The LexG Movie Podcast


A podcast for former comic and beloved film historian LexG to just ramble on and reminisce about beloved movie favorites, with the occasional new review.

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Recent Reviews
  • halinabucket
    failed actor makes good with astounding podcast
    this is easily the best movie podcast i’ve ever heard. a failed actor living on the fringes of hollywood riffs seemingly off-the-cuff with hilarious, often autobiographical monologues about a huge variety of movie-related topics. insightful but never pretentious, this podcast is an absolute joy
  • KeithMGM
    #1 movie critic in LA area
    Engaging and thoughtful takes from a guy who knows the technical aspects of filmmaking but doesn’t let that overshadow the point of watching movies in the first place: to have fun.
  • emc2093
    “Sad, lonely boomer rambles into a microphone” would be a better title
  • Maltlax
    A pleasant rant
    He reminds me of a younger, slightly more articulate Artie Lange. Keep the episodes coming. Edit: A few months back, Bob Odenkirk plugged LexG on another podcast. And then Lex didn’t put out another show for weeks afterwards! Take advantage of the free publicity!
  • That Classy Guy
    My Favorite Podcast
    Big fan of your show. Makes my day when a new episode pops up!
  • K Benjamin Stone
    Finally Subscribed!
    I don’t know why, I would always just search for the episodes. Subscribed! Big fan on Twitter! Lex tells it as he sees it, which can be awkward, sometimes painful, but always honest seeming and never dull! That was a review of his Twitter btw. Podcast review: His podcasts are more focused. Like, this is obviously someone who puts in the work and has very relevant info and opinions to spit on every movie ever, seemingly. And his voice is fantastic. That’s a radio voice, my man. As Sanj might say, Lex is the number 1 critic in the L.A. area!
  • sniperman720
    Brilliant film podcast
    I love this podcast so much. Lex G is insightful and funny and this pod is a blast
  • Wonderstone620
    Funniest movie podcast out there!
    Feels like Christmas morning everytime LexG drops a new ep! By far the funniest, most insightful one man movie podcast out there. Lex feels like an old buddy talking and riffing about movies at the bar. Can’t recommend enough, and can’t wait for the next episode!
  • Prishpreed
    Can't get enough
    I just discovered this and I can't stop listening. Lex, I hope you will keep doing the show. P.S. Let me follow you on Twitter.
  • The Winslow Boy
    Lively, unfettered movie talk
    Lex G is sharp and funny and loves movies. Also I agree with him %75 of the time. You’ll just wish for more episodes.
  • brod42
    Love listening to lex. Truly a fascinating guy
  • BarryFrank
    The ultimate hang-out film reviewer
    It’s always a good time when I see a new LexG episode has dropped.
  • parsons210
    Lex is my ex
    Love this show so much.
  • the real Sov
    Good Sheen
    Definitely enjoyable- LexG has a good balance of film history, a fan’s POV, and lots of self-deprecating humor.
  • JonJefMey
    Absolute Legend
    Love LexG
  • jgrasela
    LexG is the man.
    Love LexG. He has such great insight, knowledge and perspective on film. I don’t know if there is anything better than LexG riffing on topics like sheen, celebrity hair plugs and goofy names of John Carpenter characters. I wish he would accept me on twitter but at least he lets me listen to this podcast. I’m not complaining, I’ll take what I can get. I take comfort in that, knowin’ he’s out there, LexG, takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners.
  • pretzeleddick
    The best movie podcast.
    So glad it’s back, hope they continue.
  • LexG4eva
    Unapologetically apologetic
    LexG is inimitable. I love how humble, knowledgeable and winsome he is. The Oscars 2022 episode is the archetype for his Tim Heidecker energy. I just found out Norm MacDonald had a TV show and still I’m more excited to be listening to LexG first. Priorities. I’m mad that he doesn’t have a patreon, this guy needs to get paid for this.
  • Brong dronf
    This is the perfect podcast, and, frankly, the only good film podcast. Lex is hilarious, encyclopedic in his movie knowledge, and for the terminology that he’s coined alone (zone-out, sheen, etc.), he should be in the pantheon of the great critics. I cannot stress enough what a joy this show is for me, and I would pay ungodly sums of money to get a new episode or two every week.
  • cipples
    Lex rocks
    Fun, informative, funny. Always a great listen
  • Zach Heltzel
    Pay him $100,000
    It should be illegal for content this good to be available for free. Give Lex the deal.
  • Titos1
    The best around! Please come back!
    Lex, I know nothing about the net residuals of podcasting. If you’re not seeing much profit from it I understand why you seem to have stepped away, as you clearly put a huge amount of soul into what you do. With that said, you are one the most fascinating, insightful, and well informed voices on cinema today. I don’t even think I’m your target demo (I’m one of the “young people who watches old-timey movies”), but your enthusiasm and scholarly passion for filmmakers you’ve grown up loving is infectious. I hope you come back— I’ve listened to all your episodes and you have shown me a completely new way to look at cinema.
  • LarryBirdhouse
    Lex Rules
    Total talent and joy to listen to. Only negatives are lack of self belief and low productivity as of late + doesn’t let loyal listeners follow him on Twitter out of fear of losing his day job. Go Lex, go!
  • Kale JF
    LexHeads need more !!
    LexG rules
  • andwhi
    best movie pod
    please make more episodes
  • Robert-D-E
    Lex has a great voice and he’s an incredible storyteller. I feel calm when I’m listening. Can’t recommend this show enough.
  • Butter-J
    He complains a lot
    He is really bitter that no one ever “gave him a shot” and its so hard to listen to him complain and whine about not having a career handed to him.
  • roger_bacon
    Great stuff delivered without pretense
    First time reviewing any podcast. Lex brings his substantial knowledge of film and the industry to every episode. Love the episodes that branch out into music and real life especially. It feels like hanging out with a close friend. Highly recommended. Hope it continues and one day we get a John Carpenter episode.
  • Catherar22
    Excellent Listening for Gen X esp Movie Lovers
    I have been searching high and low for a podcast that reminisces about childhood in the 80s and 90s and acknowledges the struggles of mid-life in this day and age.. this podcast is that and so much more. Of course, it is billed as a movie podcast; that’s what it is.. I’ve just found that LexG brings so much more to the table. Honest, funny, raw, and nostalgic, every episode has its own unique twists and turns. Through out it all, LexG is the thread that holds them all together. I really appreciate this podcast; sometimes it makes my day.
  • Spencer Van Sheepy
    Please don’t stop
    This is legit the best film podcast around. Go back to talking about directors instead of music and hair tho
  • JHoffman6
    The Only Podcast That Matters
    Hilarious and honest and positive. LexG talking about how he would call video stores in the phone book just so he could get the vapors knowing that THE IPCRESS FILE was available. His euphoric descriptions of SCARFACE is the finest celebration of art you will ever hear. Lex G is the #1 Critic. The best.
  • NelsonEspe
    LexG Grade A!
    Lex G is a movie buff with a great sense of humor. He isn’t like the twitter dork know it all’s who have the taste of a recluse. I love that Lex isn’t afraid to talk about sex appeal and the anti sex culture that has taken over film lovers. This podcast is the best. Even episodes on topics that aren’t for me are completely enjoyable because the man has charm for days!
  • Jam0615
    How many time have I almost crashed my ride listening to Lex rip? The BEST! Hail LexG!
  • Jake_Gordon89
    College Commuter Solidarity
    Listening to this pod makes my commutes to school way more bearable. Great stuff Lex.
  • Disappointed Ex-Listener
    Just discovered this after someone mentioned it on Jeff Wells’ site. It’s fantastic. Love the delivery, love the knowledge and the irreverence. He comes at movies from a unique angle, with humor, a little bit of self-deprecation and a really engaging style. Great stuff. Sorry about the username - nothing to do with this amazing podcast, was my name for a review of a different movie podcast I no longer subscribe to so am glad to discover a far better alternative!
  • Charles Bogle
    LexG is cinema
    He speaks for those of us who see movies alone on Sunday mornings and get the most joy crossing them off a list.
  • KCDuff
    Love this podcast
    Been enjoying the antics of LexG since his days of trolling the comments sections of Jeff Wells’s and Dave Poland’s blogs. Every episode of this podcast has literally made me LOL multiple times. Love the reminisces of Pittsburgh and early years with his “posse” in LA. Keep up the great work!
  • thebudman08
    One of the best
    One of the absolute best podcasts of its kind around. Completely unpretentious and just a joy to listen to. If you’re a guy who genuinely love movies and are of a certain age, you’re probably at least a little like Lex G and will enjoy this podcast.
  • Jesse Crall
    Great Vibes
    Singular film coverage that brings insight without pretension and matches humor with personal resonance. No one in the 21st century has changed the language of film commentary more than LexG. Guaranteed no ZONE OUT.
  • b1g gr4ndpa
    The best
    I’ve never liked a movie podcast... until now
  • djhahdbrueujnfne
    Great podcast
    You should listen to it
  • ccc073
    just say you hate women
    and anyone who has the slightest hint of an intellectual opinion, too
  • bennadeau18
    Wonderful rapid-fire commentary
    This is a great pod, makes my brain buzz with energy.
  • online boat enthusiast
    Instantly Essential Movie Podcast
    Lex is coming in HOT out of the gate, with a one-man movie pod that feels instantly essential in the cinema podcast world. His combination of full-career summaries and deep dives into specific films or styles combine clearly joyous passion for da movies with effortlessly expert film knowledge to make just realyl fun rides through popular movie magic. Check it out, get the deal!
  • C from WV
    Highly recommended
    By far my favorite movie podcast. Please do more long form retrospectives if you get the chance! Thanks for the amazing podcast, a must listen for anyone who’s into movies.
  • tertxcard
    Canby, Kael, Ebert, Turkington...LexG
    All hail the new lord of movies. This pod embodies the best of a casual hangout with one of your nicest friends.
  • skeetonmischa
    The best podcast about movies
    An absolute treat. I stop whatever I’m doing and listen to this super fast.
  • Larry Gengrich
    The Best
    There are a lot of bad movie podcasts out there—unfunny nerds yukking it up, people who clearly didn’t watch the movie they’re discussing, annoying “uptalk” voices—but this one is a gift. Just one guy who knows his stuff but is able to articulate ideas in a relatable way. His eye for “sheen” is astonishing, but his ability to connect films and directors to culture and era is even more impressive. None of the Twitter guys who try to imitate Lex are capable of this—they might nail the catchphrases but they don’t have the insight.
  • Multipurposetoolguy
    five stars
    number one podcaster
  • Nerdboxer
    Movie mindset
    Pure concentrated movie mind. Let go and ride the snake
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