Heaven & Healing Podcast


Welcome to Heaven & Healing Podcast.Formerly known as Moon and Back Podcast, this was once a place of astrology, yoga, new age spirituality and self-healing.In October 2021, I opened my heart to Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior later that year. By December, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to rebrand my podcast and denounce new age spirituality as I officially declared my identity in Christianity.On February 22, 2022, Heaven & Healing was officially born.On Heaven & Healing, I share testimonies from others who have been saved by Christ - from other former new agers, to former witches, former addicts, former atheists and so much more. I also bring on Biblical scholars to share knowledge of the history, context, and meaning of Scripture. Additionally discussed are experiences from my own life, political commentary and cultural discourse as it all relates to God and His Word.For any believer or non-believer, this podcast is for you, in Jesus’ name.Amen!

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  • Sydsfn4
    Unapologetically true
    Grateful for Angela preaching the REAL Truth of God and uncovering evils. Keep going sister!
  • jekakakusi
    Eye Opening & Life Changing!
    I fell into New Age after some traumatic things happened in my life. I was convinced I was healing myself and family! I struggled hard with demonic oppression my whole life, but after doing New Age practices for almost 2 years it grew to an all time high. I couldn’t sleep at night because of the terrible nightmares, quite literally feeling like something was watching me 24/7. Not to mention crippling depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, gluttony, laziness, idolatry, severe anger… etc. I knew something wasn’t right, but I didn’t know what to do. I randomly stumbled upon one of Angela’s Instagram reels on how yoga is bad, something I got into for the past couple years. Something in my heart clicked and I watched a lot of her video’s and binged her podcast. It became quite clear to me that everything that I was doing before that I truly believed were helping me, were the sources of all these terrible things that were happening to me. Yoga, deep meditation, christ-consciousness, self-idolatry, weed…. all had me demonically oppressed. So, I turned to Jesus and he literally set me FREE. I went from barley being able to get out of bed, nightmares, anxiety, depression, constant negative and suicidal thoughts, laziness, multiple eating disorders, severe anger issues …..etc to being at the most peace I’ve ever been all because of Jesus! I have accomplished more in the last 4-5 months of being saved than I feel like I have in the past 20 years of my life. I am a completely different person. All of those terrible things that I struggled with are now all gone. I am filled with such purpose and love. I don’t know where I’d be without Heaven & Healing. It’s obvious they put so much time, effort, and preparation into each episode and it does NOT go unnoticed! Thank you Jesus and thank you to Angela and her family! God Bless
  • Crazy wolfman
    You’re Courageous!
    First off, I want to thank you for doing what you do. Secondly I want to commend you for how courageous you are with such evil consuming this world, It is harder and harder to be a follower of JESUS because of the persecution of not only friends, but also loved ones. I’ve been wanting to start a podcast for the past couple weeks and I just don’t know how to get started with my busy life as the sole provider of my family. I love listening to your content. I am a new creation in CHRIST as of April this year. I was raised Christian by my dad after he saved me from the EVIL my mom was raising me in. Then I became the rebellious child and pushed out GOD from my life due to the trauma as a child with my mom, feeling abandoned by GOD. Right now, currently as a grown man with children of my own and a wife, who is of the worldly view and not of GODs will, my battle is harder than it probably could have ever been. GOD bless you and your platform that HE gave you for HIS glory!
  • Miles 54321 Fortnite
    Angela, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOOOU!! I feel so blessed to be able to go to my cleaning job every weekend and listen to your podcast!! It is the first thing I put on. Today I was delivered (and just two days ago my 10 year old decided to be baptized! 🙌🏼) I prayed TJ’s prayer and thank goodness I was in the bathroom, because I too had the overwhelming urge to throw up (and did). I was so worried about where I should be for my deliverance, but I put my faith in the Lord and all worked out perfectly!! Your podcast has been truly life changing and it has made me on fire for Jesus again!! I will be praying for you and your family and would absolutely love to be able to meet you and TJ one day. 🫶🏼 It’s so funny that most of my favorite YouTubers live in Tennessee and now you just moved there. God Bless you and your family, Angela!! ❤️ Angela Marie Racette
  • Aimee MB
    Angela is doing such a good thing spreading the gospel so strongly and lovingly and giving all the glory to God! Love all her podcasts
  • Ash122615
    Jesus is King ❤️
    I am so happy I found Angela’s podcast. As a new mommy due in a couple weeks your podcasts have given me so many revelations and giving it all to the Lord and remembering it is him and for his glory. Thank you Jesus
  • PprPl8GrlZ
    Thanks for posting fam! We are rooting for you, your family, and your walk with God. May he bless you with peace and joy!! 💗🫰🫶🏻❤️
  • Messijess:)
    So encouraging
    My sister in law sent this pod to me because she was convicted about her love for TSwift. This podcast shifted her perspective and helped her to see her in a different light. So thank you for that! I recently listened to the episode on yoga and it just confirmed everything I had uncovered about it a few years ago. I was THAT Christian who was “just doing it to stretch”. I honestly didn’t buy into all the practices and never delved into the occult. But a few years ago after the Lord freed me from some junk I started to feel convicted about doing it. A friend of mine from India told me she couldn’t understand how American Christians can’t see anything wrong with yoga. I even had a boyfriend who had gone to India and he shared how he walked past a yogi temple and could just feel darkness there. I’m so grateful for the Holy Spirit. He is patient with us and when it’s him convicting you, it sticks! Thank you for your heart and dedication to the Lord!
  • Mayttechu
    Simply powerful
    I love the humble hearts of both the host and the guests. These young lovers of Christ can certainly teach even the most seasoned of Christians! Truth spoken right from the Bible on every single subject. Thank you, Angela. And I pray for even more anointing and provision to keep this ministry reaching the masses.
  • Yhhhgfd
    eye opening to the spiritual realm
    The episode on Halloween was so informative that it really led me to seek more spiritual truths
  • MrsGreen528
    No comment
  • yirehgg
    Praise God🙌🏻✨🎉🩷
    I thank our Father that I came to this podcast a few months ago with the Taylor Swift episodes, it has blessed me, convicted me, and bringing wisdom, healing and freedom in the Lord with the episodes I’ve heard/watched. Thank you so much for obeying God and sharing all of this wisdom and His Words to help us live in true faith. ✨🙌🏻🌷
  • StellaIve
    Raw biblical truth
    As a life long Christian I love hearing the experiences of others who have been brought to Jesus. Sometimes we can get complacent and lukewarm, but listening them miracles our God operates daily is a reminder that he is our Lord and nothing is out of his control. And we should forever seek him
  • Rosieposeymom
    Amen and all Glory to God!
  • LAX808
    Wow! I love this show!
    Thank you so much for your cunning linguistic approach to everything that is natural is demonic. Your insightful approach to the Bible is very much appreciated in the 16th century. Bill and Ted have a phone both ready for you to call on the apostles of yesterday. In the meantime, we’ll all move along with the present day, if that’s ok with you. If not, your skirt needs a little adjustment around the hemming length.
  • TheGoodSamaritan123
    Thank you
    Thank you for speaking up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Seriously! Some of your ‘hot takes’ really woke me up from the culture that we are so deeply ingrained in today.
  • jma0502
    Holy Spirit Lead Me Here
    I ended up finding this podcast and have no idea why it was on my list. A few weeks later I decide to check out YouTube (watching videos on Biblical historical events) and find one of your episodes. Last week I started listening to testimonials and my heart was opened. I never thought I practiced new age, but my family home was a gateway for evil and I am coming to the realization that I agreed to things that made my walk with God more challenging. I am still doing work on my heart and trying to unpack everything, but these testimonials are opening my heart to hearing more of the truth and less of the lies I have listened to for too long.
  • danielledelany
    I really think Angela is such an Intelligent girl
    She researches and interviews well and her voice is nice to listen to. Glory be to God for her redemption. I kinda stopped listening as much because I saw the common theme was that of discussing the demonic. It’s really good to expose things of this world however when the topics are most only that, seems like it’s more a lingering fascination with the darkness still. Definitely an excellent listen though!
  • Iliana Guevara
    Life Changing!
    This podcast has helped me so much I can’t ever thank Angela enough! I was in the occult for 5 years and had an encounter with Jesus October 2023 that changed my life forever! The Holy Spirit led me to this amazing podcast and I’ve listened/watched almost every episode already in less than a month! God bless you Angela you are amazing and such an inspiration to me 🤍
  • BickeeQ
    Extremely Insightful
    I live in a major city in the US where the culture is deeply entrenched in new age spirituality. Angela’s personal past and extensive research in these topics have helped me understand the origins and demonic forces behind “holistic” practices. She is also measured when presenting her findings. She constantly references scripture, explains logical inconsistencies in other belief systems, and reminds her audience to do their own research and go to the Lord rather than simply trusting her conclusions.
  • HanRu01
    Angela, Your growth in Jesus has been so evident. I love your podcast episodes! I have stopped listening to Taylor because of you! Keep up the good work!!!
  • SamMartTX
    Massage therapist exiting the industry
    Just found your show. I’m a massage therapist of about 10 years and this has all been a lot of my same experience. Now I’m thanking God I grew up in the church. I’ve been into the stuff since 2017, shedding it and getting to know Jesus and God again. But I have experience now and can see very clearly when it comes to the new age practices. I’m around “energy, body, light” workers everyday. Not everyone’s bad intended but none of its of God. Some of them ARE bad intended. Been to massage school, reiki class etc. when clients asked me to do reiki I just never liked it, so I tell them no. Now I know why. I thought something was wrong with me when I was immersed in this. I really connect with this because of the industry I’m in, and on my way out of! I do help a lot of people in pain, good people. But ya, it’s a whooooole machine.
  • Joy1971up
    Just when you thought, Angela couldn't get any crazier
    She just came out with a YouTube video on conservative Christians. It's absolutely hilarious!!! She's new to the faith and it's extremely obvious. She hangs out with a really dangerous person called Naela Rose. This latest video is a new low, even for Angela.
  • Just another Crazy Cat Lady
    Wow! Great show, as usual. Love Angela’s show and guests! It’s difficult to conceive of what we actually do have control over in the world. Angela spoke about ‘Smart House’ - the movie. If you go back further there’s a movie from 1984 called ‘Electric Dreams’. The predictions have been out there for a really long time. “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see,” said Edgar Allen Poe: that’s how I view Elon Musk. I like that he’s exposed some of the corruption but understand that he shows ONLY what he wants us to see. Our only hope is Jesus Christ; we’re in the devil’s world and he’s going to destroy everyone that he can.
  • Fluffy!(:
    God is using you to speak to me rn😭
    I am blown away, truly! I am 25 weeks pregnant (our babies are due around the same time!🥹) and it has been such a fleshly battle. The exhaustion, pain, sickness, etc has been excruciating sometimes and I can’t even tell you how similar our pregnancy journeys have been physically and spiritually! this recent episode has impacted me in so many ways. I feel so fired up knowing where i’ve been going wrong (i’ve been going through heavy spiritual warfare) and how i can armor up from my bed and not feel condemned. Thank you so much for this specific episode, its definitely for me! 🤍
  • Thank you Ovia ❤️❤️❤️😄
    Great Source of Information!!
    Thank you, Angela! Your podcast helps a lot of people that are not too familiar with what the Bible states.
  • Okay_AJayy
    This is deep! A must listen for the Christ conscious!
    I found Angela a while back ago from her testimony on YouTube about being in the new age lifestyle and being saved by Yeshua. As follower of Christ I always found the spiritual world very interesting and people with testimonies similar to Angela have validated my suspicions of the spiritual world. I’m not seeing a lot of Christians talk about the things we are seeing today in the physical are directly influenced by the spiritual but Angela sees it and isn’t afraid to talk about it! Another thing is that she’s breaking it down and it makes actual sense, those who have ears to hear will hear her message in full clarity! I’m pausing the Taylor swift series to write this review! Open your mind and your heart to Yeshua and what she says can’t sound like gibberish to you how it will sound to the rest of the people of the world. I love how she uses the biggest weapon we have in the spirit to fight the principalities of darkness aka THE WORD. The sword of the spirit! This podcast is grounded in the word and is set apart from the lukewarmness of the Church and the Christian community worldwide which I greatly respect and this feels like a breathe of fresh air. All in all, the point I’m making here people is… THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF! This is what the people NEED to hear, thank you to my sister in Yeshua for doing the Lord’s work! 5 STARS.
  • NightenGail29
    Honest Self Reflection, Deep Love For God & Fearless Attack On the Kingdom of Darkness!
    Hi Angela, I found you at just the right time. God was already working to set me free as I gave Him access to things in my life. Then, as I finally got out of His way, I had prayed specifically for a resource & testimony of someone coming out of New Age, Wicca & Witchcraft & Yoga…. Not for my sake but I have 2 younger sisters. (We’ll come back to that.) I grew up in church, got baptized before I understood repentance & I eventually stopped serving our Heavenly Father. Then I got bored & went back to my life of sin & selfishness. I was in rebellion & eventually because of all the spiritual “head knowledge” I acquired, I was a Pharisee instead of a true Christian. Then I was living in apostasy & God has been so incredibly merciful to me as He has sent “The Hounds of Heaven” after me for soooo long! He never gave up on me even though most of my fruit was rotten! At some point I told God, my heart has grown so cold from living in sin & that scares me bc I know that’s not your will for me but I don’t know what to do! I’m so miserable without you! I hate who I’ve become & if you don’t deliver me from myself in 2 weeks, I’m going to find a way to take my life! I can’t take this anymore! I miss you! Finally, in June of 2023, I told God that I’m tired of being my own God & doing things my way! I want you to be the LORD of my life & NOT just my Savior! Please take my life, my heart, my will & use it for your Glory! Hide me behind your cross! I don’t want my life to be all about Gail anymore. He did & my life hasn’t been the same since! It’s the best decision I ever made! Spiritual chains keep falling off & I have peace again, He’s filled my heart with His love again & He gave me back His joy!!! I HAVEN’t HAD JOY IN YEARS!!! I didn’t know if I’d ever get it back! So, back to my sisters. I’m the oldest of 3. Our family has 3 sides bc of our stepdad. The middle sister (34) is going back into the world per the influence of our oldest cousin who’s in deep apostasy (I’m the 2nd oldest of all the cousins). My sister has a vision board so I know she’s into the Law of Attraction bc I researched it. She still does yoga & has crystals. I think she’s doing contemplative prayer bc the things she claims “God” has told her aren’t Biblical. She gets irritated when I praise God too much or give Him too much credit. She’s back to cussing & other things that she knows aren’t right but she’s excusing those things. She also has back, knee, neck pain & a lot of other heath issues. The youngest (21) is now more open to Jesus Christ after seeing many prayers answered from our mother on her behalf. She does Reiki healing, has crystals, into chakras, Wicca & I wouldn’t be surprised if she casts spells & considers herself a witch. She may even have spirit guides. She believes in our words having power so I believe she practices the Law of Attraction, she told me she’s into Astrology & from the little bit I’ve learned & how much she really care about others, always fighting for the underdog & standing against injustice, I believe she might be a “Light Worker” as well. She also smokes Pot. She wanted to be baptized at age 9/10. Many people in churches don’t realize that when you tell a child, “No. You’re too young.” That child takes that as a rejection from God, not just the church. So bc they told her no, she walked out! I believe we need to say to young people who are seeking baptism, “Let’s study the Bible together to make sure your faith is firmly grounded in the word & you fully understand the importance of baptism.” This way we’re walking along side them on their journey to the cross & being a source of support instead of a hindrance or a stumbling block to their salvation. Also, she prayed something specific for our parents & didn’t understand that some prayers require time & perseverance as she was very young in her faith at the time. She took the delay of an answer from God as an unanswered prayer & thought God didn’t care so she’s been angry with God ever since. Please pray for my sisters to come back to Jesus & for the things of this world to leave them so empty that it will drive them to their knees back to Jesus! Thank you Angela! May God continue to richly bless you & your family, ministry & keep using you for His Glory! Gail
  • Lady_lindz
    I started listening and she’s speaking truth
  • Browne123
    Thank you
    I love your podcasts so informative. I was 21 when I got saved and was starting to get into Astrology was also depressed and suicidal I thank the Lord he saved me someone gave me a Bible and I was watching the 700 club. Your podcasts are so informative I’m sharing
  • Grantmert
    Great podcast. Insightful. Informative.
  • Jess14141414141414
    Thank you Angela
    Thank you Angela, listening to your testimony with Michael was real turning point to me getting saved from the new age after 6.5 years. Yahweh is good, Yahweh bless you and your ministry!
  • Lunamarx
    Listened to you on YouTube…
    I discovered this podcast on YouTube through watching Doreen Virtue, Good Fight Miniseries, and Melissa Dougherty. I’m wanting to move away from YouTube, and she’s fortunately are on here! This is an incredible blessing, especially for me as an ex-new ager and word of faith. I have unsaved family, some of them hate me because as an unsaved child to teen I was so awful. As a Christian, my testimony is almost laughable to them. So this podcast encourages me to pray more for them and persevere and discern. I can’t wait to meet this woman in heaven, if not in this life. I love her! God has used her work to glorify Himself :)
  • Jumping 4 Joy
    Needed for this generation
    I was in the same place 30 years ago. Angela's accounts and insights re-kindled the gratitude I felt for Jesus reaching me with His unconditional love. "Sound" is how I felt, and continue to feel. So glad she can articulate this for those reaching out for the true savior now!
  • GKL78
    Thank you!
    I found your podcast after hearing your interview with Michael Knowles. You have a remarkable story and such a beautiful grasp of Jesus’ love! I’m enjoying your podcasts so much, and recommending them! Prayers for you and your ministry!
  • Jackielapenna1
    Very powerful
    Very eye opening. I listened to the one about depression/anxiety and it really helped me get through some hard times. Thank you for using your gifts to help others. God bless you❤️ more Christians should talk about these topics in this manner. :)
  • songbird528
    So grateful for this podcast!
    As a fellow ex-New Ager(/ex-hoodoo heathen) now reborn (again!) in Christ, I absolutely love this podcast so far. It’s so refreshing— a great listen for anyone else who is recovering from the circular foolishness that is alt-spirituality, and for our kin in Christ who wish to better understand (and/or want to protect themselves & their loved ones from falling into) this all-too-popular spiritual deception. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray abundant wisdom, discernment, and blessings over you, Angela! 🙏🏾💓✊🏾
  • kr1837483
    A blessed gift for Christians, especially young women 16-40+
    I see Angela as a lantern for the times- the Holy spirit speaking through her, with her words having holy resonance for a specific generation, blessed by God, for ultimate deliverance of the millennials and GenZ. Think about what she says!
  • Auntie Sassy 505
    Thank you! I LOVE listening to your podcast and watching your YouTube’s. Thank you for all the hard work and time you put into it to spread pure truth! You’re a bold child of God and he is so proud of how much you have flourished! Your testimony and your guest’s testimonies are so similar to so many.
  • VailetVeta
    The Answer
    Thank You Angela and Alyssa for sharing your story and answering questions I’ve been asking God. His work is amazing!
  • bribird35
    I came across your YouTube videos via my best friend and I love your your testimony its powerfully & boldness for the Lord it’s contagious. God bless you Angela you are proof that it doesn’t matter how long you are in Christ his power through you is evident and pray the Lord will continue to use to reach the lost all for his glory.🙏🏼
  • Acadia1226
    A blessing
    God knew exactly when I needed to hear this podcast . Angela is so wise and speaks about the Lord with such conviction. I have shared this podcast with several of my friends and family. Thank you and God Bless.
  • csauders
    Angela, You’re awesome 🤩
    I so look forward to your podcasts! You are only a year younger than my oldest daughter but God has blessed you with so much wisdom. We are life-long learners and I always learn something knew from you. May God bless your ministry greatly. 🩷 Happy Birthday 🎂 and congratulations 🎉 on your nuptials 👰🏻‍♀️💍
  • SMladybug
    Truthful, a warning, and loving
    We need more stories and voices like Angela’s who have walked the NA spiritual lie and have been transformed by God to speak truth. Lies are broadcasted far too much, abt yoga, astrology, reiki, etc. It’s pushed into our faces and said to be cool. I want Jesus to be cool. Im tired of seeing witchcraft, ouja, etc being sold. They can’t even make a decent movie abt God that isn’t corny. They can’t even make a decent Christmas movie without adding some sort of demonic element to it. Love to Angela and I hope your podcast only grows and you continue to share yours and others stories! 💜🫶🦋🙏✨
  • Tsp fan
    Christian propaganda at its finest
    Just about what you’d expect , another pseudo enlightened christian propagandist who rants for hours about how the world is run by Satan. She comes off as an old lady telling young people that they need to wait until marriage because the “BIBLE SAYS SO!!!” In fact that’s just about all she does, makes a ridiculous point and then bring up some Bible verse to validate her ridiculous claim. Hopefully christians like her will realize the Bible is just a fictional book full of ridiculous fairy tales and think rationally for once. Some of what she says is so comically egregious I can’t tell if she’s joking or not. Anyways, If all you want to consume is christian conformation bias content, in order too fall deeper into the hole of religious brainwashing, then this is the podcast for you. If you don’t want to be fed pro-fancy/anti-reality content for hours on end then stay far way from this Bible thumper’s propaganda podcast. I will give it 2 stars instead of 1 because we need podcasts like this so people can see how crazy evangelical fundamentalist Christians truly are. Atheist can never point out the absurdity of Christianity better then christians themselves.
  • MyMarigold
    Angela is so smart, clearly works so hard, and is Anointed to bring essential, relevant, and necessary information to modern-day Christians of any age and any level of maturity in Christ—and certainly to non-believers and seekers as well. Thank You Jesus for bringing her through all You have and for the amazing work You are doing in her and through her. Keep going, Angela!
  • ChristyMarieP
    Love this podcast!
    I was a Christian totally hooked into the new age. I had a foot planted in both sides. And then I discovered Angela on YouTube with Michael Knowles.. and after watching that video, I started to question it all. I’ve completely let go of new age practices and am strengthening my faith in Jesus. Thank you Angela for being a voice because you really are making a difference! And I look forward to every episode!
  • JacklynnArquette
    Great Christian Podcast
    I love listening with my daughter, she always explains things better than I can for my daughter to understand! I’m forever grateful! She doesn’t sugar coat and I love that! Us Christian’s can’t follow god when it’s convenient for us we need to be all in!!! If it’s not pleasing to god cut it out of your life!
  • ShayBayBayBayMarie
    Almost 5 stars
    While I love this podcast, it gets a 4/5 for me due to the very blatant accusations of things which are not factually proven. I agree that these things happen (mind control with MK Ultra, conspiracy theories, etc.) I can’t in good logic agree with all. What I DO love and agree with are the biblical findings tied into the conspiracy theories— speaking truth upon the darkness. I can never deny the Bible and where it points us but do also question some of the interpretations of other things in this podcast (not biblical related accusations).
  • TRose88
    My favorite podcast!!!!
    Just discovered Angela and her plethora of knowledge and wisdom. Found her on YT. 🙏🏻
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