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West2066Amazing!As a closet witch, I can’t learn a lot about the craft, but you saved me! I have been learning and listening for a while and love it! I would like to request an episode on bibliomancy. Thanks! Blessed be!
little bird 2012I love the podcast!!!I have been practicing the craft for 2 years, so I am still a beginner, but I love the podcast! Can you do a spring episode about green witch craft, and what plants and herbs you use and grow?
heatherchurchTruly Lovely and InformativeSimply put, a well-executed, informative, engaging, quality podcast about life and witchcraft, hosted by a likable, actual practitioner. Five stars.
StarFox1965A thanks and a requestHi! I found your podcast a few months ago and it has been a lifeline in my witch journey. I was wondering if you could do an episode on shadow work. You’ve mentioned it a few times before and I would absolutely love to hear you talk about it.
ShondraWhitmoreWhy is the Devil always on Tv but no JesusDeuteronomy 18:10-12 (NIV): “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.”
Love it!!!___Comfy Cozy Witch PodcastI’ve been loving this podcast! And I’m only on the first few episodes. I identify as a baby witch. So, this podcast has helped me tons! Thank you so much!
River RootThank you for the Boundaries Episode!This episode was so incredibly helpful! Thank you for touching on this topic early enough to put some great ideas into practice. We are staying home for Thanksgiving and traveling to see like-minded family for Yule and Christmas. Some aren’t happy about it, but self-care is soooo important. Thanks again!!
Danni GillettAuthentic. Perfectly Imperfect.This podcast is perfect for both beginner and seasoned witches. I’ve been practicing for 5 years and learn something new every episode. Jennie is so authentic, genuine, and kind. She also encourages all to be authentic and true to self, which is easy to do with her as an example. ♥️ I get so excited every time a new episode is released. Jennie’s podcast is like a warm hug that you didn’t realize you needed, bringing you all the comfort and coziness to warm your heart and soul. Blessed be!
AshBechtelMy favorite podcastI cannot say enough good things about this podcast or Jennie herself. I am so excited every time a new episode drops! The podcast is perfect for new witches and those that have practiced the craft alike. My witchlings LOVE to listen with me in the car. Jennie is a beautiful soul! We met her at the apothecary and have attended some of her events. She is wonderful! My kids ask all the time to go back to the Comfy Cozy Apothecary. We just love it there and cannot wait to see the new space for workshops and classes!
Brave ElkWonderful Witchy PodcastI’ve been a witch for over 50 years, and I love this podcast. I often feel as though you are speaking directly to me. I also love your book, “Hearth & Home Witchcraft.” In this stressful time, it’s a great comfort. Thank you so much.
Gretta_BelleLike Talking to a cool young aunt/sisterI discovered this podcast about a month ago and I have almost binged it all. I cannot recommend this podcast enough. I’m a newer practitioner and not only has this inspired me to do so many great things and incorporate so many new practices, it’s honestly like chatting about witchcraft with your cool aunt or your older sister. She’s also a fellow mom-witch and as a young mom also, that gives me so much hope for the future of my practice (as in - I won’t always be chasing toddler and then realizing I, yet again, didn’t do my daily card pull in the chaos. It will get better)
apreevesObsessedThis podcast is SO GOOD! For any new witches, this is the perfect thing to listen to. With today being Election Day, my anxiety is through the roof. So I’m very grateful I have this to listen to at work to get myself in a positive, comfy, cozy, and magical mindset. Thank you!
Kalypso000Love it!!I absolutely love this podcast I’m always so picky when it come to podcasts but the comfy cozy witch is always a podcast I keep going to, I absolutely love how she gets into all different types of witchy topics.
taliebethSuperb and cozyI just discovered your podcast two days ago and have since been absolutely binging all autumn-related episodes of this podcast while crafting by my window and watching the leaves turn. Thank you for creating this cozy nook of a podcast and help bring my nervous system back to ground <3
Runner4953Great showKeep going!
Ashes_and_SootThe best podcast I’ve listened to!I’ve just gotten started with podcasts a few days ago and I’m already on episode 21! I listen to them while I work and it helps me to focus. Keep going!
Candice_N_MichaelJennie is a beautiful human!Jennie is such a beautiful human! I had the pleasure of meeting her at her store and she is just as sweet in person as she sounds on her podcast! I love how she takes witchy concepts and breaks them down into digestible pieces! Can’t wait for more episodes!
Montana momma 406Life changing 🧙🏼♀️Thank you Jennie for your wonderful podcast I am only on episode 30 but I listen to you during my commute. During my walks and while I’m doing chores. I have started meditating thanks to you…and it has been life changing for me. I work a high stress job as a wildland firefighter, wife of a rancher, mother of 2 wonderful grown sons and currently fighting cancer. Thank you for being by my side, (and in my ear) ❤️
Darylynn33Darylynn warrenComfy cozy witch…. Thank you for all your hard work. I enjoy your pod cast very much. It helps with the mundane at work. Take care.
AmberLarryLovingThis is such a fall comfort show for me. Up there with Gilmore girls and practical magic.
Pansexual panicLoveI love how comfy this podcast is I love to just grab a cup of tea and listen I feel like I’m having tea or cocoa with a friend 😊
HondaRepBest Pastime at Work!I just have to say that you make my work day so much more enjoyable, and that says a lot because I love my job! I’m newer to the practice although I’ve felt drawn to it for years, and you have taught me so much! I will literally stop to take notes at work! 🖤
LynxyPieMy New Standard for Witchy PodcastsThis was the first witchy podcast I actually like. The title drew me in with a promise and the content delivered! I feel like I’m learning more from this podcast without being condescended to. It just feels so much like a friend sharing their passion for their witchy lifestyle and not at all like someone who thinks they are such an expert and must teach the poor, dumb masses. This is how I learn the best and this has really helped me follow through on my decision to really start getting back into my craft and really incorporate it into my lifestyle the way I’ve always wanted.
CrescentMoonNotaryI love this podcast!My daughter in law found this podcast after she expressed to me that she would like to learn about being a witch, and borrowed one of my books. I immediately added it to my queue and I recently started listening to the podcast about two weeks ago and have started from episode one and have been binge listening practically every day. I’m obsessed. Jennie has such a kind demeanor about her and makes listening easy and fun. Today I listened to episode 30 with guest host Rowan and it is by far my favorite episode. I laughed so hard during the story of Jennie in Starbucks telling a Christian stranger that she is the Comfy Cozy Witch. I too have seen that face of panic and fear when you tell someone you are a Witch. In my town we have people who will walk around parking lots and shops and boldly ask people “do you know that Jesus loves you and have you read the Bible?” And every time I immediately say “No Thank You, I’m a Witch.” One man even ran away from me in fear. Lol So thank you Jennie, for giving me a new and safe space to indulge in the witch community.
Nrse13Comfy cozy !This podcast has quickly became my comfy cozy podcast. I have started listening from the first episode through the most current 2x now, currently working on the 3rd time. Feels like your on the phone with a good friend just chatting. I have learned so much!
JadeOctoberCan’t Miss an Episode!I’ve been a listener for a couple years now (sorry I’m just getting around to writing a review!) and waking up to see that there’s a new episode is literally one of the joys of my life! I don’t necessarily identify as a witch, but I am very into spirituality, meditation, intuition, signs, making meaning, holistic wellness, etc. and this podcast has been super informative and fun to listen to. Also, Jennie honestly is just so sweet, so down to earth, and makes me crack up all the time! This podcast is constantly what is making me feel comfy, cozy, and witchy! Sending many positive thoughts and vibes your way, Jennie! Thank you for doing what you do <3
ShannonRose31Too Self PromotingFirst, let me say that the host obviously has a lovely disposition. She seems warm, kind and fairly knowledgeable. But I just can’t get past how much throughout her episodes, and in every single one, she leads back to her apothecary in such a useless way. Girl, we get it, maybe scale down the ego and keep those references at a couple minute maximum, and try getting back to the heart of why we are listening to you. Which for me, was to have someone comforting to help guide me down this new path in life. I can see that you have a lot of people who adore you, and give you a 5 star review, which this one would be, if I didn’t keep picking up on what seems like an ulterior motive to your podcast. Let your marketing feel more mysterious, I promise the curious will still come and find you. 🖤
BaileySloLOVERecently started my journey and have listened to all your episodes and I want to say thank you! You have made me feel so comfortable and safe that it’s okay to start this journey. I find safety and comfort in your voice, I feel like I’m sitting down having a cup of tea with a good friend when I listen to you. Thank you!
brian.whynotConversational, casual, comfy and cozyI’ve taken to listening each morning, binge-listening my way through. It’s become a wonderful way to start my day as I work - each episode is like a little slice of life with a longtime friend.
caitelynn1997Love this podcastI love listing to this podcast! As a new witch it’s helping me out on my journey and her voice is so comforting. I always listen to it to and from work. It is in fact very comfy cozy and witchy
flynncjNot a good fit for meMaybe I picked a bad episode to start with, but this podcast is unfortunately not appealing to me at all. (I had such high hopes based on the title!) Part of the issue may be that podcasts made by one person are seldom a great fit for me, but more importantly, it’s just been a rambling, uninteresting slog. The host keeps bringing up what she sells in her store (I don’t care!) and just mispronounced a common oil. I’m gonna have to dip out. There’s got to be a more engaging, less bloated, less self-interested option out there for me :(
SchmiashMy safe placeI have listened to this podcast all the way through and am now listening again. I have other podcasts that I follow but this one is just food for my soul. I don’t know if it’s Jennie’s voice or her approachable personality or the topics, but every time ai turn it on the little opening jingle just calms me and I feel at home. Sometimes when I’ve had a bday day I’ll just turn on a random episode and I automatically feel better. Way more than a witchy podcast, The Comfy Cozy Witch speaks to something way down deep inside and makes us feel safe and at home in ourselves. Thanks, Jennie!
Truth’s OutLOVEI’m just barely starting to experiment with my spirituality and this is a really good source to guide and teach me more ♥️
MrsBiggswanted to like the podthe pods have topics that are interesting. if she could get to the point.
crystal lover 13🤍So helpful and cozyThis podcast is amazing! I love crystals and would consider myself a beginner witch. I love the coziness and good vibes and energy that radiates from this podcast. ❤️
Kaya MarleyBaby Pagan ApprovedI am very knew to the pagan / witchy lifestyle and coming from a home of hard core Christianity. I have a coven and a matriarch helping me through my questions but sometimes I can’t help but feel overwhelmed and as though I am not doing enough. I know I’ve wanted to implement more practice in my now home, since it is my safest place but I would find myself hesitating with thoughts of “oh what would my family think”. I found this podcast and decided to pick a random episode… That’s when I listened to episode 53 heard the Spirit Animal Pocket Oracle. Canary Spirt: Sing Your Own Song. It was an unexpected answer from the universe to stay true to myself and my boundaries, and to be unapologetically me! So thank you Comfy Cozy Witch… you’ll be see a lot more from me!!!
JooooooooojWitchy WisdomThank you for all of you guidance and insights on your podcast! I am not completely out of the broom closet but getting back in touch with my true self! The more knowledge I gain the more I feel like the true me is starting to surface! Thank you for all of the encouragement that you give! I do not believe you truly understand the gifts you are bestowing upon all of us! I plan on stopping by your shop the next time I travel to or through Pennsylvania! Sincerely, Kim Durand Meredith, NH
WitchwithRedhairLike sitting talking with a friendI happened to run across this podcast about 2 months ago and absolutely love it. Jenny is laid back and I love the fact that she keeps it real with little glimpses into her life with her fur babies and child. I am finally caught up listening to every episode and eagerly awaiting the next episode. Thank you Jenny for showing us that you can do your witchy you exactly how you feel works for you.
kayt712Loving this so much!!!Started at the very beginning yesterday and have been listening like crazy!! Absolutely loving this as a baby witch in the broom closet to most. Absolutely loving your vibe and all the knowledge you are sharing!!
TareBearTheWitchyHippieComfy and Cozy!I am a baby witch still in the broom closet of a religious family. I was recommended this podcast by some sister witches on TikTok and on Facebook. I looked it up and instantly fell in love with this podcast after the first episode! I definitely felt comfy and cozy! I love the advice and the history, and also can’t wait to try some new things while listening to this podcast! Thank you so much Jennie for starting this podcast especially for a baby witch! Even though I'm on episode 8, I will be listening everyday!
Amanda3332LoveI found this podcast about 2 weeks ago & have binge listened. Jennie is just so warm & inviting. I have taken lots of notes from her. Especially notes that pumpkin sauce recipe 😉 I can’t wait to hear the newest episode. I am new & trying to learn my way.
Lacey DenaeLove it!! Binge worthyJennie is so much fun; bubbly & energetic. She encourages individuality in practice, provides unscripted content, and inspires me as a “beginning practitioner, emerging witch”. She has given me the courage to feel comfortable embracing what I always knew was different about me. Thank you, Jennie! Looking forward to future episodes.
jham1989Feeling comfort and loveListening to your podcast makes me feel like I’m at home wrapped up in my weighted blanket. It’s amazing and accepting. Thank you!
help usssssssLove, love, love !!I’ve been practicing witchcraft for 3 years now but over the past year I’ve really started to dive into my practice and learning more about witchcraft. Ive been listening to this podcast nonstop for a couple days now and I absolutely LOVEEEE it! It’s been so insightful and helpful as I’m starting to make my practice a priority in my life. I’m making my way through all the episodes and I can’t wait to continue learning :)
ColoAmazonLike Peas & Carrots!Hi Jennie, I’m Becky, Merry Meet (kinda). I’ve been practicing for 15+yrs but within the past year have had a huge spiritual awakening. I have really enjoyed settling in to your podcast. I recently found it while looking for more witchy material. Great for all witchy levels. 10/10 would recommend. WB of the Rockies, Becky B
Constantina(callmeConnie)Thank you JennieI’m Connie, and I LOVE this podcast. It’s my favorite place to learn about witchcraft and celebrating the wheel of the year sabbaths. I live with a conservative, Catholic family and my doesn’t allow magic so I cannot practice witchcraft myself at the moment but I want to eventually (I’m a agnostic, secular sea witch and divination witch). Thank you so much Jennie for creating an open space for learning about real witchcraft and magic.
bhgdrrtyggvReally enjoy this podcast!Can’t say enough how much I enjoy this, more than others on the subject I have found. It’s so positive and relevant, without being preachy. Thank you, I hope you’re around for a long time!
GensieBeyond 5 starsThank you for starting this podcast. I am still a witch in the broom closet and I’m still learning. So listening to your podcast has helped a lot.
ted playsRidiculously helpfulAs a person who practices woonu witchcraft I find this insanely helpful and has and still is teaching m spell while also being a good pod in-general. Ps here is a woonu spell:get a stick, draw a +sign in the dirt write your name on on line then write the names of the spirits you which to contact then say any incantation and sit down, if a word/sentence drifts into your head it is a message from the spirit whose name was written biggest, the next is from the second biggest name and so on.remember the messages are not always straight forward they may mean something different. Please use this because there is not enough woonu witches.
GoatGal1990Absolutely Adore This PodcastJennie is so sweet, supportive, honest and wonderful to listen to. I’m a very beginner and she has been so very helpful. Thank you!
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