing is wrong!
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