All It Takes Is A Goal


The future belongs to finishers. Join New York Times Bestselling author and speaker Jon Acuff as he explores the best tips, tricks and techniques to getting from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow. All it takes is a goal.

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Recent Reviews
  • BGuba02
    ATG is my #1 podcast every Monday!
    Jon and the ATG podcast are THE BEST! I discovered Jon a few years ago on an episode of Faith Driven Entrepreneur. That day I bought my first Jon Acuff book and have since read 4 more of his books. The ATG podcast is my go to outlet to kick off every Monday and get my mind set on crushing my weekly goals.
  • tfreejpa
    Super helpful and fun!
    I've enjoyed every episode.
  • vkadylak
    Always good stuff
    One of my go to podcasts. Easy to listen to with some great advice. And have you listened to his books, best audiobooks to listen to ever! Your great at reading your books!
  • Jcw88316
    Great info and very entertaining
    Such a good podcast! The content is really good! His guests are well spoken have practical experience and just entertaining! A few other things that really make this a 5 star podcast, the length is perfect and the sound quality creates a wonderful listening experience. Those seem like technical details but they do make a difference! If you wan to laugh and learn this podcast is for you. Episode 60 with Jenny is by far my favorite so far!
  • Sam Owen MD
    5 stars
    Excellent podcast. I’m a big fan. Practical advice that can be implemented immediately surrounded with humor and inspiration. Start listening today!
  • wizardgirl111111
    Thank you for everything!
    I am a 13 year old who wants to start my side hustle, create a podcast, write a book, and be a healthy, productive person. Jon is so inspiring and helps motivate me in my slow days. Thank you so much!
  • Dramsden
    I hear you
    Lots of people talking about goals… Jon simplifies it, after each show I’m invigorated and clear on what I will do next.
  • thekidfive
    Best possible use of my time!
    I discovered John a few years ago, but sadly, this is my first review. As a minister, I am never looking for things to do as leading a church, serving the people, and first and foremost leading my own family can easily take all of my time. All It Takes Is A Goal has been my constant companion, every chance I get. I rarely miss an episode and prepare to seize each day more and more as I am coached by John as he walks out his own journey of accomplishing his God-given purpose. Thank you, my friend, hope to meet you one day.
  • JonathanWhitman
    Getting wiser with our friend Jon!
    Jon, your recent podcast about wisdom hit me so close to the heart. I think I speak on behalf of all your listeners when I say that you treat us like friends, and we all wish we could be lucky enough to actually know you. But for an hour a week (or however long the episodes are) we get you all to ourselves! Thanks for being a friend from afar! Jon Whitman from Italy
  • Trucmom
    Enhance your life by listening!
    Recently I was unexpectedly laid off after 25 years with the same company. I told friends that all those hours listening to John Acuff while dog walking are paying off! I feel motivated, encouraged, and excited to try something new. Corny, but the podcast has made me a stronger, more resilient person.
  • David Paney
    Love the energy
    I listened to his Book, all it Takes is a goal. It’s a great book and his podcast is great! He gives small steps forward to help with your, you guessed it, goals.
    I love this guy!
    I recently discovered Jon Acuff and I can’t get enough. His podcasts are helpful, FUNNY, fresh and interesting. It is the first goal oriented podcast I’ve heard that doesn’t feel like homework. Keep it up!
  • MangyCat
    Jon Acuff is Your New Enthusiastic Encourager
    Jon Acuff has a way of making the impossible seem possible—with honest and true practical methods. He is an unapologetically “uncool,” imperfect Gen Xer dork, and we love him for it. Most people speaking into “self improvement” come across holier than thou—not Jon. He’s one of us, and he gets it.
  • jdp3833
    JA saved my marriage
    The title might be a bit of a stretch, but in his book soundtracks, it uncovered that I had multiple soundtracks that needed retiring. I listen to that book multiple times a year to remind me the power of playing true, help, and kind soundtracks.
  • Paloma on the rocks
    Jon is watching me!!
    True story…I recently did something I was really proud of. That night I wrote a note to myself on my phone saying “I like who I am becoming, but am I too old to do this now?” THE NEXT DAY, I listened to an older episode of this podcast and when Jon read the review at the end, this very question came up. He actually said “I’m telling you, if you’re 55 or 56, it is not too late to reach your goals!” Well, I’m 55 and will be 56 in a couple of weeks. Message received Jon!
  • Drake's Plam
    5 Stars: Funny, Insightful, and Relevant
    New York Times best selling author, multifaceted professional speaker, YouTube influencer, husband, dad, and dog lover, Jon Acuff knocks it out of the park every time he steps up to the plate.His books (available on Amazon and wherever books are sold) and podcasts alike shine a light in a world that can always use the voice of authentic storytellers who bare their souls with those whom are blessed enough to see.
  • Heather hsquared
    Fun and practical
    Jon is the perfect blend of fun and practical. Love this podcast and the book is even better!
  • Kristen Levine
    Inspiring and motivating
    A must add to your weekly pod game!
  • Not bad otherwise
    Uplifting and Helpful
    WOW Jon is down to earth and has thoughts and ideas that are so helpful. So glad I stumbled upon this podcast.
  • KelcyNG
    The only podcast I take notes on.
    Five Stars
    Love the podcast! Keep up the great work and content!
  • Ra1nD0wn
    Time to start a band 🥁🎸🎤
    Listened to your latest podcast about parenting and think we should totally start a neo-hardcore metal-trance band called Meatwad. Just envision our first album. 🤩 Meatwad in their debut album Vegetable Amnesty featuring such inspirational tracks like… Rebellious Mastication Children of the Cud These Shrooms Ain’t for You Can’t Stop the Rain Jump in The Puddle Oldman and the Pumpkin Patch North Georgia Rock and Roll Hollerin’ Alabama Smashing Matoes Down with the Technocracy Let me know if you’re interested. I’ll be the drummer.
  • Organizing4good
    I look forward this podcast EVERY WEEK!
    I subscribe to a lot of podcasts, but this is one of the few that I am sure to listen to every week. There are always so many good nuggets to take action on and moments that make me laugh out loud; maybe it’s relating as a fellow Gen X-er who loves self-improvement, but mostly it’s wonderful to hear Jon’s clear mission to help people get out of the stuck zone and do great things!! Thanks for all you for put out there for us and looking forward to book number 10!!!
  • BVaske
    Jon provides encouraging, interesting, and fun ways to think about goals! I often have my teens listen to episodes with me. He is so practical and relatable.
  • A. Fatoma
    Blessed by Jon, the Goal Genius
    Jon is actually a goal genius. Through utilizing his God-given potential, he’s become brilliant at identifying goal blockers as well as simple, clear, practical solutions for getting past them. Every episode leaves the listener with easily and immediately applicable, action steps. On top of that, he has the nerve to be insatiably entertaining 🙄😅. I binge-listen during my morning walks. So grateful that he chose to answer the call on his life! 🙏🏾
  • Madester 3,000
    So Thankful I Found This Podcast
    After listening to another podcast Jon Acuff was on, I binge-listened for hours. This is so much more than your typical self-help talk. It’s practical, easy, do-able steps…not just encouraging words. This is going to be life-changing as I implement all these little things to chase my God-given potential.
  • tabmt
    One of the best podcast I've heard
    I don't remember how I came across your podcast but I'm so glad I did.... I’m LOVING IT! Love your knowledge, sense of humor and everything about this podcast. I purchased Soundtracks, can't wait to read it.
  • Bdiggity26
    Authentic, hilarious and inspiring
    I’ve loved a couple of Jon’s books (love the laugh-out-loud moments!) and his podcast is even better. As a goal-oriented entrepreneur I find gems of wisdom in literally every episode but there’s so much goodness here for regular people without their own businesses too. I just love Jon’s wisdom, but his hilarious sense of humor and how real he is makes this a show that’s hard to beat.
  • Catdaddy1476
    Worth your time!
    First off my name is not Gary and I do not listen beside nor on a body of water, that being said this is one of the best ways your can spend you time each week. I’ve been listening to Jon for a decade now (in person) and within the past two years I’ve been listening to his podcast. I came to this podcast a few years ago after hitting a wall in my personal and professional life. The first episode I listened to was with Carey Nieuwhof about burnout. Spoke right into my soul and gave me words for what I was feeling and a way forward. Since then I’ve gone back and listened to every single episode, for a while I listened every day until I was caught up and now I find myself lamenting having to wait a week for the next episode. I have a note in my phone filled with over 200 new soundtracks. I’ve preordered “All It Takes is a Goal”. I’ve started a new side hustle and am constantly thinking about how I can be better for my family and the world we live in. It’s taken too long for me to review because my perfectionism kept getting in the way. Listen to Jon, what he brings has value and will not waste your time.
  • Jq2.0
    Jon is my Dude!
    How it started: I was blessed to attend a Keynote where Jon was the speaker. Everything from the content to the delivery had me 100% engaged. When I left the event, I said “I need more”. So I hit up his podcast and it has been life changing. How it’s going: My Dude and I have coffee together every morning on my way to work and recap the day on the way home. We’re practically best friends at this point and he doesn’t even know it 😉! All kidding aside, he has inspired me to be better as a person, to work harder to set and achieve my goals, to inspire others and be more impactful with my overall presence. I once loved my job, started to really hate it (like rage music on your way to work and sad depressing music on your way home kind of hate), and thanks to Jon and his guests I have learned and grown and found myself starting to love my job once again. I’ve been inspired to try different things in search for more opportunities that bring me joy. Thank you Jon for being so great at what you do.
  • Everlearning5
    Transforming Weekly
    I look forward to the ATG podcast every week. I appreciate the clarity I gain from the practical advice and helpful insights. I’m 55 and have struggled with goal setting all of my life. Your goal setting process you shared in December and January finally helped my to understand the steps. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
  • williamb1965
    Eternally grateful for the golden nuggets of knowledge that I collect from this podcast
  • Shureeck
    Jon is funny and motivating. I really enjoy this podcast!
  • John Mulford
    Love this podcast…It gets me going in a good direction when I am feeling stuck. Thanks, Jon!
  • mdv521
    Very practical
    Jon has a way of helping me see my goals in little steps to accomplish. His wit and his humorous thoughts always make me smile or giggle. I am inching toward my goal. “Inch by inch is a cinch. Yard by yard is hard” -John Bytheway. Thank you Jon! Keep doing your thing.
  • Freddimay
    Fantastic Podcast!!
    Jon makes it easy to apply his action steps to ANY goal. As a stay at home mom, most of my goals are around my home. BUT I can still find take aways from every podcast! And it’s it easy “bite size” episodes that I can listen to while my little naps which is AMAZING!!!!
  • Brandon LH
    Pratical and helpful
    This podcast is more of what you can expect with any of Jon’s content. Its full of extremely practical tips that will help you crush your goals and move forward if you are stuck. Jon continually makes goal setting and accomplishment attainable by sharing practical ways to get wins and make progress.
  • betsyh11
    Jon Acuff bats 1000 on useful, realistic support for goals
    All It Takes Is A Goal is a weekly must-listen for me. I’ve spun the dials a lot looking for insight and support to meet my goals. No one believes more in our ability to meet our goals than Jon Acuff. Taking into account real life—jobs, families, emergencies—Jon always has great ideas about how we can move every day toward bigger, better lives of our choosing.
  • MichaelManney
    Uncanny Timing
    Been Listening to Jon for about a year and half, listened to the audiobook of Soundtracks and done a handful of challenges, and he still finds a way to present new and relevant info. This weeks podcast came at the perfect time and was just what I needed to overcome the hurdle right in front of me. Thanks Jon!
  • Merissamae
    Law of attraction
    I have been listening to Jon Acuff since the end of 2022, when I heard him on another one of my favorite podcasts. I’ve read his books, I love his podcast. His content if very inspiring, but also light hearted and hilarious. I had one of the most bizarre things happen to me yesterday when I decided to randomly share Jon’s podcast to my Mother, because every time I listen I always think that she would love it. An hour later my mom responds to me saying Jon was the speaker that she just got done listening to at the Trade Show Convention she was attending. My mind is boggled had how incredibly slim the odds are for that to have happened! 🤪
  • Dr. Amy chiro
    Like a friend riding in the car with me to work
    I have been a fan of Jon Acuff for many years—I love his sense of humor, and when I listen to his podcast I feel like I’m driving with a friend. (I’ve even been known to respond out loud to something he’s talking about.) But not only is the podcast enjoyable to listen to, it is full of wisdom and things you can take with you in your day to grow as a person, leader, and just all around have a better day! Highly recommend this podcast to anyone who wants to make an impact in their world.
  • TaurenBoxer/GnomePuncher
    Great podcast! And a suggestion
    Love all of Jon’s books and I look forward to his podcast each week. Please consider adding the challenges (like the Beyond Perfect Challenge coming up) as podcast episodes as well! It would be much easier to listen to while walking or mowing (Facebook and YouTube don’t make it super easy to listen to while not also watching). Keep up the great work!
  • Harvo518
    My Favorite!
    Jon has a way of relaying useful content while making you laugh and think at the same time. I’m always recording voice memos during his podcast because I don’t want to forget some of his points. I’m SO glad this podcast drops on Monday mornings, because it allows me to start me week off on a positive note!
  • Mhponce
    Amazing advice from an amazing human!
    I have read several of Jon’s books and am very excited about his new one. They are awesome to listen to as audiobooks. I only recently discovered his podcast. It’s both entertaining and full of amazing insights. It might just make you want to spontaneously clap too ;)
  • alwaysdreamindisney
    Big Jon Acuff fan here
    I have been following Jon on the socials for probably about 7 years now. I have been listening to this podcast since it’s inception and I really love all the practical advice Jon gives with his endearing sense of humor. I feel like he is rooting for my goals! Thank you Jon.
  • shellys1216
    Love this podcast!
    I just started following and have only listened to three episodes but what a treasure chest of insights. Especially loved the interview with David Nurse - which says a lot about this content since I’m the furtherest from an athlete as one can be! Will be implementing some of these strategies TODAY.
  • Liz w/ MaryKay 💋
    Love love love David the NBA guy!!!
    Love the variety of your guests! I didn’t catch his last name but I did catch SNAP and how that can change a moment!! Stop, notice, assess, pivot!! Great info thru the entire show! Loved it and love your style!
  • heathbunch
    Jon has made me a fan of goals!
    Most of my life, I didn’t think I could achieve goals, but Jon has proved me wrong! I love all his practical tips, and more than that his ability to get to the root issues of why I struggled making and achieving my goals. Now I’m doing more than I thought possible! Thank you, Jon! PS I love your humor!
  • ILuvScooters
    Be a note taker
    Most of the podcasts I listen to are during my commute time. I appreciate the idea of gaining knowledge and growth even while driving. ATG has changed that process! I may still listen on my commute, but I know I will need to listen a second or third time each week while I have the ability to take notes. Jon spends his chosen podcast length with intention and it shows. I find myself repeating his Soundtracks to others, sharing them, recommending the book, buying it for others, you know, just investing in them. Thanks Jon for the investment you make in yourself which you then share with your audience to help them achieve what you have found. 2023 is looking like it has great potential, because All It Takes Is A Goal!
  • obacker19
    Inspiring and Energizing! 👏
    Regardless of where you are on your journey to achieving your biggest goals - Jon is a must-listen voice in your weekly rotation to stay connected to that process. Whether you’re looking for actionable advice to break through a current plateau, or just need a reminder that moving towards that outcome doesn’t have to be a herculean effort every day - Jon will help you get there. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
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