The Ketogenic Nutritionist with Temple Stewart, Registered Dietitian

Nutrition #136

Join Temple Stewart, Registered Dietitian, to stay informed on the ketogenic diet. This podcast is aimed to help you continue your health journey with "all things keto." We will discuss tips/tricks for weight loss, health news updates, research updates, favorite recipes, etc. It's a practical way to further your knowledge on the ketogenic diet. Support this podcast:

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Recent Reviews
  • livingmybesthomesteadlife
    Practical and enjoyable.
    I’ve learned a lot through this podcast and have never felt overwhelmed or bored by her advice. One of my favorite podcasts!
  • Robin Sims
    The Real Deal
    Temple has a way of explaining Keto that makes sense. You won’t regret listening to her. The best out there!
  • Jag718
    I have only been listening recently and enjoyed the show, but the latest episode touting the greatness of wegovy, ozempic, etc.. with all the new research in the past couple of weeks about the dangerous side effects has left me to unsubscribe. If this was months ago, I would have just ignored the episode as one I disagreed with. But given the new research about the side effects, for her to still push these drugs and how fabulous they are AFTER that research is bothersome.
  • Random!
    Real Nutrition
    If you want real nutrition, you need to listen to her podcasts. She is SO smart and shares so much amazing insight about sugar addiction, hormone health, the RIGHT way to do the ketogenic diet and so much more. She is great!
  • janespringer
    Very valuable information!
    I love Temple’s podcast. It is chock full of useful information and tips on the keto diet, healthy eating and weight loss. I highly recommend!
  • Rmdubbs
    So helpful!
    Love this podcast! It’s just long enough to be able to consume info and put it into practice.
  • SKayJones
    So much good information. For beginners and advanced keto individuals
  • Tgkigvac
    Great advice
    Temple always brings good sound advice. She’s educated and lives out what she teaches. Love her passion and knowledge and genuine desire to help others
  • Ellabella319
    Very informative!
  • teateapot
    Great start
    So this is how a leader leads their people. First the introduction then the kill. You did both. Most people just talk utter nonsense and then the podcast dwindles away. You are going to be great. Just don’t stop. Be yourself. Never just blah blah blah always have a point to start and end. Lead on my mentor and good luck🌈
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