What You're Craving with Molly Carmel

Nutrition #196

Are you in an unhealthy relationship with food - caught in the cycle of binge eating, diet culture, and obsessive food thoughts? Molly Carmel, author and leading eating disorders and addictions therapist, is here to help. Each week, you’ll hear from folks who’ve overcome their struggles with food and weight. You’ll learn how to heal your relationship with food and ditch diets once and for all. Molly Carmel is fiercely devoted to your freedom so that you can show up for yourself and the life you deserve.

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Recent Reviews
  • Serenity Chaser
    This podcast is my SUPERPOWER 🤩🤩🤩
    Molly Carmel is a gift 🎁 from the UNIVERSE!! The content that Molly offers up; the guests Molly introduces; the vulnerability Molly shares; all infused with authentic spirituality…thank you, thank you, thank you, Molly🧡🩷🧡🩷🧡with your help I’m healing ❤️‍🩹 ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
  • Trying 2 win it
    I listened to the first podcast. I’m a little up in the air. I want to love this so much. It’s so refreshing to know that this is professional knowledge, mixed with personal experience. Her own story is something I can learn so much from. The thing that’s blocking me from enjoying this podcast is her speaking style. It’s like listening to a valley girl. The amount of times she uses the word “like” is mind-numbing. It’s cringe worthy and I could hardly get through the entire podcast. It dumbs down everything she is saying, and I was so disappointed. Tomorrow I am going to try to skip ahead several episodes to see if the professionalism kicks in a little more. I have no doubt that I could benefit greatly from what she has to offer.
  • JeannetteSW
    Caleb Campbell
    Thank you for bringing Caleb onto “What Your Craving”. It took me 15 years of seeking to finally listen to my own intuition. The last five years, for me, has been about helping others to listen to their inner voice and to go within for their answers! His story is so inspiring and I will be sharing with others! And thank you for all you do, Molly!! I love your show!! ❤️
  • tingbling
    Holy $#!*
    Wow! Someone is putting words to a similar journey I’ve been on. I’m so grateful to know I’m not alone. The best part of this podcast, is the hope it brings.
  • SugargirlK
    Molly is amazing!
    So happy Molly Carmel will be offering us a chance every Wednesday to hear amazing guests and most of all her own perspective on all the things. I loved the first two and can’t wait til next week! Oh, and her book? Breaking up with Sugar? The best. Run, don’t walk! That was two weeks after Molly’s first episode…I am adding to my review…now we are over 100 episodes in- and I can’t wait until Wednesday mornings to hear the latest “What You’re Craving” podcast. Her guests are amazing and she offers us so many insights, tips, her own expertise, and lots of facts to support us along the way on our own individual journeys. Thank you, Molly! Keep them coming!!
  • heatherfromboston
    Exactly what you are Looking For
    For once, I am thrilled to be late to the party as listening to an episode of “What You’re Craving” has become part of my new morning routine. Thankfully, Molly has a voice that is a perfect combination of friend with a pinch of teacher. Her ability as an honest storyteller makes the podcast informative and entertaining. Simply put, this podcast is perfectly aligned with the title it is, What Your Craving
  • keep asking
    Thank you Molly
    Thank you for keeping it real! Your honesty and compassion is so greatly appreciated! So many of life’s addiction questions answered, bless you!
  • shanaami
    Real, relatable and radically helpful!
    There is no one else out there in the field of nutrition who is as real, relatable and radically helpful.
  • carnivore_java_beauty
    So relatable!
    I have never wanted to binge and listen to every episode of a podcast until I found yours! I really connect and feel everything that is being talked about. Thank you so much for the amazing content!!
  • Kushigrlll
    Cut off the guest speaker constantly
    Agree with other reviewers that the session I tried to listen to with the Glucose Goddess was hard to listen to because Molly kept interrupting her. It was very frustrating and a waste of time. I have found other podcast hosts to be way better listeners and true interviewers.
  • IceArtJohn
    Listen to your guest more.
    I came to listen to your interview with the Glucose Goddess. Molly kept cutting her off and redirecting the conversation. It was hard to listen to.
  • yogoes
    Glucose Goddess
    Molly! Thank you for introducing me/us to this amazing woman. Excellent interview and I love how you never play yourself down. You are you and at the same time allow in new thoughts but beautifully illuminate that we can take what we wish and leave the rest. Every moment in my life must be customizable or I’m not being my authentic self. Merci!!
  • Schleher
    Only one caveat
    Please, please, please let your guests answer the questions you pose before you interrupt them with your own personal spin!! You start to go all over the place without letting others finish their thoughts or complete the answer to your initial questions. Otherwise, I like your podcasts. Sandra Schleher
  • LvJayme
    Great Podcast and more
    I found Molly after seeing an interview with her, instantly knew I needed to know more about her. I reserved her book from the library, dreaded having to return it so much that my Dad bought it for me. Molly is just one of those people you know just understands and loves you right where you are. She offers so many thoughtful resources and this podcast is an Amazing addition to the book, community and website. Thank you Molly.
  • Kristizy
    Thank You Molly!
    This is a must listen to podcast for anyone who has every been hurt by the “diet drama and trauma culture” as Molly says; which let’s face it, is almost all of us. Molly holds out a hand and walks us through finding our truth and our own path to health and well being. Her voice needs to be heard and I am so thankful to have come across her work. You will not regret giving this podcast your time and attention.
  • anita loan
    Life Changing Podcast
    I look forward to each podcast such accurate solution to healing.
  • ashhleyhm
    Unique perspective with great insight on so many things
    I started following Molly after hearing an interview with her and then reading her great book. So I was delighted to find that she had a podcast, and it does not disappoint! Although her specialty is eating disorders and addictions, she gives a unique perspective on cultural issues related to food and diet as well as great psychological insights for anyone dealing with problems. The way she phrases things and gives listeners helpful aphorisms to increase their understanding has been so helpful for me. Phrases like “the opposite of addiction is connection” and “the opposite of control is trust”. I’ve also been introduced to other great podcasts and authors through the interviews she does, and enjoy her funny and engaging personality. Her messages are very important and I hope they can reach as large an audience as possible.
  • Lola Jasper
    Molly Carmel has changed my life. ❤️❤️❤️
    Molly has truly changed my life. I thought I was forever going to be locked into a battle with food. I have released weight but more importantly I am no longer abusing myself with food, negative self talk, binging and purging. Thank you, thank you, thank you Molly🙏🏻
  • chifdr
    Each week I can’t imagine it being as good the week before and it always is. It never disappoints. Listening to Molly's podcast is the first thing I do every Wednesday. I am constantly learning and growing as a person by listening to What You’re Craving. It’s absolutely amazing!
  • NotTaylorSwift310
    Only thinks she’s an expert
    I don’t understand how someone who got gastric bypass which is cheating can talk about weight loss. So many people lose weight the natural way, but not Molly. Also, if you look at her, she is in terrible shape. She might have some of sort eating disorder center but clearly she hasn’t conquered her demons or insecurities in real life. Get better advice anyplace else.
  • Ellen112
    So comforting
    Every episode gives me something new to think about, and makes me feel not alone. Now I’m building a relationship with food, and my food addiction no longer rules my life. Love her take on this issue!
  • Jessieleahg
    Molly saves lives
    Molly Carmel is the most incredible healer—body, mind and spirit. Her podcast is the BEST accompaniment to her book Breaking Up With Sugar. Her story of diet trauma and drama is beyond inspiring but how she came out of it is her true story. She took what she learned as a food addictions specialist and a recovered person and applied it to herself but has shared all of it with the amazing community she has created. I highly recommend her book and her podcast, Molly Carmel has literally saved my life.
  • Jwhsnqhd d
    My favorite podcast
    I have dealt with sugar addiction and disordered eating for 25 years, and Molly and her book and community have helped me recover and thrive. I always get so much out of Molly’s coaching, her videos, and now, her podcast. I look forward to the podcast every week, and I listen to the episodes multiple times. Molly is passionate and knowledgeable about addiction and eating disorder recovery. She is a skilled interviewer. She always comes from a place of compassion and personal experience. She knows what it’s like to be addicted - she too is in recovery. Please continue this podcast - it is an important part of my recovery. Thank you!
  • cmcbride4
    fantastic podcast
    i love everything that molly has to say. i look forward to a new episode every week! thank you molly!
  • Valencia2015
    Absolutely GREAT !
    I read Molly’s book in one day and I love this podcast since she reminds me to stay motivated and that we can make it! Thank you Molly! Your captivating energy literally guides me to the best version of myself
  • Hannah Marika
    Inspiring and fascinating
    I’m hooked on Molly’s open and honest conversations with remarkable people about the big life stuff that can incredibly hard to talk about. This show is fun to listen to, informative, moving, and inspiring.
  • susanbgil
    Love What You’re craving
    As a therapist myself and a former Molly Carmel client, I find these podcasts so interesting, educational and inspiring. The conversations are relevant and helpful. Thank you Molly. I love having a little bit of you back in my life every week.
  • SheCan62
    So Grateful!
    I believe that things happen for a reason and the path that led me to finding Molly was a long one but so worth the wait! I’ve struggled my whole life with my weight. I’ve struggled with Bulimia. PTSD. Lipedema. But never in my wildest dreams did I realize I was addicted to sugar! I remember joking with my friends and family about being addicted to sugar but not knowing that it is a very real addiction. Since watching Molly on the “Quit Sugar Summit” with Mike Collins I have embraced this new life changing journey of finding my new life (at the age of 59) sugar and flour free. It’s beyond eye opening! Not only is my eating clean it has also put me in a spiritual journey too...it’s a win win ❤️. Molly has a way putting the truth out there. You can feel the love behind her words! Embrace it! Forever Grateful!
  • Annieg11
    Fantastic podcast
    I am so happy Molly started a podcast. She has a true gift to speak with compassion, curious instead of judgement and brings on guests who have a wonderful space in Molly’s presence to show up authentically. Thank you Molly. I highly recommend “What you’re craving”
  • The Lisa Kid!
    Molly Carmel
    Molly goes deep with her guests and these podcasts are amazing. She never disappoints. Thank you Molly 💙💙💙💙
  • nomoresugargirl
    Always a great listen!
    Molly is a fantastic speaker and her new podcast series is proving to be another great addition to her mission to save us all from the trap of diet mentality, digging deep and finding normalcy in food, eating, and living your life! Thank you Molly and guests!
  • Jules Brave
    The Beautiful TRUTH🙌
    This podcast is everything I’ve been needing right now. Molly is unbelievable - honest, uplifting, authentic, hilarious, loving. This is and isn’t about “the food” in the most perfect, dialectical way. So grateful for my new favorite podcast!!!
  • Shiratag
    Molly is like a breath of fresh air! She calms my anxieties and is so relatable!!! I feel so lost and she is always able to bring all My thought back down and refocus me!
  • @sierra_valley_wellness
    So excited Molly has a podcast!
    I am really excited to listen to Molly in a podcast on a weekly basis! I’ve listened to Breaking Up With Sugar twice on audible now and I finally got a hard copy of the book today!! I just discovered her for the first time listening to her interview during the Quit Sugar Summit in January...I’ve been obsessed ever since. I love her story and her message. It really hit home for me on so many levels that I didn’t even know needed to be hit. :)
  • ep#8
    I’ve Been Waiting for This
    Love this woman! Love her message! I’m so excited to tune in regularly. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, heart and voice, Molly Carmel!
  • SusanSoul127
    Standing ovation! Molly Carmel and a podcast? The perfect match. Get ready. 💛
  • Rand I
    Molly Carmel - What You’re Craving Podcast
    Molly is amazing , authentic , and is an amazing example of living in recovery from an eating disorder ! With self examination, and looking at root cause of what we are eating over .. ( old limiting beliefs ), self love and forgiveness she exemplifies living the path .. mind .. body and spirit .She is an angel and can’t wait to keep listening to her beautiful heart .
  • mamaSDS
    Consume this podcast!
    Molly is a gifted practitioner and story teller. I’m thrilled that this platform will bring her voice to so many who struggle with absolutist thinking and shame. I hope those who are struggling with disordered eating and addiction will listen to Molly and be motivated to start their recovery — without guilt or shame. 🙏🏼💞
  • 1510178940224
    Honesty and connection
    These are hard times and we are all struggling with something. Molly lets us know we’re not alone and helps us find the things we are really seeking - connection, self-compassion, hope.
  • Christiana Morgenroth
    More of this!!
    So ready to hear what Molly Carmel has to say
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